My ex could fuck with me in public without touching me [FF]

Yeah I wrote about how we ended but I needed another story about my psycho ex because the last one was too depressing.

My ex girlfriend was insane, but she was always fun to fuck. Every time I thought we were done she’d pop up and reel me back in. It’s just hard when you’re that sexually compatible.

Like this story…

M was very good at dominating me. Sometimes I’d be done with her and then fall right back into her trap.

She came to my city once and I met her at a hotel bar. I had told her we would not be fucking because I was seeing someone, and I think she literally laughed over the phone and said “Yeah sure.”

I wore a pencil skirt, blazer, and silk shirt because I thought if I was professional she’d take me more seriously. She wore a… Dress? Maybe a skintight tank top that made it less than an inch passed her hips. She also had on heels and her normal red lipstick.

We had our usual greeting where she kissed me on the cheek and then sat down across from me.

“You look skinny,” she noted immediately. “You should order food.”

“I just ate.”

She ordered food anyway… Because M never listens to me.

We caught up for a while and she was doing surprisingly well. It’s always a toss up with her but she had a job for more than three months and something close to a girlfriend.

She asked about the guy I was seeing and I told her the basics. He wasn’t my boyfriend, but we were moving in that direction.

“What’s the sex like?”

“I don’t want to talk about it with you.”

“That bad huh?”


“What are you drinking?” She asked.



“I think we should stay clear headed.”

She smiled and leaned back. “Are you feeling clear headed now, V?”

“Dont do that.”


“Fuck with me.”

“This isn’t me fucking with you. I *could* easily fuck with you but I’m being nice.”

“You’d be surprised how little power you have now.”

She stared at me until I got a little uncomfortable. When my eyes darted away she shook her head, “Keep your eyes on me.”

I gulped but I didn’t break eye contact again. She smiled then, “Good girl.”

My hands started shaking and she smirked at me as a pulse started in between my legs. When my foot started jiggling with nerves she told me to stop. “Only move when I tell you.”

I stopped moving.

“Run your thumb over your lips slowly and then lick the tip of your thumb like it’s my clit.”

I shuddered but did as she said, closing my eyes for just a moment as I imagined licking her.

“Take off your blazer and let it fall to the floor.”


“Yes. Don’t fold it either. I want to see it crumpled on the floor.”

I unbuttoned it slowly and let it fall to the floor.

“Good girl, Viola. Now I want you to sit back and unbutton your top two buttons.”

I glanced around nervously, but she snapped her fingers and my eyes went back to her. “Now, Viola.”

I unbuttoned my top two buttons slowly and leaned back so she could see my bra peaking out slightly.

“You’re such a liar,” she laughed. “You just happened to wear a lace bra because you didn’t want to fuck me?”

My face turned red. “Can we just go upstairs?” I whispered. I wanted her so fucking bad.

“You haven’t earned it.”

“Please dude.”

“How wet are you right now?”

“Dripping. I can feel it.”

“I want you to lean back, put your hands on the armrests, and spread your legs.”

“People can see.”

“I don’t care.”

So yeah… I leaned back, put my hands on the armrests, and, in the middle a busy hotel lobby, spread my legs enough so she could see my underwear.

She was a little too satisfied with herself. “But you definitely don’t want to fuck, right?”

“Let’s go to your room.”

“Say please.”

“Please, damn it!”

“You’ll do what I say?”


And then we fucked all night. M was crazy but so much fucking fun.



  1. God M is so freaking extra. Was she still like that around your husband? You said your husband was like turned on and afraid of her right. lol Scaroused O.o

    I could not with a girl like that LMAO.

  2. This has definitely happened to me but for a completely different reason 💀

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