[MF] That Time I Played Naked Maid For a Week

For those who haven’t read my [last story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yp9oan/my_first_threesome_experience_with_some_townies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), my junior and senior year of college I was involved with a couple, Amber and Dave, for whom I was playing FWB with Amber (and occasionally Dave). I later learned that Amber had big time fantasies about having a college boy-toy to play with, and I guess I was the first one to make it past date one.

Over the summer I stayed in town because I was working an internship with a local company. What that meant is that I extended my lease on my shitty apartment with barely functional A/C. This town is in middle America, which gets hot as balls (and just about as humid). So I made a conscious effort not to be in the apartment any more than I had to. So when I wasn’t working, I was usually at a bar or the apartment complex pool.

Amber learned of my situation after one meeting (partied at a nightclub, came in her panties in a dark corner. I’ll tell that one later) and took pity on me. However, as with everything with her, her hospitality was not free. This was all part of Amber’s boy toy thing, she wanted to make me work for what she was going to give me, and I was all to happy to participate.

My internship ended with about two weeks left before class started up again, so she made me a proposition. I’d housekeep around her and Dave’s townhome, and she’d pay me $100/week. I’ll be honest, I still have no idea why she was paying me that much (it was really about 5 hours of work a week) for that first week, but the second week made up for that.

The first week was pretty standard. There was a list of things Amber wanted me to take care of on a daily basis and as-needed basis. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming/dusting, pretty standard stuff. Amber worked at the local hospital, and Dave did something in tech, so both were gone during the day. The deal was that everything was to be completed by when they got home. It was easy enough the first week.

The second week is when things got more interesting.

Because Amber had some level of seniority with her nurses union, she always worked day shifts, but worked 12s. She explained it to me one time, but she would essentially work a series of 3 or 4 12-hour shifts, and then have additional time off. It just so happened that the second week of my cleaning detail was a full week off for her.

*Oh boy.*

For the Sunday and Monday of that second week, it was business as usual. Amber mentioned that she was having a party on Friday, and wanted some additional help on Thursday to get everything ready. She already paid me, so I thought nothing of it. Before I left on Monday, she had an additional proposition for me. I do what she said, and she’d make sure to compensate me accordingly. At this point, I knew she wasn’t talking about money, but I was more than happy to play along.

From Tuesday onwards, I wasn’t to wear clothes while performing my housekeeping duties. I’d come in, immediately strip down, and continue on as normal. So when I got there, she was waiting for me in the kitchen (open floor plan, clear line of sight from the kitchen to the door). She didn’t even greet me when I walked in, she just looked at me expectantly. Once I was in my birthday suit, clothes folded and next to the door. She told me to get to work mopping the kitchen. She had a bucket and a rag ready for me “Where’s the mop?” I asked, “You are the mop.” was all I got back. *OK, I see how this is.* I thought to myself.

So, like the dutiful little housekeeper I am, I got on my hands and knees and started cleaning. Honestly, there wasn’t even anything to mop. I knew she just wanted her show at this point. While I was on my hands and knees scrubbing at the same spot, she would occasionally point out places that I “missed” to make me move around. Every now and again, she’d stand over me with her leg between mine, getting painfully close, but just far enough so I wasn’t touching her.

This game went on for a bit before she had me move on to other, normal chores. Probably 2 hours later I was done and left for the day. Wednesday was more of the same, except it was cleaning the bathrooms this time. The highlight there was that she played with a dildo on the toilet while I cleaned up. Of course, I was just the help so I had no right to watch, and she would stop whenever she caught me looking. Once she finally came, she made sure to squirt over the floor I just cleaned (yes guys, I know what squirting really is, it was still crazy hot to watch), and then she made me clean her and her toy up with my mouth.

Thursday wasn’t too eventful, because she actually wanted to get ready for this party on Friday. Highlight on Thursday was a blowjob in the kitchen, timed for when Dave was coming back early. He made some joke when he walked in, and dropped off his stuff in the home office before watching the rest of the show. When I came, Amber pulled my cock out of her mouth and I shot over her tits and the floor. Guess who had to clean the floor? At least I got a video later of Amber riding Dave (and before anyone asks, no I don’t still have it, and no I wouldn’t share it even if I did).

Friday was the most exciting day out of all of them, and another time Amber really pushed me out of the comfort zone. I showed up Friday afternoon (by request), and Amber called me into her bedroom. Mind you, I was naked as the day I was born, with a rock hard boner to boot (I realized from all this naked cleaning that I kinda liked showing off). I about jumped out of my skin and back into the hallway when I saw a different woman sitting on the bed, glass of wine in hand. On my way over, Amber texted me to let me know today was going to be a little different, and that everyone was onboard and in the know with her agreement. I just figured she meant Dave was going to watch and/or participate today. I didn’t think that I would be someone outside the two of them.

Opal (because I’m going with the geological names here) I later learned was a friend of Amber and also worked at the same hospital. Moreover, she was part of a swinging group that Dave and Amber were part of (she was a unicorn for a few groups). I later learned that it’s a dick move to include someone else in a swinging circle without telling everyone, but I didn’t know that at the time.

Anyway, Opal was sitting on the bed with a glass of wine while Amber was getting ready in front of a mirror. “Come on in, I need your help zipping me” Amber said, probably sensing my hesitation (which was pretty obvious considering I just jumped out of the room and closed the door behind me). This wasn’t actually the first time Amber and I (or Dave) had gotten frisky in a public venue, but this was the first time that attention was clearly on me. Pretending Opal wasn’t there, I helped zip up Amber’s dress. It was knee length and smart looking. It had a floral pattern on it, and hugged her curves marvelously. Opal was just sitting on the bed and smiling as I’m sure I awkwardly finished up, as Amber kept talking about whatever it was they were talking about when I walked in.

Once I clasped the top of the zipper (god damn those things are hard to do), she turned around and asked Opal how she looked. Looks like I was going to be completely ignored, which was fine by me because I was looking to get out of Dodge soon.

Well, I thought I was going to be ignored, because Amber turned to me and said “I didn’t forget about you” as she got on her knees and took my cock in her mouth. She turned us so that Opal had a great profile view of Amber slobbering all over my knob. “Oh, how rude of me, I’m Opal, by the way” Opal said as she got up and offered her hand. *Seriously, lady?* I thought, but I’d been through this rigamarole before. Opal started having a normal conversation, as any causal acquaintances might for the first time meeting, while playfully ignoring that I was currently having my cock serviced by one of her friends and coworkers.

I should mention, I never actually had sex or did anything with Opal. She enjoyed watching, and having her husband fuck her in front of other couples, no swapping for them. I did see her tits a lot though.

Opal was probably a bit older than Amber, close to 40 if I had to put it. She was a bit taller, probably close to 5’10. She was originally from Cameroon, but came to the U.S. when she was 1 or 2. Apparently her parents still taught her their languages, because I heard her yelling at her husband in French one time at a bar, and I had never been more intimidated nor turned on. She was the charge nurse for her floor, and had been at the same hospital since she was a CNA at 18. Honestly, I have a lot of respect for her career in healthcare, but I was trying to keep a straight face at the moment while Amber was doing things to my cock that couldn’t be mentioned in polite company.

Unfortunately, I got caught mid sentence as I started cumming in Amber’s mouth, and Opal just started cracking up. Apparently she wanted to see how long I could keep it up before I finally cracked. Up to this point, I had no idea how open and casual some people could be with their friends and their sex lives.

After that, Amber had me help set the table and prepare a few other things. It was Book Club night, which really meant the girls would get together, drink a lot of wine, talk about whatever, and occasionally Opal would be the last to leave, providing a convenient excuse for her and her husband to fuck with Amber and Dave. There were no other shenanigans with other guests, as Opal was the only one in Amber’s swinging circle. Right before I left, Amber did let me hike up her dress, bend her over the couch, and fuck her pussy while Opal sat right next to us and massaged Amber’s tits. Completely unrelated, I miss having the 20 second long refractory period from my teens/early twenties.

I came in her pussy (earlier in the summer we came to an agreement. She was on birth control and I’d get tested periodically, but that’s not fun to hear about. The first time she let me cum in her pussy was though, another story for another time), and Opal saw me out as Amber went to the bathroom. Apparently she didn’t get it all, because I got a pic later that night of my cum in her panties, in the middle of the party. Next time we met, she made me eat Dave’s cum out of her pussy as payback. I guess I had that one coming.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yq20ow/mf_that_time_i_played_naked_maid_for_a_week