Emily leaned against the railing with Ezra, who explained what little geography she knew. They were headed towards Old Ashton to the North, which was part of the Dorastir Empire. To the south was the Troulorian Kingdom, both of whom were almost at war. Trade was still favorable despite that, which Lia took advantage of. North of Old Ashton was nothing but ocean until you reached a freezing continent of which there were only wild tales. East, along the coastline was Dorastir, the capital of the Dorastir Empire. Emily thought that might cause a fair bit of confusion.
Further east was the murky border between Dorastir and the independent city of Peham. Peham was secluded, Ezra told her. Most visitors were not allowed within the grand walls of the city, which Emily found odd. How could they survive without trade? Ezra simply shrugged at that. Magic.
Ezra walked around the ship, inspecting the sailor’s work. During her next round with Emily, she had to shoo off a handsy sailor who was pretending to tie knots around the sail. He was groping her exposed breast and tying knots in her stomach instead. Ezra simply banished him to the hold until he “starts to think with his head instead of his cock.”
The Troulorian Empire was mostly bog, except for the major holds, and its capital city in the Prismatic jungle. Ezra did not know much of these lands. Most of her life was spent in the ship, running upriver and downriver. Hauling goods here and there. She seemed content with it all. Emily realized with a start that the sun was already close to setting. Ezra, who was leaning against the gunwale said, “We’re close to Old Ashton. And then it’s off with you. The captain meant it when she said you were valuable cargo. Maybe too valuable for us.”
There was a tinge of concern in her voice as she continued, “Lia has a contact who might be willing to help you. She hasn’t said much, but I presume it would be difficult.”
“Well, war looms above us. And… Well, the roads have never really been very safe. With war comes bandits. You’ll have to be very prepared for the journey.”
“So it’s like, the sex-crazed creatures?”
“That’s the Corruptness. It’s just a part of the world. Nothing to fuss about too much. Most creatures infected with it will leave you alone after a time. Most.”
Emily felt her insides stirring with that, but Ezra did not notice, “But it’s not just them. Bandits might just keep you for example. Not to mention wild animals who hunt for meat.”
The door to the captain’s cabin opened as Ezra finished her sentence. The captain herself stepped out. It seemed to Emily that every sailor in the vicinity straightened their back, and worked more rigorously than before. The breeze ruffled her hair, and she pulled a leash to draw Nate forward, who was… the leash was tied at the base of his cock. None of the crew said anything, but Emily stuttered, “What…?”
Ezra elbowed her and quietly said, “Oh, it’s just one of the captain’s whims. Don’t worry about it. He’ll be fine.”
It must have been humiliating for Nate. Or… satisfying? He certainly seemed that way. The captain towed him around the ship while she inspected the day’s work. The crew didn’t dare speak a word about it, and worked as meticulously as they never had before. The captain stopped in front of a crew member, and made her stroke Nate for a few moments before ordering her to hurry back to her duties. With another she made him choke her with his cock for a few seconds. Emily was thoroughly confused but Ezra simply shook her head.
At last, she arrived where Emily and the first mate were standing. She looked Ezra up and down, and something passed between them, after which landed on her knees with a thud. Her mouth was already agape, but Lia merely grabbed his dick and tapped it around her face instead. Then she ordered her to lick it, which she readily did. It was embarrassing for Emily to watch, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the act. This tough, pretty woman who she had been talking to was now lapping away at her friend’s cock. It turned her on far too much to her liking. Lia finally ordered her to stop and rounded on Emily. Her heart thundered inside of her chest as she was commanded to hold out her hand.
Lia immediately spat on it. Emily flinched but didn’t move her hand away. The captain nodded in approval and pointed at Nate’s dick, saying, “Rile him up.”
She had no idea what that meant, but she got down on her knees and stroked his cock hesitantly. Lia *tsked* and shook her head. What was she doing wrong? *Oh.*
She used his wet dick on her bare nipple, stimulating them both and moaning. Nate groaned alongside her and leaked some precum down her tit. The captain let out a laugh and patted Emily’s head, saying “Good pet.”
She smiled hesitantly as the strange woman led Nate away back to her chambers. Ezra offered her a hand and she was up again. With a grin, she explained, “That’s just how it is. Every crewmember on the ship knew before joining up that our captain has tastes. Each ship on this coast has its quirks. This is ours.”
She stared into the setting sun, giving non-committal replies to any of Emily’s further questions. The only person on the ship who she wanted to touch her nipple didn’t seem to want to.
They anchored a few hours away from the little coastal town. Emily and Nate stood with the captain and her mate on the bow of The Comfrey, discussing what came next. Lia said she had dropped anchor some distance away so she could decide what to do with them.
Emily nibbled at her biscuit while Lia explained that they had to stay anonymous at all costs. No matter how further Emily prodded, Lia would not give any reason as to why. They were to stay at an inn, the Dancing Mermaid, ironically. And stay there until they met up with a mage, who was a friend of Lia’s.
“I owe Alice a few favors, and I think this is a good way to repay. I don’t know what she’d do with you lot, but it’s probably the safest.”
Emily wondered what the definition of ‘safest’ was for this hardened woman while she kept on, “Again, she’s a good friend of mine, so don’t hesitate to mention if you want something specific. If that Corruptness doesn’t go away from you, pet, ask her to remove it. That goes for any other affliction.
“Try not to get on her bad side. She’s a mage, won’t require much thought on her side to turn you to a crisp, I imagine.”
Emily nodded and was thankful for this woman, but couldn’t bring herself to express it. Lia started to walk away, and as an afterthought, said, “And Ezra, you’ll be sleeping with my pet tonight. I think you’ve earned it.”
Emily flushed in embarrassment, and green jealousy, stronger than she had thought possible roiled in her stomach. Why on earth was she *this* attached to the woman? Nate seemed pretty happy as he was led away by his leash. He frantically whispered something inaudible to Lia and she chuckled. Ezra put an arm around Emily, completely oblivious to her inner turmoil and laughed, “Drinks are on me once we’re ashore.”
An hour after supper, Emily was draining the fifth cock of the night with her mouth.
The men had decided to stay up the night and use her while they could. And she was meant to go slowly. That meant no penetration except her mouth, so each cock she depleted of semen had time to recover. Her pussy was dripping and she ached down there very badly. She just had to hope this one understood her needs.
Salty cum filled her mouth and the nameless man above her groaned and pushed deeper, causing her to gag. That’s what they all did. It was like they could no longer control themselves after the first spurt of semen left their balls. Once he had pulled out and she was done coughing, she beamed up with her cum-coated face and said, “Thank you Master.”
He took his place beneath her and she sat on his face in relief. The last one had selfishly decided not to do that. The next dick rammed her mouth and began fucking her, leaving her utterly disoriented with the man tasting her wetness underneath her.
They had set up a camp of sorts, drinking ale and getting drunk. Helped them recover fast, apparently. The women, along with Ezra were in the captain’s cabin doing God knew what. She just hoped Nate was having a better time of it than her. Well, it wasn’t *that* bad. But her jaw was sore, and she was constantly in need of air as the men pummeled her throat. Her knees would probably end up bruised by how much she was tussled around by her pretty head. The semen left her throat raw, and since she had to throttle each cock entering her maw, it was an agony of its own. An agony she was enjoying.
The man grabbed her hair and pushed her deeper, stuffing her insides with semen once more. He didn’t relent until she was close to passing out. But it only served to drive her into an orgasm. She trembled while the man below her drove his tongue into a frenzy as she shoved her clit in his mouth by leaning forward. Once the dick in her mouth finally released her, she cried out in pleasure loudly, and thought even Nate would be able to hear her. The man gruffly patted her head and said, “God, this bitch is something else!”
And so it went. Hours went by. Cock after cock was shoved into her mouth. She knew she would be a mess tomorrow. Her knees would be ruined, she wouldn’t be able to talk or walk. A terrible introduction to Old Ashton. At one point, she noticed the women leaving the captain’s cabin, along with two men who she presumed were gay. She wondered with a thrill if any of the women liked other women, but was disappointed when they just left for the decks below, leaving Ezra to take Nate to her room. And Emily to wring more cum out of her horde of suitors.
Eventually they got impatient and fully drunk, some of them fucked her insides, while others just jerked off to her face. She could only remember it with a cloud of pleasure surrounding her. And cum. She was slathered with semen on every inch of her previously dry body by the time they were done. It felt like she was a painting the men had to finish before the night was out. A painting that enjoyed being painted on.
Once she was done, she lay panting, draped in cum. It drenched her very essence, making her feel like the smell wouldn’t go away even if she scrubbed herself clean. She tried getting up but failed and decided to just sleep here.
One of the gay men was called from below decks, and he scrubbed her out of the gooey mess she was in. The other men slowly left the decks, while others just passed out where they lay, their dicks plopped out.
The gay man, Lee, made sure she was completely clean. Going so far as her insides with his finger. She asked him to just use his dick but he laughed it off. Emily was serious but decided not to push the issue. He pronounced her squeaky clean after a while even though she still did not feel clean. With a pat on her back, she was sent to Ezra’s room to sleep on the pallet on the floor.
She limped in to Ezra getting fucked doggy-style with Nate’s hands around her throat, moaning out quietly. She stood there for a few seconds while Nate snapped his head at her, still choking Ezra. Emily shrugged and then lied down on her pallet, ignoring the way it trembled her insides. Ezra finally noticed her but stared at her dumbly while Nate battered her behind. After a few seconds, her eyes crossed and she arched her back, whimpering. After her orgasm was done, her butt remained in the air while Nate kept on pounding her, with her head on her mattress. In a muffled voice she said, “If it’s too distracting, you can go below decks.”
Emily laughed and said “That would be more distracting, Ezra.”
Ezra laughed softly alongside her but didn’t reply. All Emily could hear after that were their groans and the sounds of Nate’s dick slithering in and out of Ezra’s pussy. She was terribly tired, and the sounds were lulling her to sleep, even if she was a bit horny.
Emily woke up to yelling and she nearly panicked. Just then she recognized it as Ezra having an orgasm. Again. She had gotten louder as the night progressed and this was the second time Emily had woken up.
They were whispering up there. Why would they be whispering? She heard Ezra say in a whisper, “Okay, fine.”
Then she was getting off the bed. She tapped Emily on the shoulder and asked, “You up?”
“Yes, why?”
“Just something your friend wants. Just say stop if you want me to stop.”
Then she kissed her square on the mouth. Heat stirred inside of Emily, but Ezra quickly pulled back and straddled her, with her butt in the air. *Of course*.
Nate quickly got down as well, and without further ado, began hammering Ezra while her forehead rested on Emily’s lips. Her hair tickled her eyes, especially as Nate increased his tempo, making her rock back and forth rapidly. It chafed at her so she pulled her and made their lips touch once more. Ezra moaned against her, breathing hot air inside Emily’s mouth. She drank Ezra’s face in, staring at her as she rocked back and forth in the dark. Ezra sighed against her, until Nate groaned and pumped Ezra full of his hot seed, tugging her away from the kiss. A strand of saliva still connected their mouths but Ezra was lost in the moment, arching her back. Emily cupped one of her breasts and toyed with them while she shook. Once she was done, she collapsed on top of Emily, who put her arms around her sweaty body, pulling her closer.
Nate finally pulled out and a cascade of semen followed his departure, spilling down to Emily’s thighs. He didn’t seem to notice and stood. The little she could see showed her much of the same. He still had an erect cock. She wondered how the aphrodisiac would affect their journey. Would she have to take care of it? He looked at her with an unsteady gaze, suddenly embarrassed. With wobbly legs, he quickly left the room without saying anything.
The weight on top of Emily felt fantastic, and she slowly stroked Ezra’s hair to sleep.
She woke up to yelling again. But it was just the captain ordering the crewmen around. Ezra was still in her arms. She nearly kissed her brow but decided not to. She had been drunk last night, so who knew what she wanted? Her weight felt good in her arms though. Too bad they had to separate today.
Sighing, she got up and stretched, making her way out of the stuffy cabin. The sunlight blinded her, but she could still make out the town ahead. From Lia’s account, it wasn’t even a big one, but she still gaped at it.
The Harbor Quarter was as the captain had described it. Full of rotting warehouses and fishermen’s huts. Beyond that was the Upper Ward, which was slightly raised. It was home to the councilmen of the little town. A brick road snaked its way to the east, disappearing around a bend.
To the north was the open sea. Emily had seen many seas in her life, so she knew what to expect from that. All the same, she wondered what hidden creatures those blue depths hid from them. She also wondered if she’d ever cross it. Not to the North of course, but maybe along the continent.
As they sailed closer to the town, Nate joined her. He was dressed pretty opulently. For all her talk about staying inconspicuous, the captain couldn’t resist packaging her little pet before sending him off. Emily resisted snickering but he noticed and glared her way. Last night seemed like a strange dream in the sun. Hell, this entire trip seemed like a dream They soon dropped anchor a fair distance from the shore. The sea near the coast was tricky, Lia had said.
They soon said their goodbyes to the crew. Some of the men went for a hug. Kell smacked her bottom while he did so and said he’d miss her. Ezra and the captain were to accompany them to shore. Once they got back, the crew would be allowed their leave as well, to spend their pay as they wished. One of the men had drunkenly confided to her that he would “spend it all on pretty girls like you.”
Strangely, their weird compliments did not faze her. It was payment for the trip. It most certainly felt like whoring herself out but she had chosen it. Chosen to get whored out.
The stench of the Harbor District hit Nate halfway through their little voyage to the shore. He nearly gagged, but had to content himself with coughing instead. The captain handed him a brightly decorated handkerchief, which he gratefully put against his nose. It smelled of her.
She patted his shoulders and said, “You’ll get used to it. I imagine the place you come from isn’t this dirty, eh?”
She laughed as if it were the funniest joke in the world. He continued staring into the murky depths, imagining a mermaid bursting out. He’d go for a stab before letting any one of those creatures close to his cock again. It was still stiff beneath his trousers. He was getting used to it, which was terrifying. The captain had tried to soothe him by saying the witch Alice would have a cure. He hoped she did.
They were finally on the pier. The first mate paid the Harbormaster their share of the tax, and then they were along the way.
It was filthy. The people smelled, the roads smelled, the animals smelled. The people on the ship hadn’t smelled this bad so he was sure it was the stinking city. Soon, Emily had Ezra’s handkerchief stuck to her nose as well.
It quickly got hot. The air was humid and there was barely any wind. They were surrounded by people on all sides, half of whom seemed to be shouting for no reason. Haggling their wares or whatever. He was annoyed with that but didn’t want to complain about it, so he listened.
There were merchants selling all sorts of stuff that Ben had mentioned. One even had a mermaid’s aphrodisiac! How on earth did they gather that? There were other trinkets, mostly magical. Wards to protect yourself from rain, wind, sun, storm. One even claimed to protect against the Corruptness. He wondered if he could afford it with the gold coins the captain had laden him with during their farewell.
They finally soon found their inn. The Dancing Mermaid. The irony was not lost on him. It was a lavish one, as far as inns went. They entered and his surroundings immediately cooled down. He let out a sigh of relief as the innkeeper, a bald woman named Vunnen, bustled around them. Alice had paid handsomely for their hospitality. Valuable cargo indeed.
The captain walked alongside him up the stairs. She had used a stick of some sort to communicate instantaneously with her. Apparently she served as a spy, in return for payments. In a sense, the captain had sold them to the highest bidder. Bringing her closer to Alice’s good graces, while getting a huge payment. A win-win.
The room they’d booked was lavish. Vunnen answered one of Emily’s queries with pride, “Oh yes. The house is always kept at the ideal temperature. We had an Haimoorian mage cast it.”
She kept on, while Nate looked around the room. Their large window faced to the east, looking down on the street. There was a large king-sized bed on a raised part of the floor. The idea of sleeping with Emily stirred his already stirred groin but he ignored it and examined the rest. Wardrobe with a few garments, and a screen for the privacy to take a bath and change clothes. He exhaled in relief as some servants trudged up, carrying buckets full of cool water, which they dumped into the bathtub behind the screen. With a pulley system at an alcove, they soon began hauling water up and filling the tub rapidly.
Once everyone but Ezra and Lia had left the room, the captain announced, “Well, time for us to be off. Alice should be here within a few days and I have business to attend to with all the goods I’ve hauled here. Perhaps I’ll pay you a little visit before I leave.”
She looked at him while saying that, making him shift his legs and trying to adjust his penis. Contrary to *popular* belief, he wasn’t always fully hard. But when women gave him that look, his cock had no choice but to grow even harder. Particularly the captain.
Ezra suddenly spoke up, “Captain. I think I should stay with them.”
He stared at her in disbelief as she explained “It makes sense. Aren’t they valuable cargo? What if something happens to them?”
The captain was unfazed and calmly stated, “Valid concern, but it’s not you who should be here. I’d rather send someone from the crew over.”
“Pardon me, captain. But I’m the best one suited for the job. And you know it.”
Lia looked around the room and sighed, saying “Let’s speak of this in private. Goodbye pets.”
With that, she left, while Ezra, looking as determined as ever, followed her downstairs. Emily sat down on the bed heavily and said, “This is perfect! I hope the captain allows her to come.”
Nate had mixed feelings about that. But yes, if it had to be anyone, it should be Ezra. But she’d been so *cold* to him ever since he’d left her a cum-filled mess last night. He thought she was embarrassed about it but maybe there was something deeper. Emily spoke again, “You look forlorn. Also what came over you last night? Railing Ezra after dropping her on me?”
She looked incredibly flustered. Nate sheepishly replied, “It just seemed hot at the moment.”
“Bet it was.”
“It was! I liked it. Didn’t you?”
She glared at him but didn’t answer his question, “It was rude. An apology is overdue. Or you’re sleeping on the floor tonight.”
“And what gives you the authority to do that?”
She just smiled and looked away. His dick throbbed inside his new trousers. Well, that was something she could hold him hostage for. He took a deep breath and apologized, “Alright, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t do things without asking you.”
“Thank you. And you *can* do things without asking. But you should’ve asked for that first.”
He had no idea what *that* meant, but before he could reply, the door slammed open and Ezra walked in with a grin and hugged Emily tightly. The gesture left him groaning and he had to adjust his erection. So, he’d be sleeping with both of them tonight.
Ezra had to leave again to finish business with the captain. Supper arrived. Some squiggly sea octopus with a dozen different sauces. Nate decided to forgo that. He wasn’t feeling particularly hungry. Instead, he went behind the screen and after taking his clothes off, dipped into the cool water. He exhaled in relief and heard the clatter of dinnerware as Emily tried to figure out how to eat the dinner. He heard a yelp and then, “Uh, I think it’s still alive.”
“I’m not eating this.”
“Then help me out will you?”
A pause. Then, “You mean stare at you while you jerk off.”
“Well, if you put it that way…”
“Can’t you ask Ezra when she comes back?”
“I will. But…”
“Ugh, fine.”
He heard her approaching, each footstep making his heart go faster. She finally appeared and looked down at him. His dick was still submerged in the water, but it wanted out. She raised her eyebrow and said, “Enough? Or should I step on you or something?”
“Hey, that’s actually not so bad. Just dip your foot in the water, and I’ll take care of it.”
She stared at him and then folded her arms, tapping her foot on the floor. Then she tilted her head and slowly took her boot off. Nate wasn’t exactly particular about feet, but it was a good alternative since she wouldn’t hand him her hand. He just needed some relief until Alice arrived.
She wiggled her toes as she finally removed the socks. They weren’t exactly clean, and from his clean station, he could smell the foul stench of her uncleaned foot. She must’ve noticed his face but simply rolled her eyes and dipped her foot in the water, missing his cock by a fair margin.
He grabbed the bar of soap, and then rubbed it on his cock, lathering it in the water. It was a pleasing sensation and when he was finally done, he took a hold of her foot and began rubbing his cock on her soles.
Emily nearly tumbled on the floor with a yelp, but managed to catch the edge of the tub, with her leg still awkwardly inside. She settled down clumsily and heatedly said, “That kinda tickles.”
He chuckled and went on, with her face so visibly close, he could gauge her reactions very well. He lathered her sole completely, and figured out the bridge between her toes and the sole was the most sensitive. So he rubbed his dick on that spot while she tried incredibly hard to not thrash about. She clenched her toes around his thick cock and he began humping her earnestly, losing himself to the pleasure.
Soon, he started pumping out an enormous amount of semen on her foot and the bath. Emily noticed and said, “Wow. Ruined the water.”
“You’re more concerned about the water than your foot.”
She pulled her foot out of his grasp and brought it extremely close to his face. It was covered in semen and some dripped on his chest. She wiggled her toes and once the threat had fully registered, she backed out and nearly limped her way outside, calling for the men to haul up new buckets.
Ezra returned shortly after. Her coldness towards him dissipated as she let him cum on her hair before she dipped in for her turn at the bath. With her face plastered with cum, she’d simply walked behind the screen to greet Emily. He suspected she had been afraid of their separation. He lay down on the bed naked, with his manhood still erect and throbbing wildly. Spreading his arms out, he exhaled in comfort, relishing the soft mattress beneath him. He tried to ignore the women whispering behind the screen. They had decided to have a bonding moment and pushed him out when he protested that he was an equal part of the group.
His dick still felt hot from where both of them had held him and pulled him out to the bed. Not fair. Not fair at all. A splash of water and a giggle followed his morose thoughts and he sighed once more, in frustration this time. Well, he couldn’t have everything.
Ezra emerged first, her lustrous hair gleaming in the warm glow of the candles. She stilled his dick with her thumb and index finger, and whispered, “How horny are you? I want to sleep.”
He imitated a shrug and replied, “As horny as I ever was. It’s gonna be-”
He stifled a yelp as the first mate buried her mouth down his cock. He could *really* get used to this. She probably didn’t want to get messed up after a shower, which was why she didn’t let him go further than her throat. It took longer and required a decent amount of patience on Nate’s end, but he finished twice nonetheless, before sleep finally caught up to him. She slowly stroked his dick as if it were a pet, humming a nursery tale he’d never heard before. He resisted falling asleep, as he wanted both Emily and Ezra in the bed first but her humming was far too soothing and before he knew it, he was asleep.
He woke up to the sunrise from the window. The bright light made him wake up gradually, making him aware of his surroundings one at a time. He was blissfully humping against something smooth and fluffy while holding someone tightly to his chest. Emily.
He opened his eyes but she was still asleep. He heard a giggle from Ezra and looked down to a bizarre scene. Ezra had wrapped his cock on her pillow. The velvety smoothness was frustrating, but he couldn’t resist fucking away at it like an animal. The mornings were the worst. Ezra traced patterns on his back while Emily’s hair tickled his chest. All in all, he felt truly blessed, except for that blasted pillow.
Ezra spoke hushedly, her breath sending a tingle down his back, “You were going to mess up Emily’s new trousers. So I found a cure.”
“You deserve to get pounded for this.”
She just giggled, and he groaned. Somehow Emily had still not woken up. Ezra answered his unspoken question, “Oh, we had a *loooong* night. Too bad you fell asleep so quickly.”
If Emily hadn’t been clinging to him so tightly, he would’ve turned around to give Ezra a good dicking down. But unfortunately that wasn’t possible. She finally got up to call for breakfast. He stared down at Emily’s sleeping form and held her tighter. It felt good. Even the pillow didn’t seem so bad anymore.
She finally stirred awake, and they stared at each other for a moment. He nearly reached down for a kiss but she noticed the pillow and chuckled, “That was my plan.”
She untangled herself from his arms and stood up, stretching. After a mighty yawn, she caught him staring at her backside and raised her eyebrows, saying, “I’m going to start weapons training with Ezra tonight. Care to join us? Maybe it’ll help.”
He nodded and without thinking, cupped her ass and began rubbing his hand over it. She colored but let him do his thing. His humping increased frantically and before long, he had dumped his insane load inside the cushiony embraces of the pillow. He finally pulled out and glimpsed Emily trying to smother a laugh. With a shrug he said, “Hope the laundry here is good.”
She chuckled and they stared at each other until he was forced to snatch his hand back when they heard footsteps approaching the room. Emily left for the screen to change while he pulled the covers up. It was just the servants, with Ezra at the back, delivering their breakfasts.
It was noon when he was finishing on Ezra’s bare chest while Emily stood with her arms crossed nearby. They had been practicing forms until he’d gotten too horny. During one of the stances he’d started jerking off and Ezra was forced to intervene. Her tits were out to make it faster. As he was disposing his seed on her breasts, he felt a prickle across his skin. There was a knock on the door immediately after, and he had to put his trousers back on while Ezra cleaned herself. When everyone was ready, he finally went to open the door, the prickly feeling getting stronger with every step he took. As the door swung open, he knew without a doubt that it was Alice, dressed in robes of all black along with an armored, tough looking man.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y0d2lg/stuck_inside_a_sexbased_dd_campaign_mf_21_fantasy
Naughty stuff that you gonna love https://linktr.ee/valialoove
Please continue this story…. It’s too good to leave left alone