The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.1 -[F/F][M/F][20s-30s][masturbation][FWB]

**The desire**

This is the second story in the Jennifer Stokes series. While it isn’t absolutely necessary, reading the proceeding work will give a better understanding of the relationship between some of the characters. The first is titled “Hidden Pleasures” and can be found in my profile.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is welcome.



Jennifer Stokes reached her destination, climbing the last few steps to the eighth floor slightly out of breath. Her busy schedule didn’t allow much time for exercise so she’d been climbing the stairs to help keep her legs and butt firm. Her daily lunchtime routine had been interrupted by a recent trip to France and it felt good to get back on track.

Turning left at the top of the stairs she headed down the hall toward the woman’s washroom to freshen up. Just as she reached for the door handle, Mary, a co-worker of hers came barging out nearly knocking her over. She was talking loudly into her mobile phone and only paused for a moment to wave an apology to Jennifer before she was off, her high heels clicking on the tile floor as she rushed toward the elevator. Mary was always working on the next big deal, apparently even in the washroom.

In contrast to the other woman, Jennifer’s expensive running shoes barely made a sound as she slipped through the closing door.

Jennifer walked almost silently across the washroom floor to check herself in the large mirror. A minute later she tucked a strand of stray hair behind her ear, satisfied that she didn’t look as though she had been climbing stairs for the past 20 minutes. She was just about to turn away when she heard a voice from one of the stalls behind her.

“OMG,” a woman said before laughing quietly. “I can’t believe I almost got caught.”

Jennifer took one step towards the door when she heard the woman in the stall again.

“I know,” she said in a hushed tone, “and I was just about to cum.”

Jennifer froze mid stride, turning her gaze toward the mirror again, searching for the source of the voice.

“That woman ruined it bursting in here. She was yakking on her phone so loudly she probably wouldn’t have heard me anyway.”

Jennifer spied a pair of black and red high heeled shoes in the second stall from the end.

“Oh, don’t worry baby, it won’t take me long this time,” the voice said.

At first Jennifer was confused, but she quickly realized the woman in the stall must be talking to someone on her own phone.

“In fact, I think the close call turned me on even more,” she continued. “I wish you could see how wet my pussy is.”

Jennifer felt slightly embarrassed eavesdropping on this woman’s erotic conversation, but strained to hear it nonetheless. She knew it was wrong, but when the voice moaned softly, Jennifer’s heart fluttered and she held her breath lest she be discovered.

“Oohhhh baby, it’s so wet,” the voice purred.

“One finger?” she asked. “I think I need two. Ahhhhh yeah, that’s better.”

Jennifer could hear a faint squishy sound now, that she could only guess was from the woman finger fucking herself.

“Oh God, that’s good baby,” the voice said, a little louder than before.

As much as she knew she should leave this woman in peace, Jennifer’s feet were riveted to the floor. With her eyes half closed, she listened carefully and moaned softly as she pictured the woman sliding two fingers in and out of her sloppy hole.

“What was that?” the woman asked. “I don’t know, let me see.”

The squishy sounds stopped and Jennifer thought for a moment that she had been found out. She started to panic, unsure whether to bolt for the door or try to think of some explanation why she was standing there when the voice said,”Mmmmm. Does that turn you on, to know that I’m tasting my own pussy, licking the juices from my fingers?” she asked. “I thought so,” she continued, “but you’ll have to wait till tonight when I’m fucking your mouth.”

Jennifer’s thoughts wandered as she remembered her recent trip to Paris. The amazingly erotic party she had attended following a cryptic invitation, and how she had spent quite some time grinding herself to an orgasm unlike anything she had ever experienced, on the skilled mouth of a beautiful woman named Eve. That had been Jennifer’s first and only time with another woman. While she was hesitant at first, Eve’s tongue and lips had had her literally begging for release. Jennifer remembered looking down into those dark eyes, pleading for the gorgeous woman she had only met a short while earlier to make her cum.

Jennifer snapped out of her daydream to find herself breathing quickly, her upper lip and forehead damp with perspiration. As the mystery woman moaned again, Jennifer felt a tingle travel from her stiffening nipples down through her belly, ending between her legs.

The sounds coming from the stall were increasing.

“Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh baby, that’s it. Yeah suck my clit, ” she said.

Jennifer’s right hand had found its way to the crotch of her pants and was making slow circles over her own mound. Listening to this woman masturbate had excited her so much she couldn’t resist.

“Ohhhh my God! I’m so close baby,” she moaned. “Just a little more.”

Jennifer increased the speed and pressure of her hand, trying to time her imminent orgasm just right.

“Ohh ohh, yeah. Just….. a….. little….”.

Jennifer was close now too and silently urged on her unknown partner. ‘*Come on sweetheart, rub that clit, rub it*!’

As if her thoughts were heard the woman responded.

“Yes! Yes! Oohhhh yes!! Ohhh…..I’m cumming baby! I’m cummiinnnggg!!”

The moaning voice sent Jennifer over the edge and she came hard, her fingers pressed against her throbbing sex. Lights danced in front of her eyes as she clamped them shut and tried to stifle the sounds wanting to escape her throat.

It took Jennifer a moment to collect herself and unfortunately she couldn’t savour the feeling fully because she knew she had to leave the room as soon as possible. As quietly as she could, Jennifer opened the door and slipped into the hall on shaky legs. Luckily no one was around to see her making her way down the corridor. She reached her office and closing the door behind her, collapsed onto the couch exhausted, a wicked smile on her lips.

The rest of Jennifer’s day was a complete waste of time. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the pile of papers on her desk, her thoughts returned to the mystery woman. Jennifer desperately wanted to know who she was. She didn’t recognize the voice, but bathrooms were not known for their great acoustics. The only thing Jennifer had to go on were the shoes.

Jennifer made her mind up. She put her pen down, pushed her chair back and stood up to go in search of those shoes. As Jennifer crossed her office to the door, she realized just how wet her panties still were from earlier, and slipped one finger quickly between her legs.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, as she set out for the hunt.
