[MF] Bartender Tales-Part 1

When I was in my mid-twenties, which was a bit ago, I worked the closing shift as a bartender. I worked the shift alone after 10 or 11 pm and things sometimes got interesting.

I knew some guys close to my age that worked at a pizza shop up the street and they would stop by for a pitcher and shoot some pool a couple times a week and sometimes I would lock the door and let them stay past closing time.

Then, there was Veronica. The guys would bring ladies around that they hung out with and everybody would drink and flirt, the usual bar stuff. They had brought Veronica around a couple times before, but this time there was three guys and JUST Veronica. She was a cute little curvy Latina with gorgeous eyes, and she was looking particularly good in her long coat (It was cold outside) and her slinky short dress. They arrived about a half hour before I was closing and the bar was completely empty other than the five of us.

They were getting drunk and flirty, and Veronica was definitely all over one of them, touching and rubbing his chest. I paid it no mind as I was at the end of a ten hour shift, had my closing duties to finish, and I locked the doors so I could finish up.

Not long after that, Veronica’s dress came off. She didn’t wear a bra or panties that night and she definitely had our attention. She slid back in a high back barstool and began to rub her clit with all of us looking on. Her head tilted back, closed her eyes, and she moaned and writhed. She seemed completely entranced, unaware or uncaring of her surroundings.

She then slowly came to, opened her eyes, and then she asked me for a bottle of beer, but with specific instructions to leave the bottle cap on. Then she grabbed the bottle by the neck and proceeded to use the top of the bottle cap to push up hard against her clit and she moved it in small circular motions. She watched the bottle intently and would tilt her head back and let out a sigh occasionally. The guys stood around watching with a insatiable sexual hunger in their heart. Then she started to look around around into everyone’s eyes and she sense the desire in the room.

She set the beer on the bar and stood up, she grabbed the hands of a couple of the guys and placed them on her tits. Soon, all three were rubbing and pinching her nipples while she furiously rubbed her pussy. I just stood behind the bar watching and trying to mind my own business.

Veronica then turned to me and said “C’mon”. I walked around the bar and I began to gently touch her nipples, rubbing them between my fingers and moving my fingertips around there area outside of her areolas. With the other guys watching on, her whole demeanor changed. Her breathing became quieter and more labored, her shoulders relaxed and her head tilted back and her eyes closed. It probably only lasted 2 or 3 minutes, but I had hoped she had enjoyed it and I decided to get back to work.

The sexual excitement died down shortly after that and Veronica decide to put her dress back on. She assumed her touching and flirting with the same guy from earlier and they finished their beers. I unlocked the door to let them out. Just another crazy night in the bar business, but the craziness wasn’t over yet…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yispyd/mf_bartender_talespart_1