My boyfriend became my stepbrother when our parents eloped [MF]

Towards the end of HS (shootout to reddit, we were both 18), I was dating Chris. Chris was tall, decently fit, played every sport at our large school and all around popular cool kid….while I was the average girl who’s only not average quality was I run pretty fast on the cross country team and oh yeah, i can play a mean backup actress in the theater program. How would we even meet? Church of course!

Both our families went to a fairly conservative Christian church and Chris and I had been friends for literally almost all our lives but no one in large public school even knew we knew eachother because the only time our school lives intersected was at the end of year athletic awards banquet. But that suited us just fine. It made it easy to hide the fact that behind our conservative parents backs, and definitely without their permission, we were a thing. A happy couple that only we knew about.

Unfortunately about the same time, my dad and his mom became a thing as well. My dad had dated a few times over the years but nothing ever came of it so it was a little awkward but we kept going. After all, it wasn’t like we were Facebook official or anything so school wouldn’t turn into a teasing ground about our relationship.

Fast forward a few months and in a matter of a few days, our parents went on a long weekend, eloped, and my dad announced we were moving into Chris’s mom’s house the next week. Bombshell. Chris, my boyfriend, is now my stepbrother. Awkward. Thanks dad

Chris and I kept being a thing, now even more secret than before and snuck around which was truly exhilarating. This went on for about 6 months before it got to the point we couldn’t keep sneaking anymore and it slowly sputtered out. No cold turkey stop, but a slowing of it until we both left for college. Long story short, I truly love my stepbrother, who is also my ex boyfriend, and at one point in our lives, we went from dating to siblings overnight



  1. That was a wild ride but it sounds like everyone ended up alright in the end. Cheers!

  2. Sounds nice.

    I don’t understand the idea that some believe this turns a relationship into an incestuous one.

    I guess some places, it may legally be considered so, but genetically, no way.

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