[F] Horny lonely housewife ready to fuck someone else for first time

I’m a bored lonely horny housewife afraid to cheat but with the right guy I can’t take it anymore and ready for a 1x fuck.

I like Tall over 6 feet smart nerdy witty stocky built men who are good at sweetalk. please let there be someone that turns me on again…I move on to a new guy 1x a year it seems. So my pattern is I just daydream and crush on new guys regularly. I don’t have anyone right now so hoping for that next person to make me feel something again.

I know I can’t ever leave my marriage. I’m a spoiled rotten little bitch to my husband to be honest he only loves me bc he thinks I’m beautiful ( I don’t think I am) and he begs for sex all the time. My father won’t let me leave he says “I get treated like a queen what more do I want…” but I don’t know why I’m so unhappy. I just want to feel love. Also I just always had a high sex drive. I have the sex drive of a man and all my exes say I’m just too horny and have like the wettest pussy ever. But I also am particular about who I fuck so Im doomed to just live in fantasy my whole life.

I attempted to cheat twice but failed idk why I have bad luck at being bad it’s like god doesn’t allow me to be bad. I always either get caught or don’t get to have sex.

First attempt a super good looking black guy 6’2 with 8 inch dick asked for my number at park and I tried to fuck but I got caught cheating and was put on lockdown (stay tuned for more details in another post) now I’m not allowed to leave home anymore.

Second time I developed an online relationship with a guy I really liked and I thought he liked me too. Sexted for months. A tall 6’3 white nerdy guy I was ready to meet n fuck but idk wtf happened he faked his death to avoid me!!! crazy (stay tuned for more details) I thought he liked me back but guess I wasn’t hot enough… funny bc In that moment I believed he was dead and I wasn’t that sad I was actually hoping his brother saw all my nudes in the chat feed and liked me so I can talk to his bro instead, yea ok im a little psycho but cute.

I’m just average looking now nothing more. so now after being rejected I feel extra low just wondering if anyone would actually accept me. Omg I figured it out as I’m typing this!!! I want someone who will make love to me or be so good they can pretend to be in love with me so I feel less guilty for cheating. Sorry I know i have issues I’m just venting my secrets. After all these bad experiences I’m reevaluating my judgement but I’m still horny AF which hasn’t been fulfilled.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y7aq3c/f_horny_lonely_housewife_ready_to_fuck_someone


  1. Let me preface this by saying I don’t meet your criteria because I’m only 5’10”. Not sure I’d be considered nerdy either… anyway to clear things up for all the tall kings out there –

    Your husband spoils you, says you’re beautiful and begs for sex all the time and you have a high sex drive (the sex drive of a man, in your words), I’m missing what the issue is here.

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