My First Time with a Cougar [MF]

My first apartment in a big city was in a middle-class neighborhood of a major metropolitan area. It was a small apartment on the ground floor of a four-story building. The building was located near one of the city parks and birds singing were heard in the apartment every morning. My neighbors were middle-class families of all ages from young professionals to retired people who modestly lived their gold age years in the big apple of the middle east. On the first day in the department I heard cautious knocking on the door, I opened the door and saw a senior lady, she was very fit with colored hair of brown red tint. She said hello and introduced herself. She inquired about what may I need and investigated my apartment above my shoulder. I said that I’m a college student and this is my first day at this place. Besides the kitchen with major electric appliances, the apartment had some furniture, but no other stuff needed for a normal life. A couple of hours later the second time someone knocked on my door, I opened the and saw her again. She holds cardboard with a new set of beautiful china and several bags with bedding staff. I was very happy that during my first time in the apartment I would have everything for a comfortable living. In addition, she gave me a big package of buckwheat and explained that it is very nutritious.

Our neighbor gives and takes relationship developed very well. Sometimes she visited me and brought some cookies or home-prepared meals. Sometimes I visited her to borrow a couple of eggs or a glass of milk or sugar. One day she asked me if I would help her with washing her car and I easily agreed to do so. The car washing was not for free she paid me well for my services and I started doing it almost every week. Later on, I was short on money, life in a big city is not cheap and I wanted to buy as many college books as I needed for my studies. So I offered her to help with house cleaning. She gladly accepted me for the cleaning job. I cleaned her house every week and she paid me fairly. One day she offered me a ride to a market and I found a suitable time for the market shopping. We purchased a lot of food and I helped her to bring all the purchases to her apartment which was located on the third floor of our building.

While I was studying in college we developed a very interesting neighbor relationship. I was helping her with cleaning and bringing heavy stuff to the house and she was hosting me in her house for nice meals and table games! During such events, I felt that she was flirty with me and I reciprocated with flirts of my own. One day when I was vacuuming cleaning under the sofa I felt that she started to rub her leg on my leg, it was electrifying! Our flirty relationship progressed slowly and she started hugging me when we met and separated. On the other side, I started to kiss her hand. One day she was very flirty with me and told me some adult jokes. On this day we went to a market as we usually did on Friday evenings. It was a wonderful sunny day in the Mediterranean spring and on our way home we saw a couple of stray cats passionately making love under a bench near the entrance to the park! It made a hypnotizing impression on us! We set in the car for several minutes while the cats were making love and the female cat was making loud noises during intercourse.

Before we went home my neighbor grabbed me by the leg to wake me up from the best street performance we could see! I took the heavy bags into my hands and we climbed to her apartment. I put the begs in the kitchen and she went to her bedroom to change her sundress to the casual tank tee shirt and shorts. She went to the refrigerator opened the door and leaned to the bottom compartment to put vegetables inside. I approached her from behind and stuck to her bottom with my hard boner. I never did such wild things to anybody in my lifetime. I do not know the way it happened at that point but I had a strong desire to make love with her. While she slowly straighten her back I put my hands under her teeshirt and quickly realized that she was braless. She slowly turned her face to me, widely smiled and we started passionately kissing while I touched her breasts and softly rub them. She gently moaned while I kissed her neck. I realized that she enjoys my kisses and petting and slipped my fingers and her shorts. Silky underwear did not make any hardship to touch her bikini area and her pussy. I continued to kiss her and gently robbed labia of her pussy. She whispered to me: “is this your first time my darling?” I said, yes and she lead me to her bedroom! Our clothes went out swiftly she laid on her back and I easily penetrated her silky slippery pussy with my throbbing boner! She gracefully took my V-card. I probably did not last long for the first time and fealed her pussy with my hot cum. This weekend I stayed at her apartment till Monday morning. We made love an endless number of times.

That wonderful and intelligent woman granted me so many love-making events. At some point in time, we went on a cruise vacation and enjoyed our companionship on board of a wonderful cruise ship. Our wonderful neighbor relationship continued till my college graduation and I moved to another city.


1 comment

  1. Interesting story. A little hard to follow but I liked it. Please share some more.

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