Days until Christmas: Doing it in a Fir Tree [f/m30s][first time][outdoors][consensual]

“I’m looking for a Christmas tree. A big one. A really big one, like two stories tall. You see it’s got to go in the lobby of a hotel. Normally we just use this little six foot plastic one, that I think Duke has had for like twenty years or so now, and it looks… well it looks a bit shit now if I’m being honest with you. But this managed to convince Duke that that we need a real Christmas tree this year. He took a little persuading but he said I could pick one out and I was worried that we had left it too late but then I saw that you guys here grow Christmas trees and you can just pick out the one you like, and anyway that’s perfect… sorry what was your name again?”

I am fully aware that I am rambling right now, but I can’t stop myself. Once I start talking I keep on going, it’s like a compulsion, and the man is making no attempt to interrupt me. Instead he is just standing there silently, his arms crossed over his broad, plaid clad chest and staring down at me with the greenest pair of eyes I think I have ever seen. It’s a little disconcerting as normally people cut me off at this point. But he hasn’t said a single word to me since I approached him. His lips, framed by dark stubble, are set in a hard, straight line and give nothing away. He looks as if he’s either listening to me intently, or not listening at all. He’s hard to read.

“JP,” he finally answers. His voice is surprisingly deep and smooth, and it takes me a moment to process that he has actually spoke to me. But he doesn’t say anything more so I continue my rambling.

“You see that’s perfect JP, because Duke’s retiring next year. Duke’s my manager by the way, I don’t know if I mentioned that to you or not, And well, honestly, gun to my head, I’m planning to apply for the role. And so I am not looking for just any tree, I am looking for a tree that says pick me, I’m your woman. But not like in a try hard way, more like a casual kind of way. You know like whatever.”

I shrug as if to show him my casual attitude, but I look at him pleadingly, silently begging him to say something. Anything at all to get me to end this conversation before I end up telling him my entire life story. I’m sure he doesn’t want to listen to me tell him how I am working both Christmas eve and day, plus boxing day, despite not having seen my friends or family properly for weeks because of all the double shifts I’ve been pulling. And I’m certain he doesn’t want to hear how I haven’t had sex in months because I’ve just been too busy.

He nods.

“Follow me,” he finally says, unfolding his arms. He picks up the axe rested against his side, and turns to walk away without checking to if I’m following. Not that I have much choice.

It’s noisy in the main lot – tinny Christmas music plays over a pair of cheap speakers, families chatter enthusiastically as they pick out their perfect Christmas tree, and trucks rattle to and fro over the the bumpy mud track. But the man is silent as leads me through the sapling trees, no taller than my waist.

“I’m going to need a much bigger tree than these,” I call out behind him. I doubt these are what he had in mind, but I feel the need to fill silence between us.

“Further back,” he replies, without turning to face me.

“I see…” I pause a moment before asking, “what does JP stand for by the way?”

“JP.” His tone isn’t unkind, but it certainly kills any conversation.

“Right.” Reluctantly admitting defeat to myself I follow him in silence.

The further we walk the bigger and denser the trees grow so that they now loom over us. There’s no sight or sound of other people, and I am not even sure if we are still on the lot any more. Our footsteps are muffled by the pine needles covering the forest floor so that there is no discernable path. If it wasn’t for JP I would surely be lost by now – assuming he knows where he is going.

His red plaid shirt stands out in the gloom of the forest. In contrast, I am wrapped up warm in my black puffer coat, thick black leggings and calf length boots; but he doesn’t seem to notice the cold. The axe in his hand swings freely by his side. I thought everyone used chainsaw nowadays. Loud, gas guzzling things that get the job done quick. But no – even though I’ve only just met him, that doesn’t seem to be JP’s style. The axe suits him, almost as if it were natural extension of him… My thoughts are interrupted by the call of a bird nearby.

“Hey JP,” though I’m talking as I normally would my voice sounds loud and forced in the eerie silence. “Do you know what bird that is?”

I stop to listen, but he keeps on walking. For a moment I don’t think he is going to answer until he says without looking back, “a partridge.”

“A partridge,” I cry a little too enthusiastically, jumping on the conversation starter. I scramble to catch up after him. “Like the first day of Christmas – and a partridge in a pear tree,” I sing off tune.

“Partridges are actually ground nesting birds.” Again he doesn’t look back at when he answers but I can’t help but smile. This is the most he’s said to me in one go, and I didn’t have to pry it out of him either. I don’t think that he’s trying to be awkward, he’s just sparing with his words; he doesn’t talk for the sake of it, he means what he says and each word means something.

“Interesting.” I bite my, lip fighting back the urge to ask any follow up questions that would spoil the moment. We walk on in silence.

Then JP stops unexpectedly, causing me to walk right into the back of him. He’s about a foot taller than me, and as my face buries between his shoulder blades I take in his scent. He smells earthy and masculine like pine and dirt, yet with the soft, subtle undertone of soap. I picture him wet and naked, lathering himself up with suds…

“Careful,” JP says turning quickly. He holds a hand out to help steady me. I hadn’t thought to put any gloves on and his fingers feel warm against my icy skin.

“I’m fine, thank you” I mutter as I feel myself blushing. Not that he had asked, but the way his deep green eyes linger on my flushed face is almost questioning, as if waiting for an answer.

“Good.” He smiles his first proper smile, and I feel myself turn even redder.

He gives my hand a little squeeze before letting go and turning back round. His warming touch lingers on my skin.

“This one.” JP points his axe at the tree right in front of us.

I look at where he is pointing and I instantly know that he’s right. Although the tree looks like all the others we’ve passed I can tell that this tree would just be perfect; I can already picture the guests stopping in their tracks and gasping as they admire the tree in the middle of the lobby all decorated in baubles and tinsel. I nod, giving JP my approval.

He rests his heavy axe against the side of his body to roll up his sleeves, revealing thick, muscular arms, covered in hair. I can see where he’s caught the sun as if he works outside all year round, and the part of me that hasn’t had sex in months wonders what it would feel like to have those arms wrapped around me, pulling me in closer to his earthy, masculine scent…

He picks up his axe and gestures to me to stand back. I do as instructed and take a few steps back, putting my hands in my pockets for warmth. I watch JP lift the axe up into the air. His muscles tense and bulge, straining against the thick material of his shirt. Involuntarily, I gasp as he brings the axe down slamming its head deep it into the base of the tree. The branches shudder under the impact.

JP pulls back his axe. Sweet, sticky sap trickles out the gash he’s left behind, coating the tip of his sharpened blade. Its scent lingers in the air. He then brings his axe back down in the exact same spot, before sliding it back out again. He repeats this motion again and again. Each time he forces the axe deeper and deeper into the tree as he builds up a steady rhythm. I watch him intently as I notice the subtle way his face begins to flush and his breath quickens with each stroke.

I can tell he knows what he’s doing, he’s a master with his tool, and it doesn’t take long for him to cut his way though. He’s so close now. I can sense it. The anticipation thrums in the air. Sweat is beginning to bead on his forehead, and his green eyes glisten in the dimming light. He was silent before, his face still and stoic, giving nothing away, but now it is scrunched in concentration. He lets out a grunt as he picks up the pace smashing his axe in deeper and faster with each swing. He’s getting close and I can feel my breath intensify to match his…

And then it happens. He lets out one final cry as he thrusts his axe back in. There’s a groaning sound as tree begins to sway back and forth before falling to the ground with dull thud.

It is now silent in the forest, apart from the sound of our ragged breathing and my heart pounding in my chest. JP turns to face me, his forest green eyes locked on to mine. I’m speechless and for once I have no desire to fill the silence with pointless, inane chatter. The top couple buttons of his shirt have come undone so that I can see the outline of his collarbone as his chest rises up and down with each breath he takes. I take step towards him.

It’s cold enough that I can see his breath swirling out in silvery wisps, but all I can feel is the heat radiating out off from him. Red hot and raw. Although he doesn’t say a word I can see that all the hacking and slashing has stirred something primal up inside of him, and if I were to reach and touch him he would consume me alive. Like a moth to flame I’m compelled towards him. He makes no move to back away, his axe still in his hands held tense. Thick, sweet tree sap slowly trickles down the shaft.

I stop in front of him and I can feel the heat of his body blasting against me, penetrating its way through my thick layers. But it’s not enough, I want to feel his unshielded touch against my skin. Reaching up on tiptoes I lean into towards him.

JP drops his axe on the floor and grabs hold of me, surrounding me in his arms. One arm wraps around my waist, his hand grabbing at my hip to pull me closer to him. Meanwhile his other hand cups under my ass cheeks, lifting me up off my feet. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms cling to the back of his neck. Desperate to feel him as close as I can.

Next thing I know his lips are on mine, and he’s desperately, hungrily kissing me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I let out a moan of passion as I feel a fire igniting inside me, heating me to my core, so that my pussy begins to drip with desire. I wrap my legs even tighter round his waist thrusting my crotch against his solid, muscular body.

Until now I didn’t realise how much tension I was holding inside me, and how much I needed this. In this moment nothing else matters. Nothing else exists. Not work or promotions, nor the pressures of Christmas. Right now it just me, JP and our primal urges. My fingers fumble at his shirt buttons. It’s cold outside and I need to feel his skin against mine. He doesn’t protest, as his hand slides down from my waist and up under my thermal shirt, as his rough, calloused hands caress my goose pimpled skin.

Working my way upwards I finally undo the last button. All that time spent outside doing manual labour has paid off as I run my hands up and down along his well toned chest and abs. I tug at his chest hair. He fingers dig into my skin as he flinches. My pussy clenches. But it’s not enough, I need more. I shrug off my coat letting it drop to the ground. JP slides his hand up further up, pulling my shirt up as he goes so that it is bunched up round my shoulders. My back is fully exposed to the elements, while my breasts still contained within my black lace bra now press against his bare chest.

Holding me close to him he spins around, pushing me up against the felled tree. I’m ensnared in the branches that pull at my hair and scratch my bare back. The pine needles dig into my skin as he presses his weight against me. But I don’t care as it sends such a painfully pleasurable sensation coursing through my body, while JP begins to kiss my neck. His stubble tickles, and his breath feels warm as it caresses my skin.

His hands slip down the front of my leggings. Sliding beneath my now soaking wet underwear, he starts to rub his calloused fingers against my slit. I let out a series of stifled moans, aware of my cries carrying through the stillness of the trees. He kisses his way down to the top my breasts biting down hard on my soft, delicate flesh. Writhing at his touch, I run my fingers through his short, shaggy hair pressing his head deep into my cleavage. I want him to be as close as possible, I want him in me, filling me up and penetrating me deep inside.

As if reading my mind he pulls down both my leggings and underwear in one swift motion. I shiver as my warm, wet, tingling pussy is exposed to the fresh, chilled air. The pine needles prick into my bared cheeks. So many sensations invading my private parts at once. JP licks his lips as looks me up and down hungrily with those wild, green eyes.

Before I even get a chance to react he grabs me roughly by the hips and flips me round so that I am laying on my stomach sprawled out across the boughs of the tree. I can’t move. My feet are off the ground, and I have sunken into the branches that are holding me down. The pine needles rub against my clit causing my to flinch. It’s a surprisingly tickling feeling.

I can’t turn to see what is happening behind me, but I hear the sound of a zipper and then I feel something hard press against my slippery, slick pussy lips. It may be cold outside but his cock’s not shy. Although I can’t see JP, I can tell that he’s thick and I wonder if I can take him. He runs his hands down along my back, his calloused fingers gently brushing against the scratches on my back. I let out a whimper as I begin to grind my pussy against his throbbing dick.

“Are you ready?” he whispers. The sound of his voice, so tender, yet so rough and ready sends a shiver through my body.

I nod.

He grabs hold of my hips as he thrusts forwards, the tip of his dick pushing my flaps apart. There’s resistance as he pushes further, just as I thought he’s thick – thicker than I’ve had before. I arch my back as I push my arse out, forcing myself to take him. I’m already so wet and I feel my pussy stretching as the head of his dick slides inside me. I tremble from the impact.

JP pulls back and I feel his precum mingled with my own arousal, trickle down the inside of my thigh. The primal scent of our sex fills the air. JP then pushes back inside me again. This time there’s no resistance as he slides his shaft in even deeper. I let out a moan as he fills me up, pressing my clit against the pine needles. He then begins to thrust, each time forcing himself deeper and deeper inside me as he builds up a steady rhythm. I can feel my face flushing even further and body shaking as he fills me up and I don’t know how much more of him I can take before he splits me into two. But each stroke fills me ecstasy as he bringers me closer and closer to the edge. My breath begins to quicken.

I let out a groan as the full bulk of his muscular body slams into the back of me, causing my whole body to shudder. He holds himself there, his entire length filling me and stretching me as he throbs inside my pussy. I try to grind myself against him, but I’m pinned by the weight of his body and I just have to lay there and wait in sweet, torturous anticipation for him. We’re both close now. I can sense it. The anticipation thrums in the air. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead as I let out a whimper, begging him to finish it.

His hands squeeze at my arse cheeks as he slides himself back. He was silent before, just the sound of his steady breathing, but he lets out a deep, guttural, animalistic grunt as he picks up the pace slamming his body repeatedly against my bared cheeks. Thrusting his long, thick, hard shaft deep inside me. I can tell we’re both close as our breathing intensifies, matching each others.

And then it happens. JP pulls out of me and flips me back round onto my back as if I were a leaf. I finally get a good look at big thick cock that has been pounding inside me this whole time. He smirks as I bite down at my bottom lip. I can’t believe it fit. Wrapping one hand around the shaft of his cock, he slides his fingers inside me. Since he has already stretched me out, all four fingers slide in easily enough, as he begins sliding them in and out. They easily find the right spot. My moans intensify as I begin to rub my clit.

I watch intently as he runs his hand up along his entire length while he finger fucks me. His face is scrunched in concentration and his pupils dilate as his green eyes glisten in the dimming light. We’re both so close, and I don’t think I have ever felt as desired, or turned on before. Groaning I buck my hips against his hand.

And then it happens. He lets out one final cry as he thrusts forwards, shooting his white, hot cum all over me. It falls on my stomach and covers my chest including my bra and shirt, like freshly fallen snow. I arch my back as his fingers thrust deep into me. I feel my pussy tighten and spasm as I cum over his hand. The tree sways beneath me as I writhe on top of it. JP slowly thrusts his fingers in and out of my until my orgasm subsides.

Once I am done and my breathing slows, JP pulls his hand away and looks at me. Tucking in his now placid, but still impressive beast of a cock into his jeans, he takes a moment to look at me, taking every cum drenched part of me in.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says. It’s not the first time someone has referred to me as beautiful, but it is the first time that I truly know they mean it. JP wouldn’t waste words like that.

“Thank you JP,” I blush, although it’s too late now for modesty. “You too.”

I hold out my hands for him to help me out from the tree. Although I want to savour this moment for as longer as possible I am suddenly aware of how cold it is, now that the sun is beginning to set. JP lifts me up by the waist and settles me back on the ground.

I pull back up my underwear and leggings, but I still have cum dripping down my upper body. Since some had already got onto my shirt I pull it off and use it to mop the worst of it off, and put my coat back on over my bra. I then turn back to look at the tree. It looks a bit flattened in the spot where JP had fucked me, but apart from that it looks alright.

“Yeah, I can cut you another one tomorrow,” JP says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

“No it’s perfect JP,” I smile. “Can you deliver it to me tomorrow?”


I shiver as it begins to snow, and JP puts his arm around my shoulders to warm me. I rest my head against his chest, feeling his warmth radiating against me.

“It’s Jack Partridge by the way,” he says picking up his axe from the ground.


“JP, it stands for Jack Partridge.”

“Just like the song,” I murmur as I bury myself even closer to him. It’s not really anything like the song, but JP doesn’t correct me as we walk away together.


Hi this is my first time posting a story here. Sorry to be talking about Christmas in November, but I know if I don’t post it now I’ll either chicken out or be too busy and won’t post in December.


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