First Class [M48/F29] [plane sex] [Blackmail] [riding]

Sara gave one last look at her uniform. She had worked hard and now she had reached the peak, air hostess of a prestigious airline. First class no less. She had slogged her way up, catering to economy class. A dream come true.

As the passagers embarked she wore a large grin. She noted the difference in character from that of the average economy class flyer. They seemed more alof, untouchable. One lady scoffed when sara told her there were no e cigarettes allowed.

“O this is ridiculous.” The woman said.

Sara smiled ” Thank you mame if you’d kindly take your seat”. She said through her teeth.

A few minutes went by with no one coming through. Sara wondered what the hold up was.

“O you know there’s always one that holds everyone up” Erika the other attendant said.

Around the corner a man approached. He looked to be in his mid forties, a portly man sporting a gray suit.

“Good morning sir.” Sara said smiling.

“That remains to be seen,” the man said looking annoyed.
” Where do I go?”

Sara gestured the way, he gave Sara the once over, his eyes settling for a moment on her chest then made his way to his seat.

Sara watched as the first class customers made themeselves comfortable in their seats, each separated by dividers. She couldn’t get over the stark contrast from economy class. Well she thought, they may have money the least they could do is buy some manners.

She saw the man at seat 7d, the late man who had stared at her chest, removing his jacket. What a pig she thought.


Mid flight the passengers were ready for food. Sara noticed that d7 kept looking at her, eyeing up her figure as she walked up and down the aisles. She could feel his eyes on her butt as she made her way back to get some more meals.

“O that hog of a man’s disgusting.” Erika said to Sara as they both retrieved some more dishes away from the eyes of the passengers.

“I know, it’s embarrassing.” Sara said.

” He seems to have a thing for you”. Erika let out a laugh. Since joining the new ranks Sara and Erika had become friends. Always joking and poking fun, Erika made the flights tolerable.

” Stop no he doesn’t.”

“O yes he does.” Erika said. She then proceeded to make pig noises.

Sara burst out laughing, then joined in.

” Ooonk ooonk sqqee goes the piggy d7″ Sara made sounds as she pushed the tip of her nose up with her finger.

Both of them laughed, but as Sara continued her pig impression Erika’s face turned serious. Sara still making a pig impression turned around. Her countenance turned to horror as the man in d7 stood staring at her, his face stern and pink.

Sara immediately straightened and cleared her throat.

” Ye…yes sir, is everything to your liking”.

With a furious look the man said ” o yes particularly that impression you did of me just now, I even recognise myself” His eyes fumed at Sara paying no attention to Erika.

Sara couldn’t hold his gaze and stared at the floor.

“I’m very sorry sir it’s a misunde…”

“What’s your name?” The man interrupted.

Sara looked at the man.

“S…Sara sir, Sara Welbend.” she stuttered.

“Well Sara, when we land I’ll be sure to notify your superiors on the lovely behaviour you’ve exhibited.” And with that the man left.

Sara watched as he returned to his seat. She turned and almost collapsed in Erika’s arms.

” Shit!” she began to hyperventilate
“I’m going to lose my job.” she sobbed.

” Honey it’s okay” Erika said rubbing her back trying to calm her down to no avail.

A while went by until Sara was able to get it together.

“What am I going to do?” Sara said.

“Just apologise to him.” Erika said holding her hands. ” We still got a good 7 hours before we land.

Sara’s mind raced, yes she thought, I’ll apologise, but let him calm down first.


A couple of hours passed. Sara took a look and most of the passengers had reclined their seats fully, sleeping under the faint light they had set. She saw that the man at d7 was still awake watching a movie. Okay she thought, apology time. At least nobody will see this, she looked in the bright side.

She made her way over to the man who paid her little attention. She stood for a minute then awkwardly waved a hand in front of him.

“Yes?” The man said with an annoyed tone.

Sara leaned in. “Sir I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour before, I know it was inappropriate and I’m really sorry.”

The man considered what she said for a moment.

“Well I accept your apology,” he said
“but I’m still making a complaint to the airline.”

Sara’s heart began to quicken.

“Sir if you let me explai….”

“O sir is it now, I thought it was pig?” the man snapped.

” As I said sir, I am very sorry,” Sara was going to stop but for some reason continued ” and if there’s anything I can do I’ll do it.”. A sense of dread came over her as she heard herself say that.

The man displayed a disgusting grin.

” You know I think you’re the pig here not me don’t you think.” He said.

Sara hesitated but then thought of her job.

“Ye…yes sir” Sara said in a low voice. She looked around, nobody was awake.

” Okay piggy, why don’t you walk up and down the aisle for me.”

“What?” Sara asked.

” Walk up and down the aisle for me like a good piggy”.

Is this man mentally ill she thought to herself. She considered refusing but her whole career flashed before her, the struggle from economy, the shit eating smiles, she couldn’t throw it away.

“O..okay” Sara said.

She stood up straightening her uniform and patting her skirt.

“Go slow.” The man added.

She walked down the aisle. The man took in her figure, her curves and tight butt. On her way back Sara saw the man’s hungry eyes analyse her body, they fixated on her chest.

At 34DD she was no stranger to lingering eyes, but this was embarrassing. Why did she have to make that pig impression, always the joker she berated herself.

” That was nice piggy, very nice.” The man smiled.

Sara tried her best to keep her emotions in check.

“Turn around for me.” He said.

Sara didn’t protest, she would do this and it would be over. Yes. she told herself.

She turned slow, finishing facing him.

He looked her body up and down feverishly. Sara’s eyes darted to the expanded area in his crotch.

The man edged forward, putting his hand on Sara’s hip. Sara jerked back, but on seeing the dismay and immediate anger the action caused, she repositioned herself back.

” That’s it, good little piggy.” The man grinned at her compliance, replanting his hand on her hip. He began to move his hand in a circular motion, caressing her. His touch was surprisingly gentle Sara noticed. She looked around making sure no one was looking.

Sara found her breath quickening. He then edged forward putting his other hand on her inner thigh. Slowly he caressed them in unison, his eyes were firmly locked on Sara’s crotch area. Part of her wanted to slap this man away but another half accepted the position she was in.

As he rubbed he began to edge Sara’s skirt up. She hadn’t noticed until she looked down and realised that he had edged up her skirt exposing her panties.

Before Sara could pull down her skirt, the man grabbed her crotch area. She winced at the sudden sensation as he palmed her vulva, his thumb pressed against her clit.

She put her hand over his, intending to stop him, but as he began to move his thumb in a circular motion, her hand just froze on his.

She held on to his hand as he thumbed away, Sara leaned her head back subdued in forced pleasure. Then she let out a sharp moan as she felt his finger enter her.

She looked down immediately. He had moved the underside of her knickers to the side with one finger and had began to insert another in her vag. She stared in disgust.

The man grinned as he heard Sara making low pitched moans. He inserted his finger at different depths, exploring every angle of her pussy.

Soon he felt her juice on his finger. Sara was trying not to enjoy the man’s actions, to numb the sensations but she couldn’t. She bit her lip and held on to the seat divider, steadying herself as her knees began to buckle.

“Ah your already getting wet piggy” The man said.

Removing his finger, the man pressed a button on the side bar. His seat began to recline. He stopped it half way between fully reclined and straight as though he were seated in a lazy boy.

” Show me your tits” he demanded.

Sara gazed over the other pods. Nobody was watching.

“Please sir, I apologise.” Sara said putting her hand on her chest.

” Look,” the man said adjusting himself in his seat. ” You’ve made it this far, but if you want to call it quits I’ll be sure to tell your boss about the whole situation.”

Sara glared at the man who just held her stare. Slowly she stood up straight. She began unbottoning her shirt. The man leaned forward, not wanting to miss a moment. Sara looked away ashamed as she undid the rest of her shirt.

She paused for a moment. The man was transfixed, licking his lips. Sara released her front clipped bra letting her fat tits free. On the brightside she could always pull her shirt over her chest in a pinch, she gathered.

“L…lose the panties” the man managed.

Sara looked at him pleading but to no avail. She wriggled until her knickers hit the floor. The man promptly unzipped his trousers and shovelled them and his boxers off. He had an average cock Sara noted but it had girth.

“Please I can’t do this”. Sara whispered.

” Don’t worry” the man replied. ” Just a little further.” He leaned back in his seat with his pole filled erect. ” Why don’t you make yourself more comfortable and sit on top of me.”

Sara looked horrified, was this really going to happen? She couldn’t think.

She mounted the seat, trying her best to remain quiet. Her legs were spread wide apart on both sides of the seat, balancing on the man’s fat thighs.

” Don’t be shy come a bit closer.” He said.

Hanging onto the top of the dividers Sara edged forward. The man watched as she paused, her vagina only an inch away from the underside of his shaft. In a quick motion the man jerked his knees up sliding Sara nearer. She gasped as the lips of her pussy made contact with the underside of his meat.

His hands made their way to her hips and from there they moved up groping her breasts. Sara let out a series of involuntary sighs. She watched as with a big grin the man fiddled them. Squeezing and pressing her nipples. All the while her southern lips rubbed against the underside of his cock, coating it in her fluid.

The man sat up, and sunk his face into her chest. He sucked like a crazed maniac on one breast hard and then did the same to the other.

All Sara could do was watch as he proceeded to go to town on her tits, staring at her as he suckled on them. She gripped the side of the dividers as tinkles of pleasure brought her deeper into arousal.

Still cupping her breasts he leaned back in his seat. The man had begun slowly thrusting up, his cock constantly rubbing between her lips. Sara closed her eyes, concentrating. She didn’t want to enjoy this. She would not.

Then she felt a shock and made a loud gasp. She opened her eyes looking down. He was inside her. With his hand he had directed the tip of his head inside.

The man smiled as he slowly thrusted up guiding his cock halfway into her. Sara gave out a silent moan, her mouth open with no sound as she watched it ease into her.

” Now piggy why don’t you ride me” he said

With expectation he laid back on the seat and looked at her. Sara hesitated. She edged forward, submerging his cock fully in her. She gave out a sigh as his thick meat parted her slit.

Putting her hands on his bulge of a stomach she leaned forward and started to rock back and forth. She went slow at first. As she grinded her clit rubbed against the bottom of his fat stomach. It felt good but at the same time she regarded him with disgust.

Going at her own pace the man continued massaging her fat tits. Occasionally he slapped them sending Sara close to the brink.

Forgetting her surroundings she let out a series of moans but then went quiet when she realised. The man looked also to be enthralled in pleasure as he grunted and made low groans.

Back and forth, up and down she went. His cock plunging again and again inside of her. As she picked up speed her breasts bounced with her movements. She was close to climax now, Sara knew she should stop but still she carried on.

Soon their low pitched moans and grunts coincided with each other’s. Sara knew the man was close to erupting. No way is he cumming inside me, she told herself.

Just a bit more and then she’d manoeuvre of him she planned. She could then jerk him the rest of the way or something, she was sure he’d be too in the moment to care.

Getting into position, she prepared herself to dismount. Sara started to elevate off, but the man gripped her waist. He shoved his cock back into her. Hard.

” Your not going anywhere piggy.” He said.

Keeping a firm grip on her waist he began to thrust upwards. He eased it up in her at first, forcing her down as he pushed up. Then he slammed himself upwards penetrating her with force.

The sound of flesh on flesh filled the cabin and Sara let out half a scream before she stopped herself. He carried on this rhythm, easing himself in her then once in a while slamming upward. Sara’s tits jiggled as he did. She held the man’s gaze, her countenance in pleasurable grimace.

Up and down she went. She closed her eyes as she tried to fight from climaxing. She was near. Sara’s moans came in tandem with her lowering onto him. Feeling her breasts being handled she opened her eyes.

She was unaware that the man had let go of her waist and she had been grinding him by herself. Sara kept going. She began to jolt as she came, involuntarily twitching. She yelped as the man let out a series of grunts, panting as he ejaculated a full load deep inside of her.

Sara tried to lift off his cock but the man locked her in place, emptying all of himself in her. With the last thrust he stayed inside her. He sat up, smushing his face in her tits, both breathing heavily.

Finally, holding onto the dividers and with his grip loosened, she lifted herself. As his cock slid out, his semen oozed from her slit. At that moment the lights came on. In a panic Sara pulled her knickers up over her still cum filled pussy and closed her shirt over her chest. She stumbled down the aisle to the crew area where she gathered herself.

Erika woke from her sleep and looked over at Sara.

“Did you manage to sleep?”
