(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Striptease

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a month ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 21 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xooide/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_danlliance/)

**Part 22 is below**

As soon as I got to my desk, I released Eric back to the intern pool indicating he was available starting from tomorrow. I also provided him with excellent ratings. As soon as that was done, that was it, he was no longer my intern starting from tomorrow. I then started to take a look at the urgent issue that had summoned me back to the desk. It was easy enough to fix that issue, but it was one of those things that turned out to be a rabbit hole. The deeper I went inside, the more things I uncovered and after about 2 hours my brain was absolutely fried and I needed a break. I decided to take a walk around the block and grab a coffee. I passed by a sex store and out of sudden whim I went in and bought a few things. When I came back to the desk, I looked at the issue a little longer and finally decided to call it quits at about 5:00 PM.

*Eric (Ping) – “Boss, All ok? Have not heard a peep from you since lunch.”*

*Me (Ping) – “Yeah. By the way, let me know when you want to leave for dinner.”*

*Eric (Ping) – “We can leave anytime, boss.”*

I still needed to change out of the saree and get ready for dinner and it was high time I stopped working.

*Me (Ping) – “Need a favor to ask you.”*

*Eric (Ping) – “Sure, tell me.”*

*Me (Ping) – “I wanted to change out of this saree to evening wear and get a little more comfortable. I was wondering if I can use your place.”*

*Eric (Ping) – “There are still a lot of people on the floor, boss”*

*Me (Ping) – “I meant the place you are staying at, silly. It is on the way to the restaurant.”*

*Eric (Ping) -“Oh. Got it. Sure. No problem.”*

*Me (Ping) – “Ok, see you in 5 minutes in the lobby downstairs. I got my car today. So we can drive to your place.”*

I packed my bags and went downstairs and caught up with Eric who was waiting in the lobby. We walked to the car and drove back to his place. The conversation was light on the drive to his place and Eric never asked any follow up questions about events at lunch with Dan and I thought maybe Dan did not tell him after all. The corporate housing for the interns were service apartments – Contracted out a third party which provided short term housing for interns/employees of multiple companies. Eric’s apartment was a nice two bedroom apartment.

My heart was fluttering as I was alone with him in his apartment. We were just sitting at the dinner table making small talk as Eric started playing some music from his playlist on a speaker.

*Me – “Nice place. Are you sharing the apartment with someone else?”*

*Eric – “Yeah, boss. Another girl. She is interning at this other (different) company.”*

*Me – “Anything happening between the two of you?”*

*Eric – (Laughing) – “Haha, nothing at all. She has a boyfriend who stays nearby. Let us just say he* ***’visits’*** *very often. Gets a bit noisy here sometimes and I walked in on them one time when they were on the couch.”*

*Me – (Winking) – “Do you often get visitors yourself?”*

*Eric (Grinning) – “Oh I get lots and lots of visitors. Just kidding. It is mostly only Dan. You are the first girl I have had over here, boss.”*

*Me – “Haha, I think you are lying, but if you are not, you better make the visit count, then.”*

I went inside his bedroom to change and was just checking my makeup in the mirror when I heard Def Leppard’s ***”Pour some sugar on me”*** started playing on the speaker. I started singing it a little too loudly that Eric heard it from outside.

*Eric (From outside) – “Looks like someone loves this song.”*

*Me (Walking outside) – “Yeah. That is one of the few rock songs that I know. Heard it way too many times.”*

*Eric – “How come? Is Def Leppard is your favorite band, boss?”*

*Me – (Blushing) – “I did a strip tease to that song as a surprise birthday gift for my hubby last year .”*

*Eric – “Oh wow. That would have been quite a show, boss.”*

I started feeling a bit horny and hot under the saree when I remembered that day from last year when I did the strip tease for my hubby. My pussy was tingling with excitement when I said the next few words.

*Me – “It was a pretty big hit. (gently grooving to the song, voice going to a whisper). I can show you some of it.”*

Eric’s eyes went wide as he heard those words and was quiet for a while as he saw me grooving to the song.

*Eric (very softly) – “Only if want to, boss”*

*Me (Husky voice) – “Can I borrow a tie from you?”*

As he went inside to get me a tie, I set up the stage, by pulling out a couple of the dinner table chairs and adjusted my saree by getting rid the safety pins that were holding it securely in place and preventing a wardrobe malfunction. My hands were shivering with excitement when I took the tie from Eric and put it on the dinner table. I then made him sit on one of the chairs. I cued up the striptease playlist on my phone.

*Me – “Ready?”*

Eric nodded and waited for me to get into my starting pose. I hit play and ***”Pour some sugar on me”*** started to play as I gently started dancing to the music, swaying my hips and twirling around. I ran my hands over my boobs squeezing them over the blouse and gently ran my fingers over my exposed midriff and navel. He was staring at me intently as I strutted towards him with my heels clacking on the floor with a lustful look in my eyes. I danced around his chair as I draped the free end of my saree on his face. I could hear a sharp intake of his breath as he inhaled my perfume. My heart was beating loudly as I stood in front of him dancing suggestively, indicating to him to untuck the pleats of the saree to loosen it. He reached out but then hesitated, so I reached out and put his hand on my exposed navel. My whole body was on fire and it felt like I was branded by hot iron where he touched my bare skin. He then untucked the pleats as instructed, loosening the saree, partially making the saree fall to the floor.

I then brushed the saree of his face and indicated to Eric to hold the end of the saree firmly. I then spun rapidly away from him and the entire saree unfurled itself in his hands as he unwrapped me like a Christmas present, leaving me in my bikini blouse and petticoat. The saree is indeed the perfect striptease dress as the guy literally gets to unwrap the woman. Even though I had done this routine for my hubby last year, doing it for Eric felt so much hotter due to the forbidden aspect of it. I put my hands up covering my boobs in my mock modesty and with my mouth open as though in shock at my state. I then smiled at Eric who was staring at me and I could see tiny beads of sweat on his skin. I started to squeeze my boobs and I ran my fingers in circles around my navel, dancing to the music. The other free hand tugged at the knot of my petticoat causing it to become undone and pool around my ankles. I stylishly kicked the petticoat towards Eric making it land on his face, leaving me in just my thong and the blouse. I reached over to my purse which was on the table and grabbed a couple of dollar bills and sashayed over to Eric and tossed the dollar bills towards him.

*Me (Soft whisper) – “Are you not going to tip the stripper?”*

*Eric (Shocked expression on his face) – “Serious, boss?”*

*Me – (Standing in front of him) – “Right now I am not your boss. I am just a stripper. If you think the performance is good, feel free to tip.”*

I gyrated my hips sexily in front of him, playing with my tousled hair, biting my lips and staring into his eyes. He tried to give me a dollar bill in my hand as I wagged my finger saying no. I lifted one of my legs and put it on top of the chair resting on his shoulder and leaned forward pressing my body against him. Years of yoga training meant I was pretty flexible as I balanced on one leg.

*Me – (Whispering in his ear) – “Is that how you tip the stripper?”*

I ran my fingers around the band of my thong, a clear indicator of where I wanted him to insert the bill. Eric’s hands were shaking a bit when he inserted the dollar bill into my thong. I put my leg down and continued to dance in front of him as he inserted the other dollar bill.

*Me – (Whispering) – “Is that all I am worth, babe?”*

Eric gulped and immediately took out his wallet and pulled out all the bills in it. He had a few bills of different denominations including a couple of [Benjamins](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/benjamins). I twirled around while dancing as he now stuck all of them into the various spots in my thong. As a final act he smiled as he took out his credit card and then gently pulled the front of my thong and slipped it inside right on top of my pussy. My pussy was already super wet at this point as I could feel the raised letters of his card rubbing against it. I took the discarded saree and wrapped it around him, binding him to the chair, tying his hands up so he could not move as the song came to an end.

The next song in the playlist which was Nelly’s ***”Hot in Herre”*** started playing.

*Me (Standing in front of him) – “Do you want me to stop now or continue the show?”*

Eric was about to open his mouth to answer when I shushed him.

*Me – “I don’t want to hear* ***’If you want to’*** *or* ***’Whatever you think is right’****. I want a simple one word answer – Yes or No?”*

Eric groaned and then I heard a soft, husky ***”Yes”*** from him. I pulled out all the bills and the credit card from my thong and put it on the table. I continued to dance for him with my moves getting raunchier as I deliberately ran my fingers slowly over my thighs and my pussy. I turned around and twerked my ass inches in front of his face as I dropped it low and brought it back up pretending I was grinding him. I walked away a few steps and looked back at him as I reached behind me and unknotted the bikini blouse and then sexily removed it, lifting it high up in the air. I covered my breasts with one hand as I turned around and walked to the back of his chair and tied that blouse around his eyes, blocking his vision. I could feel Eric inhaling my scent from the blouse making my pussy leak as I whispered in his ear.

*Me – “Do you want to see? Again Yes or No?”*

*Eric – (Groaning and almost a gentle scream) – “Yes”*

I removed that blouse from his eyes and flung it across the room. I went back in front of him and dropped my hands as I thrust my boobs forward exposing them to his hungry eyes as I continued to dance, touching my tits and tweaking my nipples, biting my lips and playing with my hair. I leaned over his chair, almost touching my nipples to his lips, but staying just out of reach as I could feel his hot breath on them. I turned around so that my ass was inches from him as my fingers played with the edges of my thong, teasing, pulling them down a hint and then pushing it back up. I could literally imagine him stamping his feet with impatience. I finally bent over, thrusting my butt back as I slowly tugged my soaked thong down my thighs. Once it was halfway down I let gravity do the rest. I heard a sharp intake of his breath as my pussy presumably came into view. I stepped out of them in a dramatic manner as I picked them and teased it in front of his face and then flung them across the room.

***”Closer”*** by Nine Inch Nails started playing as I moved to the next act of my striptease. I used the other chair as a prop as I continued to dance, rubbing and grinding myself against it as I sang along to those incredibly suggestive lyrics. I picked up his tie from the table and walked back to him. I climbed up Eric’s chair precariously balancing myself with my legs on top his thighs giving him a good view of my bare pussy. His eyes went wide. I danced in a slutty manner with his tie, rubbing it back and forth between my thighs across my very wet pussy. I then climbed down the chair and sat on his lap, straddling him. I could feel his extremely hard cock against my wet pussy as I knotted that tie around his neck. I sat on his lap shimmying my tits, playing with my hair, staring into his eyes and continued to sing emphasizing all those beautifully filthy lyrics.

*Me (Smiling) – “I promised I will show you how to drape a saree. Was not taking it off me better?”*

Eric just nodded as I latched my hands around his neck and gently gyrated my hips rubbing my wet pussy against his hardness. The music was so loud that we did not hear the door handle ratting as the door opened and his apartment mate walked in. We both looked up to see her staring back at us. She quickly retreated back to the corridor, closing the door behind her. I planted a big wet kiss on Eric’s cheek and hopped off his lap. I noticed my pussy had left a big wet spot on the front of his pants as I grabbed my phone and went inside his room.

Too bad we were interrupted, otherwise the next song on the playlist was Lil Wayne’s ***”Lollipop”*** which was my cue for the next act which was to get down on my knees and give him a slow wet messy BJ . My hubby had barely lasted 10 seconds in my mouth, but I suspected Eric would have lasted the entire song and maybe even longer.

To be continued..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xreyzy/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_striptease


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