My [M35] wife Zobia [F32] Part 1 [FM]

My wife zobia and I have been married ten years. In fact the other day was our tenth anniversary. We have two children together of school age.

She is from pakistan and moved to the uk after marriage and I was born and raised in the UK. Being from a conservative family our wedding was arranged by our parents and she had never been with anyone but myself.

She is a decent looker. Petite frame. Probably stands at just over 5ft tall and weighs maybe 38kg. She has amazing 32DD boobs with perky sensitive nipples and a round butt to die for. She dresses very conservatively when we go out in the full traditional dress. Usually a salwar and kameez with her head covered in a hijab and an abaya over her clothes. Recently she has been wearing long dresses with leggings but even these have been very conservative and don’t show much skin.

I’ve seen men stare at her when we go out and it has always turned me on. Usually if we are alone and I notice someone staring at her I will point out to her just to watch her squirm a little. She always tells me to shut up though.

On to the story…

Times were tough recently due to the financial crisis going on in the uk and I had to borrow money from a friend of a friend (we’ll call him Hakan) to make ends meat. All was going well until a couple of weeks ago when work announced that they were not going to be able to pay us for this month. I panicked as I had an agreement with Hakan to pay him back at the end of the month.

I invited Hakan over to our house that night to try and explain the situation to him. My wife cooked dinner and sat with us as we all ate together. I told Hakan the story before dinner and he didn’t seem to be too bothered by it. After dinner my wife did the dishes and then came back to the room to me and Hakan. She was about to sit down next to me when Hakan stopped her and asked her to sit next to him instead.

Zobia stopped and stared at me waiting for me to tell Hakan no but I was lost for words. I didn’t know how to reply. Hakan gestured over to her again to come sit next to him and this time my wife reluctantly obliged.

As she sat down Hakan immediately moved his hand onto her thigh and continued to talking to me. Both me and zobia stared at each other and then back at the hand which was now making its way up her thigh.

Zobia was wearing one of her long dresses so Hakans hand wasn’t going to get too far but just touching her was far enough for us but neither one of us said anything.

After a while Hakan took Zobia’s hand in his hand and moved it onto his crotch. The whole time he maintained eye contact with me and continued our conversation about the football. He started rubbing her hands up and down his covered crotch. I was fixated with my wife’s hand and was now barely listening to a word he was saying.

This went on for about two or three minutes before I noticed Hakan had now moved his hand and zobia was rubbing his crotch without being prompted. I looked up at my wife who was still staring at me. As soon as our eyes locked she realised that he was no longer controlling her hand and pulled her hand back.

“Well” said Hakan “it’s been a pleasure but I have to get going now.” He got up to shake my hand and then turned to my wife. He pulled my wife close to him and kissed her on the mouth while rubbing his hands on her butt. They kissed for a few seconds with his tongue going in and out of my wife’s mouth. My wife not resisting at all. In fact from what I could see she was reciprocating the kiss and her hand was again firmly placed on his crotch.

Hakan broke off the kiss and turned to me again. He still had one hand on my wife’s butt and was holding her to the side of him “Don’t worry too much about the money” he said “I’m sure we can work something out. We’re all friends now after all.” With that he left our house and closed the door behind him.

I immediately turned to my wife and was about to apologise to her when she grabbed me and planted a huge kiss on my mouth. She’s not usually the one to initiate anything so this was definitely out of the ordinary. I had never seen her like this before. She broke off the kiss and started to take her dress off before pulling me upstairs by the cock through my pants.

We had the most mind blowing sex that night. Probably the best sex I’ve ever had. She was like an animal in heat. Usually our sex life is active but she prefers missionary and I have to coax her for a blowjob but tonight she must have cum at least six times and even wanted to do doggy which she hardly ever agrees to.


After that night we hadn’t heard from Hakan in a couple of weeks. That night our sex was the best it had ever been but since then it started to fizzle out. We never discussed what happened with Hakan that night but I could tell that she regretted it and would decline any time I asked for sex.

One morning just as I was about to drop the children off to school and then go to work there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw Hakan. My heart stopped beating for a second. I tried to say hello but my words just wouldn’t come out so I stood there staring.

“Who’s at the door?” Zobia asked as she came to the hallway. She was holding my sons lunchbox that she had just prepared but she dropped it when she saw Hakan. This brought me out of my dazed state and finally managed to get a word out. “Hey Hakan. I’m sorry this isn’t a good time. I’m just about to drop the kids off to school and go to work. Do you mind coming back later tonight? I promise I’ll have your money.”

“Like I said last time, you don’t need to worry about the money and don’t worry about being late. You can take kids to school and go to work. I’m here to visit my other friend… your wife” Hakan replied.

I froze again. Unable to get my words out for the second time in two minutes. “Dad,” said my eldest “we’re getting late. Let’s go”

“Don’t be late on my account” said Hakan as he made his way past me and into the house “like I said I’m here for breakfast with my friend zobia and then maybe some dessert.”

I stared at my wife unsure what to say or do. “I…I…” I started to say. “Don’t worry” she replied “I’ll be fine. You go to work and I’ll call you in a bit.” She came closer to me and gave me a big wet kiss in front of Hakan and the kids. She never normally does this, even in front of the kids but this time she held onto the kiss a little while and then directed me towards the front door.
