Sticking my dick in crazy Part 9 [M][F][F][F] the tale of 3 women

So by this point I had broken things off with Melissa, but we were still fucking from time to time. She had finally gotten a place of her own, and it was coming along nicely for her. Little did I know, she was going through some massive depression, along with alcohol and pills, her life was taking a massive turn for the worst.

At this time, I had gotten the tinder fired back up and was also seeing two other girls, Lilly, and Kim.

It was a juggling act to say the least, Kim was a single parent like myself, looking for someone to drink wine with, and talk about what a train wreck out lives had turned into since our split. While Lilly was a girl that I was just getting to know and would go on dating for over a year after I had finally made the decision that I didn’t want to be sleeping around anymore.

That being said. One night I got a call from Melissa, “One of my exes is over and he won’t leave, you need to come now.” So I jumped into my pickup and headed over. Not bother to knock on the door, I walked in. Melissa was drunk and had put herself in the corner of her kitchen, making awkward small talk with this guy. He was in the middle of saying something when I walked in but stopped right away and looked at me. “I guess it’s time I leave.” Yes, yes it is. I’m not an intimidating guy by any means….. I don’t think I’ve taken the time to describe myself.

I’m a short fella, coming in at a little over 5’7″ (although I’d like to say 5’8″) 170ish pounds, while I don’t have a 6 pack (those are made in the kitchen, not the gym), I’ve never had an issue speaking my mind and holding my own in a fight (it was also said, I would take an ass kicking and keep smiling, even if I lost the fight), so while I looked up at this guy, I had no issues getting into a fight with him if it meant he had to leave.

So after a brief discussion, telling this guy to get the fuck out. He left with no intentions of coming back, only saying the Melissa “hope you have fun with his dick inside you later.” She looked at me with a mixture of relief and lust in her eyes, I noticed 2 finished bottles of wine on the table, and opened the fridge to see another one, and quickly poured myself a glass.

Melissa dropped to her knees in her typical way of saying thank you. Unzipping my pants and taking my cock in her mouth. “I guess he wasn’t wrong about my dick being inside you soon.” I chuckled, noticing his truck still parked out front. She commented that my dick tasted like another girl (I had just come from seeing Kim earlier, so she wasn’t wrong) That just seemed to get her more worked up, as she went down as far as she could on me, gagging herself in the process, before looking up at me and taking me into her room.

It was a rough fuck, I had no emotions anymore at this point, while in her mind I was coming to be her knight in shining amour, I was just coming over to get my dick wet. I quickly went down on her to get her ready, making her cum in the process, before I flipped her over, pushed her head down in the pillow, and started pounding away at her freshly shaved pussy.

Once my cock was wet enough from her juices, I slowly slid the tip up and entered her ass, working myself at a steady rhythm while reaching around and flicking her clit to add her to get off faster, she shook and shivered before unleashing her obscene amount of lady cum onto her bed. Her legs buckled and she went flat on the bed as I kept pumping away for a bit before unleashing into her ass.

We continued to hook up on and off while I was still seeing Lily and Kim. At one point she even went for a walk around the block while I fucked Lily before she had to leave for work, and then came in to drink with me while we waiting for me to get ready for a second round……

The last straw was one night when I got a call over to her house, Barely able to understand what she was saying between the sobs…… Melissa had tried to drink a 40oz bottle of vodka to herself, and taken some pills in an attempt to ease her troubled mind. By the time I got there, she had taken a steak knife to herself…… I called the ambulance, took all the booze and pills away from her, and got the fuck out of there.

I’m not proud that I left her there just as the ambulance showed up. But from what I hear now, she’s in a better place with her life, and I wish her all the luck in the world…

That was the last time I stuck my dick in crazy……. well her at least


1 comment

  1. You certainly have a talent for writing
    By the way you write its so obviously true
    By god crazy is fun at the time
    But the novelty wears off … and rather fast at that

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