[FM] I (F28) met a new lover (M28) on a tropical island.

It had been a long at sea period. I was getting ready to transfer ships in a few months and as such was one of the senior watch standers. That meant for a busy schedule at sea but being busy at sea was better than being bored. This port visit to Guam had been our first in over a month and as I was winding down my assignment to this ship, I had lots of leave to use. So I signed out for leave for the three-day port visit. Leave was the only way you were really guaranteed not to be called in the case of an emergency. Every effort would be made to get somebody else to fill a watch gap before calling me.


I checked into the hotel on Friday night with an overnight bag stuffed to the gills and had no plans of returning to the port until Tuesday morning. My plans consisted of showering, sleeping, shopping, and beaching. That was it.


I threw on a bodysuit and some jeans. (I have no idea why I spent so much time in bodysuits, but at this point in my life I did.) Even with the bodysuit on and underwear you could see a few wispy hairs from my bush escaping. I really should trim it up. Between the last month at sea and the timing before that, I was probably approaching two months of no maintenance, but I really did not care. First, my bush looked amazing and second, I was not looking to get laid tonight. If I felt differently tomorrow, I could trim things up then. I always had hair on my pussy (I just felt more feminine with some hair, a little hair, any hair), but even for me, this was impressive.


I had dinner at a local place near the hotel and then walked to Tumon beach to get a drink and watch the nightlife. I was sitting on a bench just off the beach when I heard familiar voices jockeying back and forth. Great, ship life. It was a few of the officers from the staff returning from a wedding. I had been invited, but a wedding with my best friends from ship was the last place I wanted to be on my time off.


“Hey Tracy, join us for a drink. We might hit the Viking again.” “Thanks, I’ll join you all tomorrow. Early night for me tonight.” It was already 11 and I was genuinely getting ready to head back to my room.


I saw Paul with the next wave of wedding attendees. He saw me and walked over to say hello sitting on the bench. We did not know each other very well but had met in Australia on a tour. He was a Marine and would meet the ship occasionally around the theater. I had no idea what he did, but he was so different than the Navy guys I was used to on ship, and he had a fantastic body I had noticed swimming in Australia. Unfortunately he dressed like all Marines on shore leave in khakis a belt and a polo shirt. But he was confident and had a fantastic smile which he flashed as he slid onto the bench. He had a burning cigar in his hand that he held away from me.


“Hey Tracy. I didn’t see you at the wedding?”


“No, you did not. I wasn’t there. I am just taking it easy tonight, about to head back actually, unless you have another one of those cigars and then I’ll join you.”


I could feel the ache in my jaw when I first saw the cigar. And when Paul took a drag occasionally, my mouth watered. I needed to find some gum. This was ridiculous.


Paul looked surprised and confessed that he did not have another one. This had been a gift from the groom.


I looked Paul in the eye and said that was a shame, I loved cigars.


“Really” Paul responded. Maybe we can get you one downtown.


“I have an oral thing. I like things in my mouth and that cigar looks excellent.”


Paul, lamely handed me his cigar and pulled a beer out of his backpack and handed that to me as well.


Great, now I had a cigar and a beer bottle working back the pangs of oral fixation and clueless Paul was simply not reading the menu. He had fished himself another beer out of his backpack and we sat in the humid night air enjoying cold beer and his cigar. It was actually pretty pleasant, and Paul was not telling the same stories I had heard 100 times on ship.


Once we had finished the cigar and the beers, I got up and grabbed Paul’s hand pulling him behind me.


“Where are we going?” Paul asked


“7-11, I need candy”


7-11 in the Pacific is a bit different than in the US and it is more of a tiny grocery store with lots of convenience items. I dragged Paul through the aisles to the candy section, grabbed a bag of lollypops and two bottles of water. I purchased everything at the counter, pulled two lollypops out and stuffed everything else into Paul’s backpack. I unwrapped a green apple lollypop and put it in my mouth taking a long first pull on it. The one where there is no flavor yet, but you can feel your saliva running off the surface with that touch of sugary sweetness, and then the tartness starts to bight…


As I treasured my first suck on my lollipop, I unwrapped the second. Strawberry, lucky man.


“Open up Paul.”




“Open up, you are out of cigars and I need something in my mouth. I have sour apple and you got lucky and are getting strawberry.”


Paul looked shocked as I popped the lollipop in his mouth, grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the street again.


“Where are we going now?” Paul asked holding the lollipop in his hand looped through the backpack.


“Paul, we have a bag of lollipops, you have two more beers in there and I have a hotel room. You want to head back to the ship or finish the beer and candy at my place. You can crash there when we run out of beer.”


We made it back to my room and I motioned over to the far bad for Paul to drop his stuff on. I grabbed some night clothes from my bag and went to the bathroom to change into some sweatpants and a T-shirt.


When I reentered the room, Paul was on the far bed literally reading the tourist magazine that the hotels put on the nightstands.


“Where are the lollipops, Paul?”


He grabbed his backpack, fished out the candy bag and a couple more beers. I unwrapped the first lollipop.


“Grape, unlucky for you, because I am not going to suck on a grape lollipop, so it is yours.”


“What?” He reached for the lollipop I had just touched to my tongue.


“Watermelon.” I said once I had unwrapped the second one. “Much better.” and popped it in my mouth.


So we chatted and drank Paul’s beer and my lollipops until well after midnight. Paul was sexy, fun and pretty clueless. I was going to end up overdosed on sugar before getting my mouth on his cock at the rate we were going.


I remember looking at the clock around 1 am and then looking at Paul and announcing that I was going to get some sleep and that we could continue the discussion in the morning. I pulled the covers up over me and told Paul to make himself comfortable.


That idiot pushed everything on the other bed to the side and after brushing his teeth with a toothbrush he found in his backpack, he apologized for having no sweats or night clothes and proceeded to pulled off his clothes except for his awful white cotton military boxers. And then he climbed into the adjacent bed. We laid there for probably ten minutes while I continued to work through my last lollipop. God, I needed Paul’s cock, and it just was not happening!


“Hey Paul, you know that you can get in my bed. There is plenty of room.”


Paul grunted, flipped his sheets off and slid in with me. Now he was in my bed and there was this two-inch gap between us where he was not touching me.


I grabbed his arm and pulled it over me to force him into the big spoon as my bottom felt his hips. And there it was, I could feel it with my bottom, that Paul had a hard on. What was his deal?


We just laid there. Spooning, with Paul’s arm over my chest.


“You can touch me Paul…”


I moved Paul’s hand to just underneath my left breast. I could feel my nipples grow erect as his breath whispered against my neck. Then I felt his nose touch the back of my neck as it pushed against my hair, and I could feel him breathing. He took his hand off my breast and used it to clear my hair from my neck and then he kissed me behind my ear and around the back of my neck. OMG.


MUCH BETTER. My body was electric. My jaw was clenching, and my mouth was salivating. I needed his cock now!


Paul put his hand under the hem of my t-shirt and put his warm palm on my belly. He just traced his fingertips along my abdomen as he kissed my neck. His kisses now moved up my neck to my jawline. God maybe he saw my jaw trembling. I needed his penis in my mouth. His right hand cupped my left breast under my t-shirt, and he lifted its weight, and a finger edged my areola.
This was not happening fast enough. I sat up, Looked Paul in the eyes and removed my T-shirt. I grasped for his boxers which were hiding his cock, I could see his precum staining the cotton. I grasped at his waist, and he simply put a hand on my chest and pushed me back laying down into bed now topless. His attention immediately drawn to my chest and my hard nipples.


I have very large nipples. And he was mesmerized. He flicked over one rubbing it lightly. I could not take anymore and pulled his right hand up to my mouth and put two fingers in sucking them longingly. God my jaw was aching. I needed anything in my mouth, and this was going to have to do for a moment. While I sucked on his fingers, I pinched my right nipple. He was watching my every move. I took his wet fingers and moved his hand to my left breast and placed his hand on my breast. I pinched my left nipple with his wet fingers. He realized what I was doing and gently took over, pulling my nipples and drawing wet circles around them. Occasionally I would put his fingers back in my mouth sucking them to re wet them and to relieve my aching desire for cock.


He played with my breasts stroking and pulling on my nipples, cupping their weight from below while kissing my neck and jaw. His hand finally left my breast and traced a lazy path down my belly to my sweats hem. I pulled it up to my mouth again and sucked on it long and hard and then pushed it down to my waist just below my hem.


Now he gasped. OMG. What happened. Did my bush freak him out. I could feel his hand lightly tracing my mound. No real pressure, just barely caressing my mons and his fingers brushing my thighs. I sat up one last time. This was just taking too long. I needed Paul’s cock. He could futz around all he wanted later. I hooked my thumbs in his boxers and pulled them down past his rock-hard ass and saw it for the first time. His cock sprung free. OMG, I need that in me NOW! I made a feeble grab at it expecting Paul to just go with it and allow me to take him, but he physically put his hands back on my chest and pushed me back to the bed.


WTF! He made his way to the bottom of the bed and untied my drawstring and pulled at my sweatpants. I lifted my hips, and he pulled my pants off. God even I could smell my scent. Paul just stared at me. He stared at me naked on bed laying in front of him. My wet pussy hidden under my bush, my jaw throbbing and Paul’s hand on my chest keeping me firmly pressed to the bed. He kissed down my jaw, down my neck, down between my breasts to my tummy and just kissed small circles tracing my abbs. With his one free hand he adjusts my legs opening them up. Oh, thank God. Maybe he would just fuck me, and I can just get that cock inside of me.


He kissed his way down my tummy to the top of my mons where he followed it left to my thigh. You have got to be effing kidding.


“Paul, I need you inside me now.” I feebly demanded.


He put a finger over my lips.


“Paul not your finger. I need to suck your cock right now.”


He just slid his finger into my open mouth and then slid back down my body until I could feel his breath once again over my pussy. He just kissed around my mons tracing that line where my bush ended, and my skin became smooth where I had shaved my legs. He opened my legs up and was kissing and licking my thighs up and around my bush to my belly button. I attempted to pull his head up to me to get better access to him, but he fended my hand off and put my left hand up to my mouth. Well give him credit for figuring out how to shut me up as I sucked on my own fingers. I thought maybe I caught a hint of his precum on my fingers from where I had brushed his cock earlier.


I could feel Paul’s nose now nuzzling into my pussy as he kissed and licked around it.
“Paul. I don’t do teasing. Lick my pussy or fuck me now.”


That was the last thing I said as my body shuddered when his tongue finally touched the bottom of my outer labia and slowly licked his way up one side of my pussy and down the other, completely missing my clitoris. My hips bucked into his nose. How did he miss my clit?


I could guide him as I tried to adjust my hips into his nose and tongue. He pushed my hips firmly into the bed and licked up the other side of my pussy this time and then across and all the way back down to the bridge in front of my ass pucker. He did this for minutes. I was no longer capable of speech just trying to aim my clit at his passing tongue which deftly missed on every pass.


I felt his fingers open my pussy now, exposing my warm inside to the cooler air and his warm breath. And finally, his tongue along my inner labia. He pulled them with his lips and I started seeing lights. My hips now driving deeper into the bed before thrusting up in turn pushing his tongue deeper in my pussy where he would flick my inner labia gently.


I could feel his fingers spreading my pussy lips, exposing it to his blind tongue which kept just missing my clit.


Now he was licking up from the bottom of my pussy tracing up both the outer and the inner labia and ending at my little clitoral hood. I could feel my first orgasm build from my clitoris, probably in its effort just to be noticed. As I lifted my chest to simply catch my breath, he buried his nose in my mons pubis, his tongue licking up my labia and his hand pushing me back to the bed.


When his finger tweaked my nipple, it felt like my clit and nipple were connected by a wire and I shuddered as electricity connected them. My hands grasping Paul’s head to pull him in deeper to my pussy. He was lapping up my wetness.


Occasionally when I could open my eyes, I could see his head between my legs just staring at my body. As my orgasm sparked throughout, I could see him admiring me. Just drinking me in. His gaze was intense.


My orgasm subsided and I slowly gathered myself and recovered my breathing. It occurred to me that Paul was still holding my hips down with his strong hands. His lips and tongue returning to my pussy and lapping up my juices. And then I felt his tongue in me again. This time probing me deeper than before and then licking up my labia to just short of my sensitive clitoral hood.


He was not teasing me now, but when he reached beneath my clit instead of skipping it he just put blunt pressure underneath it with his tongue and then he would do the same thing licking from the other side putting blunt pressure above my clit. It placated the sensitivity of my clit as my orgasm continued to tingle throughout my body and almost felt like it was quickening again.


WTF, he was not lapping me up and cuddling me in post orgasmic bliss, he was edging me to another slower building orgasm that I was just realizing was beyond my control. I could not get up. I was shattered from the first orgasm. It had come so quickly and had racked my body so thoroughly; I just needed a moment. My legs were leaden and jittery. I could feel the little spasms building up in them. I could feel my belly flutter.


“Oh God please” was all I could muster in a moan.


Paul had finally found my clit as his tongue traced up my pussy again and flicked its hood before he kissed my clit. I lost bodily control. I remember my legs kicking and I hoped did not hurt him and I also did not immediately care.


I remember vice gripping his head to my pussy with my thighs. But he just kept licking. Starting from the inside of my thighs all the way up my slit to my clitoral hood and then a flick of my clit and a kiss. My orgasm this time rolled through my body building slowly but approaching with the inevitability of a train. The waves getting deeper and longer. I could not hear; I could not talk. The spasms in my jaw finally overcome by my entire body simply giving up and rolling with long powerful waves that emanated from my clit and moved to my toes and my head.


I wish I could say something intelligent at point, but I really only remember the sensation. It just kept going as Paul took long slow licks up different paths on my pussy ending finally on my clit.


I was powerless. I was exhausted. I was crying. The sheer exertion made my sides and chest ache. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as I struggled to catch my breath again. When I finally gathered myself, I realized that Paul was no longer between my legs but was holding me into his chest in a bear hug as I regained sensation throughout my body.


Had we had sex? My senses were on fire now that feeling was returning. The room smelled like sex. I felt like I was soaking wet, but I put my hand between my legs and could not feel anything except my wet pulsing pussy, tender to even my own touch.


“What was that Paul? Don’t tease me like that.” I gasped out. He just pulled me tighter into his chest. I could feel his heart. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my thigh.


He had not cum yet. So, no, we had not had sex. God the smell was intoxicating. How many orgasms had I had?


We cuddled for probably fifteen minutes, maybe longer. My body just would not work. Paul was just pulling me tight and kissing my tears. Finally, I had gathered myself and the only thing I could muster strength to say was, “OMG. Why did you do that to me?”


I reached down behind my thighs and grasped Paul’s cock.


I turned around not letting go. Paul was not going to deny me any longer. My pussy was still recovering, but I could finally get Paul’s magnificent cock into my mouth.


I continued to recover, just luxuriating over the feel of his penis in my hand. I slowly inhaled his scent, and it was my turn to put my nose in his pubic zone and just inhale him. His cock was unusual in my hand.


The tip was wet with precum and was the same size and shape of other cocks I had seen, but past the head, about two inches past, the shaft his dick flared fatter. It was like the head of his cock was the top of a pyramid and his cock grew fatter to the base or in his case about three inches further and then tapered down to its original diameter to the base of his pubic bone. It was like a novelty sex toy with the rotating bead region. OMG.


I needed it now.


I licked the head of Paul’s penis for the first time. It was salty and just continued to ooze precum. I just kept swirling my tongue over the tip and head of his magnificent penis. I stopped sucking long enough to stroke it a few times to coax more precum out. It was just flowing really.


I was on all fours on the bed, bent over, my body to Paul’s side my face buried in his cock, stroking it and feeling that knot move down my fingers. I bent down once again to lick the shaft. I wanted to feel if the knot was the same as the rest of his penis. I licked from the base of his cock to the tip. His penis was consistent and hard the entire length. It was just fat and the knot was even fatter.


Paul kept reaching for my hips or my ass or my breasts as I would adjust myself to get a better angle on his penis. I pushed his hands away.


F him and whatever that was he called cunnilingus; this was my turn finally. He needed to keep his hands off. I luxuriated over his shaft and head. Licking the entire length and circumference, before finally stroking a bit more precum out and taking his head back into my mouth.


My jaw was finally getting the relief it had been demanding for hours. I felt the tension drain in my jaw as I relaxed and opened my mouth wider for the first time to try and get some of his pyramid past my lips. I took it out of my mouth, licked the whole pyramid down just luxuriating on it and taking my time with my tongue and then took his head in again, opening my mouth wider and sliding it further and the knot deeper this time.


I could hear Paul struggling. But to be quite honest, after what he had done, I was not in the mood for his delays or taking his advice at this time.


I could feel his cock continue to swell in my mouth, my tongue no longer able to caress it as it was simply pushed to the bottom of my mouth. So, I focused on stroking his cock and started licking his frenulum. I could feel his hips tense and his ass cheeks clench.


“Tracy, you are going to make me cum!”


I just kept pulling his cock in and out of my mouth, trying to get it deeper each go and making sure my tongue hit that soft seam each time I pulled my head back.




I forgot to look up. I had wanted to see his orgasm, but I was so focused on his cock expanding in my mouth. The cum came rapidly, much faster than I expected and I could feel the pressure well within my cheeks. I kept sucking and stroking his cock with my hands. With each twitch his cock was sending more sperm into my already full mouth.


His balls were contracting in his scrotum and while I had not really had the opportunity to play with them to this point, I gently pulled them back and away from him as his spasms subsided.


When his penis stopped pulsing, I took one last long suck. I let the penis pop out of my mouth and rolled off the bed taking one look over to Paul laying on his back, his spectacular penis just laying against his thigh still oozing. Paul looked like he had seen a tornado and his eyes were as wide as saucers just staring at me. I could feel him staring at me as I walked to the bathroom to spit out my load.


When I reentered the room, Paul had not moved. I bent down beside him from off the bed and took his warm penis back in my mouth and continued to work out whatever was left in there.


Paul just grunted and pulled me into the bed on top of him. Pulling me tightly against his body. He penis, leaving a little sticky mess on my stomach as it relaxed and my still wet pussy leaving little snail trails on his thighs every time he brought a leg up between mine.


This story has already gone way too long but just bring this to a conclusion we simply laid there and hugged for an hour.


I was spent. Paul still looked shocked. After laying there and recovering I saw that he was regaining some life back in his penis. I touched my hand to my pleasantly sore pussy and got it a little wetness and grool and used that to start slowly rubbing Paul’s cock.


I gave him a much slower and more deliberate blowjob the second time savoring his shape, his scent and his reactions and rubbing his stomach and abdomen as I sucked him in. He lasted a bit longer this time and when his ass finally clenched again I remembered to look up and I could see Paul, looking down at me sucking his cock this time tracing my index finger at its base between his balls as he came.


I was able to keep his cock in my mouth a bit longer this time. Sucking all his pulses until his penis was nearly limp before I rolled off the bed for my trot to the sink.


When I got back to the bed, he only needed a few quick licks to clean up and coax the last of his cum out.


That was it. We both fell asleep. In my bed thank God, he did not try and get back in the other.


After a late wake up and another round of epic pussy eating that left me humbled at a loss for words and completely sore we finally decided we should get a late breakfast/lunch and get Paul some more clothes since apparently, he had really planned on going back to the ship last night.


I’ll never forget what happened next because we were walking, each holding a few bags and he pulled me into him and gave me a kiss for the first time on the lips and just said “Tracy, I want to thank you for last night.”


Ummmm…Ok…That is a little odd. “You’re welcome.”


Is he dumping me? What did happen in that time I can’t remember. Did I do something stupid? Say another guy’s name as I was orgasming? He can’t hold me responsible for that orgasm. I still am trying to figure those both out. It is not even dinner yet. Can’t he dump me after dinner?


And then he spoke the words that brought blood back to my ears and made me blush.


“I apologize if I was awkward last night. I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I was a virgin until last night…”


It was my turn to stare at him.


“Just shut up. You are a virgin? OH MY GOD PAUL! There is so much more that we could have done!”


So that is the story of how Paul and I became lovers. I never set out to find a virgin, never looked for one and Paul never really let on though there were probably plenty of clues. But we ended up making the most of that long weekend, and ultimately, we both made each other better lovers. I’ll get some shorter more interesting stories out later if there is any appetite after this.


Yes, Paul is the same guy from my story last month. That story actually happened a few months later sequentially.


[My Most Embarrassing Sexually Related Story](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yf6vwt/my_most_embarrassing_sexually_related_story_fm/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z2lcvb/fm_i_f28_met_a_new_lover_m28_on_a_tropical_island


  1. I mean, you can share shorter stories if you want, but the length is absolutely no problem when they’re this good (much like the girth of Paul’s cock).

    I loved this, and it reminded me of a number of runs ashore I had in foreign ports!

  2. Well done!

    This made me remember that one time when a female Navy Corpsman came to my room in the Q to watch The Jungle Book. While we did swing from the rafters and bounce off the walls like horny little monkeys, we didn’t watch much of the movie.

  3. Also… before you let on that he admitted to being a virgin, I was convinced that he was just nerved up because you were a female fellow service member. Males, in the Marine Corps at least, have been conditioned to believe that 6 of every 10 female service persons are gonna cry foul on Monday. I thought right up until the moral revelation at the end of your tome, that Paul was letting you take the lead so as to give you plenty of opportunities to express consent instead of instigating the awkward conversation about you wanting to go all the way.

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