[FM] How I ended up with a stranger in the men’s bathroom…and then completely naked at a work convention

I sat at the work conference, bored out of my mind. I was in Houston, watching a man try his best on stage in front of 300 people from all over the world. I found my thoughts drifting to my secret activities the last week…the stranger at the bar and my run in at the night club. A shiver ran through my body.

I loved my husband and he was perfect in almost everyway. People have been asking why I cheated then…and the answer is just the sex. He’s not necessarily equipped properly, if you know what I mean, and there’s no passion or roughness. He tries his best, but it’s just not there. His oral game IS top notch.

My mind was on Alton fingering me on the dance floor…my hand discretely falling between my thighs.

As I was thinking about his big fingers my gaze found that of a chubby black man sitting across from me.

I also should point out that I’ve recently learned I have a humiliation fetish…so the thought of being used by men who normally wouldn’t have a chance with me…very sexy. I don’t know why or how that became a thing.

This guy was probably 250 pounds, not very tall, and bald. He smiled as our eyes met. I shyly smiled back. His eyes drifted down to my hand between my legs.

I looked around me, everyone else was staring up at the presentation. I slowly spread my legs. My heart was a jackhammer in my chest. His eyes went wide as a hint of my thong was revealed. I snapped my legs shut and looked back up front. I felt hot and my head was spinning. I couldn’t look at him. Finally I did. He mouthed “Bathroom?”.

I nodded.

After the presentation wrapped up we had a break in the lobby.

I was talking to some coworkers when I felt a tap on my elbow. I turned around and there was the black stranger.

I excused myself from my group. The man didn’t say a word, just started walking towards the bathrooms. I followed.

“Go into the men’s bathroom. Handicap stall. Get naked, on your knees, over the toilet.” He whispered.

My breath caught in my throat. His authority made me feel weak in the knees.

He looked inside the men’s bathroom.

“Clear” he said.

I was on autopilot. I walked in, past the urinals, and walked into the handicap stall. My hands were shaking so much I could barely get my dress off. I hung it on the hook, took my bra and thong off, putting them on the hook. I left my heels on.

The bathroom was a regular handicap stall. But there was a suspicious puddle in front of the toilet.

I got on my knees, centimeters away from the puddle. And waited.

The speakers in the bathroom announced the next presentation was beginning and I knew everyone was starting to filter back into the conference center.

The door swung open.

I would not be making this meeting.

I had a momentary panic attack that he wouldn’t be the guy walking in, that it was someone random, but he came right to my stall and opened the door. I didn’t look. Couldn’t look.

He walked behind me and gently pushed me towards the toilet so my elbows were on the toilet, my face above the opening.

I heard the belt coming off behind me. Then a zipper.

“Reach back, spread yourself.” He whispered.

I took my hands away, my tits pressing into the toilet seat, to spread my ass. I could hear his breathing quicken and the small sounds of movements. He was jerking off.

I was a married woman, the head of a major branch…and here I was in this situation.

A few minutes later he was groaning. He stepped forward, stumbling into me. My knees slid right into the puddle, my boobs jammed into the seat and my head dropped into the toilet bowl…then I felt it. Drops of liquid on my back. He was cumming on me.

This total stranger as cumming on me.

Then it was over. He leaned close to me.

“Thank you dear. You obviously like public play so I have a fun idea for you. This next presentation if thirty minutes. That will give you enough time to find what you need.”

That didn’t make any sense.

I didn’t move as he zipped up and walked out of the stall.

I felt numb. My brain refused to work.

I slowly stood up and sat on the toilet.

A total stranger just came on my back. I could feel it slowly dripping down me.

I quickly locked the stall, tried to clean up with toilet paper, and turned to get dressed.

That’s when I noticed…my clothes were gone.

Oh. Fuck.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a bigger moment of panic then right then.

I quietly raced out of the stall to the main door, opening it a crack. The lobby was empty.

He must have hid my clothes somewhere in the lobby.

The lobby was enormous. Dark wood with decorative drawers and dressers and mirrors lining the walls around chairs in the center.

Feeling very self conscious, and extra jiggly, I quietly raced to the first drawers.

I felt so exposed and the air felt so cold.

Opened. Empty. I went to the next one. This continued for what felt like the longest few minutes of my life.

I was bent over a drawer when I heard a click. I froze, completely bent over.

I took a deep breath then turned to look. There was the chubby guy, his camera out. He walked up to me and looked down between my legs.

“You…are…um…wow. Very wet”. He said.

I looked down. I was literally dripping down my thighs, glistening in the light.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked.

As I looked up, I watched as some guy walked out of the conference room, holding a cigarette. To his credit, he looked at us for a long moment, looking me up and down, before quickly hustling outside.

“Want a hint?” The he asked.

I nodded quickly.

“I feel bad. I literally left your clothes on the counter in the bathroom. I have no clue how you missed it.” He said, laughing.

I couldn’t run fast enough back to the bathroom. Sure enough…my dress was laid out on the counter. How I missed that…I have no clue.

I got dressed quickly and went back to the conference. I sat next to my new friend in the back of the room. He sent me the photo he took (on my profile) and then showed me him deleting it.

We agreed to hang out next time we had a conference in Houston.

The rest of the day my head was in the clouds. This was all happening too often and too much. This was far too risky. But I couldn’t stop.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yrcdg8/fm_how_i_ended_up_with_a_stranger_in_the_mens


  1. Lol panic does make us miss the most obvious things. Good thing you weren’t taken too far with the humiliation.

  2. Wow I loved this! (And the pic) Funny how panic can just make your mind go blank, especially while naked haha

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