[M/F/T 18-30 + T 18-30, HJ, Fantasy, excerpt]

Allow me to explain the `M/F/T 18-30` story tag. This is a small excerpt from my textbased game where you customize the protagonist however you want: you can choose their gender (he/she/they); whether they have a penis, vagina, or both; and whether they have breasts or not. Note, this is written in second person narrative, hence you can play as male, female, trans, or enby.

This scene has a random chance of appearing when you explore areas of the forest. It’s written to be weird and include some light humor.

A large mushroom protrudes from the dirt ahead of you. It strikes you as a bit odd, not just for its size, but because there are no other mushrooms around here. Overcome with curiosity, you kneel down in front of it and stare. It has a thick, white stalk that extends several inches. The cap is wide and dark, with little bumps and ridges in various places. Definitely one of the stranger mushrooms you’ve seen.

You reach out and run your finger along the stalk. Its flesh is dry and a little spongy. As you explore the odd fungus with your touch, your fingertip brushes over the edge of the cap.

The mushroom suddenly twitches and startles you. You quickly pull back your hand, but beyond that little movement, nothing happens. This is the first time you’ve seen a mushroom that could move on its own.

You return your hand and resume your tactile exploration. Wrapping your fingers around the stalk, you squeeze it a little to gauge its volume, then rub your palm firmly against the top of the cap. The mushroom twitches more and more.

Hm. A defense mechanism? Perhaps, but what kind of predator would this scare off or harm? None come to mind, which spurs you to keep evaluating. Some kind of dew or sap builds at the tip.

Now *that* seems like a defense mechanism. Could be toxic. Fortunately, the sticky bead stays put, so avoiding it poses no challenge. You continue, thumbing the cap and upper stalk with fast circles.

A loud groan reverberates beneath the earth. Before you can decide how to react, a massive load of milky liquid spews forth from the same hole as the dew. It coats your hand and some of your clothes. Following the bizarre expulsion, the mushroom flops over to one side like a withered flower.

Uncomfortably sticky, you finally let go. With your clean hand, you rummage through your backpack for your canteen of water to wash it off. But in the middle of your search, the ground rumbles. To avoid being thrown about, you lie down flat, praying for it to end.

Shortly thereafter, the mushroom retreats into the dirt. The shaking stops. All that remains is a hole in the ground where it once grew. For what feels like minutes, you freeze, glancing around while expecting something else to happen, but it never does.

What was that?

If you want to experience the game firsthand, you can play the free demo here: https://monstergirlfarmer.com I hope you enjoyed this little scene. I welcome any and all feedback.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y1npky/mft_1830_t_1830_hj_fantasy_excerpt