Nothing is sacred [MF]

It was Christmas Day, and I was in high school. I had a long distance relationship with this girl Tina. The relationship was a bit strange, as many relationships in high school are, where I never really felt like I knew much about her. We chatted online. We talked on the phone. Didn’t matter. Without hanging out in her presence or with her friends, it was a different kind of relationship. I was the guy on the side, the x-factor, the unknown.

We had times when our relationship was incredibly sexually charged, and had times where it didn’t factor in. Sure, that’s how real life is sometimes, but like most teenage guys, my libido was often in overdrive. So much that I went out to visit Tina for Christmas.

Dinner was pretty boring. Her dad clearly didn’t trust me, and her mom wasn’t too fond of me either. They did their best to discourage anything from happening between us, and did a pretty good job for the most part. Needless to say, I walked around with an granite-like erection most of the time. If I were a teenage daughter’s father, I wouldn’t like that about me either.

But I digress. We finished dinner, and because I really had nothing to say to any of Tina’s family, or family’s friends, I went into the den after finishing eating. The way the house was situated, the dining room opened up into the den in kind of an “L” shape. The television was right near the dining room, and the couch was on the opposite wall. We sat down on the couch and turned on whatever boring Christmas special was on TV.

Then, all of a sudden, for no reason in particular, the half-dozen little children of all the aunts and uncles in attendance started throwing stuff on us. Toys, coloring books, pillows, sleeping bags, blankets… whatever they could get their hands on. Whether or not this was pre-meditated, I’ll never know. It’s occasionally better not to know. But after we were half-swimming in random objects, the kids all ran elsewhere. The adults at the table seemed thankful that they could carry on a peaceful conversation, and left us alone.

However, Tina and I immediately realized the situation. Her parents let their guard down because we were fifteen feet away and in sight, but they underestimated the teenage libido. Her left hand immediately found my aforementioned perma-boner, and my right hand found her seething hot pussy. The sleeping bag and blanket provided enough cover for us to be discreet enough, and that’s all it took.

I tried as hard as I could to keep a look of indifference on my face, despite the fact that this gorgeous girl whom I had no business being with was pumping my cock as hard as she could manage. It was surprisingly easy to maintain my state of arousal, despite her father looking at us every three minutes or so. This, the same man who made her daughter hang pictures of Christ on the cross in her room to remind her of her commitment to Jesus, was literally watching me finger her daughter to orgasm.

It felt so dirty. I still relish the feeling. Tina had a great pout. I could see her pout her lips, pretending to feign interest at the TV. But I could hear her shortness of breath. I could see her bite the inside of her bottom lip. I could feel her hand grip my cock even harder. And finally, I could feel her cum trickle down my fingers to my hand. I could feel her body clench and release. She felt amazing. And her second orgasm quickly followed the first.

After feeling her body relax a bit, I got up and retreated to the bathroom. I knew it wouldn’t take long, and was thankful that nobody stopped me on the way. My hand was still slick with her cum, and I had to hurry. I locked the door behind me, took my pants down and grabbed my swollen cock with my cum-covered hand. From there it took maybe thirty seconds to finish myself off. My hand slid effortlessly over my cock, quickly, furiously. As soon as I started to cum, my body shook, my knees bent, and I almost fell over. I managed to shoot all over the wall paper, which thankfully wasn’t textured and cleaned up easily.

I washed my hands, and walked back to the den. Tina was still on the couch, and I could smell the sex on her. She shot me a devious look, which I returned, and she retreated to the bathroom a few minutes later.


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