[MF] I (29m) had another experience with my neighbor (33f) and have no idea what happens from here


My name is Levi. Recently I reposted a story I made a while back. This told the events of a crazy night I had with a neighbor and my wife. There is a recap below, but I come to you with a progression. There have been major developments and I’ve finally gotten around to writing them down. I hope you enjoy.

To recap for those that may not want to read my first story. My wife got drunk and she needed me to drain her breast while my neighbor (F) was present. My wife asked my neighbor to join in but she fell asleep before things got heavy. Neighbor and I decided to finish what my wife started. The next morning we all spoke and decided to chalk it up as a one time ordeal.


Story progression

This story starts, much like the original, but around a year later. Another summer get together at a neighbors house. Sara was tired from drinking during the day and decided she would take the kids so I could stay out. Delighted at this revelation, I assumed my position in a lawn chair and continued to socialize while getting completely pretty hammered.

As the night was winding down, I walked into the garage to pick at some some food from the event. As I’m getting food, I bump into Nicole. I should mention here that our night together barely crossed my mind in the past year. Nicole and Sara continued to be the best of friends with no noticeable tension.

I can’t say our interactions were never awkward. There have been some side glances and I may or may not have used that night as spank material early on. But at this point, it was long forgotten.

Nicole smiled and greeted me. It was abundantly clear that like me, she was extensively inebriated. I started to give her shit about it, teasing about tolerance when she asked if I’d mind walking her to her door.

Considering her state, I wasn’t surprised that she needed help. I initially looked around for someone else but notice it was really us and the host left. I could see the last couple of people heading toward their homes, which left me with no choice but to help.

We were a stumbling mess getting across the street to her stoop, but we made it. Pulling her left arm over my head and off my shoulders, I said good night. As I turned to walk away, she missed the first step and fell forward in a giggling fit.

Rolling my eyes I laughed with her and told her I’d help her get to bed. The trek seemed to have taken years. I decided to carry her on my back by pulling both her arms over my shoulder and leaning forward. This prompted several shin scrapes and cursing fits, but I got her up the steps, into the house, and up to her second floor. Out of breath, head pounding, and my pores smelling like a bar floor, I made my way into Nicole’s room.

Nicole’s bed is perpendicular to here door midway into her room. I stopped just before the bed and let her down to her legs, clearly not ready for full support. I grabbed her arms and turned around to face her. I swing her around carefully to get ready to lay her on the bed.

Suddenly she convulsed violently and puked all over me and her. It was terrible. I will spare you the vivid details as this is, after all, spank material.

When she finished, a few more wretches escaping us, I stepped back. I immediately started to undress, taking care to always have one hand on her for stability. “What the fuck?” She asked, as I slid my soaked boxers off.

“Relax, I’m fucking soaked in your puke (not like you’ve never seen it before)” I thought. “Let’s just get cleaned up so I can get out of here”. She nodded either in acceptance or devoid of thought, her expression didn’t give me much of an indication.

Once we were both stark naked, I carefully walked her across the hall to the bathroom. Just in time for her to finish what she started, this time in the toilet luckily.

It took me 20 min to clean up her room and get our clothes in the washer. Luckily it is right next to the bathroom. Back in the bathroom, Nicole seemed to have completely emptied her stomach and was presumably done with puking.

Her bathroom was beautiful, but the shower was the best part. It was a nice walk in with a bench and one of those rain heads. Enclosed in crystal clear glass with grey subway tile on the inside.

Miserable, drunk, cold, and emanating the smell of puke, I turned the shower on. Hobbling over to Nicole, I asked, “You ready?” I got a grunt in return which was enough for me. I lifted her by hands under pits and dragged her to the bench.

The shower was filled with steam as I took my seat next to Nicole. The steam felt so good, I laid my head back in enjoyment. Although the faint smell of puke lingered, this was very relaxing.

I awoke with a jerk and a feeling of dread. I immediately assumed I slept all night. but considering the shower was still decently warm, it couldn’t have been long. However, something wasn’t right. The first thing I noticed was a heavy weight over my legs, Nicole. I was hyper aware of my throbbing cock pushing against the top of her face.

As soft as this was, it didn’t compare to the feeling my right hand fingers were engulfed in. Somehow when she laid across me, my fingers rested in her light bush. Hairs were coarse, but her pussy was soft.

Quickly realizing I could be fucked with how much time had passed, I woke Nicole up. She was more lucid and sober. Not quite sturdy, I helped her to her corner as I decided to quickly wash myself and this boner away.
Once I was normal, I helped Nicole to her feet to wash.

Nicole was facing away from me, washing her own body. I was there to make sure she didn’t fall, which she did, but not in the way I thought she would. She fell forward, but caught herself with her arm outstretched.

However, when she did this, her hips shot back and her ass cheeks enveloped my flaccid penis. The sensation was heaven, her warm slippery soft ass cheeks gave the best resting place for my cock. Biting my lip and fighting every urge not to moan, i backed off and decided to get out.

She didn’t catch my boner as I had my towel wrapped tight. I helped with her towel and got her to bed with no issue. When got to the bed, she just let her towel drop. Luckily, she got into bed and just rolled over facing away from me.

This was a good sign, she will sleep and I can go home without making a stupid decision. Or so I thought.

I switched over the clothes and had an hour to kill while they dried. I decided to take a quick nap as I was pretty tired. The time, my alcohol consumption, and the come down of adrenaline after having a warm slick ass on my shaft just had me drained.

I set an alarm and went to get in to bed, startling me, Nicole said not to get her bed with a wet towel. Sighing, I got into the bed and made sure to lay away from her.

I dozed off and but woke on my own. My phone shown 20 min had passed, but apparently a lot had happened. Nicole was closer than she was when I got in the bed, way too close.

I was tilted to my left side, but not fully rolled over. My left arm the resting spot for Nicole’s head. In her sleep, indicated by her heavy breathing, she had rolled over and cuddled with me. However, there were several issues.

The first being my cock was rock solid. It must of been trapped before growing as the tip rested in between her lips, butted up against her pubic bone and clit. I could feel her heat radiating my tip. The second issue was time, I needed to go and didn’t know the easiest route of exit. The last issue was that I was very close to cumming, any movement might set me off.

Taking care, I grabbed Nicole’s side and attempted to shimmy her up and away from my swollen member. She slid up, but just enough for my cock to rest right at her soft entrance. She must’ve been aroused in her sleep too as moisture met my tip.

Biting my lip with enough force to nearly draw blood, I had no choice but to nudge her head with my left shoulder. I whispered her name, making sure not to scare her. Her eyes lifted and she said my name as if it were a question. But she also lifted her body up instinctively.

I tried to tell her no, but it was too late. My head got what it wanted as it partially slid in. She let out a moan followed by a what the fuck. But this was more of hissing sound and less of disgusted tone. Bright eyed I told her I was trying to warn her and that we must’ve gotten close in our sleep.

Nodding her head she agreed but instead of rolling off to her right, she leaned left and straddled me. I was now fully engulfed in her. Wrapped in the softest of satin, I stammered out a what, but was met with her finger. She shushed me and began to slowly rock. Her initial tightness giving away to a perfect mold.

Our breathing picked up as her pace did. Her hips flowing in a pattern of pleasure driving me to ecstasy. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I gripped her sides. Nearing my end too quickly, I sat up.

Rolling us to my left, I slid out and met her slit with my lips. Taking care to slow the pace, I teased her. I passed my tongue up and down, making sure to hit everywhere but her button. I ran my finger tips over her body, moans escaped when I touched her inner thigh.

Finally, my tongue glided across her clit with the right amount of pressure. Her legs stiffening for a moment, then bending at the knee as she spread for easier access. Sliding left/right, hard/soft, causing her all the right frustration.

Eventually I gave her body what it wanted, a rhythm. As her body tightened, I rotated my left hand pointed downward. My thumb entered her, pressing the ridges of her floor, my middle finger teasing her asshole. Tap, tap, she was over the edge. Her left leg convulsing, she threw her head back with held breath. This was followed by controlled breaths, each one allowing her body to loosen.

I stood up to admire work as her eyes popped open. A devilish grin forming on her face, she rolled over, a deep arch forming in her lower back. Pussy dripping and asshole glistening, she awaited my swollen rod. I placed him right at her entrance, looking deep into her eyes, I entered her.

Breathing, walking, fewer things were easier than my entrance to her pleasure cave. It brimmed with a supple moistness unfelt from earlier. Biting my lip, toes curled, I slid my thumb in her ass. Gripping down for her pleasure and my leverage, I methodically maneuvered my cock. Moans indistinguishable between her and I, time no longer tangible, all that was known was euphoria. My hips flowing like coupling rods on a train. A stride never to be broken.

The welling began right under my balls. They ached in anticipation of the very release they sought all night. Grunting and managing to pull out, I announced I was gonna cum. Failing to skip a beat, Nicole sat up and swallowed my cock whole. Instantly my hips bucked, cock spurting cum seemingly directly into her stomach. A wash of warmth release and nirvana passing over my very being.

Releasing all tension with an exhale, I was done. Nicole fell back on her bed. Her demeanor immediately changing. “Get out” she said, grabbing her phone. Dumbfounded, I asked why the sudden change of emotion, when my phone rang. I jumped at the noise, blood running cold as my wife’s name lit up the screen. Emotion rocking me, nearly causing me to faint. I met my fate either way and answered the phone.

“Hello”, I said. Colder than an Alaskan night my wife’s voice commanded, “Come home”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yb9eap/mf_i_29m_had_another_experience_with_my_neighbor


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