Story about when Me [F21] and my long time friend with benefits [F21] deiced to go to her place and have some fun together~ [friend with benefits, lesbian sex, kissing, foreplay, female orgasm]

Some base context for my story and what me and my friend look like: Me and my friend with benefits named Lily have been close friends since high school during which we on and off dated until near the end of high school when we agreed to become friends with benefits and even now roughly 3 years later while where both in college and 21 years old we are both still friends with benefits with each others and some other girls as well. This story is based of one of the times we got together to have sex about 2 weeks ago ( we have had sec since then but i wanted to share this story since i told it to someone else on reddit that i chat with and they said it was great and people would love to read it ).
To help you imagine this all as you read i have some sfw pics that while hiding my friend Lily’s identify still show of her body and gives you a general idea of what she looks like which you can see said pics via clicking this link Here. Also here are a few more details about her: she is 5’2, she is white, she has brown eyes, she is a B cup, she likes rock, metal, and K-pop music, she is a decent bit skinner then average but still has a nice ass and thighs that are a little bit to a somewhat decent bit bigger then average for someone of her size, she is friendly, honest, and supportive but not afraid to put her foot down when needed, she struggles to hide her true emotions a little bit so its sometimes easy to tell when she is hiding the fact she is flustered, horny, happy, upset, ect, and she is a bit more easy going of a person then average.
Im personally too shy to show pics of myself online so to help you imagine what i look like think here is a base decryption of my appearance. im 5’7, im white and a little pail, im a bit skinny / skinny then average so much so I only weigh 135 pounds roughly, I have lightish grey eyes that are tinted / mixed with light blue, I have long darkish brown hair that a mix of both wavy and my hair goes straight down my back before stopping at about a inch before being even to where my belly button is, im a DD cup but like I said im skinny then average my DD cup chest is a little to bit smaller then what DD might be for some other girls, according to what im told and what i have noticed i have a nice ass and thighs that while not large my ass and thighs are little / decent bit bigger and nicer then average but only by like 10% I would say if I had to guess.

So to start when me and Lily got back to her place after hanging out at the mall where we got some food and shopped a bit. I was wearing a simple black shirt and black leggings and she was wearing a white shirt and black leggings. After a short time had past since we had gotten to her place she told me to wait in the living room while she took care of some stuff in her room which she told me as she walked down the hall towards her room so of corse i listened and did so. Then after a minute or two of waiting in her living room she called me from her room down the hall in a casual but also a bit happy and a big eager voice and said ” ok you can come in now” so of corse in respond i told her ok and walked the hall and into her room.

As i walked into her room I looked around to see she had cleaned up a little bit as i could tell she had cleaned up a bit before i came in by throwing some dirty t-shirts and other cloths against the wall away from the middle of her room and her bed. Her room was simple but nice as her room was about the size of your standard hotel bed room if not a little smaller, she had a queen sized bed that had darkish grey sheets on it with 3 pillows that matched it at the head of the bed while her black blanket that was normally on her bed was folded up and put to the side on her dresser that was on the opposite side from her bed and only a few feet at most to my left from where i stood which was in the doorway against the wall that was opposite from her bed, near the head of her bed on both sides she had two simple a little darkish in color oakwood night stands, and she had a few posters around the darkish white walls of her room of various k-pop, rock, and metal bands.

As i stood there she called me towards her in sexy and seductive voice saying “come here” which i did and walked forward until i was right in front of her where she then moved arms and began to hold my hips while admiring my body while she smiled in a lustful and happy way before looking up into my eyes ( she is 5’2 and im 5’7 ) she then smiled a bit more lustfully and a little more eagerly before guiding me backwards with her hands still on hips as she did so and before i new it i felt the back of my legs hit her bed and knowing what she likely wanted I sat down on the foot of her bed and only the part of my legs past my knee’s where hanging of of her bed and once i did Lily then climbed on my lap with her legs resting so that her shins where touching her bed as they rested on the outside of my thighs as she sat on my lap.

She then began to kiss me softly and passionately while holding my sides and with each kiss she kept control but not aggressively. after kissing like this for a minute or two she began to get a little rough slowly over the next few minutes before moving her hands up a little and grabbing my black shirt which she then began to pull up which i responded to by lifting up my arms as she broke the kiss while my shirt moved past my shoulders and around my head revealing my DD chest being contained by my grey bra that was a bit fancy in style while also not restricting my chest very much as it didn’t leave much to the imagination for what my breasts true size underneath my bra was.

After doing this she held my hips a bit tighter and began to kiss me again but with more control and a little rougher then when she had stopped before this time as she began to move be back slowly until i feel back onto her bed as she stayed sitting on my lap the same way she was before and continued to kiss me but getting rougher and more lustful every few seconds we kissed during which i pulled my lower legs up so that my feet where on her bed and pushed myself forward just enough so that my legs where no longer hanging of her bed and where barely able to lay straight on her bed without falling of and hanging once again. At the same time i moved my hands onto her back and held her lightly while slightly pulling her in towards me more.

After a little bit longer of kissing Lily moved her hands off my sides and up my arms before holding my forearms and guiding them off her back while also slowly moving her own hands up my arm to my wrist until she had a somewhat tight hold on them and my arms where somewhat pinned at the sides of my head by her.

After doing this she began to kiss me a good bit more roughly and more lustfully as she pinned my arms down fully and she held onto my wrist a bit tighter. While doing so with each few seconds that past i felt more and more pleasure as she gave me no rest as we kissed causing me to run out of breath a bit but not enough to pass out just enough to feel the rush from it and send pleasure through my body as i moaned into her mouth as she kissed me and i squirmed under her as my back arched and my knee’s bended so that my legs where bent.

This didn’t stop her tho as she kept kissing me with her keeping control as she did this and not letting up her rough and lustful kissing as i squirmed and moaned under her for a few minutes until i began to reach my limit and needed to catch my breath which she could tell by how i would kiss her back and moan into the kiss so she then stopped kissing me which when she did i gasped a decent bit as i breathed in only to feel another wav of pleasure as she moved my left hand to my left arm more so that it was further away from my head but only enough so that she could move her head down and bite the sweet spot on my neck which she did right as i exhaled the first or second breath i took since she stopped kissing me which all resulted in me moaning and squirming a bit again as my back arched while she bit my neck careful but still plenty hard enough to send pleasure through my body as she bite my neck for about 20 seconds or so before she began to kiss me again the same rough way she was before.

She did this over and over as she would kiss me roughly and make me feel so much pleasure from the rush as i slowly ran more and more low on air for a few minutes before giving me 15 to 25 seconds to rest during which she would bite the sweet spot on my neck over and over switching which side of my neck should would bite each time.

After she did that several times she finally pulled back and sat up straight while letting go of my wrist. As she did so and as she caught her own breath while looking down at me with a mix of pleasure, lust, love, and joy on her face i couldn’t help but watched her chest move back and forth as her B cup breast which while well covered by her light grey shirt and bra still where a hypnotic site to look at and at the same time i was doing this she was looking at my own breast which where much more on display do to not only me having my shirt of but also due to them being a much larger size then her’s and do to the bra i was wearing showing of a little bit more then normal.

After staying there and looking at each other for around 10 seconds or so Lily spoke in a lustful, teasing, and a bit eager voice saying “how about i show those tits of your some love now~” and before i could respond or even fully process what she had said she had leaned forward more and grabbed both the cups of my bra and tits at the same time and began to squeeze and grope them not very hard but not lightly either which caused me to moan slightly at first before i held in any more sounds of pleasure that what she was doing would cause not because i didn’t want her to know i liked it but because i was trying to be a little sassy which i was failing at since i was already in such a submissive mood from her earlier actions.

After doing this for a few seconds Lily moved her hands across my breast and down my sides before working them under my back which i let her do by doing my best to lift my back up for her while still laying down below her as she still sat on my lap and looked me in the eyes with that same happy, lustful, honry, eager, confidant, and seductive look on her face and in her eyes that she had before. After less then 10 seconds of her moving her hands behind my back and trying to unclip my bra i felt the clip of my bra be undone as she had unclipped my bra and had now began to pull out the straps of it from behind me as she brought her hands back from under my back while still holding the straps of my bra and fully removed my bra causing my tits to fall slightly as there where no longer being contained by my bra and where on full display for her to see which based on the look on her face which was mixed with the lustful, happy, and pleased smile on her face i could tell she was more then pleased with.

Lily then grabbed my breast again and began to squeeze and grope them again but a bit more rough this time as she took larger hand fulls of my tits and after doing this for 10 seconds or so she began to also play with my nipples a little but not constantly as she would on and off take her thumb and rub one of my nipples for 5 or 6 seconds before going back to squeezing and groping my chest for another 10 or 15 seconds and then paying more attention to one of my nipples again with her switching which of my nipple she wanted to play with each time or sometimes every other time.

After she played with my breast for 2 or 3 minutes like this she leaned forward more and kissed me softly and a bit lovingly and passionately which i moaned into a bit due to me moaning every 4 to 8 seconds or so from the pleasure i felt from her squeezing and groping my chest but also a bit from her kissing me a both sent pleasure through my body.

After Lily kissed me like that for 4 or 5 seconds she pulled back and let go of my breast as she sat up straight again while still sitting on my lap all the while having a pleased, happy, somewhat eager, and lustful look on her face before taking her hands and grabbing the bottom of her white shirt and lifting it up over her head and then tossing it of to the side onto the ground away from her bed. Now due to her shirt being off i could see Lily’s B cup breast partially a she was wearing a dark green bra that was a decent bit thinner then normal for a bra and held her breast so that most if not all of the inner sides of her breast and large portion of the top of her breast where on full display for me to see as well as a bit of what was in between those to sides of her breast as even her nipples where barley hidden by her very sexy and very revealing bra.

Lily then began to speak in a tone that matched the look on her face as she said “im going to make you feel even better now ok?” which i responded to with a somewhat slight nod and by saying in a flustered, a bit excited, a bit eager, slightly out of breath, a decent bit lustful, and a decent bit loving voice “y-yes”.

After i gave my responce Lily smiled and told me in the same voice she spoke in before “good. now just lay there and wait~” a little more before moving to my right as she moved her leg that was on my left over me so that she was fully on my right and no longer sitting on my lap before then proceeded to climb of her bed and move to face me from the foot of the bed as she then grab my legs and pull me a bit roughly towards her so that my ass, hips, ect where at the foot of her bed and my legs hanged off of her bed entirely.

After this she moved and reached forward as she grabbed both my black legging i had on and my underwear that was underneath my leggings at the same time and pulled them down and off my body which i did my best to help her do so by moving my lower half and legs to help her for a few seconds until they where off of me and i laid there completely naked with my pussy on full display for her.

Lily then moved down onto her knee’s while spreading my legs until they where open enough for her to fit her head in between my thighs and still have a little bit of room for her to move her head as well. After which she moved her head in between my thighs and she began to softly and slowly eat me out which i let out a slight moan to in responce at first before holding my moans but not due to me trying to be a little sassy like before but instead because sometimes when im flustered during sex and in a submissive mood i try to hold them in and also a little bit because i new this would make her try even harder to make me feel good which she did as after she continued to eat me out like this for 10 seconds or so she began slowly getting more rough and aggressive but still controlled and skillfully as she ate me out and after a minute of this she was a decent bit more rough and i couldn’t hold in my moans any longer as i began to moan out loud in pleasure as i held her bet sheets a bit as waves of pleasure went through my body and became stronger the longer she ate me out.

But she didn’t stop there as she continued to eat me out and after another minute had past i felt her begin to not just lick my pussy a little bit and barely let her tongue enter my pussy but now begin to fully stick her tongue out inside of me the best she could while eating me out with her even moving it up and down, left and right, in and out, in circles, and even a few other ways as she ate me out now deiced to get as rough but still controlled and skillful as she could which made me moan even more and louder then i had previously that night and as my back arched in pleasure as my body began to move partially beyond or at times fully beyond my control due to the pleasure i felt resulting in my thighs began to try and tighten around Lily’s head while she was eating me out due to how good i felt which she was able to keep them from doing as she kept my legs spread and my lower half from moving to much with her hands as she kept eating me out and after going and going like this she continued to eat me out like this for 4 or 5 more minutes and then finally I moaned out even louder as i came and even squirted a little onto her face as my body and more so my legs began to quiver in pleasure as i came all the while she continued to eat me out with little to no rest which made my orgasm feel even better as i felt her mouth eat me our and her tongue move around inside of my pussy and in and out of it. Then after about 45 to 55 seconds my orgasm began to finish and Lily stopped eating my out as i laid there with my back flat breathing in and out heavily with my breast moving with each breath and my body still feeling good and also sensitive still from my orgasm as my legs still quivered slightly to a little bit with how much they quivered going up for a second or two every few seconds and my body but much more so my legs slowly regained the strength as they where to weak to even help me properly stand from my orgasm even if i wanted to but thats normal for me and if anything its just be a side effect having stronger orgasm’s then normal for a woman which i love that i have.

Hello! thank you for taking the time to read this as i worked hard on righting it all out and remembering all the details of what happened for that part of my night with Lily. This is only part 1 tho since there is a lot more that happened as we had both came several times that night so please like this post and lmk in the comments if you want to see a part 2 which will likely get into the action a bit quicker then this one did. Also please lmk your thoughts about my story such as what you think about my story, what you like about it, how well you think it was written, how i can improve at writing and what you think i did well with my writing to help me improve future nsfw story’s about me, Lily, and / or other girls i have done it with that i might write a story about in the future, and any questions you have about parts of my story that confused you or you want to know more about even if its things such as wanting to know a bit about me and / or Lily. Lastly i want to say ty again for taking the time to read my story and i hope you enjoyed it ;)
