Stay at my side Ch.27 [18F/18M] [Friends to lovers]

Chapter 27: A bet

[Chapter 1](

I realized way to late how this must have seemed to the rest of my class. I wasn’t someone to say such things because they really thought like that (atleast until now) and I wasn’t someone like Matt who could act like he was one to get an A.

I just told what I felt when I saw the word ‘love’. Of course I immediately thought of Matt and the only way I could describe this feeling by now was ‘safety’. There was much more to it but I would need to figure that out first.

By now everyone had turned around to me. Some looked surprised that someone like me said that and others seemed to understand where my sudden understanding of love came from. Isabel, my desk neighbor leaned over to me. “Seems like someone got experience on that topic.” She really didn’t mean to tease me. Isabel was one of these girls you just couldn’t hate. She said some stupid stuff sometimes like this but never ment to hurt anyone. She was just interested.

“Who knows…”, even though I wasn’t mad I still didn’t want to talk about it with anyone. Isabel luckily didn’t question that further and turned to the front again.

The lesson continued without anyone making a comment. I looked out of the window again. Initially I planned to get a better student but the was just too much stuff that distracted me from this. For once, there was Matt who appeared in my head from time to time and there were still my parents.

I knew I couldn’t hide from this problem for much longer. I would hurt me as long as I didn’t deal with it and needed to figure out how I could continue with my life. I was 18 so I could on my own, in theory…

After the most recent events I was sure that I wouldn’t return to this house. Matt’s family wouldn’t have a problem with me staying there but that shouldn’t be solution for much longer. Not that I didn’t like living with Matt, but I couldn’t stand living on his parents costs.

Noone should say anything against it. I would stay for some more weeks with them but then I would need to find my own flat. I would share one with my sister. I would live without Mathew again. It was inevitable but thinking about it tightened the knot in my chest. Matt was the only reason I got through all of this and leaving the safety of him hurt me by just thinking about it.

I spent the rest of the lesson thinking about how pathetic my behavior was. I was totally reluctant on him. It didn’t scare me because I trusted him but I it would probably also be annoying for him if I needed him all the time.

The sound of the school bell woke me up from my thoughts. I didn’t came to a conclusion. When I left the classroom, I was still thinking about how what I should do now. Luckily I ran into Matt on the hallway and pulled him into a somewhat hidden corner.

“Missed me?” Matt said laughingly as he pulled me into a hug. I just nodded and closed my eyes. It was probably for not more than ten seconds but I instantly felt the relief I got by beeing in his arms. After I felt better I stepped away from him and told him what I had thought about. “Don’t worry. My parents don’t care whether you stay for some more time.” I sighed. “Okay, but tell me if it get’s too much.” “We’ll do. By the way, Daniel said you’re also invited to his party this weekend. You don’t have to but it would be a good distraction i guess.” I thought about it for a brief moment. He was right. Some normal stuff would probably be good for me. I even had an idea on what to wear but most of my stuff was still at my parents house. Matt somehow noticed my mood change and gave me a short kiss after making sure no one was looking. We had miscalculated our time left and had to return to our lessons. We shared this one but didn’t sit next to each other. It still felt good to look at each other from time to time and I somehow managed to enjoy this day to a certain degree.

The time almost flew by and I chatted with some other girls during the breaks. Matt would always be there for me but that didn’t mean that I should always use that. We sat next to each other on the bus anyway but still behaved like normal friends. Atleast for most of the ride. After the majority of the other students had left, I cuddled myself against Matt’s shoulder. He slowly turned his head and kissed me on the head before resting his hand on my thigh.

I didn’t know whether his intention was to tease me or whether he just wanted to show some affection but if it was the first one it definitely worked.

It wasn’t even the first time he touched me there but my reaction to this had changed. It has always been the same as if he touched my shoulder but now I was struggling not to think about what happened last night and what could happen this one. It didn’t work, of course. I gave up and put my right leg over his left one.

Matt’s hand slid down to my inner thigh which caused me to bite my lower lip. “We’re still on the bus, stop thinking about that. You totally have no reason to.” Matt whispered to me jokingly. “I’m not thinking about anything. But I guess I’d have a reason to.” I tried to sound as normal as possible but you could probably hear a difference if you knew what was happening.

Before Matt could answer the bus made its final stop and we had to get out. Totally forgetting that our siblings would also get out here, I took Matt’s hand. “You wanna admit that she is your girlfriend now?” Sophie had caught up to us and jokingly hit her brother with her elbow. “Nothing to admit, haven’t asked her yet. You probably skipped that step.” I noticed how Sophie blushed, which made me very confused. I’ve never seen her like this but my sister delivered the explanation for this.

“Well… she did ask me. We are just not sure whether it counts because of the situation…” it took me a while to realize what she just said. Matt was faster and turned to his sister. “Oh sis please, couldn’t you make it a little more romantic?” “Make it better.” Sopie challenged Matt. He didn’t thought twice about it and this is how Sophie became the reason for Matt’s and mine first date.



  1. Thank god you updated again…
    Still loving it!

    Also, i’m kinda a big fan of alliterations and “She said some stupid stuff sometimes” is a really nice one :)

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