An update on my situation, and a time I enjoyed roleplaying a little with my soon-to-be-ex-husband [FM]

I hadn’t expected my [original post]( to take off as much as it did, I was really only venting and describing something that had happened to me to get it off my chest. I’ve gotten a ton of messages requesting an update on my situation. Now, I know this subreddit isn’t really the place for that so I’m including two things here: First, a small update. Then, I’ll share one of my favourite sexual memories with my soon–to-be-ex-husbsand that I wrote down when I was feeling happier than I am right now. Skip to the bolded text if you want to gloss over my little depressive rant.

I stated at the end of my first post that I had decided to tell my husband about my infidelity. After posting, I was almost shaken from that. A lot of people are of the mindset that because I had no intention of continuing to cheat on him, there was no need to tell him. I don’t think I agree with that line of thinking though. When we got married, we promised to be faithful to each other. I think continuing our relationship while having broken that promise robs him of agency.

With that in mind, I sat him down in the evening, a couple of nights after my original post, and came clean. I wrote out a list of bullet points for myself to touch on, and I gave a rough accounting of events without going into as much detail as I did here, to save as much pain as I could. He didn’t react the entire way through my bullet point list, just sitting there and remaining expressionless. I couldn’t read him. It was unusual for him to be that way, he’s the type to nod along with conversation unconsciously. There was none of that as I told him this.

After I finished explaining everything to him, I asked if he had any questions. He sat in silence for what felt like a very long time before he told me that he didn’t have any questions, he had heard what he needed to hear. He then asked me to leave the house, and go stay somewhere else so that he could have time.

I hadn’t prepared myself for leaving at all. In my mind, we were going to sit together all night and talk things out. I know I had no right to be expecting anything, but that’s how the situation had played out in my mind. I held back tears as I packed a few things into a suitcase, and called my brother, who’s given me a place to stay for the moment. I spent most of the first night staying with him crying on his couch while my sister-in-law glared at me from across the room. She’s got a past history with infidelity herself, so her lack of emotional support has been understandable. The fact that she’s allowing me to sleep in her house is generous enough.

My husband called me the next morning, and asked me to come home so we could talk. When I arrived, he had more of my stuff (literally my entire closet, and some other things.) packed into bags and waiting for me by the door. His brothers, and dad had come over and helped him pack all my things up well into the night. I wish our conversation had been longer, but it wasn’t. He told me our marriage is over, that he hopes we can split everything fairly, and that all contact from that point forward was to be through his lawyer. I cried my eyes out, and told him that wasn’t what I wanted, that I want to work through things together, but that I understand I don’t get to make that choice. I put as much of my stuff as I could into my car, and agreed with him to speak with his lawyer to arrange a time for me to pick up the rest of it when he’s not there.

So that’s kind of it for the update. It’s Friday night now, and I’m sitting on the couch in my brother’s basement writing this while drinking alone. He took his wife out for a date-night, so I’ve got the whole evening to myself to wallow in self pity, and tequila.

**If you skipped the update part, and just wanted to read the smutty bits, I don’t blame you at all. I’m sure my rambling isn’t the most fun to read. So without further ado, here’s one of my fondest sexual memories of my soon-to-be-ex-husband. It’s a memory that gets me worked up whenever I think about it, and I genuinely hope it’s still with me when I’m old and scenile:**

I just realized that up until this point, I haven’t bothered naming my husband in these posts. It feels weird writing about him under a different name, but I think it makes the most sense here. For the sake of this story, he’ll be Adam. He’s got an athletic build, black hair that at the time of this story was cut in a buzz close to his head, and blue eyes.

A few years after Adam and I got married, we were feeling adventurous and began experimenting with roleplay. They were just your typical bedroom porno-style scenarios at first. I’d throw on my old school uniform skirt, or put a suitable costume together at the thrift store for whatever fantasy we’d come up with. Eventually, we became interested in taking our roleplaying further, and started dreaming up ways to make them last longer. I once spent an entire evening pretending to be a recently graduated eighteen year old me lying to her parents, but this is not that story.

I came up with the idea to invent characters for ourselves, and then go out separately to the same bar and pretend to “meet”. I know, not the most original by any stretch, but it seemed like a lot of fun to do with my husband so I hope you’ll forgive the cliche. We decided it would be fun not to tell the other person anything about our new personas until we met, so we really were meeting this new person for the first time. So, with that in mind I went about crafting a character for myself to play who I knew would push all the right buttons for my husband.

The character I came up with was a sexy librarian type. She worked at a high school all day, and was looking to let loose with a night out on the town by herself. It was a big step for her to take, normally hiding behind her friends. I knew my husband would go for her shyness.. It’s a characteristic that I knew he had always found attractive, but I admit it isn’t a quality that’s especially prominent in my own personality. I was actually looking forward to acting like someone completely new for the evening, it was going to be a fun challenge.

I ended up going for a pair of tight jeans with rips in a few places on the thighs, with a pair of black ankle strap heels, and a form fitting sleeveless turtleneck. Far from the sluttiest thing I’ve ever put on for a date with my husband. But for Melanie, my shy librarian alter-ego, I imagined that it was pushing things a little bit. She’d have been the type of woman to go for function over form the majority of the time. That said, I did go a little bit off-script and leave off my bra underneath the top. I knew my nipples would end up showing through it, which Adam had always loved. I figured he’d be too distracted to audit my character too closely.

We had planned for me to arrive about a half an hour before he did. I’d find somewhere decent to sit, and maybe chat with someone else for a bit before he would approach me. I had let Adam choose the bar, and he had chosen well. It was dimly lit, and divey in a sort of romantic kind of way. Basically it was styled like a dive bar, but was actually very trendy. Fancy cocktail menu, the works. There was a line of booths down the right-hand side when you walked in, and the bar on your left, with pool tables and a few arcade games at the back of the place.

I found myself a place at the bar a couple of seats away from where any of the other customers were sitting, and sat by myself there. The bartender took my order, and a guy had walked up to chat with me before my drink had even been made. (Generally poor etiquette, gentlemen. Wait until the lady has at least had a few sips before swooping in!) He was friendly, and very clearly interested. It made me feel good to test my outfit on a stranger, I liked knowing that I had the desired effect.

I was seated with my stool turned slightly towards the door, so I could see over my temporary companion’s shoulder when Adam walked into the bar. It was immediately clear that he had also gone for a persona opposite to his usual self. I couldn’t help but grin to myself as I watched my normally very business-casual husband scan the bar for me wearing a leather jacket, and white t-shirt. Wanting to get on with the fun part of my evening, I quickly became dismissive towards the guy I was talking with, shortening my answers for a few minutes until he got the message and went back to the group he had come in with. By that point, Adam had picked me out of the crowd. He wore a half smirk on his face as he waited a couple of minutes more before crossing the bar to join me.

“Is this seat taken?” His tone was coy, and that half smirk was still on his face as he spoke. Playing up the shy librarian thing, I quickly shook my head, lowering my gaze slightly as I pushed a hair behind my ear.

“No, it’s free. I’m here alone tonight.” I replied, trying to sound surprised that someone was actually talking to me. He sat down, and the light from the bar danced over his eyes as he ran his gaze over me.

From there we chatted for a little while in character, asking each other about our hypothetical jobs. I ranted about horny high school boys who just couldn’t seem to stop staring at my chests, and actually felt my cheeks warm when he took the opportunity to have a look himself.

My husband had become Eric, a rugged former Airforce pilot who now flew for the airlines. He was in town for a few days, and looking for ways to occupy his time. How wonderful, as that was just the sort of fun Melanie the Librarian was looking for on her wild night out.

Before long, Eric surprised me and invited me back to his hotel room. We hadn’t planned on booking a room for the night at all, so I was curious what he had up his sleeve. Eric told me that he had upgraded his hotel room to a suite for the night, hoping to find a gorgeous woman worth impressing. I found myself blushing heavily as I slid off of my stool to follow him out the door.

I pressed him against the wall only half a block from the bar. He was leading me towards where he had parked the car (He had only had one drink, folks.) and I had grown quickly impatient. I kissed him passionately, and in that moment the characters we had built completely melted away for me. I wanted Adam, my husband.

“I love you.” I moaned into his mouth. He laughed against my lips, I think he had been waiting for me to break character all night. Between the two of us, I am not the better actor. His hands roamed over my body, reaching around back to squeeze my ass. I leaned back in and kissed him for a couple of minutes more before pulling back, and letting him lead me to our car.

The hotel room was nice. It felt fancy being away from home for the night. It turned out that he had packed an overnight bag for me in secret before leaving the house. We showered together once we got into the room, and I took a fair amount of time carefully cleaning his cock and driving him wild.

Out of the shower I was tired of waiting again, and pulled his arms around me from behind while we were drying off. He groped my breasts and I locked eyes with him in the mirror as I pressed my ass back against his cock and moaned for him. Adam always took cues like that very well, and spread my legs apart with his feet while running the head of his cock along his slit making me squirm against him.

I braced myself against the countertop and mirror as he slid into me, and immediately began grinding my hips back and forth while he fucked me. We were living in a townhouse at the time, with thin walls and I always had to be quiet at home. That was not the case at all here, so I moaned out in pure ecstasy, keeping eye contact in the mirror with Adam as he increased his pace.

My legs began to cramp, so I eased myself back, and slid his cock out of me, then walked towards the bedroom area, winking back at him over my shoulder as I went and motioning for him to come with me. If looks alone could give orgasms, the one he gave me after I looked back would have. He was ravishing me with his eyes and I adored it.

I pushed Adam back onto the bed, and climbed on top of him, straddling his lap and sliding his cock back into me. At first, I ground my hips in slow teasing circles against him, nipping along his jawline and neck. I picked up the pace when he growled in my ear and began riding him quickly, my hands on his shoulders and my forehead pressed against his. He moved his hand between us to massage my clit and that pushed me over the edge. I continued riding him quickly as I came, and moments later I felt him throb, and cum inside of me.

We sat like that for a little while afterwards. Kissing, talking, cuddling, and enjoying each other’s company. That said, there was not much sleep that night.



  1. Damn OP I am sorry that you are going for the divorce!!
    If you could go back in time what advice would you give to your advice.

    Btw I liked that you have everything in bullet points

  2. Thats crazy /u/zxcv99856, sorry for what happened. I hope you can do better in the future and find happiness.

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