Gay Vrchat Femboy Lovers [Part 2] [Yaoi] [Femboy] [Deep Dive VR] [Romance] [18+ Characters All]

[Features: VR, yaoi, femboys, romance, passionate sex]

[Part 1](




“We gotta get up.” I heard Nova say.


“Come on now you lazy bones, it’s time to adult.”


I couldn’t see it but I knew he was rolling his eyes, that traitor. He got up, my arms and legs still wrapped around him.

He looked down at me with a deadpan expression and I grinned up at him.

“So, should I call you a little monkey now or what?”

“Eek eek.”

He broke out in a smile and pulled me off him. Standing on the ground, I realized again just how much taller he was than me. No wonder he always called me short, my head only went to his chest.

Looking at him now, really taking him in, I had a weird mix in me. It took me a moment to place my feelings from the sheer chaos of them. Happiness, joy, ecstasy, awe, were all basic things I had been feeling for a while. Nervousness and surprise weren’t too surprising given my position or, anything that was going on, really. Horny was new.

It struck me, that I had never been, well, physically horny because of Nova, until now. Sure, there was phantom touch and his model was attractive but it just wasn’t in the same league as physically being in the same room as him. As I continued to look up at him, that feeling only grew. Then it mixed with my memories, remembering all the times I stared at his IRL picture on a screen, and tried to feel what I was feeling now. I don’t know what if what I felt then was relief in the purest sense of the word, but it left me feeling light headed and like I was drifting on a cloud, with a big goofy smile on my face.

Nova blinked at me.


“Nothing haha.”

He poked me on the nose, actually poked me, and I had to stifle a mix of a sob and a burst of laughter from tearing through me. Alright, maybe I was a little sensitive. A nightmare I thought would never end, self hatred I thought I could never fix, it was all gone. It was all over. It was all better. My world had changed so much. Speaking of… maybe it was time to address the elephant in the room.

“So….. we’re in vrchat?”

Nova sat on my bed.

“It looks like that. Have you tried to access your menu?”

I blinked. I held up my right hand, unsure how to even do that. Usually you just, pushed a button on a controller. So I just tried to… will it in front of me.

And it worked.

I was, surprisingly, not getting tired of being in awe. I didn’t know if awe had a cap but I must be reaching it because there was a literal holographic screen floating in front of me. I clicked world on it, and my eyebrows nearly shot to the top of my head. It showed worlds, as it always did, but it also showed player counts, like it always did.

And they were increasing.

I could already see a few hundred people in the black cat alone. We hadn’t arrived alone. Were, were others like us? Was everyone like us? How many people had arrived here? Everyone that was playing? Everyone that played? Every person, period? Had this happened to other games? Were people who didn’t transport into the game itself still playing, completely oblivious? Were we the only two transported people?

So many questions and more and more only appeared as I began to look through the menu. I nearly let out another shocked gasp as I changed the world volume and the music I had been hearing all this time actually lowered. That was, a fundamental part of the world. I could just, mess with what I could hear and so much more besides. All the settings, all the options, they led me brain down more and more paths.

But none so much as the options that were new. There was a whole new tab simply called “The Creator’s Hub” and when I clicked on it, it had a simple button that said “Enter the hub.”

“Don’t touch that.” Nova told me.

He said it simply but it still scared me. Having something in my menu I shouldn’t touch was…


“Takes you to some kind of crazy space that seems like blender mixed with, well, a lot. I’m pretty sure it’s a way to create new bodies and worlds.”

That, the implications of that was, different. Being in this body was one thing but being able to make and become any body I wanted? I shook my head, that was way too much. Let alone the apparent ability to create worlds. That took on a whole new meaning now that everything was real. It would be more similar to creating planets than anything else. That kind of power in the palm of your hands…

“Why? No, how? How is any of this, possible?”

“I have no idea. I was kinda busy worrying about how to get out.”

I blinked. Right, Nova had thought he’d lost me when I hadn’t shown up with him. He would’ve tried to get out immediately. I looked over to where the exit button was. It was gone.

“We’re stuck here?”

“Seems like it.”

I didn’t know what to make of that. Maybe there’d be more answers later but right now it just seemed like, a weight. Stress I didn’t want or need. And a lot of confusion mixed in. I couldn’t stop thinking about it but worrying about it would just turn me into a neurotic mess.

I took a deep steadying breath and spoke my thoughts.

“Fuck it.”

Nova nodded his head.

“Fuck it all. But on the bright side, some our friends are here too.”

I looked over at the social menu and saw that he was right. Gah, Brit, and Celsy were all here. Nova was my first friend and best friend, but not my only friend. Not by any means. With a few click of the button, we could go visit them. Actually,

“Have you already went to see them?”

“Nope. They appeared on the screen the same time you did.”

I swallowed. There was a hidden meaning there. It’s not like the social menu had popups that someone got online, unless something changed. That meant Nova had been staring at the social screen, just hoping I’d appear… who knows for how long. I scrunched my face up a bit. This, whatever, can do the impossible, but it couldn’t have put us all in at the same time, or together? Whatever. It didn’t matter now.

We could go check in on them, but, well, I felt a bit guilty but I didn’t want to. I wanted to just spend more time with Nova. But they might need us…

I looked over at Nova and he scratched the side of his face. He seemed surprised to find no beard there. I smiled. I’m sure our friends would be fine for a while.

I stretched, looking up, not sure what to do now. Maybe a movie?

When I looked back over, I saw Nova looking at me. With… passion? It was a very pointed look at least.

“Uhh, what is it?”

“…you’re not wearing your hoodie.”

“What do you mean?”

I looked down at myself and blushed a little. Right, I had taken off my hoodie, to, well, see myself. And that meant I was wearing nothing but a flat bra and a very tight speedo wrapped around my, admittedly small, bulge. I hadn’t really worried about penis size when making this model but now I was wishing I had added a bit more.

Nova got up and walked around me, behind me. He turned me slightly so we were looking at the mirror. The position wasn’t unusual, we had been in it before, in VR. Now…

Nova reached down, sliding his hand down my chest, to my stomach. My breathing sped up. I had wanted this, do want this, but, I suddenly felt incredibly, extremely nervous. I had, I had never been with a guy. I had never felt a man’s hands on me, despite how female Nova looked right now. As his hand started to slide lower, near my crotch, I grabbed his hand with both of mine.

He looked at me in the mirror, eyes wide, a flash of panic on his face.

“N-Nervous. It’s just, a lot, you know?”

Relief that he hadn’t done something wrong visibly went through him. Then he smiled a wry smile and leaned down near my ear.

“Aww, is my little boyo nervous?”

I straight up flinched. That’s what he called me when we were having fun. It felt, so weird and intimate to actually feel the breath from his voice right next to my ear. He apparently wasn’t done though.

The mirror blocked his other hand, but I felt it as it slide down my back and gripped my ass. I might’ve jumped a little, had Nova not been holding me.


“Do you want me to stop?”

He stopped anyway, pulling his hands back slightly. He didn’t want to make me uncomfortable. We were in different bodies and we had never physically met until literally right now. I, I didn’t know if I was ready. I was so nervous all of a sudden, my heart beating fast, my body shaking. I grabbed onto Nova’s hand again, trying to relax. It was, fine. It was just Nova, I loved him. What was I so nervous about? I wasn’t a virgin, I had been with women before. This wouldn’t even be that different. I took another breath and pulled his hand back to my stomach.

I could see smile in the mirror as he put his hand lower and I saw and felt it go below my underwear, gripping my cock. I let out a little breath, not a moan! Just, a bit of relief passing through me. Feeling his hand actually grip my cock… I closed my eyes and leaned back into him, feeling as he began to stroke me. It felt good.

I felt him slip my underwear down, exposing my hard cock into the air. I opened my eyes and blushed a little. My cock was… well… it hadn’t been made with size in mind. I looked cute. And cute feminine guys had smaller cocks so… I was regretting that choice now.

Still, it didn’t stop the pleasure in anyway as Nova continued to stroke me. My breath came a little heavier as he played with me, actually physically played with me. Stroking my cock, rubbing my balls, it wasn’t “new” but it also was. Women had done the same in past relationships, but they hadn’t been Nova and I hadn’t been in this body. That just added all the more to it. I felt like I was almost experiencing it for the first time.

Eventually, Nova pulled back, stopping before I could cum. I looked up at him. He just laughed.

“Haha, don’t pout. I just want to do something a bit more, fun.”

I didn’t know what he meant but then I was in the air. He had picked me up and then practically threw me onto the bed again. He was seriously enjoying that way too much.

I looked over at him and was surprised, my eyes going a little wide. He was stipping off his clothes, showing off his fully naked body. And his own erect cock. I guess he had gotten more than little horny stroking me.

He walked over and pulled my clothes off me. He did it so fast that I was left briefly stunned as I realized we were both naked now, our clothes tossed to the side, his dick hovering over me.

I looked down and my pupils shook. My breathing and nervousness decided that the only setting left was maximum as they both skyrocketed. Looking at what he wanted to do!

“I-I don’t know about this Nova!”

“Shhh. Don’t worry, I promise it’ll feel good.”

“I-I-I really don’t think I’m ready for anal! Uh, we could, do something else? And what about lube?! Right, lube! We need that don’t we?!”

“I think it’ll be fine, these bodies are different after all.”

I felt and saw as he gripped both of my legs but still yet out a little yelp as he raised them, clearly trying to angle himself right to penetrate me.


He smiled and stopped.

“You know I won’t if you don’t want me too.”

I breathed, partially out of relief, but Nova hadn’t let go of my legs. I knew he wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want him too but at the same time…….. My nervousness had evolved into full blown panic, I was squirming and felt like my stomach was doing quadruple flips. I had never had anything inside my ass and the idea had been…. Pointless, I had dismissed the thought. My brain hadn’t really moved past Nova one day being able to hold me and kiss me. I had, I do, want more but, but, this, I don’t, I can’t, I took a very shaky breath that didn’t help at all. I looked at Nova’s cock, his big cock, ready to shove inside me.

I, I was going, to have that in me? I felt like my teeth would start chattering against each other if I tried to talk, because of how much I was shaking. I felt… very very vulnerable with my legs in the air and ass a moment away from getting something shoved in.

“I-It’s going to hurt!”

“I’ll stop if it starts to hurt.”

“I, lube!”

“I think our bodies don’t need it, but I’ll stop if it turns out we do.”

“I,I, I’m scared!”

To this, Nova didn’t offer some cheeky answer. He just let go of my legs, leaned in, and kissed me. I almost was annoyed it worked to calm me down. I was nervous. Panicked really. I guess, I was a virgin in this way at least. I had never had anything in my ass after all… But did I not want it? I don’t know, I hadn’t had the time to think about that.

But, gah. W-would I never do it? Nova wouldn’t try to convince me, not really, if I said I never wanted to. Now… Now wasn’t much different from later.

I swallowed hard.

“Be- Go- Go slow!”

It was all I could think of to say.

Nova smiled and pushed my legs up and to the sides again. It felt so, weird, to be in this position. A position I had had women in before. That did not in anyway make me feel less panicked.

He pressed his cock against my ass and my eyes shook.

‘Oh my god. Oh my god, I’m actually doing this. This is actually happening. Oh my god.’

He pressed and I was fully ready to tell him to stop when the pain came. I wasn’t stupid, I knew that there was no way this was going to be pain free. Even if he was lubed up to the nines, you had to start really small, fingers for example, and go up or you’d risk literally splitting your ass in two. I wasn’t just worried because I was a virgin anally, this was going to really, really hurt.

He pushed further, and my nails drove into his back, and a loud sound wretched its way out of my mouth.

He went in. Just a little.

And I had moaned.

My brain short circuited. What. What. What.

Nova looked at me, a dumbfounded expression on his own face. He was the first to speak up, staring at my shocked expression.

“There was… no resistance at all. I would’ve slid all the way in if I wasn’t careful.”

Part of me was freaking out because there was a dick inside my ass. Another part of me was freaking out because it felt good. There was apparently plenty of me left to freak out about this as well.

“W-w-w-w-what. What.”

“Are you okay?”

“It felt, so, intense. Like, really intense.”

I hadn’t even noticed but I was gripping him and gasping. It had felt, gods, how do I even describe it? Like a lightning bolt up the ass but good?

“You seemed to like it…”

Nova was hesitant. I kinda understood. Neither of us had been expecting that and I had practically moaned at glass breaking volume into his ear.

“It, it felt…. Great but… so much. A lot.”

I still wasn’t any kind of wordsmith.

But I was getting pretty used to panicking apparently, because I seemed to be doing that constantly now. Especially as I saw Nova grin’s grow wide.

“Seems like our bodies really are different here. And if you liked it so much.”

“Nova! Wait, wait wai- AHHHH!~!~!~”

My mind exploded, was utterly broken, as I felt an intensity, a pleasure I didn’t think was even possible. I barely felt the tiny extra amount flow into me as I began cumming, hard. It was nothing compared to the continued orgasm I was feeling from nova sliding his cock inside me. Without pain or resistance, all that was left was pleasure and it felt gooood. Good like drugs feel good, good in a way that was impossible, good in a way that I couldn’t have imagined existing on this or any planet.

My body reacted, but my mind was gone, swamped and overwhelmed and utterly broken by the pure amount of pleasure rushing into my brain. It was, there are no words for it. It was like I had become a star but instead of being made out of plasma I was made out of pure dopamine, the raw fires of passion itself, like I was an exploding supernova of ecstasy. There was no more Baki, only good feelings. I’d have murdered everyone I knew except Nova to feel this good, I’d have destroyed my whole life a million times over to feel this good.

And then he pulled back.

I felt him, slide his cock slowly out of my ass and then back again. Very, extremely vaguely, the real world overlaid itself across my psyche. I was maoning so loud I was sure I was going to break my voice, I was gripping Nova so hard I was sure I was going to draw blood if it was possible, my eyes had rolled back into my head so only the whites were showing, and my legs seemed to have reacted on their own, wrapping around Nova, using every ounce of strength to pull him back in.

I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel his hard cock as my legs won that battle and he was forced back inside me.

My mind was still nowhere to be found, no thoughts, only pleasure. My orgasm hadn’t stopped. Orgasms are brief, they stop. They don’t continue forever or grow stronger over time.

Apparently anal orgasms didn’t have those sad little rules to them. My cock was still trying to cum, already having released as much as it could.

Nova was struggling to pull out of me, forced to use all the strength that he could leverage to pull out, only to slam back inside me. Over, and over again.

My mind broke further. Or maybe it was coming back, I didn’t know. All that was me was just good. Good good good good good. And a want to share that feeling with everyone in the world pulsed through me. That bliss. I wanted everyone to feel this good, I wanted all to know this feeling.

Nova stopped pulling back, his full dick inside my ass, my legs wrapped around him. I heard new noise but it wasn’t important. I felt something, wasn’t important compared to the absolute impossible drug like existence I had become. More, more, give me more, fuck me, fuck me, rail me, spread your dirty semen inside me, make me your whore, fuck me.

But Nova’s cock wouldn’t move. Eventually, the worst possible thing that could ever happen, happened. Nova, with a great yell, pulled his cock out of me.

I was left moaning and shaking as he did so, the pleasure reaching all new heights.

I don’t know how long I convulsed like that, before my eyes dopely unrolled from the back of my head, and glazedly focused back on Nova. I couldn’t really see his expression, my eyes felt a bit too floaty.

My brain felt like it had melted.

I think I felt a bit of drool but who knows.

I smiled and just stared at my super awesome husband. I loved him. I love him so much. I felt tears start to spill from my eyes from such amazing joy that I had him with me now.

So I was surprised when he slapped me.

I looked at him in a daze but he slapped me, lightly, again.

“Baki? Baki? Speak to me Baki!”



Nova shook his head and held me. I just laid there, feeling fucking awesome. Everything was so great and coooolll.

Eventually, a weird thought popped in my head, as the minutes passed and my cock stopping trying to cum. It started as just a word. ‘Bad.’ I was confused but whoooo carrreesss.

And then it started to get louder. ‘Bad. Not good. Bad.’

I shook my head before my brain seemed to rebuild itself all at once and by all the gods know to all the heavens, I’m pretty sure I blushed so hard I went purple. I’m pretty sure it went through my entire body and the amount of embarrassment I felt nearly crippled me forever.

The relief in Nova’s voice didn’t help things very much.

“Oh Baki, woo.”

I couldn’t even look at him. He had to grab my face and force me to meet his eyes and I just clenched mine shut.

“Feeling a little less, that?”

“…shut up…”

My voice came out like a squeak.

“I’ve heard of some people getting “drunk” on cock before but…”


“…Never like that. Guess you really enjoyed it huh? You like it a lot didn’t you?”

Nova was smiling and laughing and poking and teasing me. I couldn’t take it, I tried to bury my head into his chest. It hadn’t, I hadn’t, it just. Bah!

“….it felt good…”

“Oh I was pretty clear on that. I think I’m going to need hearing aids. In fact, I’m going to probably need a chiropractor after you tried to break my spine with your legs. Oh! While, we’re at it, I should probably also get you a drool guar-”

“Shut up!”

He did but he kept poking me and laughing. Stupid. He was stupid. Stupid.

“You know, I was all there for it at first. Then you started to look like you were having a seizure.”

I wanted to die. No, I’d explode, die, and leave him here. Then I’d never have to see his smug face again. It would be great.

“Wouldn’t respond to my voice, my slaps, started drooling, looked like you were high as a kite.”

Forget all of that, I’d kill him and then die. Save the world. Be given a medal for it even.

“….why. Why?”

I didn’t know what else to say. Just, why?

“Oh well, that’s fairly easy. Men orgasm from their ass you know, known fact. But most men, can’t just go balls to the wall and shove a long dick inside, not if they want to not tear something. Even if they don’t, definitely would feel painful. But you don’t have that problem my little cute boyo. You get all of the pleasure, and none of the pain or need to go slow and steady.”

“So, what?! Anal sex just feels that good?! Bullshit!”


I wanted to bite him. That felt, I felt, I felt stupid. I shouldn’t-

“I feel gay. And like a whore.”

He chuckled and then responded in a deadpan voice.

“Such a tragedy. Oh no. Whatever will we do now that you feel gay and like sex. Woe is us.”

I didn’t hold back this time and bit his shoulder.


We played around for a while and it did a lot to make me feel better. That had been…. The single best moment of my life. Without a doubt. Nothing, no amount of sex, could ever top that. It was the pinnacle. And it had happened because something was stuck up my tight femboy ass. That made me feel… incredibly embarrassed for some reason. Like, I didn’t have words for how I felt. Wrong? No, more like, a slut? I don’t know! Bad. It made me feel bad.

Nova clearly didn’t feel the same way. He was smiling at me, chuckling, laughing outright, teasing me constantly. But that wasn’t all. I could feel his cock pressed up against me, the heat, the sharpness he was trying not to show. He was horny, really horny, and he wanted me. He wanted to plow me, to make me moan, to make his little submissive bitch.

And it scared me a tiny bit just how much I wanted that too.

I knew he was hesitant to ask but I couldn’t, I couldn’t wait any more! I needed it!


My voice was quiet but a warmth went through my soul as Nova’s face brightened up into a feral grin. Aww, he was so happy.

And then I was on my back and he was on top of me. Before I could even consider anything, he broke my mind, again. It was so, intense. More intense than standing out in a desert sandstorm naked, or getting beat with bats, or having regular sex or, anything I could think of. It felt like a hot rod of molten steel had been shoved up inside me and done the exact opposite of what you’d expect. Pure, radiating heat spread through me, making my toes curl and hands dig into Nova’s back. It made me moan and gasp and pant like a whore mixed with a dog, it made me shake and made my eyes go blank. But more than all of that was how it felt like it reached deeper than my mind and directly started fucking my soul itself. How the pleasure made me feel like nothing I had never felt before.

It was so much, too much, way too much.

And it was so much more than the first time.

I hadn’t even noticed being covered in cum while we had been rough housing but now I did. That I had sprayed my load all over myself when he had slipped inside me. Now I did. Now I felt it as my cock continued to try but there was nothing left to give. Now I felt it as words slipped from my mouth.

“Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme. more, more. Fuck me moreeee”

I couldn’t even really speak, just moan out the words.

I felt his dick pump in out of me, like I was his own personal sex toy. Felt his arms grip me, felt my legs be raised, felt his lips press against my own as he leaned down. Oh god, oh gods.

Then I felt it as white hot searing warmth spread throughout my ass, coating my insides, bringing my pleasure up past the breaking point. I blacked out for a moment, my mind overloaded.

When I blinked back, feeling like I was in a sauna, I could still feel his cock in me, and his cum up my ass.

He held me in his arms and my lust and bliss made room for pure love and happiness. This, this was the single best moment of my life. I never wanted to let him go or have his cock outside of me.

We laid there together, both thoroughly exhausted, before I finally spoke up.

“That shouldn’t feel that good.”

He just smiled and continued stroking my hair. I kissed him and leaned back. Then he said something stupid, because of course he did.

“Hope you like blowjobs just as much haha.”

I bit him on the shoulder again.


[Read more at /r/WarixViviana! Commissions available!]
