Inadvertent NNN comes to an end at a strip club [MF]

This is another throwback story that predates my 2021 streak, albeit, just by a couple months. As I mentioned in one of my very first posts, my ex-wife and I had been having relationship problems for a while. No huge blowups, just the bickering that can be both common, but also indicative of a deeper-rooted issue.

Then, COVID hit in 2020 early, and because of my job, I moved out temporarily to protect the family from whatever I may pick up at work. Luckily for all of us, that didn’t happen, but what did happen is that Vanessa and I both realized was that we didn’t miss one another the way we should when living apart. After several conversations about it, we decided to amicably divorce, pursuant to the pre-nup we had executed, and came a settlement rather quickly. Things were finalized in June, and I was all of a sudden a newly divorced man living alone.

I poured myself into working out as well as work. Many of my partners in the group we were in were older, or had families and weren’t as enthusiastic about coming in to the hospital setting regularly during 2020. While the thought of catching it was always on my mind, I found myself taking on additional shifts, covering on-calls for my partners, and scheduling as many procedures as I could. Financially, I was doing pretty well even after alimony and child support, and the extra work was making those distributions even better.

All of this was happening while a private equity firm was looking to acquire practices in our space, and we were deep into the due diligence process. Excitement was palpable amongst my partners, some of whom saw this as their chance to retire, or at least, purchase the accoutrements of a comfortable retirement. So it was, shortly before Thanksgiving, when the head of our practice called an all-hands partner meeting.

Details had been ironed out, each of us had agreed on how the earnings multiple would be applied to our specific ownership interest and distributions, and any stay-pay and non-competes had been agreed upon. It was time to sign and celebrate! I came straight from 8 hours of surgeries, still in scrubs, to our offices. Most of my colleagues were in golf attire, but there were a couple others in scrubs as well. Jim, the head of our practice, had the biggest shit eating grin on his face as he was handing us celebratory pens and cigars. I was one of the last to sign, and a couple bottles of champagne were popped.

Another of my partners then announced that we were all headed to a strip club, which was a little surprising, given the environment. For all intents and purposes, strip clubs were still under mandated government closure, but business owners were pushing back hard, and exploiting any and all loopholes they could find. Chris had found a club taking advantage of just such a loophole, now hosting “private events”, instead of being open to the public.

We all headed to the club, which I realized was basically just off the route I would take between the house I was renting and our offices. When we arrived, it was clear the concept of “private event” was more fiction than fact, as there were many other cars in the parking lot than our group’s, many of them large, mostly black, pickups.

Chris quickly chatted with the manager and got us all in. Several of my partners seemed to have money burning a hole in their pockets, which was funny since the payout from our buyout wasn’t yet to hit our accounts for several days. I realized upon walking in that it had been probably four years since I had stepped foot in a strip club, owing to Vanessa’s absolute disdain for them. Not that I was a frequent visitor before that. A couple times during college and medical school, and then a handful of times while I was a resident (which I realized in that moment included a prior visit to the very club I had just walked into). I just hadn’t really seen the appeal of throwing money at someone to get naked, and but for the most recent time I went, money wasn’t something I had excess of.

All that said, I wasn’t *uncomfortable* per se, as the roadblocks I just mentioned (disapproving wife, lack of money, etc.) no longer existed. I took a seat with my partners, all of whom were towards the “head” of the main stage area, and we got drinks ordered. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the club, I saw that there were two other distinct groups inside, a more blue-collar looking group on one side, and then a white-collar group on the other. I recognized one of the guys in the latter group, a commercial real estate broker, from my country club. The blue-collar group was younger than our group, mostly 30s/40s, dressed in t-shirts and shorts or jeans, with lots of ink, and a lot of flat brimmed hats (with logos of breweries, skating companies, or contractors, etc.). Most (but not all) had masks on, as did all of the dancers.

There were probably six or seven women moving around the room, talking to the couple dozen guys that comprised the two groups, and then two on the stages as well. Every now and then, you’d see a dancer take one of the guys to a VIP room, where a bouncer stood watch. The dancers continued to rotate through coming on stage from a back room, dancing, making their way around the room, and then either posting up at the bar, or headed backstage.

Several had made their way over to our group, and many of the guys had taken them up on an offer for a private dance. I had thus far held off, not for lack of finding any attractive. In fact, quite the opposite, I was totally surprised by the consistency of quality of the dancers at the club. There was one, however, that caught my eye. She mostly stayed to a bar stool next to the DJ, full sleeve on one arm, quite a few individual pieces on the other, and a rather large tattoo on her left thigh as well. In the black light of the club, her hair was radiantly bright, appearing a purple shade of white, and done in curls reminiscent of a 50’s pinup. Her clothing was similarly throw-back, with a black bustier and fishnet stockings. She was frankly dressed more like what you would see in a television depiction of strippers than an actual stripper like her peers.

Practically my entire group was actively engaged with the dancers, whether on the stage, or going back to VIP. Our ringleader for the evening Chris shouted my name across our seating area, ‘Jack! You need to get a dance, come on, who’s it gonna be?’ By this time, I had politely declined three or four of the dancers who had come by. Again, not uncomfortable, but at the time, all I could think was, “what’s the point of having a girl pretend to be into you while dancing for/on you?” I responded to Chris, ‘I’m good man, no worries.’ He moved over towards me, taking the seat recently given up by another of our partners who just went to VIP.

‘Fuck that’ he replied. ‘I’m buying you a dance, which girl?’

‘Fine’, I said laughing, ‘how about her?’ I gestured to the platinum haired pinup at the bar. Chris got our waitress’s attention.

‘Can you tell that dancer to come over here so we can buy my friend here a dance?’

The waitress looked over, and then turned back to him and said, ‘Uhh, that’s Harlow, no one really *tells* her what to do.’

‘Can you ask her nicely then?’ he responded. The waitress shrugged and walked over. She got a dismissive look from the dancer, and then came back.

‘Nope’ she told us.

Chris then got up and pulled a hundred out of his wallet. He walked over to her, and the waitress and I watched as he talked to her, holding up the hundred and pointing at me. “Harlow” shook her head and then got up off the barstool. Rather than walking our way like I thought she might, she turned the other way and went backstage. Chris walked back, shaking his head. ‘I don’t even know what that was. She said she wasn’t interested. Said not her scene.’

I brushed it off, Chris was having none of it, and kept jabbering about it for 10 minutes to our colleagues. As luck would have it though, the DJ then came on to say, ‘Next on the mainstage, let’s welcome Harlow!’ and as Nine Inch Nails’ Closer came on, Harlow stepped out onto the stage, now without her mask. Whatever disdain she had for the lap dance did not extend to the stage. She absolutely owned it, and every single eye in the house, male or female, was on her. From that closer vantage point, I also saw just how beautiful she was. Not in a “pretty for a stripper” sense, but in a “if she were sitting across from you at dinner, or even on your TV, she’d be beautiful by those standards” sense. She was graceful, she was athletic, and what also became apparent when she started removing some clothing (the bra she had on above the cupless bustier, specifically), she had probably the most spectacular fake breasts I have ever seen in person.

Money began to descend on the stage almost immediately. Harlow paid it no attention, at least, when it was small bills. One of the construction bros came over the stage, waiting patiently with what looked like a hand full of either 10s or 20s. She was currently hanging upside down three feet off the ground with her ankles and calves wrapped around the top of the stripper pole.

I watched as she licked her lips, before sliding down slowly, putting her hands to the ground and handstanding her way off the pole towards her paramour. With her back to him, she slid down, legs spreading into a full split with her chest against the ground before twerking her ass back at him. She brought her legs back in to rise up into a low doggy position, twerking back a couple more times before looking over her shoulder and saying something to him. He then reached down and grabbed the “t” of her thong, pulling it up and putting several bills under it between her ass cheeks.

Harlow spun around, giving us the briefest glimpse of her thong now pulled up between her labia, as she then positioned herself in front of him, now facing him, and slowly made her way up before whispering something in his ear. He replied, and she then got back in a squatting position on her knees, moving a hand down the front of her thong, and rocked up and down like she was riding someone while looking at him.

I watched as Harlow, never breaking eye contact with him, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue as spit started dripping down onto her chest and between her breasts. She then came up to him again, and after he slipped another few bills into the front of her thong, she pulled his mask down and slipped a finger into his mouth before taking his hat off him and pulling his head between her breasts, motorboating herself on his face.

When he finally pulled back, you could see the wetness of the saliva she had dripped onto her breasts and cleavage on his face. She then whispered something to him again, and he put the rest of the bills he had in his hand into the top of the bustier. As the song was coming to an end, Harlow laid down on the stage, legs spread, head just below his crotch level and hanging barely off the edge of the stage, again, making eye contact, with her mouth open and tongue out. He spit directly into her mouth as the song ended and the DJ announced, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, Harlow, coming off the main stage.’ She swallowed, got up, and proceeded to grab the rest of the bills on the stage as our group and the Patagonia-vested real estate bros on the opposite side of the stage from the construction group looked on dumbfounded, especially given we were in the middle of a global pandemic.

Chris turned to me and said, ‘Fuck, I guess you dodged a bullet there. That was disgusting.’

‘It was something.’ I replied, although I realized I had a raging erection tenting my scrubs. Luckily, it was dark, and I was able to shift a little, making it hopefully not obvious to my colleagues, nor the half naked women walking around me. I didn’t want to be the guy with the raging boner from watching strippers. I employed a technique I had perfected in school when this situation occurred, flexing my thigh muscles to bring some of the blood flow out of my dick. It worked somewhat, but I still had a decent stiffy. I’d have to just let it calm down on my own.

I could also feel the dampness of precum, and was cursing in the moment just how much precum I produce. It didn’t help that I had been so focused on work the last month and a half that I basically crashed as soon as I got home. I thought back to the last time I had actually jacked off, realizing the one time I had started to (back at the beginning of November for context) I didn’t complete it. I was in the shower one morning after getting home from the gym on what would have been my day off. Attractive blonde next to me at the gym, great body, and her workout attire was showing everything off. It had been probably two or three weeks before that since I had cum, and I decided to rub one out there in the shower.

As I’ve mentioned on other stories, under normal circumstances, I cum a lot, and by that I mean, a very considerable amount. It was even more exaggerated if I hadn’t cum in a day or two. My ex, Vanessa, enjoyed it at first, but then after we were married for a while, and no longer trying for kids, she absolutely hated the mess. On her chest or back was preferred, but even then, only if there was something handy to block most of the shot and clean up immediately. But I digress, my point was that doing it in the shower would save me a little cleanup, as I was thinking with it being a couple weeks, there’d be considerable cleanup.

So there I was, starting to jack, thinking about the blonde in the gym, when I heard my pager going off. I thought for a moment about just letting it go and finishing off, but the momentary change in mindset obliterated the thought of the sexy blonde from my mind. I jumped out of the shower, answered the page, and ended up going back in to work. The next three weeks then were a blur of work.

*End of that little aside*

Which then brings us **back to the strip club**, where I was focusing on getting rid of my erection and hoping the precum wasn’t going to soak through the front of my scrubs. Luckily, in the moment, the head of my dick was pinned between my belly and the waistband of the scrubs, so I couldn’t have the softening proceed so much that it slipped down. Quite the conundrum…

For her part, the stripper that caused all this, Harlow, had left the stage, made a quick stop by the contractors’ seats, and had taken the one that she had shared spit with back to VIP so he could presumably spend the rest of his money. Chris meanwhile, was pointing out all the other strippers that he thought I should get a dance from, including the one who had newly taken the stage.

We watched for a couple more songs when a hand brushed across my shoulder and neck. As I looked up I heard, ‘You want to get a dance, I can tell.’ The cheerful voice was owned by a tall blonde, super slim, and who happened to be wearing one of those cheesy, ubiquitous at Halloween, naughty nurse outfits, accompanied by five-or-so-inch heels. She was early 20s, and cute to boot. Before I could event respond, Chris said, ‘You’re damn right he does! Jack, go with the lady.’

I probably didn’t need my arm twisted here, but the extra forceful encouragement finally got my off my ass. I stood up and was eye-to-eye with the blonde nurse given the heels. I followed her back to the VIP lounge, acknowledging the bouncer as we passed through. There were two other “couples” there, including Harlow and the guy she had entertained at the stage. She seemed to just be dancing in front of him, slowly, to her own music, as opposed to whatever was playing in the moment. My “nurse” took me to a bench seat, tucked away around a corner, away from the other two couples in VIP. ‘I’ll start on the next song so you don’t feel cheated’ she said. She took a sip of a soda she had in a glass with ice, before setting it down on the floor several feet away. ‘So you’re a doctor?’

‘Yeah, a surgeon.’

‘I’m a nurse’, she said, flirtatiously.

‘I can tell. Cute outfit.’

‘Well, yeah, but like, for real. Or sort of I guess.’

‘Oh, seriously? What do you mean sort of?’ I asked her.

‘Well, sort of a nurse, sort of a nursing student. I got my associate’s degree, and am an LPN now, but am back in school to get my BSN to be an RN.’

‘Good for you. So, what’s your name?’

‘Andi’ she replied.

‘Jack. Is Andi short for Andrea?’

‘I mean, I guess. It’s a stage name, not my real name’ she said laughing.

‘How’d you come up with it?’

‘My best friend when I was in middle school was named Andi, so I used it.’

‘What’s your real name?’ I asked.

‘Umm, Audrey. But I don’t really share that.’ I was going to reply when the song that had been playing ended, and a new one started. ‘Ready?’ she said. I nodded, and she stood up, turned and began to dance in front of me with her back turned to me. After probably 20 seconds of that, she pushed my legs together and sat down on them, still with her back turned. She leaned back and said, ‘You can touch me you know.’ I in fact *didn’t* know and realized I had been sitting with my hands below my own thighs.

‘Uh, what are the rules here?’ I asked her.

‘Over the clothes is fine, just not the bikini area, and you can touch my legs.’ Okay, that was pretty clear. She was still wearing the short nurse’s dress, so effectively, everything good was under the clothes. I decided it would be much less awkward if I engaged and brought my hands up to her mid-thigh. I sort of rubbed my hands up and down her thighs a touch while she continued “dancing” if you can call it that, as it was more a light grinding on my legs.

As the first song finished, she grabbed both of my hands, and brought them up to her chest. I was now lightly holding her rather petite breasts, through her top. She was probably a B-cup, but perky from what I could tell. She whispered back to me, ‘Seriously, it’s okay to touch.’ Taking the hint, I began to move my hands a bit more around her chest and down to her tummy. I could feel her bare ass through the thin material of my scrubs, as she rocked back and forth on me, and could feel myself start to get a little turned on again. Andi was moving slowly and deliberately with the music and would lean back from time to time as well. I could feel how toned her body was, not surprising given her youth.

When the next song ended, she got up off me for a moment, and untied the halter on the nurse’s dress before slipping it off. My initial suspicion proved correct, she was a B-cup, and her body was incredibly tight.

Now clad only in a mask, white thong and the heels, she made her way back up, spreading my legs a little, and moving one knee between my legs as she began to slowly gyrate again. ‘Do you want me to take the mask off?’ she asked me. ‘Some guys ask for it, but wasn’t sure your comfort level.’ I told her it was okay to take it off, figuring she was likely responsible enough. She pulled the mask off, revealing a cute nose and plump lips that were surely augmented.

‘So, where can I touch now, since you said above the clothes?’ I asked her.

‘Anywhere that isn’t on my underwear’ she replied. With that guidance, I moved my hands to just above her hips as she moved her body up and started to rub her chest against mine as she rocked her hips, grinding herself on my right thigh. She brought her head closer in, and whispered to me, ‘You can take your mask off too, if you want to get a little closer.’ I acknowledged a quick ‘OK,’ and reached up to pull the mask off.

I brought my hand back down to her ass. It fit perfectly into my hand, and I gripped it as she brought her mouth up towards my neck and brushed her lips and tongue against it. It was like an electric jolt straight to my cock, and I felt myself get firm again. I slid my hand down to cup it more, bringing my fingers right along the edge of her thong. I could feel the heat of her pussy and ass as I got near. Andi whispered in my ear again, ‘Don’t be greedy’, before slipping my earlobe between her lips. Another electric jolt to my cock.

I moved my hand back more to the cheek as she brought her torso up towards me. Her chest was now right in front of me, and she brought her right breast directly to my mouth. Her nipples were small and firm, and as the right one pressed against my lips, I opened my mouth and ran my tongue against it. Andi pulled my head against her, pushing the nipple further into my mouth, while I reached up with my right hand pinching the other nipple. At this point, she wasn’t as much dancing as rocking back and forth, one of my hands cupping her ass cheek, the other cupping a breast, and her other breast in my mouth.

When she pulled that nipple out my mouth and moved the other one to its place, I released my hand from her left breast and brought it down to her ass as well. I now had both hands firmly gripping her comparatively tiny cheeks (for a girl that I guessed was probably 5’10”). ‘You like my butt?’ she asked, as the next song was ending.

‘Mmmhmm’ I responded, nodding slightly, mouth still wrapped around her petite breast.

‘I’m so jealous of some of the other girls here. I don’t really have boobs, don’t really have a butt, at least not like them.’

Pulling my head away, I said, ‘I like your butt, and your boobs are perfect for your body.’

‘Thanks, but I’m saving up to get them done. Part of why I’m still dancing. Well, that and school.’ She moved off of me to sit down next to me for a moment and went to take the platform heels off. ‘You don’t mind if I take these off, do you?’ I shook my head “no” as she was already halfway done taking them off.

Once our fourth song started, Andi moved over, straddling me, but this time facing away, bring her feet on either side of my hips. She reached down, gripping my shins with her hands and brought her ass up in the air so it was right in front of me. The white ribbed cotton Lounge thong was covering everything it needed to, but barely. My own hands were on her calves and as she began to “dance”, so to speak, to the new song, I brought my hands up her legs until I was holding her cheeks again, framing her ass. The white strip of the thong was wide enough to cover her asshole and labia, as long as there was limited movement, but when I put a little pressure on her ass cheeks to pull them apart slightly, the outer rim of her asshole was slightly visible.

Sensing my interest in her ass, she arched her back even more, bringing her ass even closer up to my face. I could now feel the heat emanating from her on my face. It was so utterly tempting to just bury my face between the cheeks but given her rules around not touching above her underwear, I thought better of it.

Still, too tempting to ignore altogether, so I leaned forward the few inches and kissed her left ass cheek, right between the webbing of my hand. Andi responded by wiggling her ass side to side, which had the effect of bringing my mouth closer to the crack. Given she seemed to be inviting it, I thought I would see if she was truly okay with it and kissed further into her crack. She didn’t pull away or even move to the side, instead, she pushed back further, inviting me to continue.

I had thus far limited things to a relatively dry kiss but thought I would again push and use my tongue. I slid it along the side of the thong, towards the crinkle of her ass that was slightly showing around the thong. When I did, Andi pulled forward for a minute. I expected a swift negative browbeating, or god forbid, a call out to the bouncer. Instead, she looked back and said, ‘ooooh, the doctor is dirty! I love it.’

She sat up, pushing my thighs apart slightly, and resumed grinding on me in what I could characterize as a more traditional lapdance. I brought my hands up and around her and grabbed both breasts before sliding my hands down her torso to her belly. It was taut, and as she moved, I could feel the muscles flexing. I ran my fingers along the waistband of the thong to her hips. Andi leaned back and said, ‘I’m okay with you touching around the bikini area, just don’t rub right on, you know, my pussy.’

I wasn’t sure how to take that comment, but she seemed quick to correct me if I pushed the limit too far, so started to slide my fingertips down the sides of the front of the thong. I lightly massaged her above the bulbs and cavernosa of her clit (not to get too technical with you reader), in the thought that this was a way to stimulate her while minding her own rules. Andi responded favorably, and intensified the grinding on me.

‘It’s hot to dance for a doctor,’ she said, leaning her head back against my neck and shoulder. ‘You’re the first doctor I’ve gotten to do a dance for. You’re cute too.’

‘Thanks, you’re pretty cute too.’ I replied. ‘So you said you are working as an LPT right now? Where at?’

Andi paused for a second, and as I looked down her body in the reddish lighting, I saw her nipples hard and pointing upward, legs spread with my hands on either side of the thong. She was biting her lip, and writhing, and said to me somewhat breathlessly, ‘Mmm, fuck. I, mmm, work at_____, North Campus, in the NICU. Mmm, fuck, you’re turning me on with that. I’m getting so wet, I’m going to need to change before I go onstage again.’

For my own part, I too was turned on, and the erection I had was now straining, just rock hard and throbbing. I could feel the moisture of precum as well inside the scrubs. ‘You can touch my over the panties if you want. Fuck, this is so good.’ I brought my index fingers of both hands inward, now rubbing over the panties, immediately above her labia. Dragging them upward, while maintaining the light massage to the sides with my other fingers, when I hit her clit, Andi let out a little moan, and pushed her ass now firmly back against me.

‘You’re going to make me cum if you do that again’ she said. She wasn’t stopping her own gyrations though, so I continued on. She brought her mouth to my jaw near my ear and would lick and suck in between moans. She was also starting to buck a little more, no longer focusing on moving to the music. On one of those movements, her ass sort of caught against the head of my cock through the scrubs. ‘Is that your cock?’ she whispered to me, again somewhat breathlessly. I responded with another ‘Mmmhmm’, as I continued to rub her through the thong.

I realized that the fourth song had just wrapped up and we were now in more or less quiet in between songs as she continued to move up and down against my cock on one side, and my hands on the other. She was breathing heavily into my ear as she did, and once the next song started, I could still feel her breath against my ear even if I couldn’t necessarily hear it. I continued to rub her clit over the thong as she rocked against me, her breath quickening until I heard a moan escape that coincided with her pausing her movement against me. I continued lightly rubbing as she panted into my ear.

As if on cue though, when she finished, we both saw a shift in the light in the room, and around the corner came the bouncer who manned the door. Andi pushed my hands away from her thong, as he did, and he peeked around, holding up a hand with all four fingers and thumb. Andi had now leaned up and had her hands on her knees as she resumed more of a lapdancing pose and began to grind on me again.

She then got up and went to her knees on the ground between my legs, putting her hands on my thighs. She massaged my thighs through the scrubs as she looked up at me. ‘That was so fucking good.’ Her hands kept drifting higher and higher as she massaged. ‘We get guys in here in sweatpants and athletic shorts. I think I need to tell them to wear scrubs if they really want to feel everything. They’re so thin!’ she said. And it was true, I too could feel every movement of her hands.

Andi brought her face down to my thigh as well, and I could feel hot breath through the fabric as she moved her way up towards the crotch of my scrubs. When she made her way there, the feeling of her breath against my cock was unmistakable. Not as unmistakable, though, as when she went to run her teeth against it. I looked down, and her hair was obscuring her face, but with open mouth, she went to “bite” so to speak, the shaft, before repositioning, as her first bit didn’t quite make it fully around the girth of my shaft. Once she re-adjusted, she ran her mouth up and down, with the shaft of my scrubs-covered cock between her teeth. I let out a moan as she did.

Hearing it, she flipped the hair out of the way and brought her head up towards mine as she again moved up my body. She straddled my hips while she kissed my neck and jaw. I brought my hand back to her hip and thigh and ran my thumb along the crease between her thigh and pelvis. She moved to the side slightly to accommodate me, and I brought my hand again to the thong, rubbing my thumb against the front and edge of the fabric. My thumb ended up slipping below the fabric briefly, directly onto her labia. ‘Oh sorry’ I said. Andi was biting her lip again.

‘It’s okay, you can go under, just, umm, not inside me?’ She seemed to be testing her own limits at each step. I brought my thumb back under and dragged it across her labia again. Andi let out a sharp breath and brought her mouth to my neck to kiss me again. She was slick with wetness, and my thumb glided against her as I flicked it back and forth, now grazing the glans of her clit. ‘You’re gonna make me cum again if you keep doing that’ she said.

She was basically straddling one thigh at this point, my thumb inside the side of her thong as she kissed and sucked on my neck. She brought her hand down to my scrubs, and grabbed my cock, stroking it up and down through the fabric. I hadn’t really had an over-the-pants handjob since high school, other than maybe quickly as a precursor to taking the pants off with my ex-wife.

With the thinness of the scrubs and lack of underwear on my part, it wasn’t all that dissimilar from an actual handjob, although Andi’s technique was lacking as she seemed to be more focused on kissing my neck and moaning due to my own manual efforts on her. I could tell it was having the desired effect on her though, as she moved in concert with my thumb as opposed to the music.

I brought my fingers of that hand under the thong as well, and now could fully feel how wet she was. I was stroking them along her labia and clit when she brought her mouth to mine and kissed me. She was still gripping my cock, but not moving, and with her other hand, she grabbed the wrist of my hand that was stroking her, pulling me in closer to her. It had the effect of pushing two of my fingers into her pussy as she kissed me. She moaned into my mouth as it happened, and I felt her pussy throbbing and pulsing as she came again.

When she came down, she broke the kiss and pulled back momentarily. I removed my hand from her thong and saw my fingers glistening. While we looked at one another, I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. Andi looked at me and bit her lip again. She mouthed, ‘what do you want?’ I moved her back to the position from a couple songs earlier, when she had her ass up by my face. I said to her, ‘I want to taste you.’ She looked back over her shoulder and said, ‘We could get caught with that. I’ll show you though.’ And reached back and pulled the thong to the side. I got my first glimpse of how wet she was, glistening in the reddish light of VIP.

At that moment, though, the song ended. Andi momentarily got up and said, ‘Do you want to keep going?’ With her worry about getting caught, I wasn’t sure what she meant. I gave a quizzical look and she clarified, ‘So that was five songs. Did you want to stay back here for more? I just need to check in first’ I said I did. She checked in with the bouncer and came back, just as a new song was starting.

‘I’ve never cum like that while dancing’ she said. ‘But I don’t break the rules like that either.’ She straddled me again and brought her nipple up to my mouth. ‘This is as far as I usually go.’ While doing so, though, she brought her hand back down to my cock. Even with the break in action, it hadn’t lost any firmness. It was still effectively pinned to my body, held in place by the waistband of my scrubs and her body leaning against me.

Andi brought her hand up the front of the shirt of my scrubs and lightly scratched at my abdomen and up to my pecs before sliding back down. I felt the tug on the drawstring of my scrubs followed moments later by Andi’s hand grabbing my cock directly. With a firm grip, she rubbed lightly up and down before whispering in my ear, ‘Did I already make you cum?’

What would have been an odd question given how rock hard I was, I knew where this was heading. ‘No, it’s precum’ I shared, knowing the volume of precum was probably well beyond what she was used to. After a couple more strokes, Andi brought her hand up, looking at how glossy her fingers now were. Looking me in the eye, she stuck a finger in her mouth, echoing what I had done earlier, before then getting her hand wet with spit and returning it down to rub me some more.

She had been rubbing me again for probably 30 seconds when another dancer and patron turned the corner of the little nook in VIP we had sequestered ourselves within. It was likely too obvious what we were doing, and Andi immediately let go of my cock as they turned and went back to the main part of the VIP room.

Once they were out of eyesight, she pulled my scrubs down a little more, now bringing my cock fully into the open, and brought her own pelvis towards me. She began to grind on me in that position, her panty covered pussy grinding into my cock. It felt good, not great, with the ribbed fabric of her thong giving me the slightest rugburn on the sensitive skin of my cock. She grinded on me like that as the song ended.

Andi was breathing into my ear again, before whispering, ‘Does that feel good? Do you want me to make you cum?’

‘Yeah, but can you go back to your hand? Your thong’s the slightest bit rough.’ I figured being honest here was better. No reason not to tell the truth. Andi pulled back again for a moment. She brought her hand down, but rather than grabbing my cock like I thought she would, she pulled the thong down an inch or so, and then pulled it to the side.

With her pussy now exposed, she went back to her previous position, and began to grind again on me. The slick labia of her pussy were now directly on the frenulum of my cock, and the feeling was wholly more intense. Andi leaned down and kissed me again, before pulling away to say, ‘I want to make you cum’. That was a distinct possibility, in addition to getting caught doing so.

As another song came to an end, in the break before the next song started, Andi said, ‘I want to try something I used to do on the bus after track and field meets. She lifted up and turned around before spitting into her hand again and rubbing it on the head of my cock. With her knees together, she sat back down, thong still pulled fully to the side, my cock sliding into the gap between her thighs next to her pussy. With her hands on my own thighs, Andi began to rock up and down, practically bouncing.

I could feel my balls beginning to tighten in preparation of what was to come (no pun intended), and my cock got even harder if that was possible. Andi was leaning back against me, and I whispered in her ear that I was about to cum. I meant it as a warning, but there was no change in her demeanor or motion for that matter.

When the first pulse arrived, the full effect of a six-week no orgasm streak became immediately evident. I had had this happen several times in high school if I held off for a while, where the upward velocity of the shot seems to defy gravity. That is exactly what happened in the VIP room. The first and then second shots both went above Andi’s head before coming back down hard and splattering, luckily landing only on her chest and not on her face or worse. The third, fourth, and fifth shots, while not shooting as high, also landed on her chest, before the next four or so landed on her belly.

There were still some pulses that came out and dripped down the head, but the end result was Andi looking like a glazed donut. ‘Wow, I guess we ended your No Nut November, huh?’

“What? Oh, I mean, I wasn’t, well, sure, yeah.’ I replied. Andi had moved off of me, and as I was pulling the scrub bottoms up, she stood up and was straightening her thong.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever had a guy cum that much.’ She said, looking down at her absolutely coated torso. ‘Shit, I need to clean up. You’ve got some spots on your scrubs too.’ She grabbed her nurse’s dress, and put it over her, using the dress to clean the cum off her chest. ‘I was going to change anyway, I have like 3 different outfits here.’

I looked down at my own attire, realizing those spots on my chest and pants weren’t going to be easy to hide. Andi saw my eyes and said, ‘Don’t worry, I have an idea.’

‘How much do I owe you for the dances?’ I asked, ‘It was seven, right?’

‘Umm, yeah, so $40 a dance.’ She said as she was putting the platform heels back on.

I pulled out five hundreds and gave it to her. ‘Spend it on school, not on boobs, you’re perfect.’ Andi leaned forward and gave me a kiss. ‘It’s a shame I never work at The North Campus, I’d take you to lunch.’

‘Well, I’m done there next month. I start a practicum in January, actually at the same hospital my mom works at, just in Maternity.’

‘Oh really, which one is that?’ I asked her.

‘_____ Health,’ she replied.

‘Really!’ I said. It was a hospital we had a contract with, and I frequently did procedures at. ‘What does your mom do there?’

‘She’s the PACU Supervisor.’

‘Wait, Mary?’ I asked. Andi gave me a look of shock and embarrassment.

‘Oh my god, you know my mom?’

‘Yeah, I’ve known your mom for probably like 10 years I guess.’ She worked in post-op, so there was frequent interactions with us. Mary was an absolute dime, a similarly tall, slender, and attractive blonde.

‘Oh my god, that’s so embarrassing. Please don’t say anything!’

‘What would I say? And I could say the same thing to you.’ I said laughing. ‘Wait, you’re*that* Audrey!’ I said, ‘Your mom used to bring you in sometimes.’ 10 years prior, she was an awkward string bean with braces, who was always doing homework in the lounge. Choosing not to make this more award, I said, ‘Our secret is safe with me.’ I gave her another hug and we started to walk out. She grabbed the drink she had brought into VIP, and as we walked out, she made a scene of stumbling slightly and spilling the drink directly onto my scrubs.

‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry.’

‘Don’t even worry about it, they are scrubs, they are meant to get dirty.’

I walked back to my group, a few of whom had apparently taken off. Chris said, ‘Glad you finally got a dance. Took you long enough to finish up in there. We’re gonna go get steaks, you want to join?’

We left the club and headed to a nearby steakhouse. Never did see Andi/Audrey outside of the club, but I did see her there a few times over the next several months. I also saw her mom a few times while working. Our distribution checks hit a few days after this, and I began to use that financial freedom along with some other windfalls to slow down my pace of work.



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