[FM] BFF – Part 1 of 3 – Me

“What do you want me to do?”

She asked this tentatively, nervously tugging at a middle button on her shirt.

“How does this work? How do we start?”

We had been dancing around this moment verbally and mentally for the better part of a month, but now it was here. We were standing in front of each other, maybe for the last time as best friends, and the moment was thick with an undefinable emotional weight.

“I think first, we should have a hug.” I responded. “I think I need one.”

She stepped into me and held me tightly at my waist as I put my arms around her shoulders and held her to me. “I do, too.” She said and squeezed me. “Can you promise me you’ll still be my BFF after this?” She asked into the room as she held her head against my shoulder.

There were so many things circling that question that I reduced it as simply as I could. “Yes. I promise I will still love you as my friend. And I promise I don’t want to lose my BFF.” And we held each other tighter again, standing for minutes in silence, quietly swaying with each other.

As we eventually softened our embrace, I kissed the top of her head and asked into her hair, “Are you sure you want to do this? With me?”

“Yes. Definitely with you.” Then after a pause, “There’s just so much to think about, you know?” Her embrace tightened again. “No matter what happens, I don’t suppose we can come away from this without some change. Can we?”

We had both been thinking about this very thing a lot, obviously, and I hadn’t answered that question satisfactorily in my own mind. There were too many variables, but here we both were. “It could be that both of us develop romantic feelings for each other tonight. Or it could be that neither of us do and it’s hard to tell the difference between tonight and any other.”

“What if one of us develops feelings the other doesn’t?” She probed, getting to the toughest question.

“Who can really say?” I responded. “We both know what the intent is tonight, but if we’re being honest and true with our actions tonight, romantic feelings are a danger.”

We were silent again for a time before I spoke again. “We will both need to be honest with each other, just as we always have. And we will both need to be prepared to hear the truth from each other, as we always have, even if it might be harder this time. But we have to be honest. Love is honesty, and I love you no matter what.”

“I love you, too.” She answered and raised her tear streaked face before kissing my cheek slowly and softly. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

“So are you.” I said into her ear and held her tight again, spending another few minutes holding on to the last of our current relationship.

“I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” She said, and I pulled back to look at her, her words a surprise to me.

“No. You’re not. If anything, I am taking advantage of you, of your situation, of our friendship.”

“No.” She replied. Then said nothing more for another moment before pulling further away and wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Well, isn’t this a romantic start?” She laughed. “You must be ready to go at it now, right?”

I used my thumb to collect a tear from her cheek and brought it to my mouth, something we did for each other, an act learned from a book. It symbolized swallowing the other’s fear or sadness. It was our highest statement of care for each other.

She stepped back finally, and looked up at me again.

“What do you want me to do?”

I took her hands and held them in my own. “Do you want to start with me? Or do you want me to start with you?” I asked.

“You.” She said without hesitation. “Teach me how to please a man.” Then after a breath. “How do I start? Do we take our clothes off?”

“In a minute.” I responded. “For this to feel right, it starts with kissing.” Her eyes showed a surprised glint.


“Yes.” I said. “People think guys just turn on like a switch, and that can happen. But it won’t mean anything later. Kissing is intimate…”

“My pussy isn’t?” She interrupted, and I laughed.

“It is, but weirdly, this is almost more important if you’re making love instead of just fucking. And if you just want to know how to fuck, you don’t need me, just a web browser.”

She smiled shyly at me. “OK. This might be the most awkward part of the whole night.” She said, and stepped to me, her head tilting up as she approached.

We had been friends for years, through moments of joy and accomplishment, moments of loss and pain, and had held each other many times, or kissed each other’s cheeks or ears, but we had never kissed romantically, and as her lips touched mine, softly pressing into them, it was as new and exciting and tentative as any other first kiss. We learned our positioning, each other’s pace and pressure. We found ourselves comfortable, not desperate or violent. When her tongue found mine, she was no longer questing, but thoughtful, and I responded in kind, feeling her first journey into me more trustful and moving than I expected. For some time we continued, and I tasted her breath as our hands alternately found their way around each other’s backs and arms and faces. As it continued, I got harder, and after a time she pulled away slightly.

“OK. I’m turned on, now.” Smiling. “I could do this all night.” She kissed me again softly. “But I suppose there’s a next step. What happens next?” She continued to softly kiss my neck and mouth. “Do we take our clothes off now?”

This was another moment I had given some thought. Over the years, we had never seen each other naked. Swimsuits had seen us close many times, but that was different from undressing for sex. I had been fortunate to have a number of partners, but she was still a virgin at 27. She had never been naked in front of a lover.

“Let’s make this as comfortable for you as we can. Why don’t you take mine off first. Feel what it’s like to slowly expose me, to look at me. Then kiss me more before I take yours off.”

She kissed my neck again as she reach for the top button on my shirt. “Should I keep kissing you while I do this?”

“Yes. Please. One of the most fulfilling parts of this is the attention we show each other. You can signal how serious you are about your partner by how much of this attention you are willing to give.”

“My pussy’s not enough attention?” She asked humorously again while unbuttoning my shirt and giving my chest and stomach wet kisses, spending moments licking me on her way down. I laughed in response to her question and found my breath getting heavier with her ministrations.

“Sex is a chameleon.” I said as I breathed, my hands stroking her head through her hair. “It can be love or care. It can be intimacy. It can be entertainment or relief. It can be affirmation, or the opposite. At it’s worst, it can be manipulation or violence. You will decide with each partner what it is. Or with yourself.”

She had paused at my waist, her hands on my belt, listening to me. “I do love you, you know. You’re a good person. You have a good heart. Thank you for this.”

Unsure of what to say in response, I just thanked her before gathering my thoughts. “I love you, too, and at our age, you could get a really shitty person as your first who caused you pain or disappointment, and I couldn’t stand that. I couldn’t stand to see you hurt that way, when this is such a sensitive thing anyhow.”

She moved her hands to my hips and kissed above my belt again as I closed my eyes. I could feel her breath against me, the movement of her hands as the moved around my back to pull me gently into her, then as they moved down my ass, pausing only slightly before continuing down my legs, then back up to my hips again.

They found their way slowly to my belt, and she unbuckled me as she continued kissing my body, unzipping me and spreading the denim as she continued to kiss lower, her lips pulling gently against my shorts. I felt her touching me in the darkness as my eyes remained closed as she removed my pants. I re-opened my eyes to watch when I needed to pull my jeans over my feet. When done, she moved her hands back up to the top of my ass, hugging against me, my cock hard against her under my shorts.

She moved her hands down my legs again before raising them up the front of my thighs to my waist, gently curling her fingers over the lip of the waistband. She lightly nuzzled against my crotch before looking up at me. “I was wrong.” She said. “I am super turned on right now.” Then she smiled up at me as she leaned against my pulsing cock. “But this is the most awkward moment. I can’t believe I’m about to pull your underwear down and see your cock.”

I gently chuckled and stroked her hair again. “I know.” I said. “Somehow in all of those years, we never were naked together. I know you must have seen a bulge now and again, though.”

She nodded slightly and looked at me pressing out against the fabric, then slowly said “Yeah. That, was, different.” Then she kissed me again, leaving the point of touch wet as she pulled back, and pulled my shorts over my cock and down to the floor at my ankles.

She looked at it curiously, for a time. “I want to touch it, but I don’t know where to start.” She said. “Do I just grab it? Pet it? Lick it, I suppose?” The innocence sent a wave of attraction through my chest, and I found my breath taken again.

I found my voice and responded. “We’ll get to that.” I smiled. “Touch it how you’d like for a minute. Find your way around it.” Then I closed my eyes again and felt her hand close gently around the shaft, causing me to respond with a small spasm, resulting in a pause before she began to move her hand around it. She moved up, circling the head, tracing the ridge, her thumb finding the tip, feeling the contours and the small drop of fluid that had emerged.

“Are you cumming?” She asked. “Is this cum?” As she swirled it around my head.

“It’s pre-cum.” I said. “It starts coming out as soon as I’m turned on.” I smiled as I kept my eyes closed. “It means you’re doing great.”

She giggled lightly. “You probably say that to every girl you have sex with.”

“If this is happening. Yeah.” I laughed in response.

Still in the darkness, I felt her other hand move up my leg and start a caressing probe of my balls. “These are almost more interesting.” She said as she lifted them gently. I could feel her breath against them as her first hand continued to keep my cock out of the way of her new focus. “Does it feel good when they’re touched?” She asked.

It certainly felt good the way she was touching them, and I could feel the pre-cum continuing to escape the tip of my cock. “They do, but they’re very sensitive.” I said. “For me, even dragging fingers across them is too much. It doesn’t feel good. But cupping them, or caressing them the way you’re doing now, or kissing them, feels amazing. Some guys like it when their partner takes one into her mouth and sucks on them, but that feels distracting to me. I can’t stop thinking about how it feels dangerous.”

Her voice sounded light, like she was smiling. “I won’t do that, then. I promise to be gentle with them.” Then after a pause she asked me to open my eyes. I looked down at her to find her eyes bright and piercing. “I can’t believe I’m holding your cock in my right hand, and your balls in my left.” She laughed. “I can’t believe you’re letting me. It’s such a vulnerable position to be in.” Then as I smiled back at her. “Thank you for doing this. What do I do with it next?”

I took her right hand and gave her the tour. “If you hold it straight out at you, this upper part of the shaft doesn’t have a lot of sensitivity.” I said. “Or it’s sensitive, but it isn’t really erogenous. At least, not for me.” Then I pushed her hand gently so my cock stood up against my stomach. “This side, though, this is a lot like your clitoris.” I slid her index finger down the midline of my lower shaft. “Feel it as it goes down. It goes all the way back into me. All the way down my shaft, between my balls, and back into me. My head is the most sensitive part, especially where that part meets the ridge of my head, but this piece often doesn’t get the love it should.”

“Oh really?” She asked. “So don’t just focus on the tip? Is that why girls deep throat?”

“Partially.” I responded. “That’s more about the feeling of their throat. But man, if you can suck on the cock and run your tongue up and down this part, there is no better feeling in the world.”

“Do you want me to try and do that?” She inquired, still smiling up at me. “I’m a little intimidated by it, if I’m honest. I don’t see how I can fit that whole thing in my mouth. I may not be able to do it.” Then she slowly started kissing and licking the bottom of my shaft. I could feel the pre-cum spilling down the side of my head.

“Don’t do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. You don’t have to try and fit all of me into your mouth, and you don’t have to deep throat me. Especially not tonight. Consider that the advanced class. Tonight do whatever makes you curious.”

She felt the pre-cum reach her hand while she kissed and licked lower, moving toward my balls. She paused and looked at the fluid as it moved along her finger. “What does it taste like?”

“I don’t really know. Some girls don’t like it. Some do. Every guy is a bit different, their diet, their natural taste, etc. And your taste buds change each day. You might like it one day, but not the next if you catch a cold, or your period starts, or I eat differently, etc.”

“I guess I need to try it.” She said, and pulled her hand away and after looking at it for a moment, ran her tongue up her finger, closing her lips around her finger to suck all of my juice into her mouth.

“How is it?” I asked. “How does it taste to you?”

“A little salty, but not bad. It doesn’t really have much of a taste.” Then she licked more of it off my shaft, moving her tongue up to my head and circling it to get more. My cock was bouncing from her touch, and despite all of the talking, I was feeling a warm euphoria moving up and down my body.

“You are making me feel really fucking good right now. I can’t believe you are sucking the pre-cum off my cock.”

She smiled at me as she removed her mouth from my head. “Mmmm. Well, for what it’s worth, I am dripping wet. I want to give you a full on blow job. I want you to cum.” She kissed her way around the base of my head again, then sucked it gently into her mouth before letting it back out. “What will your cum taste like? Will it taste like this?”

“I don’t know. Like I said, some girls like the taste, but others don’t.” I was so turned on, seeing my head disappear into her beautiful face, knowing she was so comfortable with me, trusting me with this evening. The waves of warmth and desire were causing my breathing to escalate again, and gentle moans were escaping as I traced my fingers gently around her face as she paused.

“I’m looking forward to finding out.” She said before plunging her mouth around me, moving past the head and most of the way down my shaft. I closed my eyes as she worked her way up and down me, sucking the bottom of my shaft against her warm tongue.

She paused, breathing momentarily. “Should I be going faster? I feel like I should be going faster. Won’t it feel better?”

“You’re doing great.” I choked out. “Every person, every time will be different. It just depends on the mood.”

“Mmm.” She replied, plunging back down me, caressing my balls with her other hand, pressing gently into the space between them, moving her fingers forward and backward. My eyes still closed, I concentrated on the feeling of her mouth, each stroke different, each one deliberate in its attention, as if each was intended to make me finish. Moans were escaping me with each breath, and I gasped out praise as waves of emotion flooded through me. She was doing everything she could to make me feel as amazing as possible. No other lover had ever been so focused on how I felt and it took no time at all before I began to feel the warmth rise in my cock and in my chest.

“I’m getting closer.” I said. “I’m cumming soon.” And gently caressed her head as it bobbed back and forth against me. She paused only long enough to reply to me.

“I’m going to try to do it. I’m going to try to swallow it.” Then she continued, looking up into my eyes as she worked. Noises began to escape her as they poured from me. Her moans were symbiotic to mine, and we looked into each other’s eyes as my cock turned into absolute stone before launching cum into her mouth.

Spasms wracked me as I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore and everything I could feel and think emptied into her. My cock pulsed repeatedly, loosing more and more cum into her. I didn’t know how it was possible for her to swallow so much her first time, and I felt guilty for the strength of my orgasm, for the grunting explosion that happened into her throat.

When I looked down, her eyes were lowered and unfocused, lost in internal concentration. But shortly her gaze returned to mine, and she slowed her pace. She began to apply more suction, cleaning everything off of my cock as I came down, diminishing slowly in her.

Eventually she removed me from her mouth and continued to slowly and gently stroke me as she met my eyes. She kept her gaze with me for several moments, slowing all of her movements. Then she moved my cock gently to one side, kissed it wetly, then pressed her lips against my stomach again, holding the kiss for a long time, her forehead against my lower stomach, her left hand now holding my ass with gentle pressure, and her right hand very slowly continuing to stroke me, keeping my cock semi-hard.

It took everything I had not to just blurt out an exclamation of love, afraid it would cause some emotional change in the moment, or disastrously cause her to rethink the next part of the evening, her own pleasure.

After a time, both of us slowed our breathing, and I brought her up into another hard hug. We held each other tightly, exhaling softly into each other and hanging on tightly as if to save each other’s lives.

“Can I kiss you?” She asked plaintively into my neck. “Do you do that after a blow job?”

“Yes.” I answered. “I would love a kiss.”

Her lips met mine softly, then pressed ever harder, kissing me fiercely. Her hands traversed every reachable part of my body, settling again on my ass, pulling me hard into her as she broke from the kiss and laid her head once again into my shoulder. Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

“What do you want me to do now?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrrivl/fm_bff_part_1_of_3_me


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