[FFFM]My Excellent Vacation Part 6 – The Finale[Voyeur][Impreg][Threesome] [F45 M40 F37 F27]

Day 6 – June 24

I woke up without the need for the alarm, glancing at the clock it showed 5:14am in bright red numbers. I yawned and stretched my arms, then lifted myself from the bed. I felt great this morning. Today seemed like a perfect day for a swim and because there wasn’t anything planned, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. Comfortable, almost like I owned the place, I walked downstairs passing the receptionist who gave me a friendly nod, and made my way to the pool. I dropped the towel, exposing myself completely, and began to skinny dip. The water was warm and took no time at all for my body to acclimate. I began swimming laps. I had so much fun over the last week, but I became progressively homesick, to the point of being excited for my life to return to normal. Well, after this weekend, it will never be truly normal as this experience has changed me, hopefully for the best.

I pulled myself from the water and lowered myself onto a nearby lounger, adjusting the back so I was almost laying down. The warmth from the sun felt good against my bare skin. Then, a woman walked out of the building wearing sunglasses, yoga pants, and a tight-fitting athletic tank top. She had wavy shoulder-length brown hair and a bright smile.

“Good morning!” she said with a warm greeting. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here.”

“Oh, I most certainly have,” I said, returning her smile.

She flipped her sunglasses up so that they rested on the top of her head. Her tight body was made obvious by her choice of clothing. She knew she looked good and let the world know it. I’d wager that she was in mid to late forty. Her stomach was exposed, revealing not only her tight tummy but her tan. The shirt was tight around her massive tits but cut in a way to reveal a tough of cleavage. She was probably 5’8″ by my guesstimate. Her tight tan pants revealed a camel toe and you could see her mound pressing against the fabric in a prominent display, which left little to the imagination. She adjusted one of the loungers, straightening the back so we faced each other, and made herself comfortable. Feeling that this was going to be more of a discussion, I struggled not to stare between her slightly separated legs.

“My name is Shawna, I own this place,” she says, waving her hand around. “I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself.”
“I have,” I said in response.

“And have you found anything…” she pauses, “not to your liking?”

“Well, for one, I wasn’t too keen on the pain from the other day.”

She smiled a devilish grin and said, “Yes, that is usually people’s least favorite event.”

I noticed a small wet spot, between her legs and my cock began to stiffen. I held my legs together and bent at my knee in an attempt to conceal myself.

“There’s no need for that,” she said.

I thought silently, “I’ve been caught!” I straightened my legs and had them held slightly apart, my cock standing at attention over my balls. I stared for a moment and brought her eyes back to mine.

I noticed a small beauty mark above the left corner of her mouth. She was absolutely gorgeous in the most traditional way. Small lines formed at the corner of her eyes and the sides of her mouth as she smiled.

“And did you have a favorite event?” she asked.

My mind immediately went to Arden, but I pulled away from that quickly.

“I liked the guided pussy eating,” I said, having to come up with something quickly.

She smiled once more before adding, “Ah yes, that used to be me on the chair.”

My cock twitched at the thought of this beautiful and confident woman telling me how to go down on somebody.

“You know, there was one thing I didn’t much care for,” I added nervously.

Without missing a beat, she answered, “Arden…”

“Yea, that didn’t seem fair at all,” I said.
The look on her face changed, no longer smiling, but instead taking on a hardened look as she furrowed her brow. She crossed her legs and sat silent for a moment, her finger tapping against her chin.

“I would like you to understand something. I need to run a tight ship here. We have rules in place, not just for the safety of our guests, but also for the girls. I give them food, a place to stay, and the freedom to do almost anything they want to do. All I ask is for them to follow my simple rules. Plainly put, she broke the rules, that not only put you in possible jeopardy but her as well.” She took a breath, “See, the issue with Arden is that sex is not a part of her job. She doesn’t go through the tests that the other ladies do and because of that, I could not guarantee your safety.”

I nodded with understanding.

“After her…indiscretion…I did have her tested and her results came back clean, so you aren’t at risk for anything. But, since she had already shown recklessness and presented herself any my company in an unprofessional manner, I had no choice but to relieve her of her position. I loved Arden, she was a great employee, but unfortunately, we cannot have any exceptions to the rules.”

She lifted herself up from the chair and walked to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

“Arden was likable, everybody here loved her, but I had to do what needed to be done. If I had allowed an exception for this, then what would be next?”

I nodded, saying, “I totally understand since you said it that way.”

She reached down, taking my hand in hers, and said, “Come, let’s go for a swim.”

I walked behind her, stepping into the pool and wading into the warm water, turning around just in time to see her fold her top and place it onto the lounger she was sitting in earlier. Her tits were amazing, I’d guess them to be double D’s. She turned away, lowering her form-fitting pants, and gracefully stepped out of them, one foot at a time. I could see the slit of her pussy peeking out from between her thighs. She straightened and turned toward me. Her pubes were perfectly maintained, cut shot and cut in the shape of an upside-down triangle. Her hips swayed with each step as she put one foot of her long, toned legs in front of the next. As she stepped into the water her breasts lifted, almost floating at the surface. She came in closer, and brought herself in, kissing me deeply.

“I don’t get to play often,” she says, planting another kiss. “but I’ve gotten the okay to do it today.”

“Aren’t you the boss? Who would you need the okay from?” I asked inquisitively.

I heard the splash of someone entering the pool, turning toward it, I saw my wife’s naked body sinking into the warm pool.

“Holy shit, holy shit!!” My brain internalized, realizing at that moment what was going to happen.

“Hey baby, have you enjoyed yourself,” Sarah asks just as her legs kicked and swam toward me.

Sarah threw her arms around me and held her body against me, my hands cupped her ass holding her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She gave me a kiss and smiled. “I’ve missed you so much!”

I looked into her eyes and smiled, “I missed you too.”

My cock brushed against her, causing her to push hard against me, and kissed me again with my cock pushed in between us. Sarah turned her head toward Shawna and leaned to give her a kiss as well. Shawna’s leg brushed against my thigh as the two women’s lips met.

Sarah said, “Shawna, I want to thank you so much for this. I’m sure my husband has enjoyed himself.”

I began to nod but jumped as Shawna reached between us taking my hand. Taking the hint I lifted Sara up and Shawna brought my cock into position. I lowered Sarah onto my cock and Shawna began to fondle my balls. Sarah moaned as I slid into her and buried her face in my neck. Sarah lifted her legs around my waist, and I carried her over to the edge of the pool. She spread her arms and rested up against the wall, her tits lifting up from the surface of the water. I stepped back a little and held her by her thighs and began to thrust into her slowly. She turned her head to Shawna and I kissed each other deeply. A string of saliva pulled from their lips as they pulled away until it broke. Still holding Sarah up by the thighs, I increased the speed of my thrusts. The way she was held caused the tip of my cock to slide hard against the front wall of her cunt. Her screams were a combination of pain and pleasure, and she gyrated her hips, which caused my thrusts to push against her even harder. Her chest heaved as I felt her legs quake under my grip. As she came, her pussy gripped my cock tightly. The contractions of her felt so fucking good.

My cock slipped out of her as she slid off, then took Shawna by the hand. She pulled in front of me and pressed the back of our heads, guiding Shawna and me to a kiss. Our tongues lashed inside each other as the throes of passion took over. I caressed her pussy lightly with my fingertips and watched goosebumps form on her chest. I pushed my fingers into her, exploring her. I could feel her walls palpitate with each heartbeat. She brought her head forward and kissed me again.

“Fuck me now,” she demanded.

Sarah circled around me and pressed her chest against my back. I could feel her press her hand between us as she rubbed her fingertips side to side over her clit. Shawna took the same position that Sarah had been in just moments before, spreading her arms wide against the edge of the pool and rested there. Her tits swayed at the surface of the water as I fucked into her. Water splashed as she pushed into my thrusts causing the water to ripple away.

“Fuck!” she screamed at the same time that my wife moaned into my ear.

My cock tensed and her pussy became more slippery as the trickle of precum ran from me into her tight cunt. She smiled feeling this happen. I slammed my cock into her, pressing against her cervix until I felt it twitch against the head of my dick. She shook as she came, causing waves of pleasure to come over me as her thirsty pussy milked my cock. My wife stepped to the side and reached between Shawna and myself, and took my cock in hand, leaving my tip inside. She jerked my cock in place until I began to cum. Her grip tightened, keeping my cum in place until she finally loosened her grip. I felt the flood of my gathered seed pour into her. My cock pulsated in her hand and she squeezed me at the base and pushed more cum up from my cock.

“Oh fuck baby, that felt so good,” I said, turning to Sarah.

Cum poured from Sharna’s cunt as I pulled my cock from her, and it floated around in the pool until it clung to her skin, swaying under the current.

“That was nice,” Shawna said, turning to Sarah, “Thank you!”

Sarah smiled and said “You’re welcome” as she pushed her fingers back into Shawna’s pussy and tried to pull whatever cum was left inside. The three of us left the pool, hand in hand in hand. Sarah and I shared a lounger while Shawna took the chair that was facing us. Her legs separated and exposed her gaping pussy.

“I wish my pussy looked as cute as yours did!” Sarah complimented.

“Why, thank you!” Shawna said, taking her fingers and framing her pussy making it look like a makeshift painting.

We relaxed for about a half hour in the warm sun. Shawna lifted herself up and wished us a good rest of the day as she departed.

“Come on babe, I’ll show you around,” I said to Sarah.

She picked up her clothes from a nearby table.

“Leave them, walking around here in the nude is actually quite liberating.”

“Fuck it, when in Rome…I guess?” she said.


We walked through the glass doors and walked past the receptionist, who bit her lip as she tried to inconspicuously look us over. I gave Sarah the full tour, taking her into all the rooms that I had been to, and going into graphic detail about what had been done there. Our last stop was the shower, as I fiddled with the control on the wall that Arden had done the day prior. The walls of the shower went transparent and the TVs lit up showing the empty shower. Sarah tossed on one of my shirts but left her bare from the waist down.
“Oh! I want to show you something. Come with me,” Sarah had said, taking me by the hand again, and leading me out from the bedroom door. We walked up the stairs and made a quick turn, walking down another hallway. I looked around, not having seen this area before. She reached for a doorknob, turned it, and pushed the door forward. Inside was the most elaborate surveillance system I had ever seen.

“And this is where I’ve been for the last week,” Sarah said. “It was hot as fuck watching you with the girls. Not only have I watched everything you’ve done.” She took a knob and turned it to the right, and the camera zoomed in. “I watched it in detail!”

She flipped through all the places that I had brought her, finally leaving the picture of the bedroom up on the screen.

“The only thing this is missing is sound. So I had to imagine what everything sounded like. I can’t even tell you how many times I came while watching you.”

We ate some food and retired to the bedroom where I made love like a rekindled flame, falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Day 7 – June 25

We packed our suitcases and brought them to the front of the massive place, passing every single woman that I had been with…except for one. I thanked each one and kissed their cheek. Even Shawna was here. I spent a little more time with her, thanking her for everything she has done here.

Sarah and I put the luggage in the car and pulled from the driveway. We drove for about 10 minutes, before pulling off from the main road.

“I have to make a quick stop,” Sarah said, making a few turns and parking in front of a small house. “Come on,” she said exiting the car.

I followed her lead and we approached the front door. She knocked a few times. I could hear shuffling from inside the door until it came to a stop. The door swung open as it had been answered by a very familiar redhead.

“Arden?” I said with surprise.

“Are you ready?” Sarah asked.

“I think so. Can you help me with this?” Arden said, handing me a couple of bags.

I took them to the car and placed them into the trunk. After everything was loaded up, I opened the passenger door for Arden.

“Would you like to join me…in the back?” Arden asked.

I glanced over and Sarah, who shot me a small smile and a little nod. I closed the passenger door and opened the rear for Arden. Her shorts pulled higher up her thigh as she sat down and slid to the far side of the car. I took my seat and Sarah closed her door, driving off before I had a chance to buckle my seat belt.

Sarah adjusted the rear-view mirror so she could look into my eyes.

“I’m sorry, I should have asked you first, but that may have ruined the surprise. So, let me be clear, I was furious at first when I saw you two together” Sarah’s voice trailed off for a moment before speaking again, “but this was for your birthday, and after I saw the chemistry that you two had, I wanted in on it. I mulled over the idea until I watched you two again yesterday. I knew that they had to let her go, so I talked to Arden for a few hours after she had left your room and I really liked her. One thing had led to another and well…”

Sarah reached into her purse and pulled out a USB drive and continued, “I guess you’ll see for yourself. There are cameras everywhere.”

Arden turned toward me and smiled brightly.

Sarah began to speak again, “I didn’t think you would protest, so I asked Arden if she would like to stay with us for a while and see how things would work out. We’d take care of her bills and whatnot until she found a new job, and maybe she will be a nice addition to our relationship.”

Arden drew light circles on my arm with her fingertips. Sarah and I hadn’t had a threesome with each other, at least up until this morning.

I watched Sarah adjust the mirror downward until it was pointed at my crotch, and she said, “Arden, sweetie, would you be a dear and suck my husband’s cock?”

I became hard immediately, and Arden slowly drew the zipper of my pants downward. My cock was freed from its cotton prison cell and Arden got into position. Taking my cock in her right hand, she lowered her mouth over my cock. I brushed her red hair off her face and watched my wife look on from the mirror. I rocked my hips back and forward while Arden’s mouth bobbed over my cock. It felt wonderful, at least until the point where Sarah missed a pothole that could have been avoided if she were paying attention. Arden pulled away for a moment, coughing until she regained composure.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She said nothing but lowered her mouth back onto me. As her head bobbed, her lips ran over the length of my shaft, sucking me periodically, leaving a pop sound as her mouth pulled away. I had no control over myself and started to cum. A jet of cum flew onto my shirt and Arden quickly lowered her mouth onto me.

“Mmmm, yes, cum in Arden’s mouth,” Sarah said, her hand tucked under her skirt. My cock throbbed and I could feel my cum gathering in Arden’s mouth. Sarah pulled onto the side of the road and turned her head. Arden leaned to Sarah and kissed her mouthful of jizz into Sarah’s mouth. A little bit dropped onto Arden’s chest. Sarah swallowed and ran her finger over the cum that had fallen, collecting it, and brought it to Arden’s mouth. Arden sucked on Sarah’s finger and swallowed as well.

Sarah smiled and said, “Arden, I think you make him taste even better than before.”

I put my cock back in my pants and Sarah drove away. I wrapped my arms around Arden and leaned against her. We fell asleep in the embrace for the rest of the drive.

We didn’t even take the luggage from the car right away when we arrived home, instead, the three of us quickly made our way to OUR bedroom. Sarah took Arden’s shirt into her hands, and pulled it upwards, freeing Arden’s pale and freckled tits. They dropped as they were released from the shirt. Sarah and I each took her nipples into our mouths and gave them a suck and a flick of the tongue, before turning our heads toward each other and kissing. I leaned my ear against Arden and could hear her heartbeat. Arden smelled like strawberries. My hand lowered down into Arden’s pants, pressing against her mound. She pushed her hips hard against my palm while Sarah pulled her shorts down and brought her mouth onto her pussy, pushing my hand away. I rubbed began to rub my cock through my pants as I watched my wife eat Arden’s pussy, Sarah’s hands gripped Arden’s ass, pulling her toward her mouth. I watched my wife’s tongue lick between Arden’s pussy lips. I pulled my wife upward and guided the two women to the bed. I undressed, not wanting to pull my eyes away from the two beautiful women. I sat down in a chair and began to stroke myself as I watched. My wife was positioned between Arden and myself, blocking much of the view, but I saw Sarah push Arden’s thighs, holding them wide. As Sarah leaned forward burying her face into Arden, Sarah’s skirt lifted. She was never really been into underwear, so seeing her bare pussy didn’t surprise me in the least. I could see Arden take Sarah’s hair into her fists as she was being eaten out.

It was too much for me to take, I lifted myself from the chair and drove my cock deep into Sarah’s tight pussy. As I pumped my cock inside her, her tongue lashed over Arden’s pussy quicker and with more ferocity. I couldn’t see Arden’s pussy, I believe my wife pushed her fingers into Arden’s cunt. Arden screamed and I watched her legs shake violently. I fucked Sarah even faster. I looked down at my cock and every time I pulled from her, more of her white cream was collecting at my base and when I lunged forward the sound of our skin slapping could be heard.

“I want his cock too!” Arden said with a pout. My wife was unable to speak as the only thing that she could vocalize was her screams and moans, until she was able to nod down to Arden. Sarah shifted herself up over Arden’s body, while I pulled Arden down toward me until Sarah’s creamy pussy hovered over Arden’s waiting mouth. I watched Arden’s head lift as she licked Sarah.

“Fuck, I can’t believe how wet you OH!,” Arden said with her sentence falling short as I thrust my cock into her.

I lifted both of Arden’s ankles up over my right shoulder causing her pussy to squeeze me harder. The moans and cries of the two women cause my cock to swell. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I pushed my pelvis forward and the head of my cock pushed into her cervix. My body shook and my cock pulsated, pouring cum deep into Arden. I could feel the walls of her pussy clinching around me and her cervix twitching against my tip pulling my seed from her vagina into her uterus. I watched her clit twitch as I pulled myself from her, withdrawing a narrow stream of cum. Sarah took Arden’s hand and guided her further up the bed and instead of pushing her fingers inside Arden, Sarah instead pushed a pillow under Arden, elevating and tilting her hips upward.

Sarah smiled and said, “Can’t let any of it go to waste, and this is a good way to keep you here.”

Arden rubbed one of her hands over her belly and smiled wide.

“Getting fired may be the best thing to happen to me,” Arden said.

Sarah kissed Arden’s tummy before turning to me, saying, “Maybe yours and Arden’s baby could use a playmate!”

Sarah laid down next to Arden and pulled a pillow beneath her hips, spreading her legs wide, showing me her gaping entrance.

I took a deep breath, “Looks like I’ve got some work to do!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yjnu06/fffmmy_excellent_vacation_part_6_the

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