My bff´s dad [49M] became my SD. It felt crazy! [FM]

Hello! Im new to the sub but I really liked the idea of owning my sluthood and posting about it for the first time.

Whitin my friendgroup I have always been the slutty and bold one but most of my friends still go out and hookup with guys too, I guess Im just a bit more open about it and thats why im labeled as the slut of the group. My bff is the only one of us thats not really like that and its more like the settleing down type I guess you could say. I have known her for like 15 years and she has always been in love with the same boy and they finally started dating a few months ago. Really sweet and romantic story but I guess its not relevant to this one lol.

The point is, I have known her for so long and practically lived with her and her family for a couple of years due to some really shitty problems I had back at home. Thankfully those problems got better many years ago but my closeness to her and her family has stayed in tact despite not living with them anymore. Her dad was and, despite everything now lol, still is like a second dad to me. He has always been really caring and lovable with me but never crossed the line into anything remotely sexual ever. Even when I turned 18 he still acted like a caring and loving second dad and I have always been really grateful towards him for that.

But that kind of changed last april when he divorced his wife after like 4 years of being on and off with their marriage. My bff was actually relieved though cause she was sick of being involved in all that fam drama with her brother and stuff, but I guess thats another story too lol. The thing is that a few weeks after his divorce he started chatting more and more with me. We both support the same soccer team and he started talking to me about the games when they were on and tactics and stuff like that. Then he began showing me cool stuff he bought for his new home and a buch of little updates in his life. I started doing the same and after a while we became really close and I actually started hanging out with him even when my bff wasn´t around. He even helped me get a job with one of his friends cause me and my family really needed to money but I needed flexible hours due to college.

Well long story short, we became super super close and one day I told him about a cute skirt I saw online and that I really wanted it but I didn´t had that much money. I wasn´t telling him about it because I was hoping he would buy it for me, I was just mentioning that it was my next goal savings wise but he just told me that he was gonna buy it for me and jokingly said that he just neede to see how it fitted me once it arrived. I said it was a deal and like a few days later when it arrived I sent a few pics to him while wearing it and he replied calling me cute and sexy. It was the first time he had ever said something like that to me and for some reason I really liked it and send him a short vid of me spinning around trying to show it off. I literally only sent him that and he out of nowhere replied with a pic of his bulge telling me to look at what I was doing to him. For like the first 2 min I was sure he meant to send it to someone else cause I was really shocked but then he send me a second video of him now jerking off and groaning my name. I didn´t replied for like half an hour cause I was so shocked and confused. I fetl so weirded out by it but at the same time felt sick and wrong for being kinda turned on. Out of nowhere he sent me a new text now saying that he would buy me all the clothes I wanted if I sent him a topless video of me jumping. It took me so long to answer too cause I was genuenly having an identity crisis in that moment cause I felt so wrong for even considering it. At the end my slutty and horny side took control just thinking about how wrong and hot it was and just sent him the video doing what he asked. He replied after a few minutes with a pic of his cum on the floor and asked me if I wanted to go clothes shopping the next day with him and I said yes.

Ever since then he has bought me multiple different outfits, jewelry and new tires for my car lol. We have kept it a secret from his exwife, son and most importantly my bff cause we are not sure how she is gonna react if she ever finds out. The only other person that knows is my sister just because she saw us in a store once kissing. He always picks me up from school and takes me either shopping or to a restaurant or both and we always end it on his house with him doing whatever he wants with me. One time he even took me to the pool he has in his ranch cause he had bought me a new bikini and made me suck his dick while he was arguing with his ex wife on the phone on our way there.

So yeah idk if you guys think this is interesting at all but I just wanted to talk about it on here cause I really dont got anywhere else to do so, not even my sis cause we just pretend like nothing happens lol.



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