[F]23 I’m about to let my friend (26M) fuck me after he’s had no sex in a year

I (23F) have a friend (26M) who I’ve known for years. He’s an ER doctor and does super long shifts in the hospital. He spends his days saving lives, which I really admire about him.

I’ve always found him attractive, but never thought of hooking up with him as being my friend I felt it would be weird. We often talk though, and he confided that with working long hours he has not had time for his love life. He said he hasn’t had sex in a year and it was all that he was thinking about nowadays. He was spending what little free time he had just watching porn, and I felt really sorry for him.

I myself am in a long-distance relationship. As such I don’t get loads of sex either, but my sex drive isn’t very high so it doesn’t bother me. I’m 5’3″ and skinny, and I’m told I have a pretty face so get lots of guys hitting on me. But I always say no. My boyfriend (22M) though has a fantasy about me sleeping with other guys, but I never acted on it yet. So I talked with my boyfriend about helping my friend get some relief, and after learning about what a hero my friend is he agreed to let me.

I called my friend and simply asked him if he wanted to hookup. He didn’t believe me at first, but I told him he spends all his time helping others and so he deserves it. So we agreed this weekend.

I’m super excited for this. I’ve decided on a tiny, slutty red dress, lingerie and heels I’m going to wear for him. I’ve also done my nails etc. so I look perfect for him. I dance in my spare time so will also do a belly dance and lap dance for him before giving him a blow job and then letting him do what he wants with me.

I’m going to show him good things come to those who wait!

Edit: Here’s the dress I’m going to wear

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yte86s/f23_im_about_to_let_my_friend_26m_fuck_me_after


  1. You’re a Damn Good Friend to have & Love the choice of dress you picked 😘🀌🏾🌹

  2. Reality ruined it for me. Your friend would barely be done med school at 26 let alone be an ER doctor

  3. I want to congratulate you on this selfless act. You are a Gem. Make sure you get dinner out of it though!

  4. Yes our current FWB’s both are too busy to date….work…graduate school….career advancement etc.

    Single young guys with no time to invest in a relationship.

    I have had a ton of fun and turned on my hubby quite a bit by basically being their human fleshlight.

    They need to release and they can text me or hubby and we will set it up asap.

    Been so fun and they are VERY grateful and appreciative! Lol

  5. Show us pics of the aftermath like that huge creampie he will leave in you😈

  6. Award for you three: you, husband, and friend. Let us know if there will be a threesome. Happy birthday!

  7. By the fact that the boyfriend also agrees, this should be in r/gonewholesomestories.

  8. I guess this red dress will be off right after you meet each other. Please update how was your charity act.

  9. No sex in a year? Thats a rookie number you gotta pump that shit up if you want to be a wizard!

  10. Being a good guy pays off for someone for a change πŸ‘ And then there’s me with no friends let alone anyone who would be like “Wanna have sex? You deserve it for being awesome”😭

    Good for you, and for him. Hopefully we’ll get to hear how it went afterwards.

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