Rainy Night (Part 2) [M33/F28] [Foreplay] [Infidelity] [D/s]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xjk2xk/rainy_night_part_1_m33f28_foreplay_infidelity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

His scent of cedar and bergamot had me intoxicated along with the feeling of his hands smothering my hips. And as we pulled back there was a flicker of energy as we made eye contact. Something I haven’t felt in a long time. Being a sexual person, who is always working, sometimes I have to submit myself to mediocre sex, but I knew that’s not what I was getting myself into here. He was fucking dominant. And wanted to test my boundaries. He smirks and starts guiding me backwards. I can’t see where he is taking me but after 20 or so steps my back bumps into a concrete wall. I look to the right and see the people bustling through the night as we are shaded from the night lights in the alleyway. My adrenaline starts pumping as I realize this stranger, Callum, has me vulnerable. He picks up my hand and peaks at my lit up apple watch from my increased heart rate, then returns his eyes back to mine.

“Are you nervous?” He asks slyly.

“You make me nervous. I’m not sure why. I’m not one to be nervous.” I answer.

“The moment you walked into the bar unfazed by your nipples clearly poking out of your wet shirt, I knew you were an interesting one. And then I noticed you flirting with the bartender and it solidified my theory that you, little one, are a naughty girl.” He says as he squeezes my hips and pushes me firmer into the wall. My pussy is dripping and I’m craving every inch of him. I let out a soft moan.

“Were you really that confident in my naughtiness? You left. We wouldn’t be standing here right now if I didn’t run after you.”

“I was making a point that I owned your slutty body the moment I put my hand on your neck,” he retorts as he mimics touching my neck the way he did in the bar. It sends shivers down my spine. I don’t even have the capacity or desire to combat that. He’s pulled me into the beginning stages of my submissive side.

“Have you thought about what you want to do with me first?” I ask seductively as I grab his hand and place it against my pussy as his other hand still grips my neck. I look up at him and smile looking into his eyes. He smiles back and his eyes shoot up, looking up, as if a million thoughts had just entered his mind. I take his hand off my neck and place it up my shirt so he can feel my hard nipples. “You know I live just up the street.” I breathe out.

“Little girls like you shouldn’t be walking these streets on their own.” He replies as he wraps his arm around my waist and we start walking up the block. We make it to my apartment building. It’s an old building, but it has been preserved proficiently. It has history and elegance. The brick walls in my apartment could tell a million stories. And not just because of my high sex drive. “Here we are.”

“You are just going to take a strange man up to your apartment? That seems a bit reckless, Amelia,” he’s smiling, but there’s seriousness to his tone. Like he doesn’t think I’ve thought about this before. He seems concerned for my well-being, not from him, but for the other men in my life. I reach out my hand and demand, “Hand me your business card.” He doesn’t flinch and hands it to me in a way as if he was the one advising me to ask him for it in the first place. I grab his hand and walk him through the door.

“Good evening, Amelia,” James, the doorman says cheerfully. I have had a lot of heart to hearts with James. He went to prison, because when he was nineteen years old, he realized how much fucking money he could get from selling cocaine and psychedelics. He was not dealt the best life cards overall, but he is the most genuine person I’ve come across. He does yoga and jujitsu everyday and it’s enough for me to believe he could fuck someone up if need be.

I hand Callum’s business card to James. “I think he’s a serial killer so just make sure to save the security footage,” I joke and look up at Callum proudly. I don’t usually care what people think about me, but I sought approval from Callum. He shakes James’ hand then walks me into the tiny elevator. “Good girl.” He says deeply. The elevator door opens and I unlock my apartment door. It is dark but the city lights from my window allow us to see each other’s shadows. Callum picks me up and kicks the door shut. His lips are right next to mine. Our breath is bouncing off one another’s. He sets me on my kitchen counter and finds my cell phone from out of my back pocket. He hands it to me and commands, “Text anyone who needs to know that you’re not going to make it into work tomorrow. Your clients can wait. You are mine for the next 24 hours.” His eyes are glaring into my body. I slowly nod and let out a gasp of, “Yes daddy.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xos3lt/rainy_night_part_2_m33f28_foreplay_infidelity_ds

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