Feeding Time, part 2 [M45/F31] [lactation, hucow, mindbreak, drugs, oral, impreg, BDSM]


It was 9:58 am. My phone pinged with the email alert from HR. Between my sick day, personal time, and vacation, I’d managed to be approved for the next 3 weeks for time off. Laura, the HR rep, had sent over a message with a sad face.

*Hope you feel better soon!*

I felt a little bad about lying to her. But the guilt slowly faded as I looked up the high-rise building at the address that “HucowFarmer69” had sent me in our message thread. We hadn’t officially traded phone numbers. For some reason, I still had some reservations about that.

“I’m here,” I typed out. A moment later, his response popped up.

“Good girl. Right on time. I’ll buzz you in.”

I ignored the little twitch in my stomach at the words “Good girl” as I reached for the handle of the glass doors at the top of the stoop. The harsh buzzer rang out along with the *click* of the latch, and I let myself into the lobby of the building.

It was nicer in the inside. Marble floors, floor-to-ceiling windows that had appeared tinted and drab from the outside let in a surprising amount of light into the clean space. A receptionist stood behind a concierge desk by the elevators, and he looked up when I entered.

“Are you visiting a resident?” He asked politely, seeing the wide-eyed look on my face.

I tugged at the not-quite knee length skirt HucowFarmer69 had instructed me to wear, making sure that it concealed the fact that I wasn’t wearing anything underneath it (another one of my anonymous hookup’s instructions).

“Umm…” I began.

“She’s with me, Reggie.”

The smooth baritone took me by surprise, resonating from my head to my toes, as a well-dressed man waltzed into the lobby from the hallway with the elevators. I blinked at him, immediately straightening my back as I looked him up and down.

He was tall: probably 6’3″, with close-cropped dark hair and thick eyebrows that gave him a serious look. He was dressed in business attire, suit and tie, as if he’d just come from the office.

But he hadn’t. He’d come from his apartment upstairs.

I suddenly felt incredibly juvenile in my crisp, white button-down blouse and gray pencil skirt. He’d asked if I’d had a blazer, and I’d said no. My office was fairly casual, so I worried that I hadn’t had the wardrobe he’d been looking for. Heat rose to my cheeks as I remembered his response.

“It’s okay Goddess. You won’t be wearing anything for very long.”

I swallowed a squeak as I realized that this tall, dark, mystery man was the one who’d typed those words. The only who’d found my chubby torso with my splayed tits worthy of the title “Goddess.”

Unless he’d just been baiting me. For all I knew, this man could be a serial killer. And I’d just committed to locking myself in his apartment for three weeks.

“Miss Ayreshire? You can follow me.” This was the code name he’d assigned me when I’d sent him a picture of my face and he’d seen my auburn hair.

“Yes, sir.”

That had been another instruction. I was to call him “Sir.”

Another twinge shot up my spine as he placed a hand on the small of my back and led me to the elevators. Once we’d passed Reggie (who’d given us a polite nod and a smile) he leaned into my ear and whispered, “Undo another button.”

I swallowed. We weren’t even in his room yet, and he was already giving me orders?

Carefully, I slid a hand over my bag and to the collar of my shirt, undoing the top button, baring a hint of cleavage.

He’d instructed me not to wear a bra, but I’d put one on anyway. I wasn’t about to walk around the streets of Phoenix in a white blouse without a bra on.

“You didn’t fully obey my instructions, did you?” He clicked his tongue. “Looks like you’re a cow that needs to be broken.”

*Sploosh.* I felt a drip slide down the inside of my thigh at the tone of his voice whispering in my ear. I flinched slightly, as I felt his fingers work open another button.

The bra I’d worn was my sexiest push-up, so I was now baring a particularly slutty amount of muffin-boob to the (thankfully) empty elevator. We entered, and he’d just slipped the tips of his fingers into the waistband of my skirt when I heard *”Hold the elevator!”*

I stared up at HucowFarmer69 with wide eyes as he reached forward to press the hold door button, other hand still pressed firmly to the small of my back, as a harried-looking older man rushed inside.

“Thank you so much, uh…” His eyes darted down to my exposed cleavage, and I could swear my cheeks were about to catch fire as I watched his Adam’s apple bob. After a moment, he raised his eyes up to mine, before quickly looking toward the man beside me.

“No problem at all, Richard. Would you mind pressing 14 for me, please?”

“O-of course.” The flustered Richard pressed first 11, then 14, and settled against the wall. He swallowed again, and decided the best course of action was to look only at HucowFarmer69 for the duration of the ride and ignore me completely. “Business going well?”

“Oh yes,” My master replied, digging the hand against my back a little further down my skirt as he pulled me closer. “Just got in some new stock, as a matter of fact.”

Richard laughed. “Must be hard to manage a ranch from the city!”

I froze. Did I hear him right? Was HucowFarmer69 actually… a farmer?

He laughed beside me, and his fingers jostled against the cleft of my ass as he did. “It can present its challenges. Especially when the new heads don’t arrive quite like you were expecting, you know?”

He pressed a finger in between my cheeks, and I stumbled forward. Richard jumped, and the farmer saved me by catching me across the waist with his free arm, turning us slightly in the process. “Woah, there, Miss Ayreshire, are you alright?”

I nodded, throat dry. His eyes narrowed, ever so slightly.

“Are you sure? Speak for me.” He reached for my hand, and pushed me back to standing upright. As he did so, he dug a finger further down my skirt- although to Richard, it probably still looked as though he was simply offering support.

“Yes, Sir.” My voice rose a hair as he pressed against my asshole with his fingertip at the precise second I said “sir”. Richard’s eyes darted quickly back to me, before returning to my master.

He released my hand, but kept his other wedged between my cheeks. Richard cleared his throat.

“Yes, that sounds frustrating.”

“It can be,” Master’s tone was light as he gave Richard a small smile. “But I find if you put them in their place, keep them well fed, and treat them like one of the herd, eventually they all produce well enough.”

The elevator dinged, and the door slid open.

“Have a good day, Richard.”

“You too, Mr. White.”

As Richard left, Master pressed his finger further against the puckered hole between my cheeks. I held back a squeak. The doors slid shut, and he pressed me against the wall, grabbing at my shirt with his other hand.

My body was squeezed between his hand against my asshole and his arm against my breast. Quickly, he undid another button on my shirt, low enough to reveal the front clasp of the push-up bra.

“My cattle are to follow my instructions,” He murmured, lips less than an inch from my ear. I felt the heat of his words puff at my neck. “*This-“* he tugged at the clasp, “was *not* part of our deal*.”*

I nodded, once again at a loss for words. *What did I get myself into?*

Suddenly, he was on his knees in front of me, pulling my tits out of their cups. I gasped, but then he latched onto my right breast, sucking hard like a man dying of thirst, and a sound escaped my throat like I’d never heard before.

The elevator pinged again, but he didn’t move. The door opened, then closed, and the down arrow illuminated above as the floor shuddered beneath us.


“Don’t speak,” he hissed around my nipple. I shuddered. “You will keep your beautiful tits out for the rest of the ride. And if another Richard steps onto the elevator, you will smile at him politely like the little cow you are, do you understand?”

*He couldn’t be serious.* “Hu-”

“Do you understand?” And with that, he bit down on my nipple.

*”Yes, sir!”* I screamed, then clapped a hand over my mouth, and my exclamation turned into a whining moan as he massaged away the pain with a swirl of his tongue. The tingling in my core intensified, and I could feel my nipples hardening with his attention.

“That’s a good girl,” he said, reaching up a hand to knead at my other breast.

The elevator reached the first floor, and the door stayed closed, while HucowFarmer69 licked, pawed, and sucked at my breasts, each one for ten agonizing minutes, while I waited with bated breath. Juices gushed down my thighs as he attacked them, and little zings of pleasure shot from my tits down to my clit with every flick of his tongue. I panicked as I could feel an orgasm building, the feelings intensified by the fear weaving through my chest at the thought of someone opening the doors…

At last, he unlatched, pressed the 14 button, and straightened beside me. I was shaking with need, and I longed to finish, my release hovering at the edges of my core, my pussy pulsing.

“That was your first feeding,” he said. “You’ll be getting them every three hours for the next week until your milk comes in.”

*What on earth had I gotten myself into?*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ylny9q/feeding_time_part_2_m45f31_lactation_hucow


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