My Friend’s Sexy Italian Girlfriend [MF]

In grad school I spent a semester studying in Paris – which was basically an erotic hallucination that lasted for 4 months.

I happened to go with a good friend of mine who was also in the program with me.

He was a gentlemanly type, raised deeply evangelical, and he hadn’t yet learned better. (He was a 28 year old virgin). Basically he treated women like Venus de Milos – headless works of art to be placed on a dais and worshiped. So his idea of them as sexual beings (or just human beings) was all Mike-Penced to hell.

But I liked him. He was nice and he made me laugh. We were roommates at the dorm.

So while we were there, he met this beautiful Italian girl who was also in our program. I cannot stress this enough, but she was absolutely stunning. Very thin. Black hair, pale skin. No tits to speak of, and an absolutely perfect ass. She looked like a classic movie star, like a thin Elizabeth Taylor. The only problem was that she was very mean. You might be generous and call her “passionate” but she definitely had an attitude. But for whatever reason, her and my friend sort of paired off, which was weird because he never had a mean word to say about anyone (except Liberals like me, who were the ministers of Satan.)

It was sort of a shock to everyone that these two would hook up. They were really nothing alike. She was so full of anger and sarcasm and he was just this jolly, happy-go-lucky type. It seemed like such a mismatch but at the same time, opposites attract I guess.

They’d been hanging out for about two months when, one night, we were all out at some club together, doing graduate research into cosmic substances (not my friend of course.) But I ended up at some table with the Italian girl.

She was wearing this blue and black form fitting dress, red lipstick – she seriously looked like a pin-up model. I mean, truly stunning. And she must’ve knew it too, because she kept telling me about how my friend wouldn’t hardly touch her.

Apparently, after two months of dating the sexiest Italian woman I’ve ever seen, in Paris of all places, my friend refused to even kiss her because he didn’t want to “Disrespect her.”

She’s slept over at our dorm room before, in the bed right across the room from me, but apparently he’s just roll over and fall asleep.

I’d like to say I was shocked, but I really wasn’t. He had his beliefs, and they were important to him, and he wasn’t about to give up his flower unless he was married.

I tried to explain this to her, but she was really frustrated. I think she’d anticipated traveling to Paris and fulfilling some romantic fantasy, and I didn’t blame her. That was probably why all of us were there. It’s not like we were dying to read more Flaubert.

She knew she was was a stunning woman, and she was absolutely throwing herself at him, but all he ever wanted to do was hold hands and cuddle. She sat across the table in this beautiful dress, her make up perfectly done, and she looked me in the eye and said, “I don’t want to cuddle. I want to fuck.”

The truth is that I had been doing my own thing before then. Giving my friend and his girl some space and just talking him up to make him look good. It may sound absurd now, considering everything that happened after, but I really was trying to be a good friend.

But that night I think we just saw something in each other. We were two of a kind. We both had fiery personalities. We were both passion hungry. And when it came down to it, we had a lot of chemistry.

So over the course of a few drinks, while my friend was playing darts or whatever, we decided too slip out of there, go back to the dorm and fuck each other senseless. Which is what we did.

The best thing about fucking her was that she was very aggressive. Her anger and frustration definitely came through in sex. She wanted no tenderness whatsoever. I stripped her down to her thong and the whole time she was sucking and biting my chest and shoulders. She was scratching my back. She was like a feral animal.

She flipped over on the bed, got on all fours and just lifted her ass up. In her sexy Italian accent, she told me to fuck her – HARD. We didn’t have any condoms because neither of us had anticipated hooking up that night, but it really didn’t matter. Typically I’m very neurotic about using protection, but this is one of the few times in my life I didn’t care. I fucked her raw, from behind, in cowgirl. She turned around and rode me reverse. I came in her pussy, in her mouth. Pulling her hair, she told me to choke her. I guess it had been so long for her, she couldn’t get enough. Even when I was done, she kept urging me on for more. We were both literally covered in bruises. I looked like I’d been actually assaulted, and it felt amazing.

I suppose we should’ve been worried about my friend showing up in the room, but neither of us honestly gave him a thought. At least I didn’t. She fell asleep with me in my bed and later that night I heard my friend come in quietly and go to sleep.

The next morning was a little awkward. The Italian girl snuck out early and went back to her room, and I had coffee with my friend and sort explained the situation. I told him that me and the girl had found we had a connection and we were probably gonna keep seeing each other. He said some people had saw us leave the bar together last night and he kind of figured. He said it was cool, and we were friends, and he wanted us to be happy.

So, with his blessing, I spent the next two months fucking her all over Paris.
