MindTech Industries Chapter 6: Limit testing [F29][M27] [Femdom] [Malesub] [Genderswap] [Bondage] [Forced Orgasm] [Mind Break]

Edit: Forgot the tag [Sci-fi] ><

[Link](https://www.reddit.com/user/_CumInMePlz_/comments/yvactm/list_of_all_my_erotic_stories/) to previous chapters and all my other stories.

**-6 months later-**

Mind Transfer. Jayce’s revolutionary’s idea. It’s hard to understand how it really works but from what I gathered, it goes like this. You start by putting the patient under anesthesia. You then copy his memories and put it inside a robotic brain called exo-brain. When the “copy” awakes in the new body that we call exo-body, to them it feels like they just fell asleep and then woke up in a new body. When the session ends, the inverse process is done. An AI looks at both memories and merges them together, isolating the new memories and putting them inside the patient’s brain with a device closely related to the Kraken. It makes it seem like the person under anesthesia experienced everything but it was actually a copy of them that did.

Because of that, the process is extremely safe since it only gives the illusion of leaving your body but in reality you do not. The only tricky part is the merging at the end. For the moment, the AI is limited to a certain amount of data that it can send as “new” memories so the worst that can happen is that the patient ends up with a couple hours of fake/wrong memories.

The possibilities of this new tech were pretty much surpassing anything humanity had ever invented. Firefighters entering a burning building to save kids? Police doing their job without any risk to their safety? You could work at a construction site and carry 10 times your normal weight. Or maybe you need to work in Mexico in the morning and in Beijing in the afternoon. Paraplegics could walk. Not even talking about all the military options. Literally everyone would be affected by the changes this technology would bring.

But… Well, there were a lot of problems to address before we could think of anything like that. The first one is that human brains get extremely confused when they get control of a body that is too different from them. The exo-body needs to be around the same height, weight and sex as the test subject in order to synchronize adequately.

Now that the tests were going well, Miss Demers created a body for herself. She wanted to try her own invention. She said that there was no quicker way to understand where the problems lied than by experiencing them herself. Unfortunately, for some unexplained reason, she was completely unable to sync with the exo-body. Her mind rejected this new reality no matter how many times she tried to synchronize, it never worked. The goal was to create an AI that would help the “copy” with the synchronization, but for that, we first needed more data which we couldn’t get because she couldn’t sync. We were in an impasse.

We hired a bunch of test subjects with similar physiology to Miss Demers and tried to do tests. They were more or less successful. We learned a couple things. The longer the test subjects stayed in the exo-bodies, the more their brain functions deteriorated. The explanation that Miss Demers gave is that the exo-brains were able to use memories to emulate consciousness but they were not perfect brain replicas. Because of that, there were a lot of complex and subtle things that would happen in a normal brain that were missing in the exo-brains. It was like a small error in a program. The software could continue running even when errors happened, but it’s the accumulation of them that would ultimately make the long term synchronization fail.

The atmosphere was getting a bit tense in the lab after so many weeks with almost no progression.

“None of our test subjects were able to initially synchronize with the exo-brain at more than 15%. I’m not sure exactly what parameters are responsible for the cyber-dysphoria. If we were able to compare it to someone that had higher synchronization levels, a better point of reference, then it would be way easier to pinpoint where the problems lie.” Said Doctor Schmidt.

“I know that Doctor! But what do you suggest? We can’t just continue and try to brute force it! Also it’s not raining test subjects that have the ideal physical requirements and the next exo-body won’t be ready until next month.” Said Miss Demers in an angry voice.

“I don’t know, maybe we should try a new or different approach , since our current strategy isn’t working.” Answer the Doctor.

I found the courage between two arguments to open my mouth to say “I could try it.”

They both turned toward me, staring at me in a confused way. “I shouldn’t have said that.” came to my mind.

“You’re around the right weight and size Max, but you’re a man, it’s not gonna work.” Said Miss Demers. Before she completely shrugged the idea off, she had an epiphany. She continued while raising an eyebrow: “Unless… You don’t consider yourself a man?” A smile grew on her face. “Get out doctor, I need to talk to Max for a second.”

The doctor took his things and got out of his own office. Miss Demers walked right next to me and grabbed my caged dick in her hand through my pants. Since she first caged me, she almost never let me free. When she did, it was mostly to get me inside an even smaller cage and I was now at my 4th cage.

“Is it “that”, that makes you feel like a girl? It’s so small now, we could even call it a clitty. Or is it how you haven’t cum a single time without getting fucked in the ass in months? To be honest with you, I never really considered you a man anyway, that’s why I like you so much. You’re way too cute to be a man.” Said Miss Demers, taking pleasure teasing me.

It’s been a while since I felt embarrassed but hearing such humiliating things said to me made my face become all red.

“Alright then, let’s try it.”

It took a couple hours to prepare everything but we were ready for a test before the end of the day. They sat me down in a comfortable chair and a device similar to the Kraken was lowered on my head. Miss Demers came to give me the injection herself that would put me to sleep.

“Don’t worry Max, you know how you fall to sleep when I snap my fingers? It’s gonna feel a bit like this, but when you wake up, you’ll be in another room and I’ll be there to welcome you. Just, trust me.”

I didn’t expect the medicine to work so fast, it only took seconds before I closed my eyes.

When I reopened my eyes, I was in a really bright white room. Miss Demers was there just like she said she would be. I tried to lift myself up but I realized immediately this was a bad idea. I fell back down on the table I was laying on. Everything felt so… weird. You know how it feels when you stay too long on a limb and it feels numb? My whole body felt like that. There wasn’t any pain, it was more like my brain was overwhelmed with new sensations.

I lifted my hand in front of my eyes and that’s when I fully realized I wasn’t in my body anymore. I didn’t recognize that hand, it was small and softer. It had to be my hand though, when I tried to move a finger, the hand moved that finger. I felt like a puppeteer for a moment but the more I moved and looked at my hand, the more natural it felt.

It didn’t take long before I got distracted by the two large bumps below my eyes. “Is that, my boobs?” I thought to myself. I was just so curious that I immediately poke at them with a finger. “Squishy!” Not before long I was grabbing my new breast with my whole hand. I was carelessly playing with them until I rubbed against my nipple by accident and it forced me to stop. “Holy fuck, that’s so sensitive.” I said out loud.

Miss Demers got closer to me and whispered:

“Wait till you find your clit, slut.”

My eyes widened, a bit shocked. She continued as if she didn’t say anything before that:

“Come on Max, focus a bit here. Can you move the rest of your body?”

I tried to move my second hand and like the first, I managed to control it naturally after a while. I still couldn’t move the rest of my body though.

“Oh, I know what’s wrong, I need to see my body. When I see it, it’s like my brain acknowledges that it exists.”

An assistant left to get a mirror while another one helped Miss Demers put me on my feet. As soon as they put the mirror in front of me, the numbness in my body started to disappear. A couple minutes later I was able to stand on my feet by myself. I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t consider it to be my real body but I didn’t feel ashamed at all to be naked in front of multiple people. Although, it did excite me a lot to have the body of a woman.

“This is incredible, 35 minutes into the experiment and the subject can already walk on their feet. Most other subjects took more than an hour.” Said Miss Demers loudly to make a vocal record of the events.”

We spent the next hour doing exercises to test my body functions. Sometimes just pressing against my skin, others pinching it and asking how it felt. I then had to do simple movements like lifting my arms in the air but it quickly evolved into more complex exercises. Jumping was pretty hard, especially because I was getting distracted by my breasts bouncing after each jump, but the more I did it, the more confident I was in my abilities. After a while I was able to jump on just one leg.

After that Miss Demers decided to send me back to my original body before degradation started to appear. This time she didn’t need to inject me with anything, I just laid down on the table and she counted from 3 to 1. At 1, I instantly fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, I felt like I just woke up from an incredibly pleasant dream. I was in the dark room I first went to sleep in and Miss Demers was there with me again.

“Morning sunshine. Do you recall what just happened?” She asked.

“The tests? You made me jump and poked at every part of my body?” I answered her.

“HOLY FUCK! IT WORKS!” Miss Demers was practically jumping in place from excitement. I don’t think I ever saw her like that before. In her excitement she rushed towards me and hugged me really hard, pushing my still sleepy face right against her boobs.

With the new data they received from my test, they managed to improve the exo-brain quite a lot in a small amount of time. Every time they made changes, they sent me back to make more tests. They nicknamed the process of getting in the exo-body “jumping”. In a month I “jumped” around 10 times and by the end, I was managing to stay 12 hours in the exo-body without any degradation. The results were exceeding expectations but Miss Demers had one last test she wanted to run before she would be pleased with them.

I opened my eyes in the usual white room. Miss Demers was there too as usual, but there were no assistants this time. She placed herself right next to me and put her hand on my stomach.

“There’s no one else than us two today, we’re all alone.” she said softly.

Her hand lowered in between my legs. I didn’t have the chance to explore this part of the “new me” yet so it was quite an intense sensation to get used to. It didn’t help that she knew exactly what she was doing, exactly what buttons to press. Even though she was just moving her fingers really gently around my clitoris, it was enough to make me squirm.

“No need to restrain yourself right now, the lab is completely empty, no one will hear you even if you scream and I can assure you, I’m gonna make you scream.”

She was absolutely right, she increased the speed and intensity of her motion and it was enough to make me moan in incredible pleasure. She stopped for a second leaving some time to breathe but it was only to send me into another wave of incredible pleasure. This time she licked her middle finger and penetrated my pussy, hitting directly against what I assumed to be my g-spot. It felt really similar to hitting my p-spot actually but it felt even more intense and just as good. It didn’t take long that she had another finger in me. She started fingering me while grabbing my breast with her other hand, stopping me from moving so much. The sensation was so overwhelming, I couldn’t control myself. It got even better when she placed her mouth on my clitoris and started licking it without stopping the motions with her fingers.

“It’s incredible, even though your real body doesn’t have a pussy, your brain manages to feel everything from the exo-body just as it was yours.”

She removed her fingers from my pussy, leaving me so excited about what the next “test” would be. She took leather straps from the side of the table and tied my arms and legs to it. She then passed one over my chest and one over my waist. I could barely move anymore.

“It’s gonna get a bit more intense now. Just, enjoy the ride.”

From a bag under the table she got out a huge rabbit type vibrator. One that goes in the vagina but also has a smaller part that goes directly on the clitoris. Even with vibrations off, just inserting it inside me made me want to get out of my bounds. With no warning she started it, sending me into convulsions immediately. It was just too much for my first time, I wouldn’t be able to sustain this for long without going crazy. She then started moving the vibrator, pushing it right against my g-spot but just before it was too much, she would pull it back, each time making the sensation grow even better.

“Miss Demers, it’s too intense…” I managed to say between moans.

I didn’t understand immediately what was happening but my body was building up to the biggest orgasm I had ever felt. It happened in an instant, completely surprising me. My body started shaking uncontrollably, It was like my whole body was getting electrocuted with pleasure. Miss Demers didn’t care though, she wouldn’t stop until my brain stopped functioning. Her motions kept my orgasm going until my brain literally started short-circuiting.

“How does it feel Max to cum like a girl!?”




“Please stop! It’s too much!” I barely manage to shout out, my face deformed in pleasure.

My brain was melting from pleasure but Miss Demers kept going faster and pushing the vibrator deeper inside me. She didn’t care at all about the loud warnings coming from the speakers.

“I say when it’s too much.” She answered, unfaltering.



“Haaa! Please stooop! I can’t! HAAA!” I shouted in pure ecstasy but she didn’t listen. She increased the intensity of the vibrator to the maximum. I could see it in her eyes, she was enjoying every second of what was happening and she would not stop for anything.

“That’s what you get for being such a fucking slut!” She shouted loudly.



My eyes started twitching in a way they should never do with my body doing the same. To prevent damage, my brain initiated an automatic shutdown. This time it didn’t feel like going to sleep at all, everything just went dark instantly.

When I opened my eyes, I woke up a bit scared and confused. I was in the dark room and Miss Demers was there.

“Are you ok, Max?” She said with a big smile.

My memories were coming back in bursts like they were too intense to remember all at once and each of them made my body have small spasms of pleasure.

Looks like the test had some secondary effects.” She said with an even bigger grin.

She sat right next to me and hugged me firmly, placing my head against her breast. Even though the events happened in the exo-body, just by remembering them, it was tricking my brain into thinking they happened to him, making me feel exhausted. Fortunately, Miss Demers’ warmth was so appeasing. I could feel her breathing through her chest expanding and my breathing matched hers, calming me down. Hearing her heart beat through her chest was so appeasing. I closed my eyes once more while she was petting my hair. Before I fell asleep I heard her say:

“I have so many more tests I want to run with you…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yzkkol/mindtech_industries_chapter_6_limit_testing


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