Snow Friend 21+ [M51/F49] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Creampie] [BBW]

“For fucks sake!” I shouted as I honked the horn. “Move the fuck out of the way, it’s only fucking snow!”

I hated these backwoods hillbillys. Even worse, I hated driving back roads.

My flight had been cancelled due to this shit, and I just wanted to get back home. All of these people were driving too slow just because of this shit. First my meeting, then my flight, and now this, just because of fucking snow, that’s it.

I drove past the two cars before me and gave them the finger. “Fucking idiots!” I said.

Now that I was free from them, I stepped on the gas. I wanted to be home on my couch as soon as possible, but the GPS clock said it would be another two hours.

At least it won’t be two hours of this shit. I was sure there would be no snow once I got out of this hillbilly state, then I could really put the hammer down.

I had ventured into this state to buy out a small warehouse company. It’s what my company did; we bought out failing companies and got what we could get from them before selling them cheap. Many people would get fired in the process, but who fucking cares, we got paid, and that’s all that mattered.

The snow was really falling now, and I found it harder to see.

“Fuck,” I said as I tried to look out the windshield.

That little voice in the back of my head started to tell me I should have listened to the idiot at the rental car place when he said I should stay in a hotel for the night.

It was pitch black outside, and the snow wasn’t slowing down at all. If anything, it was ramping up. I had the heat at full blast, and the car still felt freezing.

Then it started to happen. My car started skidding this way and that way.

“Fuck,” I said, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

Fear was beginning to settle in. I hadn’t seen another car for what seemed like an hour now.

The GPS timer was starting to go up instead of down. As I was sure it knew what I now knew, the roads were getting covered in snow.

“Come on,” I said, looking for any sign of life, a truck stop, a gas station, even a roach motel, anything that would get me off the road.

I only saw pitch blackness and sheets of snow coming down harder by the minute. I looked at my speedometer. I was barely doing ten miles per hour now. I didn’t want to risk pushing it anymore as I could barely make out where the road was and where it ended. From what I saw up ahead on the GPS, the road looked like it twisted and turned.

The last thing I wanted was to go off the road.

‘Should have listened,’ the voice said again.

“I fucking know,” I said as my hands felt like they were going to freeze, and my feet felt worse.

I knew I was in danger. I couldn’t pull off to the side of the road and wait this out, my car would be covered in snow within seconds, and I would freeze to death. I had to keep pushing forward and hope there was a building or anything that would take me in.

“No!” I said as I felt the car starting to slow.

It was getting too cold, and it was affecting the engine.

I punched the gas, and it roared back up. I had to keep the car going. It was the only thing keeping me alive.

I saw some lights up ahead, and my heart jumped. Hopefully, it was a snowplow or someone that could help me.

As I got closer to it, my heart dropped. It was a reflector on the side of the road bouncing my high beams back at me. Nothing was out here. I had to rethink things. Maybe if I stopped and put more clothing on, I might be able to keep warm to stay alive for the night.

I turned to look back at my suitcase.

“Shit,” I said as I remembered I had put it in the trunk, there was no way I could stop and get it out and come back inside. My temperature would drop rapidly.

In the moment it took me to take my eyes off the road, my car turned sideways. I felt it hit something, and then I was falling. I must have gone off the road as I wasn’t just failing. I was crashing end over end.

The car finally stopped, and I felt okay, banged up, but it didn’t feel like I had broken anything.

I unhooked my seatbelt and immediately fell onto the roof.

“Shit,” I said.

I was upside down. The car lights were damaged, and I couldn’t see anything. I tried to start the car to give me heat, but it wouldn’t start.

Staying here wasn’t an option for me anymore. I was getting colder by the second, and I knew it would get worse.

I put my shoulder against the door and pushed hard. Slowly it opened.

“Fuck me,” I said as the cold wind tore through my clothes like little sharp knives.

‘Move!’ the voice shouted.

It was right. I had to keep moving. Movement was life in a situation like this, I might have been born a rich city boy, but I knew how to survive.

I walked towards the embankment and slowly crawled up to the road. Hopefully, someone will come by and see me. I barely made out my car tracks as the snow was doing everything possible to cover them up.

“This way,” I said, knowing nothing was back the way I had come.

‘Should have stayed in that luxury hotel,’ that voice said.

“I fucking know it,” I said out loud.

It seemed like I was walking backward as the snow pummeled me. I could barely see the ground in front of me. I couldn’t feel my hands or my feet. The fear of death was sweeping over me.

‘I am going to die out here,’ I started to think.

After a few more minutes, that realization started to hit me harder.

There was no sign of life anywhere, no lights, no buildings, nothing. I would even settle for some rickety shack where I could go inside and die properly, somewhere someone would find my body, not out here.

I fell to the floor, ready to give up. “This is it,” I said.

I couldn’t go anymore; my feet were too cold to take another step, my bare hands shook uncontrollably, and I could barely breathe.

‘Just lie down, it will go faster,’ that voice said.

“Okay,” I said.

“Hello!” I heard a voice.

“Hello!” I yelled back.

“Jesus!” a lady said as she came into view. “What are you doing out here?”

“My car…” I started to say.

“Let’s get you up, you can’t last long out here,” she said as she helped pull me up.

We walked for what seemed a few minutes when a small house came into view.

“What in heaven’s name made you think you could survive out here,” she said as she got me into the warm house and closed the door.

“I thought….” I started to say, but I was stuttering.

“Clothes off, now,” she said.

I finally could start seeing, she was a big woman, with long brown hair. The house was small, with a kitchen, living room, and one bedroom.

“I said clothes! No need to be shy, I have seen it all,” she said as she entered the bedroom.

I started to take off all my clothes. I was standing naked in a stranger’s house.

“Here,” she said as she sat me down on the sofa and started to towel me off.

“Are you a nurse, or doctor?” I asked.

“No,” she smiled. “A florist.”

We both laughed, and I started feeling better. There was a small fire by the fireplace, and she pulled me to the floor. “Sit by it,” she ordered. “I will make you some tea, warm the insides.”

I nodded. The feeling was starting to come back to my feet and hands.

“Name is Sebastian,” I nodded.

“Bernadette,” the lady nodded.

“Thank you for saving me,” I said. “How did you know I was out there?”

“I didn’t,” Bernadette said. “He did,” she pointed to an urn over the fireplace.

I looked at it, and it had a man’s name on it.

“My late husband,” Bernadette smiled. “You might think I am crazy, but he talks to me sometimes, he told me you were out there.”

“Well, thank you sir,” I nodded at the urn.

If she was crazy, I wasn’t going to say anything. She just saved my life, so if some bat shit idea made her come and save me, then so be it.

“You’re still cold,” Bernadette said as she returned to me. “Here,” she said as she wrapped the large blanket over both of us. “Don’t be shy, I am not going to bite.”

Her large body instantly made me warmer. She had huge breasts, and they pushed against me. She pulled my head and put it against them.

‘Damn they were huge,’ I thought as my head felt small against them.

What was wrong with me? Here was a kind lady offering up her house and hospitality to save a complete stranger, and I was internally making fun of her because of her size.

‘Get it together Sebastian!’ that voice said.

“Well, you are sure getting warmed up,” Bernadette smiled.

‘No!’ I said to myself. Did she just, yes, Bernadette’s thigh just brushed against my groin, and she probably felt that I had gotten excited.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“You’re a man,” Bernadette shrugged. “It happens, raised three boys and even if the wind blew a different direction, they would get excited.”

I was glad she was taking it lightly. I didn’t want her to get mad and throw me out. I could hear the wind outside picking up.

“Well, since it’s already up,” Bernadette said. “Might be easier to warm you up that way.”

“What?” I asked as Bernadette threw the covers off.

“Sex, fucking, the horizontal tango, whatever they call it these days,” Bernadette said as she started to strip off her clothes.

I had always gone for the skinny model types for all my fifty-three years. Never dated a woman that would be considered curvy or big. Never got married and had no kids. My job was my life, and it had made me very wealthy.

Bernadette was a massive woman with folds, curves, and everything in between.

“Well?” Bernadette said as she got on all fours on the floor.

I couldn’t believe how hard I was looking at her like this, and what came next was something I would have never done if I wasn’t so cold.

I grabbed her hips and plunged into her from behind. Grabbing Bernadette’s huge hips and I started fucking her hard.

“Feel better, don’t you!” Bernadette said.

“Yes,” I said.

The cold feeling was going away. I started fucking my savior harder. Her colossal ass slammed back into me as hard as I pushed into her.

“You are starting to look better too,” Bernadette said as she looked back at me.

“Yes,” I said as I fucked this big woman.

I finally pushed into her and gave her all I could before collapsing onto the floor.

“That’s it rest up,” Bernadette said. “I will be in the bedroom, if you want to go again.”

“Okay,” I nodded before I fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Wake up!” Bernadette said, slapping my face.

“What?” I asked, looking around. I was still on the floor in her living room.

“They are calling you,” Bernadette said as she slapped me again. “You have to wake up!”

“I am awake,” I said.

“Thank god!” a man said as Bernadette and the house disappeared.

I was on a stretcher being pulled up the hill of the embankment. “What happened?” I asked.

“You went off the road,” the man said. He was dressed in EMT gear. “Luckily we got to you in time.”

“Bernadette?” I asked, looking around. It was still pitch-black outside, and the snow was still falling hard.

“Who? There was no one else,” he said. “Was there someone else in the car?”

“No, the lady that saved me,” I said as they pushed me into the back of the ambulance.

“Sir, there is no one out here for miles,” the man said as he sat down.

“How did you find me?” I asked.

“An old couple called in a few minutes ago, said some lunatic sped past them heading this way,” a police officer said. “Guess you’re that lunatic, what the hell were you thinking?”

“I’m sorry,” I said as they slammed the door shut.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Sebastian!” Barry shouted at me again.

“Give me a minute,” I said as I stood outside the small house.

It was the same small house I had seen before, but it was old, rickety, and falling apart. The windows were all gone, the small gate was off its hinges, and there was barely a roof on it.

“Sir,” Barry said as he walked up to me. “Our flight leaves in two hours, it takes an hour to get to the airport.”

“I said give me a minute!” I yelled back at my assistant.

“Okay,” he nodded.

“If I wasn’t here, how did I know where it was?” I asked, looking back at him.

“I don’t know sir,” Barry said.

“The woman that lived here has been dead for twelve years,” Barry said, holding his tablet. “Oh,” he said as he looked at me.

“Oh, what?” I snarled, looking back at him.

“You said she was a florist?” Barry asked.

“Yes, what of it?” I asked.

“That symbol,” Barry said as he pointed to one of the remaining pots still intact on the floor. “You have seen it before,” Barry said as he gave me the tablet.

“I can’t remember,” I said, shoving the tablet back at him.

“You bought out her company sir, twenty-two years ago,” Barry said.

That memory came back to me like a flashback. It was my first buyout. Her company had been struggling. It was how I made a partner. I helped buy it out and then ripped it to shreds, giving everything away and leaving her with nothing.

I remembered her now. She was the big woman the other partners and I laughed at when she left the boardroom crying.

“I remember,” I nodded. “It was a small floral company, we bought it cheap and sold everything to other buyers before….” I stopped. “I ruined her life; it was a family-owned business. Her husband had died from cancer, and she was trying to make ends meet.”

I walked past the gate and looked at the house.

“Her three sons are still alive, one is a….” Barry started to say before I raised my hand. “Don’t,” I said, shaking my head. There was nothing I could do for them now. Unless “Buy it.”

“What?” Barry asked.

“Buy the house, repair it, restore it, then sell it back to them cheap, under one of charity companies, make it a donation or something,” I smiled.

“Sir, it’s a dump, it will take thousands to restore it,” Barry said.

“Yes, and they would love it,” I nodded. “I don’t care how much it costs, buy it.”

I started walking back to the car.

“Sir, you are acting,” Barry said. “This house is twenty-two miles from where you crashed, you can barely make it from your office to the meeting room without….”

“I don’t care,” I smiled. “I don’t care what the medics say, or the police or you,” I smiled. “I was here, ghost story or not, I was here,” I nodded. “I didn’t pass out and have some life experience, I was in this house, and now I want you to buy the fucking thing! Am I clear?”

“Yes sir,” Barry said as he closed the door to the backseat as I got inside.

Barry got in the driver’s seat.

“Hurry,” I smiled. “I have some changes to make, our company is going to do things a little differently.”

“Sir, the board,” Barry said, looking back at me.

“I am the chairman, they will listen, or they can get the fuck out of the way, now drive.”

I smiled as I looked back at the small house. “Thank you,” I nodded.

***Author’s Note: This story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
