accidentally hooked up with my mate’s dad [Update 2] [MM]

This happened a couple weeks ago and I have held off posting it because there was so much good advice on the last post recommending to steer clear, but I still slipped up anyway. In the interest of continuity I’m going to post this last update and promise myself and the readers that this will be the last time something like this happens. You can find the first part [here]( and the second part [here]( Reading those will help for context.

So my friend’s dad texted me a couple days after the last time we met up and told me he had the house to himself. After reading the advice of a bunch of Redditors who are wiser than I am (thanks by the way) I decided to tell him the way he treated me like his son actually made me a bit uncomfortable since I am good friends with his son, and that the whole thing just left a bad taste in my mouth (literally and metaphorically). He seemed to understand where I was coming from and said he would check back in with me later on to see if I’d changed my mind.

Sure enough a couple weeks go by, I don’t see or touch any penises (not counting those on my phone screen of course) and I’m starting to get a little antsy. By this point I was done with exams (hooray!) and just kinda wasting my days around the house. One day he pops up in my messages again letting me know that the rest of the family will be out one day while he’s working from home. He wants to know if I had changed my mind at all.

I deliberated over this for a while knowing that he was going to make it into another father/son thing if I did go. After a while, my brain lost out to my penis (I’m sorry everyone!) and I ended up agreeing to go see him again. He asked if this time maybe we could go a little bit further than just sucking, and I said I would have to see how I feel at the time. He also asked me to wear my high school jersey when I went to see him. That almost made me change my mind but not quite (I know you’re probably screaming at me through the screen right now but I was horny).

So I get there and just like last time he leads my upstairs into my mate’s room. I didn’t even protest this time because I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to go see him. Before long I’m on my knees making all kinds of interesting noises as he rocks in and out of my mouth. Sure enough before long he starts calling me “son” and referring to me by my mate’s name.

After a couple minutes he takes one of his hands off the back of my head, grabs something, and puts it onto my head. I could tell it was a hat, which I thought was a bit random. I noticed it smelled really strongly of sweat as well. I kept doing my thing, sucking away and getting him more and more into it when I realised that it was my friend’s cricket hat that had been placed onto my head. At this point I’m sure my face was fully read and I was so embarrassed about what I was doing, but I was also super into the sucking.

After another few minutes he pulls it out of my mouth and tells me to take my clothes off. I knew where this was going and I made a snap decision that I wanted to go with it. It definitely wasn’t how I had originally planned for my first time to go, but I was extremely horny and I have wanted to bottom for a long time now.

So there I am in the middle of my friend’s bedroom undressing with his dad’s eyes firmly on my body scanning up and down. Once I was fully naked he grabbed my friend’s high school jersey (complete with his nickname on the back) out of his cupboard and said, “put this on son”. I know that sounds disgusting, but the worst part is I actually did it.

He gets me to lie down on my stomach on my friend’s bed, puts my friend’s hat back on my head, and climbs onto the bed between my legs. I hear him spit and feel it land right on my hole, and then comes a finger to rub it in. I didn’t really know what to expect but I sorta thought he’d put his finger into me first. But instead he just rubbed the spit around, said “here is comes (friend’s name)” and started to push himself in.

I have to say that I did enjoy what came next. It hurt like a bitch for the first few minutes – from what I’ve learnt on the internet his member is a bit above average in length and girth. Eventually it started to feel really good as he rocked in and out, getting faster and faster.

He was still using his son’s name a lot which took me back out of it a couple times, but for the most part I really enjoyed it. He finished without warning me and I get really stressed that I must have pooped on him or something because I could feel it suddenly get really slippery back there. I asked him if everything was alright and obviously he was too busy just groaning while he shot his load.

He dropped me off close to my house and I walked back down the street and upstairs into the bathroom with most of his load still inside me. As I was going up the stairs I felt it starting to run down my leg and I was so grateful that nobody else was home to see me in that state. I’ve been thinking about that day a lot since but I’m mostly just disgusted with myself for actually going through with his fantasy like that. I haven’t been back yet (he’s asked me three times but I’ve been genuinely busy each time)

Thanks everyone for giving me such kind and understanding advice on the last two posts. It genuinely was really helpful (even though I caved in the end and went back for more) and I swear I’m going to follow it from now on.
