[Unwanted anal][Straight forced to do gay][M22,M22,F22,F22,F22] Sex and the Academy chapter 1

This is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18. Character ages are all 22 years old.
Please check my profile for other erotic stories. They mostly involve dubious consent and anal sex.


Redmond emerged from sleep as the first few rays of sunlight came in through the window. He looked at the red numbers on the alarm clock. 5:57. His alarm would go off in three minutes. He had a habit of waking a few minutes before his alarm. He reached over and clicked it off.

He took a deep breath. This portion of his day was the calm before the storm. Once he got up it was be an endless gauntlet of stress and expectations.

Redmond’s first month at the academy hadn’t been going well. He was struggling with grades, he wasn’t having any luck with the ladies and his roommate, Sven, forced him to engage in anal sex, which he didn’t like at all.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Redmond specifically chose academy because of sex registration policy. Each week, a male student could pick up to three women (student or staff) and request one sex act. Each woman was limited to having sex only three times a week. He was certain this would get him laid. It had to get him laid – All he had to do is sign up and the woman would have to have sex with him.

But it had been over one month in he had not had any sex with a girl. Furthermore, he had been anally violated by his roommate innumerable times during that same time period.

But things were turning around. Anal sex was becoming easier for him as he loosened up back there. His grades were improving. And he had manage to snag a group project with three attractive ladies in his class.

Phoebe, Anna and Scarlett. Voluptous, curvy, young and nubile. He felt his penis stiffen and he reached down under the covers to touch it. He wanted to do terrible things to them. He wondered if he had enough time to jerk off and still get out of the house on time.

Of course, he had checked all three of their names for sex registration appointments. But they were booked months out like every other name he had checked. He still signed up but it would be next year before his turn would come.

Redmond hadn’t realized that although sex registration in theory would allow each student to have sex with any females on campus, in reality the spots filled up extremely quickly. Currently, his nearest sex appointment was to have vaginal sex with someone named Abigail seven months from now. He didn’t even know who she was or what Abigail looked like.

The sex registration website was frustrating to use and obtuse. After struggling with it for nearly a week he finally went down the library and had a staff member help him. He was crestfallen when he realized all of the nearby spots were taken.

After checking dozens of names he sheepishly got up and walked over to the librian, a chubby lady in her mid forties, and asked her name. She smirked and told him but added that she was booked up for 13 months.

“Everyone wants to be with a librarian!” She said and laughed

Things just weren’t going well. He thought about Pheobe ingulfing his penis in her mouth. It was hot to know that this would absolutely be happening eventually, even if it was a long time. He started tugging on his penis.

He wondered if they would ask and if it would be awkward for them. His appointments would them were so far in the future. What would he say if they asked? They could check online but he doubted they would looked that far ahead. He had signed up Phoebe for oral, Anna for anal and Scarlett for vaginal sex. The soonest one was over twelve months away.

His dick was hard and his strokes were quickening when he heard on a knock on the door. His penis instantly deflated.

“Come outside, please.” said the voice on the otherside of the door.

Redmond cursed and sat up. What was his roommate Sven doing up so early? Normally if Redmond was out the door by 7am he could avoid him.

He knew better than to keep him waiting. Over time he had learned to comply with his requests without complaining. He was still shaking the sleep from his eyes but he figured it would be better to get it over with.


Later, Redmond stared at himself in the mirror to evaluate his fit. He reminded himself that no one looking him knew what happened this morning in his dorm room. He wanted to feel cool and confident but it was to do so with a sore asshole.

He was working on his blowjob skills and if he could make Sven using his mouth that was preferable. To that end, when he was allowed to start their sex sessions with oral sex his goal was to make Sven cum as quickly as possibly before they could transition to anal sex. He was in tune with Sven’s body language and he knew how to increase the pace as breath quickened and how to tease the underside of his penis. He hoped he feel a familiar grunt and then feel a welcome bath of cum which means his job was over. But no such luck. This morning, like most mornings, he heard the dreaded words “ok now make the doggy style position”

Sometimes they didn’t start with oral at all and Sven would command him to strip off and would immediately mount him.

Anal sex got easier as he got looser back there but it was still painful and humiliating. He still hated every second of it and he wanted Sven to cum as quickly as possible. He would sit there holding his asscheeks open, gritting his teeth while Sven plundered his tight asshole.

Was this not cruel irony? This is exactly what he wanted to do to women. Young women, older women, short, tall, fat, chubby, smart, dumb. He was so horny and he had been looking forward to starting school so much. Registration was only open once students were 22 and Redmond had looked forward to starting for years. He specifically chose this university because of the abundance of sex he thought he would be having and yet here he was getting fucked in his ass! Instead of having his penis sucked, he trolled sex forums for blowjob tips so he could get his roommate to cum faster.

Redmond headed outside and made his way to building seven. Class was adjourned today and students were advised to use class time to meet up for their project. They had booked a small room in the basement of one of the buildings. He made his way down the stairs to the bottom and looked for room 17.

The building was dark down here and it felt like he was trespassing into some forbidden government building. He passed room 11, then room 12. He heard some laughing down the hall and he got closer he realized it was coming from door number 17.

He stood outside for just a second. He felt a lump in his stomach. For the most part, he had been anonymous on campus. Inside large lecture halls or lost among crowds of college students. He steeled himself, then turned the doorhandle and walked inside.

The women were spread around the table. Notebooks, pencils and school supplies were spread around them.

“Howdy.” Said Phoebe

“Hello!” Said scarlett cheerfully

Redmond grabbed a chair and put his bookbag nearby.

“Am I late? I was hoping to get here early but it looks like you guys beat me to it.”

“We got lunch together beforehand and finished early so we came by early.” Scarlett explained cheerfully.

“Oh, ok. Well, uh, I had some ideas for what we could do…” Redmond said.

He launched right into school stuff and went over some ideas. The three women had been working since before he got there and completed much of the work on the project already. Scarlett seemed the peppiest of them and she enthusiastically caught him up to speed.

They spent the better part of an hour hashing plans and going over individual responsibilities. Anna took notes and advised she would e-mail every one a summary after they finished.

Redmond realized after some time that he was completely superflous. The three others had this completely covered. He volunteered for some small duties but he felt useless. After awhile, he seem to fade into the background and the other three talked about him as if he wasn’t even there. He wanted to say something witty to capture their attention and make them attracted to him but he didn’t know what to say.

Redmond’s eye went wide as they eventually started talking about their sex appointments.

“It’s like, my first week I’m overwhelmed with how much coursework and reading I have to do. And that first week I set all my first sex appointments for that Friday? So, I’m fucking nervous as shit because I have to fuck three guys I never met before and I look and all of the appointments were for anal. They’re going to be in my asshole!” Phoebe said as she launched into a story. Redmond’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He dick instantly became rock hard.

“I thought at first maybe I could flirt my out of it, you know?” She batted her eyes and made her face innocent and pleading, and made her voice sickly sweet: “Uh, please sir I’m not feeling well can you please just jerk off? Or maybe I can in my mouth just a little.” She reverted her face back to normal. “Nope! If they sign up for anal, they’re getting anal.”

Redmond thought about his first anal sex with his roommate. He barely had time to react to his roommate telling him to strip and when he didn’t react fast enough he was nearly got decapitated by a right cross to his jaw. He remembered his pants and underwear being pulled down and a hard seemingly impossibly large penis being forced into butthole.

He had heard that sometimes larger roommates will take advantage of small roommates but he didn’t think it would happen to him.

“Look, so, I knew what I was in for coming to this campus. I’ve practiced with dildos. I’ve taken a dick or two back there. This is not my first rodeo.” Said Pheobe.

Redmond wished he had some practice before his first time with Sven. He never thought he would need practice becuase he never planned on receiving anal sex.

Phoebe continued: “I’m trying to tell myself, trying to be like ‘oh this will be no big deal’. Then the guy pulls out the biggest penis I’ve ever seen. It’s an absolutely monster. Can you believe this?” Phoebe said. “I can’t believe I even got it inside me. It was like trying to fit the Empire State Building in a pringles tube. ”

At this point Scarlett was doubled over laughing. Even the normally extremely reserved Anna was smiling and giggling.

“So there I am I’m getting fucking railed in my ass.” Phoebe put her hands around the edge of the table and gripped it tightly. She gritted her teeth and started grunting heavily. “And this guy is just going at it, just boom, boom, boom” Phoebe roughly moved the table back and forth every time said boom. “My asshole ring is getting stretched out. It’s taking an absolutely pounding. I’m sitting there thinking, I did not sign up for this. Nothing has prepared me for this. I’m sitting there thinking ‘please cum! please cum!’ I’m reciting a little prayer begging this guy to cum, right? So, he’s going at it and then the door opens.”

Phoebe paused to draw out the tension a bit.

“And it’s the counselor had I had admission interview with!” Phoebe said at last.

“No!” Said Scarlett

“Oh shit” said Redmond.

“Yeah! Yeah! Ok, yeah, so we’re in the cubicles they let you use for that? So, I’m getting RAILED and look up at him-” Phoebe bent over the table in a position like she was getting railed and moved her butt back and forth like it was getting fucked. “So I look up-”

“Were you naked while this was happening?” Redmond blurted out and then felt embarrased.

“Oh yeah! My tits are jiggling aroung! So, I look up and I can barely think, right? So, he’s just like,” Phoebe cleared her throat and put on a deep nerdy voice “‘Are you almost finished because I have this room booked?’ and I’m like ‘uhhh what?’ so I’m taking this all in and then the guy fucking me just starts nutting all over my back.”

“Holy shit” said Anna quietly.

“Yeah, I’m sitting there. My asshole just got reamed out. I’m fully naked. I have jizz all over me. I’m traumatized. And I have this admissions counselour asking me something insane? So I don’t even know what to say. But then he starts taking off his pants and his shirt, right? And I’m like ‘what are you doing?’ and he just gives me a confused look and says ‘I’m next’ and I’m like ‘What the fuck?'” Phoebe said all of this excitedly.

“Staff can sign up?” Asked Redmond

All three of the girls snickered and rolled their eyes

“Apparently!” Exclaimed Pheobe “But I had no idea! No one told me that!”

“Oh yeah, I’ve been fucked by all of my teachers. It’s kind of gross.” said Scarlett and rolled her eyes.

“They know exactly how to access the system, too.” said Anna quietly “So, if you’re at all hot all of your slots are going to filled by staff for the first couple of months.”

“Well, that’s not the only thing that got filled up.” Said Phoebe and snorted.

“You don’t even have to be hot.” Scarlett said. “I literally don’t know any females that aren’t getting their slots filled by staff. Even my friend Marie and she’s like super fat. That’s mean but it’s true. She said all of teachers had had sex with her by the end of week three and her math teacher somehow to two different appointments and she had to suck him off twice.”

“Ew.” Said Anna

“Gross but better than taking in the backdoor.” Said Phoebe. It is indeed, thought Redmond.

“I think the staff a way of gaming the system. They use way more than the three they’re supposed to have. That’s how they’re able to sex with so many people.” said Anna

“I think so too. It’s super fucked. It’s three a week and it’s been six weeks and I think all but three of my appointments have been faculty.” said Scarlett.

“So, wait, what happened with your story?” Redmond asked to Phoebe.

“What? Oh, nothing, I mean I took it in the ass. The teacher was much smaller so it wasn’t as bad but it still sucked. Whenever he sees me in class he has the biggest grin on his face, it’s so embarassing.” Phoebe said

Redmond had the biggest erection of his life and he hoped the ladies didn’t notice. He realized now that being an instructer was the best job in the entire world. It was his life’s ambition to get a staff position.

“So what about you? How’d your sex appointments go?” Asked Phoebe brazenly.

Redmond turned a bright shade of red.

“Ah, well, it’s… Well, the thing is. Well, I didn’t actually get any appointments.” He said

“Whaaaat? You mean you enrolled in the only campus were sex is mandated and you still can’t get laid?” said Phoebe in suprise

“Uh, yeah. I guess. I mean, I do have appointments but they’re way far away you know?” He said timidly

“I heard that from a lot of people. It’s super hard to get appointments.” Anna added.

“How did the rest of your appointments go?” He looked at Scarlett and Anna. He tried to play it cool but he voice cracked as he asked “Did you have to have sex?”

Phoebe gave an amused look and Redmond waited for her to pounce on his display of weakness but she didn’t say anything.

“Yes, I have. I have had three appointments every week.” Scarlett explained patiently like she was reading her report card off to her parents. “It’s honestly not been that bad for me. But yeah it’s super weird to see your professor orgasm inside you and then the next day to just be in class like nothing happened.”

“Yeah, same.” Said Anna and offered nothing more.

“Oh, dang. That sounds hard.” Said Redmond.

He needed to get rid of his erection but also knew that the information he had obtained from today’s meeting was worth four or five masturbation sessions. He was also going to penetrate all of the women in this room… albeit far in the future.

He had to stop thinking about this if he wanted to escape this room without revealing his erection. He was afraid Phoebe would make fun of him for having an erection.

Phoebe checked her watch. “Oh shit we’ve been at it for two hours. I gotta go.”

There was a flurry of activity and everyone started to put away all the school supplies spread out across the table. Redmond figured his only chance would be to bring up the rear and so he purposely packed his bag up super slowly.

The girls made their way out in front of him and he brought up the rear. He was very glad he had made it unseen and they made their way out the door in front of him.

He swung his backpack on his back and grabbed the door handle and nearly crashed into Phoebe.

“I forgot my phone!” She said slid past him, grabbing the phone off the seat

“Oh, ok.” Said Redmond.

She looked downwards towards his crotch area. He had a huge erection.

“Look at you. You better go take care of that.” She said and smirked.

Redmond stood there, gob smacked. He didn’t know what to say. She made her away around him and left down the hall towards Anna and Scarlett.

Instead of walking out into the hallway, Redmond retreated back into the study room and closed the door behind him. Redmond put his backpack on the seat. Instead of leaving he took out his penis, masturbated himself and came almostly instantly. Leaving a small puddle of cum in the middle of the room. He hurriedly put his penis away and left the room quickly.


More to come. Like, comment, subscribe etc etc etc if you want to encourage me to write more.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y1ihxw/unwanted_analstraight_forced_to_do