Just Another Day at the Office[M37F23][M37F45F51][Threesome][Creampies][Long]

It was late into Friday afternoon, and I should have already left the office.

“Fuck!” I thought to myself, “Traffic is going to be horrible.”

Several people had been called into Angela’s office today, and most of them had looked like shit as they left for the day. Not the, “Hey! It looks like they have had some fun,” kind of shit, but that, “I think they are going to jump from the closest bridge,” sort of look. My heart raced in suspense, while I had hoped to find out what was causing people to be this distraught. I watched Jeremy from Accounts Payable emerge from Angela’s office and glanced up toward me as he walked by me. I could swear that I saw a tear beginning to form on his face.

My phone rings, and I wait.

One ring….

Two rings…

I look through the glass walls toward Angela’s office, and I see her staring at me.

I parse my lips for a split second and lift the phone to my ear.

“Hello, this is Paul.”

“Paul…I know who this is,” Angela says in a suspicious tone, “why did you take so long to pick up?”

“I, uhh, had peanut butter in my mouth,” I say, lifting some candy up into the air.

“Right, well would you mind coming into my office?” she says. “There is something we need to discuss.”

“Sure, no problem,” I said, lifting myself from the desk and straightening out my clothes. No need to go in unkempt, right?

I stepped up to the large door that had momentarily obscured me from her view and took a deep, deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

I tapped on the door with the knuckle of my middle finger.

“Just come in,” she says, annoyed.

“Please, take a seat,” Angela says while motioning toward the chair in front of her desk.

I take the seat and look into her light brown eyes before saying, “Hey, is there anything I can help with?”

“Unfortunately, you may have noticed a few people leaving the office throughout the day?”

I nodded.

“We’ve been bought out by Monopol Corporation, and they have made the decision not to keep most of our employees.”

My heart sank as I anticipated my imminent layoff.

“You, Annie from HR, and I are the only three that they will be keeping on.”

My mouth hung open wide and swallowed the frog that had formed in my throat.

“Not only that, but the good news is that we are each getting a pretty substantial raise. I don’t have any details to give you yet. We’ll be closed for the rest of the week while they freeze our accounting system for their final reports..”

“So, is there anything I should be doing for the week?” I asked.

“Not unless you want to help people pack tomorrow, but that may put you in an awkward situation.” Angela answers. “But other than that, you’re free to go. Please make sure to show up the following Monday.”

Overjoyed and relieved, I lifted myself from the chair, walked around the desk, and gave her a huge hug. She pushed me away and with a stern look on her face informs me, “I’m still your boss, and should be treated as such.”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I was expecting the worst,” I said as I walked back around the desk and approached the door. “I guess I’ll see you in a week.”

Angela nodded as I walked out of the office, closing the door behind me. I left the building, got into my car, and left for home. While excited about keeping my job, I felt bad for my coworkers. Hell, some of them I had even considered friends. I took a quick shower, using my favorite citrus and hops soap. Normally, jerking off was a part of my nightly routine, but I just didn’t feel like it tonight. I had a salad using the last of my raspberry vinaigrette, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

That night, I had the most vivid dream I have had in a while. I was reliving the conversation earlier in Angela’s office. Angela’s blouse was almost completely undone, her massive breasts on display while her nipples remained hidden by the light fabric. I pulled her to the side of the desk and bent her over, pushing her chest against the desk and lifting her dress up to her lower back which allowed me to see the curve of her ass and her pussy peeking above through the gap of her thighs.

“Yes! Fuck me, Fuck your boss!” she says pleading for immediate relief.

I unzip my pants to release an enormous cock. “Wait, when did this happen?” I wonder to myself knowing something isn’t quite right, taking it in hand, giving it a few strokes before giving in and shoving it inside Angela’s wet pussy. It felt like a train entering a tunnel that had no end. I kept pushing myself in, farther and farther, never finding the end. I have a quick sense of panic as my eyes shoot open just enough to feel my cock release against the soft fabric of my sheets onto my stomach.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I told myself out loud. “Come on Paul, you’re not 14 anymore.”

I wiped myself off into the sheets and pulled them from the bed, and took them to the washing machine, turned the dial to “Hot”, “Small Load”, and then “Start” as water began to fill the reservoir. I ate breakfast while I waited for the load to finish and tossed on some clothes that I didn’t mind getting messed up. As soon as I transferred my sheets into the dryer, I walked out the door and made my way to the office. It took a while to find an open parking spot and I thought to myself, “I have NEVER seen the lot quite this full before.”

The first person I ran into was Geoff, who had a desk just caddy-corner from mine.

“Hey, can I help with anything?” I ask.

“I just finished packing, can you take one of these boxes to my car for me?”

“Sure,” I said while reaching down to pick up the large box. “Jesus, what did you put in here man?”

“Eight years of hard work,” he says and I feel my heart drop to my stomach.

“Listen, man, I’m sorry, if there was anything I could do, I would,” I said trying to comfort the man.

Geoff picks up his box, looks around the office one last time and we leave the building and make our way to his car. He fiddled around in his pocket, pressing the button on his key chain. The car chirped, and the trunk begins to open.

“You’ve been a good friend Paul.”

“Thanks,” I say with sincere appreciation.

“It’s not your fault Angela’s such a cunt,” he says with venom in his mouth.

I’ve never even heard him utter even a single curse before, much less go to that extreme.

“Let’s grab some drinks sometime,” I say quickly changing the subject as I gave Geoff a handshake, pulling him close, and tapping his back with my fist a few times.

Geoff nods, spun around flipping the building off with both hands, “Fuck you!” then turns to me and says, “You’re buying.”

I let out a little chuckle,” I’ll give you a call tomorrow, and by all means, feel free to use me as a reference.”

He nods again as the door to his car closes and he pulls out of the lot.

I step into the building again and stand by an open door.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Zack shouts. He points his finger at me and starts approaching me with fists clenched, “I outta knock you out boy.” He pushes me into the closet and slams the door closed, trapping me inside.

I tripped over something on the ground and fell against some racks with paper sitting on them. It’s dark in here and the only light I see is shining from the small gap under the door.

“Ow,” I hear in a soft, monotone voice.

“Hello, who is that?” I ask, not recognizing the voice.

“Natalie,” she says, her voice still monotone. “You tripped over me,” she says, stating the obvious.

“Yea, I uhh, sorry about that, can I help you up?”

“Paul?” she says, recognizing my voice.

“Yeah,” I answered.

I hear shuffling on the ground and I offer my hand to the pitch dark in a poor attempt to lift her from the floor, but instead of grabbing my hand, she inadvertently grabbed my pants, pulling them down to the ground…

“Oh my God!” she says, finally with a different, non-monotone voice, “I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay,” I say, “at least it’s dark in here.”

“Yeah,” Natalie says back in her normal tone.

I attempted to pull my shorts up, but at some point, I stood on top of them. This had caused me to lose balance, making me fall forward onto Natalie. I became absolutely mortified as I’m pretty sure my flaccid cock just grazed her cheek.

“Oh!” Natalie says as I felt a hand roam around; first at my calves, then to my thighs, up to my chest and finally slowly dragged downward over my stomach.

She didn’t pull her hand away as I tried to bring myself back onto my feet, but instead, she grabbed onto my cock. Her soft hand caused my dick to stiffen as she began to slide her palm over me. Finally, when her caress has me fully erect, I feel her mouth sink over me.

“Oh, God!” I say in surprise.

Even though the lights were out, I could imagine what she looked like bobbing her head over me. Natalie is on the shorter side, about 5ft 2in, and curvy in all the right places. I used to watch her jet around the office like a hummingbird. Always moving quickly, which usually caused her tits to jiggle. It was known to the office that she didn’t wear a bra, and as a result, some of the guys would blast the air conditioning making her nipples hard. She had a smile that would light the night sky, which was funny because her voice didn’t match her bubbly personality.

“Natalie, I uhh, don’t think…” my voice trails off as she sinks down to my base and holds the tip of my cock in her throat for a few moments. Feeling myself lose control, I reached down, held the back of her head, and pushed myself deeper into her mouth.

“Mmmph!” she pulls her head away and I feel her saliva fall from my cock, and swang onto my leg.

She took my hands and pushed them up her shirt so that could cup her tits. I traced my thumbs around her nipples and squeezed them gently at first, but then tightened my grip until I heard her squeak in pain. She took me by the wrists and lowered my hands down to her yoga pants. My fingertips pressed into her waistband as I pulled them down onto the floor.

“Don’t trip on them,” I said, having experienced something similar for myself.

She turned around, causing her ass to graze the top of my cock, took my hand from her thigh, and guided it between her legs, where I felt the warm, soft folds of her flesh. I pulled myself against her, pressing my cock between her bare back and my stomach.

“You’re so fucking wet,” I growl into her ear as I curl my fingers inside her. I can feel the weight of her nearly buckle downward with my touch.

Natalie reached down with her left hand as she took my left hand and guided it to her clit, leaving both of my hands in place. I gathered some of her juices with my fingertips and began tracing around her clit, this caused her to almost buckle once more. A feeling of accomplishment swelled within me as I rubbed her clit side to side adding more pressure against her. My right hand pushed one, two, and then the third finger inside. I proceeded to drive them in and out of her, and her fluids began to run down my wrist. The sounds of my fingers fucking into her had filled the closet, further allowing me to know exactly HOW wet she was. She pressed her back hard against my cock and began to glide up and down over it, her sweat helped it glide against her soft skin with little friction. She began to shake violently as I felt her pussy clench my fingers. I adjusted my other hand, pressing my palm against her clit and I felt it twitch rapidly against it.

Natalie sighed as her body convulsed until she became still. I used my hands covered in her juices, and I began to glide them over my cock. The sounds of my hands gliding over my cock made it apparent what I was doing.

“Nuh-uh!” Natalie says as she pushes back against me, guiding me back against shelves. I can feel her ass press against my thighs as she bends over. Taking the hint, I widened my stance and bent downward at the knee. My right hand grabbed onto her ponytail hair as my left hand gripped around my cock. The tip of my cock felt over her until my cockhead found an area to push into. Anchoring myself in place, I brought my left hand down to her soft hip and squeezed it into my hand. I pushed my cock forward, driving it deep inside. The wet walls of her pussy clung around me and I pushed in. Then as I withdrew from her, I felt her wetness run down my cock, my balls, and down my legs.

“Fuck me like the slut I am,” Natalie says.

Slut? Well, that’s news to me, maybe if I knew she was this type of bad girl, we could have done this much earlier.

My other hand grabbed onto her other hip and I bounced her up and down over my cock. The sounds of my skin slapping against hers echoed into the small, dark room. People could probably hear what was going on, but I didn’t care. I was so focused, feeling her squeeze, grip, and pulsate over my shaft. Every time I pressed against her cervix, every…

“Oh God, I’m about to cum,” I say with heaving breath. I begin to pull away, but she started pushing me backward until my back was pressed against another shelf. She reached backward, holding her hands at my hips as she pushed back against me while pulling me forward.

I felt my balls rise and tighten as my cock tensed, my head swelling deep inside her. I could feel the rush of precum pour into her making her feel wetter than before.

“Make me your dirty cumslut, cum right, fucking now!” she says, nearly shouting her demands.

As if pulling the trigger of a gun, I began to throb harder and harder until finally, I made my release. The pulsations of my cock had begun as I lost control of the muscles within me, and as if trying to escape a prison, cum pushed itself through my shaft, squeezed tightly by her clinching pussy until finally, it made its escape. Jet after jet, my thick white seed propelled itself against her cervix and formed a pool of cum around my tip.

“Do you like that, you dirty slut?” I growled into her ear.

She moaned.

“Yes, feel my cum inside you,” I commanded, pulling out just a little and slamming myself forward.

She moaned again.

“I said, fucking FEEL IT!” I withdrew from her leaving just the tip of my cock inside, plugging her so my cum didn’t drain completely. I felt my cum run down her silken walls pooling around my cockhead. I squeezed my hands tight at her hips as I thrust forward, while simultaneously pulling her back toward me.

I held myself in place while the gentle pulse of my cock pulled whatever was left from my balls.

“I can feel your cum, it’s so hot. You’ve marked me yours,” Natalie says with a moan, as the walls of her pussy began to squeeze around me in rhythmic contractions.

“Fuuuuuck!” she said with a squeak. As she came I could feel the tapping of her cervix against my tip, drinking my seed deep into her uterus. Her contractions had caused a flood of wetness to run down my legs as she shook.

“Don’t pull out,” she asks as we make our way to the floor.

I did as I was told, at least until the closet door swung open and I caught Angela’s eyes peering down at me.

“Fuck,” I say as I finally pull myself from Natalie.

Angela flips a switch just outside of the closet door and the lights inside the closet turn on, fully revealing Natalie and myself buck ass naked and the two of us covered in cum. It was also obvious that there were now wet spots all over the carpet.

“Put some Goddamn clothes on you two,” Angela says as she slams the door shut. Her burning stare left a lingering impression in my brain.

Natalie lifted her panties, holding whatever cum was left in her soaking cunt finally lifting her shorts up and pulling down her t-shirt over her tits, her nipples still hard and pushing against the fabric. I did the same, pulling up my pants, and throwing on my shirt.

Natalie turned toward me, smiling, and stared deeply into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” She turned toward the door and opened it outward. I sank to the floor sitting directly in the pool of wetness Natalie had made. I watched Natalie step out, and I could see a dark spot forming between the legs of her tight grey pants.

I lifted myself from the floor and proceeded to do the walk of shame out of the building, embarrassed and now in fear for my job. I let out a sigh, “Well, I fucked up.”

On Monday, Geoff and I had our drinks. He had heard all about Natalie and the closet, but that was, of course, from the perspective outside of the closet. I didn’t provide any specifics, but the recent memory of the event caused my cock to swell under the table. I quickly changed the topic, but not before Geoff laughed, saying “Welcome to the club of the recently unemployed.”

I was an absolute wreck for the next week and dreaded going back into the office after Natalie and I had our little tryst in the closet. I woke up early on Monday morning and dressed to the nines. There was no way that I was going to fuck up again, and I was there to impress. I walked into the office and was immediately surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar faces. I made my way to my desk and saw the flashing red light of the voicemail notification on the phone. I lifted the handset, pressed the voicemail button, and pressed my passcode.

“Paul, this is Annie. I had received a report about something that had happened about a week ago. Please come to the office as soon as you are in.”

I had expected this call, and I almost wished that I had been laid off the other week. At least then they’d have no grounds to fire me off since I wouldn’t have been employed. I stood from my chair and made my way to Annie’s office. She didn’t have the same glass walls that Angela had, since, of course, Human Resources required a bit more privacy.

I knocked lightly and waited for a response.


“Yes,” I responded to her question.

“Come in.”

Annie was gorgeous. She had red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail that reached the middle of her back. She was about 45 but could have easily passed as a decade younger. I knew she was married, but that didn’t keep me from checking her out every time she walked by. She always wore dresses that had the hem resting just below her knee. Well, all but her blue dress. It was sapphire blue and cut just low enough to see the top of her cleavage peeking out. This dress in particular was shorter than the others, resting a few inches above her knee. She wore heels that accented the shape of her long, toned legs. Every Wednesday, she left for her child’s baseball practice. She’d step out of her office wearing yoga pants so tight that it left very little to the imagination. Once in a while, I’d be able to catch a quick glimpse of her pussy as the fabric rode up and separated her lips ever so slightly, and the bump of her mound pushed against the fabric. Then, as she walked by I would be able to see the definition of her ass. I’d watch the sway of her hips all the way until she disappeared through the front door. Natalie would catch me from time to time watching, and I’d see her shake her head disapprovingly, now I knew this was because of jealousy.

I opened the door, stepped inside, and of course, she was wearing THAT blue dress.

“Paul, please close and lock the door,” she says, and I immediately feel my heart race.

I did as I was told, locking the door behind me, and made my way to the seat before her.

“That won’t be necessary, at least, not yet,” she says in a playful but commanding tone.

“I received a report that there was an incident between you and Natalie in the closet,” Annie said as she raised a few papers up. “Technically, there isn’t anything I can do, while it looks bad, it was not during work hours, it wasn’t between employees, and it was done in privacy.”

I exhaled with a gasp of relief.

She continued, “This is not to say that your…indiscretions will go unpunished, just not in an official capacity.”

I think to myself and wonder what that means exactly.

“Remove your clothes,” she says.

“What?,” I say, taken aback.

“You heard me, take off your fucking clothes,” she said, pointing her finely manicured finger at me.

As if I was being controlled, I quickly took off my shoes, socks, shirt, and paused for a moment before dropping my pants. I stood there in the cold room in my tight-fitting boxer briefs.

“Everything,” Annie said with annoyance.

I lower my underwear leaving me completely naked. She gets up from her behind the desk and lowered herself directly in front of me as she inspected my cock.

I can feel goosebumps form on my body as the air conditioning kicks on.

“This is what you fucked Natalie with?” Annie says in a mocking tone and flicks her finger hard against the underside of my dick in that sensitive spot just under my head.

I flinch with the slight, unexpected pain. My eyes were locked, peering down into the shadows of her cleavage.

“Well, maybe you’re a grower, not a shower,” she said, lifting herself from the floor and sat with her legs crossed at the front of her desk. “So…show me.”

I had felt myself begin to swell after she had flicked my cock, but now I felt it grow with every heartbeat. I looked down, watching my cock rise and fall as it swelled. My eyes ran over Annie’s legs, up to her thighs, and almost as if she were anticipating where they were going next, she uncrossed her legs and recrossed them. This gave me a quick glance at her pink pussy and the trimmed red hair above her mound. I reached down with my left hand and gave it a few strokes, thinking about what I had just seen. I never thought Annie would be the type of person to not wear panties under a dress. Completely hard, I released my cock which was now pointing up to the ceiling.

“Oh!” Annie says with surprise, “You are a grower.”

I tensed involuntarily, making my cock lift and fall as I relaxed.

“Don’t just stand there like an idiot, stroke yourself, but you’re not allowed to cum on my floor. We had to bring in a cleaning service to clean your mess from the closet.”

I took my cock in my right hand and gave it a few strokes.

“I honestly didn’t think you’d be able to make someone squirt, much less make somebody else cum,” she says with that mocking tone once more.

While her words stung, there was something that turned me on about her taunts. I began to stroke myself at a quicker pace. She pulls down on her top exposing more of her breasts and I noticed for the first time the freckles that were painted on her chest. Then, without notice she uncrosses her legs, keeping her knees spread wide. She lifted her skirt exposing her pussy. I stopped stroking myself, gripping my cock tightly near the tip as the added unexpected visual stimulation pushed me closer to the edge. Her demand of not cumming on the floor filled my mind. That must mean only one thing. I begin to approach her, cock in hand. She pulled the cups of her dress downward, exposing her supple, naked flesh. Her freckled, alabaster skin allowed me to see that the different shades of her dark areolas had wrinkled delectably, making her erect, reddened nubs even more appealing. She bit her lip and watched my approach, spreading her pussy wide, presenting me with the soft pink flesh at her entrance. There was a noticeable trail of clear, glistening fluid as I continued closing the space between us. With my cock in hand, I readied myself to gather up her wetness against the head of my dick. When I was mere inches away, she stopped me abruptly.

“What are you doing?”

I stopped immediately.

“I never said you can fuck me. I do recall telling you to jerk off, and not to cum on my floor. And since you have the totally wrong idea, I’m also telling you to not cum on the floor, on my desk, on my paperwork, or on me.”

You have got to be kidding me. How could I have misread her like this? I thought she was being so obvious, she couldn’t be THIS cruel, could she? I felt a slight tingle at the head of my cock and a slight tensing of my balls, then a clear liquid began forming on my tip and ran down onto my hand.

“I didn’t tell you to stop stroking,” Annie says.

My hand started to loosely slide up and down my shaft, I collected my precum and coated it with the clear fluid over my dick allowing me to slide my hand over it with little resistance. I knew that if I slid up and down my long shaft too quickly, there would be no way I could hold myself back. After 10 long minutes, my precum was at an almost constant flow. My hand and cock were absolutely soaked. There was a sudden knock on the door which caused Annie and me to jump.

“Fuck!” I said quietly and watched Annie straighten herself up, readjusting her top and lifting herself from the desk.

“Get your clothes and hide under my desk, I’ll find out what they want,” Annie says, trying to sort out the situation quickly.

I picked up all of my clothes and brought them under her desk and I tried to get into a comfortable position not knowing how long I was going to be there. Annie sat down in her chair and brought her legs in under the desk as she slid the seat forward.

“Come in!” Annie yells to the door.

The doorknob wiggled, and I heard a muffled, “It’s locked,” followed by the sound of keys clinking around, then a click, and the door swung open.

“Sorry, I thought it was unlocked. I must have accidentally locked the door when I closed it this morning,” Annie says.

The door closes and the conversation continues.

“Fuck, if Paul weren’t so damn hot, I would have kicked his ass to the curb,” Angela said.

“Everything will be fine,” Annie said with a chuckle.

“I just don’t know what to do with him,” Angela says with an exhale. “And I’ve got to admit, I’m a little jealous of Natalie. You should have seen them both. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much cum before. It was thick and white, and the room smelled like sex.”

Annie giggled.

“I’m serious! I had to use your office so I could cum! Annie, I was so fucking turned on.”

“Angela!” Annie says with surprise, “I wondered what I had cleaned up from my chair!”

I watched as Annie rubbed her legs together under the desk, then gyrated a little bit grinding down into her chair. I watched as she brought her hand down between her legs, and wondered if she had forgotten that I was down there. Maybe, I should remind her. I slide my hands into Annie’s inner thighs and spread her legs wider. The fabric from her skirt falls between her thighs and obscures her from my view. I lifted her skirt, exposing her completely as I gazed at her soaked pussy. Feeling like this was my opportunity to be just as cruel as she was, I brought my head forward, almost against her lips, and took a deep breath of her scent, before I slowly trailed my tongue up her slit.

Annie moaned, but she quickly turned it into a giggle attempting to mask the sound of her pleasure. I inhaled her scent once more, before I pushed a finger into her, followed by a second.

“Are you okay?” Angela asks.

“Yes, I uhh, I hit my funny bone against my desk. Owie!” she said with obviously feigned pain.

I smirked as the obvious lie was made, and thought “the only thing bumping against her are my knuckles.” I quickened my pace, sliding my fingers in and out of her. The sounds of her wet pussy could now be heard, and she must have known, because she pushed my wrist away and readjusted her skirt, and crossed her legs. I smiled widely knowing that I was the one now making her uncomfortable. Turnabout IS fair play, but that was when I noticed from the corner of my eye that I had dropped my sock to the right outside of Annie’s desk. I lowered myself under the desk and reached as far as I could trying to collect it, but it was just out of reach. I had to push up against Annie, sliding her chair back, but that was just enough to be able to pull the sock under the desk.

“Seriously Annie, you’re acting weird today. Why?”

Annie pushes her chair back under the desk, “I think I’m just nervous with all the changes.”

“No, it’s not that,” Angela says, pondering for a split second, “It’s something…else.”

My heartbeat raced, as I quickly realized that I’m about to be caught by Angela…again. I watch in terror as I see Angela’s heels circling around from under the gap at the underside of the desk.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” I thought to myself as I watched her round the corner. I KNEW I was about to be caught. I watched the chair pull backward with a quick yank and Angela’s hand raised Annie’s dress.

“You’re fucking soaked, Annie! Have you been fingering yourself this whole time?”

Annie, coughs slightly, clearing her throat, “You caught me.” I watched as Angela pulled Annie’s chair back further and knelt between her legs. At this point, I was terrified of making a sound, I just watched as Angela was kneeling directly between Annie and me.

Annie decided to toy with me and suggested that Angela remove all her clothes before being eaten out. There was no questioning, no hesitation, just action as Angela stripped out of everything and pushed her face into Annie’s pussy. My eyes ran up Angela’s naked body, to Annie’s chest and then our eyes met. Her facial expression had gone through several changes, from watching Angela intently, to her eyes rolling back and her mouth held open wide gasping periodically. Her chest heaved quickly, as her breathing intensified until she let out a scream. Annie’s eyes clamped tight and her fists gripped tightly around Angela’s hair, her body jerked with an obvious orgasm as her scream intensified.

“You always taste so good,” Angela says, her head tilted upward, looking into Annie’s eyes.

Annie in turn looked into my eyes and gave me a little nod, then looked back down at Angela. I pressed my hand between Angela’s tanned, and parted legs and slid it across her pussy, while at the same time, licking up her lower back, sending tingles over Angela’s skin. Surprised, she raised herself up from the floor and quickly turned around. Annie laughed as Angela’s face and skin turned a bright shade of red. I wasn’t sure if this was due to anger or embarrassment.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Angela said in almost a yell while covering herself with one arm across her tits and a hand blocking her pussy. It was too late, the image of her dark pink lips poking from between her tanned thighs, and the shape of her bare ass with those defined tan lines was already burned into my mind.

“Calm down Angela,” Annie says playfully. “A little while ago, you were talking about how hot he was. Now he’s here, in front of you, buck ass naked, and guess what?”

Angela bit her lip and said with a quiver in her voice, “What?”

“You’re the boss, so…..boss him,” Annie says with confidence.

Angela’s lips curved into a devilish smile as she lowered her arms once again revealing herself to me. The tan lines that cover her body make it apparent that her bikinis of choice were small, and hid very little. Even the curves of her inner thighs where they flatten and begin taking the shape of her pussy lips were tanned. That is, hiding everything up to her pussy and mound. Small white triangles form around her nipples as the tiny bikini tops would cover them. Without thinking about it, my hand involuntarily wrapped around my cock.

“Remember, I told you not to cum on my floor,” Annie chimed.

Angela gave Annie a quick glance before returning her gaze toward me.

“Come out from under the desk, Paul, you look ridiculous,” Angela says, taking on that bossy tone that I usually heard from her.

I did as I was told and pulled myself from under the desk. There I stood between these two beautiful women.

“Hands off of dick,” Annie says, and my arms fall to my sides.

Annie took her fingertips and began to trace them over my hips, Angela taking cue did the same, and the two women slither around me in a mating dance, caressing me, but not giving any attention to my cock as it swelled more than it already had.

“Do you want your cock licked?” Angela asks, knowing the obvious answer.

“Mmm Hmm,” the words barely escaped my throat.

“Do you want your cock touched?” Annie asks.

“I do,” I say with the words getting choked up.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Angela said, causing my cock to tremble with anticipation. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

The two girls continued circling around me, like cats stalking their prey. Their fingers lightly ran over my body causing me to quiver and moan.

Annie smiled and said, “I think he likes this Angela.”

“Mmm, I do too,” came the return. “But first, sit on the ground…boy,” Angela said as she pushed the toe of her shoe against the back of my knee, almost causing my leg to buckle.

I did as I was told, and sat cross-legged on the floor. I watched Angela circle around me a few more times, looking down at me, finally stopping with her pussy mere inches from my face. I moved my face forward, but she took a step backward.

“I didn’t tell you to do anything yet, be patient,” she whispered, as a devious smile spread across her lips.

I exhaled loudly…impatiently.

Angela stepped forward once again, moving her pussy closer to my anxious lips, ever so slowly until it was about an inch away. I could smell her desire, and it made my cock throb.

“Angela, you’re being so cruel,” Annie says with a giggle. ”Just give the boy what he wants.”

“Fine,” Angela says.

I feel Angela’s fingers dig into the back of my head as she clinched my hair into her fists. She pulled my face forward, pushing my nose into her. I could feel her moisture on me as I tilted my head upward. Making eye contact, I slowly dragged my tongue up along her cunt. Her taste was divine. I brought my hands up to her ass, pulling myself against her even more. The moans of Angela’s pleasure filled the place. The louder she moaned, the quicker I would drag my tongue over her. I felt the moistening of her cunt as she dripped down to her entrance. My tongue quickly gathered her wetness and I swallowed it down.

I pulled my face away just quick enough to say, “You taste so good,” before burying my face back into her.

I kissed up her lips until my lips were at her clit. I drove a finger inside, collecting her moisture along my digit, and pushed it into her asshole. This sent Angela over the edge, causing her to collapse atop me. I held her up, her body shaking over me. I pushed my thumb into her pussy to feel her contractions around me.

“Yes, cum for me,” I said, looking up at her.

Her eyes were clamped shut, and she bit down on her lip.

“Just like that,” I added.

I helped Angela lower herself onto the floor, where she lay, panting, breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She smiled widely as she came down.

“Come here,” she said, still panting.

I slid up her body until she took my face into her hands and she pulled me to her lips as we kissed deeply.

I heard Annie say from behind me, “You’re not even close to being done.”

She took my hair and brought me down onto the ground beside Angela. I watched in amazement as Annie stepped over my waist and walked up until her pussy stood over my face. There was a glistening bead of her wetness that lowered itself until gravity pulled it from her and dropped it into my mouth. She tastes just as sweet as Angela, if not a little sweeter. I then watched her lower herself down on top of my mouth, I moved my hands so they gripped her waist, and pulled her down. I shoved my tongue into her tight entrance or her pussy and drank her in.

“Oh yes,” Annie whimpered above me as my tongue pushed in and pulled out from her.

Annie’s juices sloppily covered my lips and mouth as I continued. I jumped when Angela’s mouth lowered itself down over my cock unexpectedly.

“Mmmm,” came my muffled cries as Annie rocked her hips against my mouth.

Angela dropped her mouth over me as far as she could go, and then slurped as she ran her tongue up my cock, and released me from her mouth with a pop, before dropping back down and taking my head into her throat.

“Oh fuck!” I tried to say, but the words never left my mouth as Annie continued pushing down above me.

There was a slight tongue toward the top of my shaft as I felt the tickle of my glands coming alive. Precum worked its way up my shaft and into Angela’s mouth. She pulled her mouth away and kissed Annie deeply.

I then heard Angela whisper into Annie’s ear, “Cum for Paul,” the whisper turned into demanding, spoken words, “right, fucking…now.”

I felt Annie shiver above my mouth as her full weight pressed down against me. My tongue lashed over her, collecting her nectar, and drank her in. I swallowed her juices and savored the taste. She collapsed down to my side and ran her fingers over my stomach, smiling widely at me with relief drawn over her face. She looked relaxed in a way I haven’t seen in her for years. I stood, taking the two women by the hand, and guided them up to their feet. They had their fun, taunting me, toying with me, and controlling me, but now, it was my time to turn the tables on them. I approached Annie, lifting her up at the hips and after sliding my hands down, cradled her thighs. I walked over to the edge of her desk, sliding my arm over the surface, pushing everything off so the space was clear. I lowered Annie down onto her back and watched her chest heave with anticipation. I then took Angela by the hand and guided her between Annie’s legs, then positioned myself behind her. With a hand at her hips, I spread my other hand wide and pushed her forward from just below her neck with the other causing her to lunch forward only to bury her face in Annie’s cunt.

“Mmmph!” came a muffled cry. I closed the space between us, taking cock in hand. I straightened my stiffness out and held myself at her entrance. I took a deep breath, wanting to take in the experience. Then slowly pushed me into her. She moaned again as my thick cock spread her open and pushed in deep. Her tight pussy squeezed me as I separated her juicy walls. I held her in place with both hands at her hips and began to drive my cock into her over and over. Her cries became muffled whimpers as my every thrust pushed her harder against Annie’s cunt. I could feel Angela’s juices flowing down my legs. That was not enough, and I needed even more. I put one foot forward, giving me an anchor as I pulled her back against me with every one of my thrusts. Red marks formed on her skin and my body slammed up against hers. Harder and harder, deeper and deeper until I pulled myself from her pussy. Her body convulsed as the pleasure overtook her. I lowered myself down behind her, giving her snatch a quick lick, and watched as her pussy opened and closed in a quick snapping motion until it slowed, and ultimately stopped.

I rubbed her thick white cream over the length of my cock, stroking myself a few times, and said, “Angela, get on your fucking knees.”

Like a good girl, she did as she was told. I stood over Angela as I lifted Annie’s ankles upward and rested them on my shoulders. “Get her ready, “I said, looking down at Angela’s head positioned between us.

Angela licked up the length of Annie’s slit until it enticingly beckoned me forward. I stepped forward, closed the gap, and quickly drove my cock into Annie.

Continued in comments due to length

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yy3vg8/just_another_day_at_the


  1. Annie cried out, “Oh Fuck!”

    I almost said the same in surprise as Angela’s tongue licked over my balls unexpectedly. My entire cock tensed inside Annie, expanding my head, and spreading her walls further. I tilted Annie’s hips upward holding her ass and began fucking her, dragging the top of my cock head up the front walls of her velvet passage. She bucked her hips every time my tip rubbed against her g-spot. I looked down and watched as Angela began to lick Annie’s asshole. This too, caused Annie’s pelvis to rock uncontrollably. Angela’s face shimmered with Annie’s juices surrounding her mouth and cheeks. I felt Annie begin to contract around my cock, gripping me, milking me, begging me to fill her with my seed. I pushed myself forward, burying myself deep inside. As my cock began to twitch, Angela sucked my balls into her mouth. The combination of slight pain and extreme pleasure caused me to erupt deep against Annie’s cervix. Her thirsty cunt, contracted, drinking my cum, pulling it deep within. When I had withdrawn myself from Annie, it caused my thick white cum to be pulled from deep within and landed on Angela’s forehead. I turned so that my cock was directly in Angela’s face, my cum trailed downward leaving streaks of cum down her nose and cheek. I took her head in my hands and pushed myself into her mouth. She let out a muffled cry as my cock twitched a few more times, pushing every last drop of cum from me.

    Glancing back over at Annie, I saw our cum spilling from her pink, swollen pussy, down her legs, and pouring into a puddle on the floor. I chuckled at the irony.

    “Annie, it looks like you have cum all over your carpet.”

  2. Great story and definitely an opening for a series if you think it might go that way. Looking forward to more of your work.

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