[MF] First time we opened up our relationship

So for context, this story does have some fiction only to keep things anonymous and to make sure the details aren’t too obvious for those who happen to be involved. This happened when my boyfriend Harry and I (24M and 24F )had been dating for a couple of years in university. We were a lot of each other’s firsts when we met and even though we both lived relatively quiet lives, we had a lot of fun learning what made each of us click and obviously exploring our sexualities. This is a long story so feel free to skip to the juicy parts!

At some point, our conversation dived into experiences we missed. Maybe it was the videos on YouTube about people talking about the number of partners they had or it was just repressed desires but the topic of opening up our relationship came up. We had heard about the fun our friends were by just “having fun” and we just felt like we had missed out on that phase in our life. Little did I realize, it was a fantasy my boyfriend has had for a longer and this was an opportunity to make us both happy.

Both of us grew up with immigrant families and lived in more strict households. Neither of us were big on partying, on drinking or any of that culture but it didn’t mean we didn’t indulge. I knew for me, a lot of that context is important since it is what drove me into pursuing this.

We never pushed for a specific time or place to just do it. We wanted it to be more organic and fluid. You meet somebody and it clicks? Pursue it and enjoy but make sure you share all the juicy and intimate details afterwards! There were obvious rules. People we knew we didn’t want to be involved with (best friends, family members, close classmates) but beyond that, we thought hey, if we realize something made us uncomfortable, we can always go back. Now let me tell you, more firm guidelines definitely makes for a better experience but that was something we learned as we went.


After these intial conversations, it had been a few months of just talking about it passively, knowing we were comfortable with the rules we set and just playing around with the idea. We didn’t find anybody we wanted to explore the idea with but we watched porn to understand it and of course some reoccurring themes came up. Big cocks, risky sex, tons of lust. It felt like we knew what we wanted to explore but never had the opportunity to… until a mid semester party at a friend’s place.

Midterms had ended for most of us and we knew we needed to let off some steam. For those who still had to study, well they made excuses and still came out. We arrived, buzzed from some pre drinking with a much closer group, me in my very casual tank top and mom jeans. Like I said, there were no expectations for me to get fucked senseless tonight.

The night started out slow with some casual mingling and drinking before a group decided to play never have I ever. Now for those who know, these games tend to start tame before diving into more sexual never have I evers. The question for threesomes came up and although we were never involved in one, a number of our friends have. The conversation started to pick up as people talked about experiences, with who, when, where. But it was Chris’ mention that really drew my attention. Chris mentioned how he was a third for a relationship and hinted that his cock was the reason why. Now he never gave big dick energy. He was attractive, cute in a different way, very sweet but I never pictured he would just be an extra member of a relationship because of what he brought physically. For whatever reason, that piqued my interest immediately.

I look back at that night often and I still think alcohol played some role in what happened later in the night. The game quickly ended as the conversation about threesomes and sex continued. Harry was quickly pulled away into another game in the kitchen so I sat and listened before making my way towards Chris. He welcomed me into the conversation and at some point, it just became us talking. I digged into his relationship and and how he met and he opened up about his adventures online and how this couple was curious to experiment. It was his first time but they ended up enjoying it so much that they continued to meet, sometimes just him and the girlfriend. “Sometimes dick pics work” he said and I just rolled my eyes but obviously I was curious. He asked about me and my relationship and I mentioned how we we opened up our relationship.

It was a strange conversation and I could feel the nerves and butterflies come in as I knew the topic was heading towards a direction. I can’t say I remember all the details but it went from how he enjoyed the fetish of being idolized for his dick and how it was not his only experience. Not long after that, he said.

“If you really are curious, I can show you”

“You can go to the washroom upstairs. If I don’t come up in a few minutes, it means I won’t come to see” I said as I quickly ran off to my boyfriend.

He was getting drunker and drunker at that point playing drinking games with others. I pulled him away quickly to tell him everything and that I was going to go upstairs but I don’t think he processed a lot of it. His eyes opened up when I said I was going with somebody but who, what, where. All the details seemed to be lost. He kissed my forehead and said “have fun” before heading back to his game.


I went upstairs and noticed it was quieter. A few smaller conversations and a few red cups on the ground (weirdly a memory that stuck with me). I went to the washroom and gently tried the doorknob to see if it was locked. It turned and I was inside in the small washroom, him just standing there and me in front. I turned around and locked the door behind me before we stood there quietly. There wasn’t any talking for what felt like ages as we just stared before he slowly took off his pants and his underwear. The very distinct cock bounce happened as it sprung to life as he stripped and my eyes were mesmerized. It was thick, uncut, veiny with a lot of hair at its base. It was larger than the only cock I had been with and I was just stuck staring at it. I asked if I could touch it and he immediately smiled and said yes.

I remembered lifting it with two fingers and just realizing the weight of it. It was heavy and I just kind of had it there before my hand finally (well in reality attempted) to wrap around it. There was a slight hint of pre cum coming out as I slowly pulled the skin back, revealing more of the head. He put his hand on my chin and pulled my face towards his as we kissed while I stroked it slowly. The taste of alcohol on his breath was distinct as we started making out slowly as I stroked his cock, his hips thrusting into my hand.

He began kissing my neck and whispered into my ear whether or not I wanted to feel it more as his hands ventured under my jeans and onto my ass. I remember moaning and not even giving an answer before he turned us around and pushed me against the bathroom counter and sitting me up. Before long, my jeans were on the ground and he pulled out a condom for his cock as I was just starstruck by all the events that were happening in front of me.

He pulled off my underwear, grabbed me by my hips and went on his toes to find the perfect position as I just stared at his cock, knowing full well that this would not fit inside me. But it did and if it wasn’t for his lips on mine, I probably would have screamed. It is always hard to describe that first time sensation, where you know your world has changed. I remembered pain, I remembered literal heat, I remembered my body stiffening up almost to try to prepare myself but I was in heaven. Our tongues were wrestling as I tried to catch my breath while he kept pushing and pushing his pace, no care for what was happening.

He didn’t last long but I didn’t care. I could feel his body and his breathing change and speed up until he finally came, his cock twitching inside me as I bit into his upper shoulder trying to stay quiet. The condom was filled completely, beyond anything I had seen before, covered in my wetness that was almost a white foam. My body was in shock as I sat there, motionless as he cleaned himself up, got dressed and stood there with me while I processed what had happened.I remembered having the conversation with my boyfriend the morning after. Telling him all about what happened and the nerves and excitement that came with it. He mentioned he was really uncomfortable that we did it with somebody we both knew but as I told him all the details about how I felt, the sensation and release and how liberating the whole moment was, I could tell he enjoyed it way too much to say no.

I never met up with Chris again. I realized it was probably too close to our friend group to be a good idea. Funny enough, we never mentioned it afterwards either but there were always stares and lingering eyes where we knew what had happened.

I have plenty of other stories to share as my boyfriend and I continued to explore this lifetstyle so let me know if you would like to hear it!

Edit: Fixed formatting!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yoveed/mf_first_time_we_opened_up_our_relationship


  1. Now that was a great read and a good kickoff to what I hope are more sensual and sexy stories

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