NNN 04 – No Nut November Starts (fiction, No Nut November, 22M)

Well *No Nut November* has officially started and I already had my cock ring on ready to start this competition.

Actually I put on my cock ring on last night before I went to sleep……after doing one last masturbation session before putting away all the toys and lube into my safe.

I have to admit the cock ring was snug around my dick while it’s in it *relaxed* state and noted this morning when I woke up with my normal morning word the tightness of the elastic now that my dick was in its hardened state made it look more angry….and if I’m not mistaken thicker.

And whatever the ring that went around my nuts sure bunches up my sack making my nuts look bigger. I was a little extra careful making sure my entire sack was in the ring before I snapped it shut.

So the ring around my nuts had a little tether that connected to the cock ring that was firmly hugging my base. Looked like I had dual cock ring.

Then there was the app I had to check when I officially put the ring on was kind of cool as it told me the current power of the ring, which right now was at 96% making what Emily told me about accurate as the ring will probably keep it’s charge for about four or five days. Thankfully the ring could be charged wirelessly. All I had to do was snap the magnetic charger to the side of the ring, it’ll snap on and begin charging.

Most of the features of the app looked standard on most digital devices I was just impressed it was digital.

Granted I’m sure Muschi had more control’s that this ring was sending. The only thing I had to was set up the app to the ring and input the code that was in the box to transmit data to Muschi for the competition.

I lightly wondered how long Muschi had these things in production but knew they were the ones that had them because I couldn’t find them anywhere online.

They must be new or something.

Then about 7ish this morning Becky showed up and she chewed me out for answering the door without checking but told her I checked the camera on the door bell before opening the door for her which she instantly forgot about before she apologized and I helped her load my safe with my toys and lube into her SUV. Then she changed my password on my online library of porn.

Then before she left she reminded me that no girl was to be trusted and to not open any text that wasn’t already in my contact list, especially her friends *unless* I received a text from her first.

If **any** girl rings my doorbell ignore it completely unless it was Becky or approved by Becky.

I rolled my eyes at her saying she was being paranoid **but** sure as shit not even 10 minutes after she left and I locked myself in to begin being a hermit for a month I received my first text from an unknown number and my god the girl was blunt saying she would love to come over and help with my frustration any time I needed it as she included a nude photo of not only herself but her shaved pussy with a caption saying *She’s ready anytime you need her*.

I quickly put my phone down as I felt my dick begin to harden.

Then I took the first series of morning pills that was provided and pulled out my journal stating the time I took them.

Figured I’d wait a couple of hours before I write anything in the journal if anything happens.

I walked over to my new *command station* as I sat down and decided to start on a TV show I was seriously behind on.

One episode turned into two and before I knew it the entire swept me as my entire house was pitch black and I looked around kinda wondering where the time went.

I looked at the time seeing it was nearly 10pm and I was exhausted….and hungry.

I sighed as I got up looking around at the darkness before deciding to check in with Becky and let her know I’m going to bed.

I picked up my phone after not really looking at the entire day and blinked as I had at least a dozen unknown numbers each with photos of themselves and some type of lure to get me to respond.

After the first unknown I had learned to NOT look at the texts or the photos as I would probably break down fairly quickly.

I shook my head at the offers and instead texted Becky, my sister.

*Me: I ended up spending the day watching TV. don’t worry I haven’t thrown in the towel. Just wanted to let you know I’m going to bed*

I walked into the kitchen with my phone in my hand and decided I need to play a little *catch up* with my supposed ‘*meds*’ for the competition and make a late night snack before I officially went to bed.

I took the liquids and the night pills as I made a bowl of instant macaroni.

As I was making my late night snack I finally got a text from Becky.

*Becky: good. no problems so far?*

I smirked as I replied:

*Me: It’s the **FIRST** day sis. I can last a day without the need to masturbating.*

*Becky: sigh. anyone try to tempt you?*

*Me: yeah I got at least a dozen or so unknown numbers with photos and random texts to tempt me but I pretty much ignored my phone. Tomorrow should be a little bit more difficult because it’s Monday and I’m expecting some texts and emails*

*Becky: speaking of which, are there any women at your work?*

*Me: yeah plenty*

*Becky: IGNORE ALL emails from work if they’re women*

*Me: I highly doubt someone at work is going to jeopardize their work sis*

*Becky: you forget how much we’re getting offered to take you idiots off the board?*

I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

*Me: Come on Sis. I have to work if I’m going to survive. Besides I’m kind of broke after prepping my fucking house*

*Becky: I’ll loan you some money. For now IGNORE all work emails ESPECIALLY if they’re from a girl*

*Me: Come on you think the secretary to the CEO is going to knock me off?*

*Becky: is she hot?*

*Me: I don’t know. I was hired to officially telework. I’ve only met a few ‘co-workers but mostly via video conferences*

*Becky: Still ignore it. Text if you think you are getting TOO tempted. Let me know how much you need to survive in the meantime. Remember what’s stake little bro as I GUARANTEE we, Hunters, will stop at nothing*

I looked at her text reminding me what’s at stake and decided that I should probably take her advice seriously and lightly wondered if I should ignore her as well but remembered that *she* was probably the only one I could trust at the moment.

I took the meds and quickly ate my bowl of macaroni before I opened my journal to write in times I took the final meds lying about the actual times. Then I went to my bedroom and decided to call it a night.

*Mick’s NNN Journal*

**November 1st**

* 00:00: Challenge Begins
* 08:13: Took 1st supplements pills – Nothing to report
* 13:47: Took 2nd round of supplements and liquid – Nothing to report
* 19:21: Took 3rd round of supplements – Nothing to Report

Day 02 – November 2nd

I woke a little restless as I was tossing and turning unable to fully get a good nights rest.

Plus when I woke up my normal morning wood looked off as it looked like it was raging but I attributed it to the ring around its mast to its new state. After I urinated it eventually went down back to it’s relaxed state.

I quickly brushed my teeth and went out to my kitchen deciding to lay out my ‘meds’ for the day and pulled out my phone setting alarms for when I needed to take them. After I set everything out in little disposable cups, I had to borrow my accumulated cough medicine cups, so I knew when to take them as I quickly took my morning ‘meds’ and notated it in my journal.

After my journal entry I pulled out a bowl and some cereal. Then while I ate I pulled up my rings app to see it’s current power status to see if I should charge it while I ate or something but as soon as I saw it’s current charge had barely dipped below 90% I decided I should hold off on actually charging the ring.

With breakfast in my stomach I went over to my command station and didn’t know if I should continue where I left off or I should start one of my games.

I shrugged and decided maybe flipping a coin was the best idea for this situation as I didn’t care. I looked around trying to see I had any loose change hiding somewhere and decided my phone was probably the best idea. Screen side up I watch where I left off and screen side down I pull up a game. I tossed my phone in the air making sure I flicked my wrist just to get it spinning over the sofa cushion next to me. I watched as it flipped in the air before it hit the cushion and nearly bounced in the wrong direction but on the next bounce it shot itself towards the back rest and landed on it’s screen up.

Back to TV it is.

I pulled up the TV show to right where I had left off starting the next episode and vegged out.

Once again one episode turned into two and before I knew it my alarm for my afternoon ‘meds’ went off telling me I need to take my supplements and associated liquids.

Before I got up I woke up my laptop sitting beside me to see if I had any emails from work but so far it was my normal junk from work as most of my tasking I had gotten ahead of and was waiting for the approved dates to hand in my work.

I smiled seeing that nothing was there especially no soliciting from any of the women working at my work.

Then I picked up my phone to see I had received more unknown numbers trying to solicit me. At least they were steady. Hope they don’t mind if I keep their photos after this is all done. Hell I might even text one of them once I win.

I walked over to the kitchen and took my 2nd round of supplements before making myself a sandwich. Then I walked back to my command station to resume my marathon of mindless television.

Each time my phone vibrated I briefly looked at it to make sure it wasn’t any of the saved work numbers or wasn’t anything important, especially if it was from Becky. Once I confirmed it was an unknown I decided to ignore it.

At about 3pm I decided I needed to do something other than ‘Watch TV’ and decided maybe some light exercise should help with my boredom so in the open area in front of the TV I did some pushups and crunches while I watched TV to help pass the time. Don’t want my figure to go away all because I vegged out in front of the TV for 30 days as I packed on the pounds if I don’t have to. Right?

I repped up doing my normal 3 sets of 20 pushups though on the last set I was really struggling to finish out the last 5 and the crunches weren’t any better as my abs were fighting me to ‘crunch’ any more passed 28 on my third set of 30.

*Normally* I do all these throughout the day doing a set here and there not in a row so I was definitely pooped by the time I finished off those last reps.

Still it helped wear me out, which is probably why I was so restless throughout the night because I hadn’t done shit, as I felt like I could sleep though it was still midafternoon as the sun hadn’t gone down yet.

With my energy wasted I decided maybe a light nap was probably in order. Actually I really didn’t ‘*decide*’ to nap. It just kind of happened. One moment I was panting from the fatigue still and the next I was out.

I blinked awake probably 40 minutes faintly wondering how I got to the couch and why my sweats felt so tight.

I looked down still confused to see my morning wood though it was afternoon. I looked down at my boner wondering why it was there. I shrugged and decided maybe I needed to pee. I got up and took care of it by urinating and just like I assumed it was because I had to pee.

With that quandary taken care of I decided to be early and take my last pills/liquid and actually make a small meal was in order.

I threw one of my chickens into the air fryer and put a scoop of rice into my mini rice maker that was just enough for one portion. I was only cooking for myself as I had been living on my own for nearly a year so the portions was all I needed. I took my supplements while I waited for both to be done because sitting down and reading while I read the news on my tablet.

As I was eating I noticed I had a text from Becky.

*Becky: Still nut free?*

I rolled my eyes as I answered.

*Me: yep. haven’t had any issues.*

*Becky: been taking the supplements?*

*Me: yep just took the last of todays*

*Becky: any issues? Noticed anything out of the ordinary?*

*Me: like?*

*Becky: random boners?*

I blushed but answered.

*Me: just my normal morning wood*

*Becky: well tomorrow you will be singing a different tune. 3rd day is usually when that shit kicks in*

*Me: doubt it as I wrung out the sponge before this started*

*Becky: uh huh. just trust me you will start noticing some weirdness tomorrow*

*Me: like?*

*Becky: you honestly want to know?*

*Me: yeah if you want me to win*

*Becky: well your ‘morning wood’ will take longer to go down than normal for starters. begin to get random boners over nothing. by the 4th your nuts should be brimming at it’s peak fullness and that’s when the ‘*Hunt*’ really begins. at least that’s when **I** start Hunting. The first few days I might catch one or two BUT after the 4th is when I really start hunting. so if I were you I’d really be on the look out. especially for unknown ‘visitors’….DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR*

I sighed.

*Me: good to know and I will not answer the door. now if you shall excuse me I have some TV to catch up on. will text when I head off to bed*

*Becky: if you have ANY urges, text me promptly. I mean it little bro.*

*Me: yeah yeah yeah*

I walked back to my command station and resumed watching TV, killing off four more episodes before I felt like I couldn’t take any more and retired for the night.

*Mick’s NNN Journal*

**November 2nd**

* 07:47: Took 1st round of supplements – Nothing to report
* 11:49: Took 2nd round of supplements – Nothing to report
* 16:33: Took 3rd round of supplements – Nothing to report

*November 3rd*

Well….Becky was right.

I did wake up with a morning wood that seemed to take longer than normal to go down. Normally not even a few minutes after urinating it usually goes down but this time it seemed like I needed to apply some ice just for him to go down. Eventually he did go down though I was seriously considering some drastic tactics.

I walked into the kitchen after brushing my teeth and took my morning supplements. I wrote in my journal that I’m beginning to notice something and that it’s working but how much detail they want I wasn’t entirely too sure so I left ‘*Beginning to notice something*’ as a sufficient answer for now.

Then I returned to my command station and finished off the last couple of episodes of the season before I decided to do some more light exercising as I repped out my pushups for now. Maybe doing both so quickly is what wore me out and the reason I took my nap. Don’t want to overdo it.

With my pushups done for now I decided I should switch over to gaming. Only problem is which one?

I mean I could do the online game and play against other people, but with NNN going on I might run into a hunter and I didn’t want to announce to the online community that I was taking part of NNN. So I opted for one of my offline games. Once again, which one?

While trying to figure out which game I should play I decided taking my lunch early and also my supplements before I pulled up the game that made most sense to me for one it wasn’t online and two I actually wanted to play it but been busy up until now.

Then came my first random boner as during the introduction when the Player’s sister came onto screen. Granted I didn’t notice it at first as I was paying attention to the opening introduction before the official game play.

I only noticed it *AFTER* the intro was done and my dick start to lightly throb.

I looked down and noticed it was lightly throbbing as the cock ring was doing it’s thing of holding onto my dick BUT it was also doing it’s other intention and that was to help keep the blood trapped in my dick just a little bit longer so it took a few minutes before the swelling went down.

After it went away I noted it and thought *Well that’s another thing Becky was right about* before shrugging as I told myself that wasn’t too bad.

I mean yes having the random boners did create a little bit of frustration but I had been dealing with random boners since puberty and this one didn’t have any more affect on me than my entire teenage years.

Now those were difficult.

After my little random moment I shrugged and started playing the game as the sister to the main character only came on during cut scenes causing yet another random boner as I had to admit for an animated character she was a looker.

After the fourth random scene I decided to either not pay attention to scene OR simply skip it and hope I don’t miss out too much on the storyline of the game before going back to playing again.

I was so focused on the game I nearly jumped out of my skin when my alarm went off telling me it was dinner time and I needed to take my nightly supplements.

I lightly looked at my laptop to ensure I didn’t miss any work stuff and noted I had a video conference tomorrow to go over the normal tasking…..great!!!!

Oh well at least it’s work.

After that I took my supplements and ate dinner. Then I entered into my journal before finally texting Becky that I was heading off to bed.

*Me: heading off to bed*

Becky quickly replied.

*Becky: still good?*

I sighed as I replied.

*Me: I would have told you if I did but yes I’m still good*

*Becky: any issues?*

*Me: aside from you being right of my morning wood and random boners I’m good*

*Becky: frustrations good?*

*Me: nothing that I can’t handle*

*Becky: uh huh. let me know ‘how’ your frustrations are tomorrow. remember that’s my day to go hunting and i usually start taking guys off the board*

I rolled my eyes before she sent me another text.

*Becky: which reminds me tomorrow is when you need to start ignoring your doorbell. if you ain’t expecting anything then ignore the door at all costs*

I eyed the message thinking *Is it going to be that bad?*

I looked at all the ignored texts as I had amassed over 50 messages now.

Still I had to ask.

*Me: how bad we talking?*

*Becky: how do i put this?*

*Becky: you know your little scenes in porn?*

*Me: yeah*

*Becky: imagine that BUT live and you’re the star. every fantasy you can think of is possible. hell I wouldn’t be surprised IF an ex came out of the wood work because to her you’ll be an easy target. Paula still thinks though you’re a hard target for her to get to all it takes is an ex and ‘bam’ you’re fucked and out of the competition*


*Me: so if an ex texts me?*


I wanted to doubt her but up until now she has been right so far.

And the way she texted it I had to ask the question.

*Me: Is Hailey Stone an approved ‘Hunter’?*

She had to know because she told me they were emailed a file. A file with the approved ‘Hunters’ **AND** ‘Prey’.

*Becky: she’s not in the state right?*

I sighed.

*Me: not that I’m aware of. Last I spoke to her she was moving to the west coast that was two years ago*

*Becky: I only have the list for **this** state and she’s not on it. Still if she texts you assume she’s a hunter and ignore her until December 1st*

Well that’s a relief….I think.

As much as I wanted to reconnect with Haley, I still had to keep my eye on the prize.

I decided to change topics.

*Me: so tomorrow is your ‘big’ day when you start hunting. Got any plans?*

*Becky: **laughs** got a list of repeat customer’s begging to have my ‘services’ So yeah I got plans*

I looked at the text semi confused.

Repeat customers?

Was she implying she had guys who specifically sign up just so she can take them out?

Was it some sort of ‘arrangement’?

If I knew my sister, and I hoped I did, I wouldn’t put it passed her to cook up some plan to convince guy’s to sign up, like me, just so she can fuck them.

I wanted to ask more questions but was feeling rather tired plus I had that video conference tomorrow morning and I didn’t want to tell Becky about work stuff though she told me to ignore any work things.

So I decided to simply tell her good night. After that I simply went to bed so I’d be refreshed for tomorrow.

*Mick’s NNN Journal*

**November 3rd**

* 07:21: Took 1st round of supplements – Beginning to notice something
* 10:58: Took 2nd round of supplements – Nothing to report it
* 18:31: Took 3rd round of supplements – Nothing to report


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/z3ardd/nnn_04_no_nut_november_starts_fiction_no_nut