Change Happens: Chapter One (Part Two of Two) 21+ {F36/M38] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Creampie] [Quick Sex]

I slammed the door to my office and went to my computer. Jeff knew better than to come in here. It was one place that his schemes hadn’t taken over.

I booted the computer up and went to my favorite website. Other than working, I had an online hobby. I loved to write erotic stories. I had made a fictional character up named Betty Thompson. I had over thirty stories with her as the main character. It started as a playful idea, which now had a life of its own.

On the forums, Betty had a fan base. People even sent me fan art of what Betty would look like if she were real. Betty was not me, nor did she represent me. In fact, she had average-sized breasts, an average body, and a job that took her travelling the globe.

Some people speculated I was a male as my pen name was a mash of my favorite dates. No name, no email, no messenger was on my profile. I didn’t even put down sex. Jeff had access to my account and could log on to it whenever he wanted. I didn’t hide my hobby from him.

I continued from my last save. Betty was flying a red-eye flight from Paris to Tokyo in this chapter. The man next to her was flirting with her. I got engrossed in my story and nearly had it finished when there was a knock on the door. I looked up, thinking it was Fran. She would be the only one bold enough to open the door.

“Oh,” a man said. “Someone said this was the bathroom.”

I sat there in shock as I looked at the man. “No,” I said, barely in a whisper. “Next door to the right.”

“Oh, Okay, Sorry,” the man said as he closed the door.

My mind was still trying to register what I had just seen. I saved where I had left off and got up. I got out of my office and saw Fran standing there.

“Did you just see,” I began to say.

“Uh-huh,” Fran replied as we stared down the hallway to the bathroom.

“Do they know?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Fran shook her head.

I turned around to look for my husband.

“Jeff?” I asked as I walked through the small crowd. It had seemed to die down from the last time I was out here.

“Yeah?” Jeff smiled as he walked to me. He was drunk, and so was Doug.

“Did you know there is a ….” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“Black man,” Fran said. “There is a black man in your house.”

Doug began to laugh. “I told you they would freak out!”

“Yes, you did,” Jeff laughed along with him.

I was used to black men at work, even in the neighborhood, but never had one entered my house. Not because of me, but Jeff didn’t like them. He didn’t trust them, nor did Doug, even though his wife was half black.

“Relax,” Jeff said. “He works with me at the warehouse, he is the one that set me up for the rims on the car. He also knows where I can buy a few more wholesale.”

“No,” I shook my head. “You are not buying a shit ton of rims and then try to sell them online.”

Too often, Jeff had filled our garage, shed, and trailer with shit. I was putting my foot down.

“We still haven’t got rid of all the bathroom fixtures you tried to sell last time.”

“Relax Robin,” Doug said. “We bought a storage facility.”

“You what!” Fran shouted.

“We went in together,” Jeff said. “Ray, Doug, and Me. Equal partners.”

“Wait,” Fran shook her head. “What does he get out of this?”

I turned to face my husband.

“He gets a fair share of the profits,” Doug said while taking a swig of his beer.

“You’re lying,” Fran shook her head. “He could sell them himself if they were that good.”

“Yeah, we aren’t dumb,” I shook my head.

“Okay,” Jeff said, looking at me. “Half off his rent.”

“No!” I shouted. “That’s it!” I yelled. “Everyone out!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It took a few moments for Doug and Jeff to clear the house of everyone. Slowly they walked into the kitchen where Fran and I were sitting.

“We already made up our minds, this is happening,” Jeff said the moment he came into the kitchen.

“You forget who bought this land, who’s money paid to build this house, who’s idea it was to put the trailer out there,” I looked at him.

“You said it was ours,” Jeff shouted back at me. “Plus, it was money you got from your family farm, which was just sitting there. I was the one that put you onto this land, I was the one that got it much cheaper than the going rate and it was me that got the builders to do the job for half, so don’t try and take the high road.”

Fran turned to look at Doug. “Where?”

“In the trailer,” Doug said.

“Our trailer?” I looked at both of them.

“You’re going to have some person I never met until today stay in our trailer,” I shook my head.

The trailer home was on our property, a reasonable distance from the main house. From our bedroom on the second floor, we could make out the roof of it through the trees. It was intended for friends and family if we didn’t have enough room in the house. Now it was just an extra place for storage.

“It’s over seventy yards away,” Doug said. “I barely can hit it with a football when I am standing on the back porch.”

“With all the motion detectors out there, he wouldn’t be able to get to the house without us knowing,” Jeff said.

As if that was the problem. I could handle myself, and there were more than enough guns hidden around the house that if someone tried to break in, they would regret it by the time they got to the stairs.

“As if I am scared of some person breaking in,” I shouted at the two of them. “It’s the principle, I don’t know him, he could have warrants, a record, running away from someone, and you are going to put him on our property?”

“Would you have a problem with this if he was white?” Doug asked.

“Don’t you dare go there!” Fran shouted. “The two of you have said the meanest most racist things I have ever heard about black men, so don’t!”

I stared at Jeff. All I wanted to do was hit him as hard as I could.

“We should go,” Doug said as he looked at the two of us.

“Call me,” Fran said as she got up.

We heard the door close, and then we heard it lock as they left. “You trust them, and they have the keys to our house,” Jeff said, circling the kitchen island to get to the fridge.

“After how many years, Jeff?” I rolled my eyes. “We have known them for how many years, and they just got the keys last year, when we went on the cruise.”

“He won’t have the keys to the house,” Jeff slumped against the fridge.

“But he will be on our property,” I sighed as I tried to make my point. “If he gets hurt out there, he can sue us, if he is hiding something we can be accomplices. I have no problem with you renting out the trailer if its someone we know and trust.”

“People rent to strangers all the time,” Jeff shook his head.

“Yes, and sometimes it works out and others,” I looked over at him.

“I know what you are saying but trust me on this one. I work with Ray; don’t you think we wouldn’t have run a background check on him before hiring him?” Jeff smiled. “He comes to work, does a damn good job, and he works for a rim shop on the weekends.”

I looked over at him. “Your place got raided by immigration two years ago, they found twelve people with false documents, not the most reliable excuse.”

“Six months,” Jeff said as he came over to me. He picked me off the bar stool. Laying both his arms on my shoulders as he looked into my face. “Six months and he will be gone, and we would have extra money to go into our fund.”

I looked back at him. I knew I would have to give in. “Fine,” I said, “He is your problem, not mine. Anything happens it falls on you!”

“I can live with that,” Jeff nodded.

“I am still mad at you,” I said as I headed for the stairs. “You can clean this mess up; I am going to bed.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“I can’t believe those two,” Fran said as we ran on the treadmills.

“We should be used to it by now,” I said as I ran as fast as possible. It was one of the ways I got my frustration out. “You know Jeff had the nerve to come to bed later, acting as nothing had happened and trying to get his way.”

“Why? Not like it would have lasted long,” Fran smiled.

“Shut it,” I said as I laughed.

That was another reason for my frustrations. I knew it couldn’t be helped, but I also had needs. Jeff wasn’t helping in any shape or form by only trying to make me feel sad for him.

I knew that was the anger making me think that way. I couldn’t help feeling that way. After all, it had been months since I had gotten a good orgasm. Toys and other things weren’t cutting it anymore.

“You know you could do what he thinks you’re already doing,” Fran said as she jumped off the treadmill.

“What, cheat?” I asked as I slowed down and then got off.

We walked towards the free weights. I liked coming early to my job. No one was around except for other trainers, and we usually kept to ourselves.

“Yeah, why not? You have plenty of opportunities, he would never know,” Fran said as she put our usual weight on the long bar.

“I couldn’t,” I shook my head. “I have a conscious, and it would eat at me,” I said as I put the bar on my shoulders.

The thought had come to my mind a couple of times. Not with anyone specific, but random people I saw in the gym or around. Usually, when I was angry or horny.

“I would,” Fran said.

“You have, both of you have,” I shook my head as I squatted, then raised up. “I don’t know how you guys are still married.”

“We had our turns,” Fran said as she stood behind me. “It was fun and put a new light on our relation-ship.”

I shook my head. I couldn’t imagine sleeping with another guy, telling Jeff, and finding out that he had cheated. The thought alone angered me.

“What about the new guy?” Fran said as she took her stance under the bar.

I looked over at the new trainer. “Trevor?” I asked as I saw him working out in the corner.

“Yeah,” Fran said as she did her set of squats.

I looked at Trevor. He was like Fran in that he was of mixed descent. A lot of the other female trainers, as well as the clients, had asked about him. I, on the other hand, had stayed clear away.

The first day he worked here, he did nothing but talk to my chest. I knew I usually wore tight clothing, but most other men had some control and spoke to my face occasionally.

“No thanks,” I said, shaking my head. “He can have many of the others that are interested in him.”

“Okay,” Fran said as she put the bar back on the rack. “Troy.”

I looked at her and shook my head. “What is with you today?”

“I am your best friend, and I will always tell you the truth,” Fran said to which I nodded as I got ready for my set. “You need to get laid, and I mean really laid, toe curling, back arching, scream to the ceil-ing, laid!”

“Yeah, she does,” Thomas said as he passed us.

Thomas was one of the front associates. He played for the other side and wasn’t shy about it.

“Thomas,” I shook my head.

“What,” Thomas replied as he stopped to look at us. “You have been snappy the bitch turtle around here lately. You need to get fucked!”

Fran and I laughed as he made a facial expression and said the word fucked. “You are too much,” I smiled at him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fran went to her job, leaving me to do mine. I would like to say that the thought of cheating on my husband had gone away the moment Fran left, but I would be lying. It lingered with me most of the day and into the late afternoon. As I headed toward my car, I heard footsteps behind me. I reached into my duffle bag.

“It’s just me,” Trevor said as I turned around with my spray mace. It had come in handy a few times when a few clients did not take no for an answer.

“What,” I said as I opened the trunk.

“What did I do?” Trevor asked.

I sighed as I looked at him. He was a handsome man, with light brown skin, tall, fit, not overly muscular but with enough muscle tone for anyone to see that he worked out regularly and was proud of his accomplishments.

“The same thing you are doing now,” I shook my head. Again, he was talking into my cleavage. “I give you a hint that I tell everyone else, they don’t talk back.”

I walked towards the driver’s side, pushing past him.

“Okay,” Trevor said. “I admit it, I am a boob guy, I like large boobs and well…” Trevor said as he followed me.

“Well, what? I have large boobs?” I said as I opened the door. “I know that I have lived with them most of my life. My husband loves them, as well.”

“I bet he does,” Trevor said. “I just wanted to say I overheard your conversation earlier and if you ever change your mind,” Trevor said as he winked at me.

“Fuck, no!” I yelled with disgust as I slammed the door shut and put the car in gear. I sped off while giving him the finger.

If I had any thoughts about cheating, they went out of the window as soon as he said that. How could anyone think about cheating with someone like him?

I pulled into my driveway and saw a large dumpster parked on the side of the road. We lived on a dirt road, and there was our house and one other house down on the other side. Then I saw Doug and Jeff throwing some bathroom fixtures into it.

In all the day’s chaos, I had forgotten about our soon-to-be tenant.

“Come to help?” Doug shouted over at me.

“No,” I shook my head as I walked into the house.

It was their idea they could deal with it. I took a quick shower and headed for my office. I could still hear them outside, throwing things into the dumpster.

I had an idea that I wanted to play with for my character. I had finished the last story and wanted to make a slight change. I typed away at the keyboard, and as I finished it up. I re-read it repeatedly. Finally, I hit the submit button.

Betty had a romp with the guy she sat next to on the plane. They had sex in the bathroom as well as in their seats.

The thing I had changed was the guy. At first, I was going to leave him nameless, but after the day’s events, I wanted to try something different.

I had one other character in my list of stories. His name was Ethan, and he had two stories. He was a travelling salesman and married. I had done both stories with his wife meeting him for a surprise birth-day celebration; the other, he surprised her by coming home early.

Now he had just cheated on his wife with Betty. I wanted to see how my readers would take to someone cheating and what they would think of Betty sleeping with a married man.

“Need your help,” Jeff said as he poked his head into the office. “For a minute.”

I sighed and went outside with them. I didn’t realize that it had gotten dark out already. We walked towards the trailer. I had forgotten how far of a walk it was to get to it.

“I haven’t been out here in a while,” I said as I stepped over fallen tree branches and brushes. There was a time I had come out often to clean all of this up.

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Jeff said.

He opened the door to the trailer, and the smell hit me immediately. Dead animals and the toilet that hadn’t been flushed in over two years had filled the place with a scent that could wake the dead. I covered my nose and mouth with my shirt as I entered.

The once clean walls were falling apart, and the linoleum floor was tearing up.

“No,” I shook my head as I went back outside. The smell was too much. “When is he moving in?” I asked as I took a deep breath.

“Next weekend,” Doug said.

“Well, I don’t think we will get all of that up and out of here, and that smell gone by then,” I said, shaking my head.

“We?” Jeff asked. “You mean, you are going to help?”

I nodded. They were dead set on this, and there was no way I would have another person live in conditions like that, even if I didn’t know them.

“You two will focus on that mess,” I said. I sighed deeply as I didn’t think I was going to say this, “I will get the downstairs guest room ready; he can stay there until it’s ready.”

They both looked at me with shock on their face. “Shut it, both of you. Get started!”

I started walking back to the house. Part of me was happy they would have to endure that smell more than me. Maybe that was why I wanted to help, knowing they would be suffering. The other part of me wanted more money. I wanted to start my line of erotic books, and funds for editing and publishing would come in handy.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
