Plane (F21, F42, M+ all 21+, public, restrained, ENF, dubcon – 6,800 words)


Story by All These Roadworks (2022).

For avoidance of doubt, all characters in this story are aged 21 and over.

*When Kala loses her clothes on a busy commercial plane flight, she begins a journey of erotic humiliation and public sex.*

**Author’s Note**: This story was originally released in three parts. All three parts appear here.


**Part 1**

The idea of going without underwear on the long plane flight to Los Angeles had seemed exciting early that morning as Kala was dressing.

Now, as she sat in her aisle seat, feeling herself first pushed down into her seat by the force of take-off, and then briefly, blessedly weightless, she was having second thoughts.

She had clearly caught the favoured flight for business. The man next to her was dressed in a business pants and a button-up shirt, and as soon as the seatbelt sign turned off, he extracted a laptop and began to peck away at some brief or pitch, one keytap at a time. There were two women in blouses and business skirts behind her talking anxiously about “the Redondo meeting”, and across the aisle an older man in expensive tailored clothes was attempting to catch some sleep.

In her light yellow dress, with its teasingly high hemline, and not a stitch of bra or panties, Kala was feeling increasingly out of place.

But at the same time – that was the point. The possibility of discovery and the blush of potential embarrassment gave her a distinct warmth between her legs. She squirmed in her seat, wondering if someone could tell that her pussy was bare, wondering if someone could see her blushing, wondering if someone knew.

A nearby flight attendant looked at her, and Kala froze, suddenly sure she had been found out. The attendant was a woman in her forties – a stern brunette who had only become more attractive with maturity. There was no smile in the look that she gave Kala. Was she just stressed by long working flight that lay ahead of her? Or did she somehow sense that Kala was a little bare-cunted slut?

Kala’s pussy throbbed. She tried to ignore it, but the more she tried, the more she could think of nothing else.

The flight attendant passed her, and Kala held so still she worried that the attendant would ask her if anything was wrong. Kala’s pussy was wet, and she suddenly wondered if the attendant would smell it – smell her arousal, and turn and ask in an unsympathetic voice exactly what was going on with Kala’s cunt.

The man beside her continued to tap, tap, tap at his computer. His elbow pushed out as he adjusted the position of his laptop, and it softly brushed the side of Kala’s breast.

She could take it no longer. She got up, blushing, flustered, and made her way to the toilets.

The attendant looked at her again as she went in. Kala hurriedly locked the door

Her hand went immediately to her pussy, not even bothering to sit down first. She had to rub it. She had to masturbate. She began to eagerly finger her cunt, running one finger lightly over her clit, then harder, then…

She stopped, breathing heavily. It was a long flight. Her worry that the flight attendant might smell her cunt may have been paranoia – but if she sweated into this dress, and let it rest against her wet pussy, then surely *someone* would notice before they finally landed in LA.

Carefully, she lifted the dress over her head, and laid it across the toilet. There. Now she was completely naked. Her hand went back to her cunt. Now she could do what she had come here to do. Now she could…


It wasn’t much in the scheme of things. The plane rocked slightly as it hit a small pocket of turbulence. It was no danger to the aircraft – only enough to send Kala staggering a half-pace to the side. She reached out to steady herself, and her hand landed on a convenient handle, which she pulled.


It was the flush lever for the toilet. And before Kala could react, the vacuum flush on the toilet engaged – and her dress, lying across the top of the seat, was suddenly sucked down into the bowl, and gone.

She stared in horror. Where her only piece of clothing had been, there was only a clean, flushed toilet.

“Excuse me, miss,” came the voice of the flight attendant from outside. “Are you all right in there? We had some turbulence.”

“Yes!” replied Kala quickly – too quickly. And too high pitched. She sounded panicky even to her own ears. She tried again. “Ah – yes. I’m fine. Nothing is wrong. Everything is okay.” And that was too much. It sounded weird. It sounded desperate.

And she *was* desperate. She was naked, on a public flight full of people, trapped in the toilet with no clothes to wear.

“Miss,” came the voice of the flight attendant. “Would you mind opening the door, please?”

And Kala realised that she had worse things to worry about than merely being naked. She had sounded suspicious when she had answered the attendant – and when someone sounded suspicious on a plane, the attendant didn’t think “naked slut”. Instead, she thought “drug smuggler” – or “terrorist”.

“I can’t,” said Kala.

‘Why not?” asked the attendant.

She didn’t know. What could she say? She blushed – and, unconsciously, one hand returned to her pussy and began to massage it. She was embarrassed and humiliated – and it was making her gushingly, soppingly wet.

“Ma’am, I’m going to open the door,” said the attendant. Kala noted she had graduated from “miss” to “ma’am”. That probably wasn’t a good sign.

“No!” protested Kala – but it was too late. The attendant used her override, and pushed open the door – and there was Kala, completely naked, blushing and fingering her pussy.

The attendant wrinkled her nose. “Ma’am, where are your clothes?” she asked.

“I flushed them down the toilet,” Kala admitted.

The attendant turned, and whispered down the aisle – presumably to another attendant. “Colin, we’ve got an exhibitionist.”

“Again?” said a male voice. “Donna, why do all the perverts choose *our* flight?”

“No,” Kala tried to explain. “It was an accident. I didn’t mean to.”

“Uh-huh,” said the attendant – Donna – in a sceptical voice. “You flushed your dress and all your underwear down the toilet. By accident.”

“I wasn’t wearing any…” Kala began, and then stopped. “I mean…” She stopped again. How could she explain this.

The male attendant – presumably Colin – arrived in the doorway and stood looking at Kala. He stared pointedly at her cunt. “Did you flush your clothes down the toilet before or after you were stroking your beaver, honey?” he asked.

“After,” said Kala. “I mean, before – during – I mean…” She stopped again.

Colin rolled his eyes, and pulled a grey blanket from a nearby overhead locker. None of the passengers had seen Kala yet – the angle, and the body of Donna, prevented that – but several had heard the voices and were turning to look.

‘Here honey,” said Colin. “Wrap this around you.”

Kala took it gratefully, and wrapped it around her torso. It was large, and covered everything that needed covering.

“Now, let ‘s take you back to your seat,” said Colin, leading Kala out of the toilet, and down the aisle.

“Thank you,” said Kala, reaching her row.

“Don’t thank me yet, honey,” said Colin. “Once we touch down, we’ll be contacting the police about your little episode of indecent exposure. They’ll know what to do with a pervert like you.”

Kala’s eyes widened. “No!” she said. “It was an accident! You can’t call the police!” She reached out to try to grab Colin, to make him listen – and as she did so, the awkwardly wrapped blanket fell away from her. It fell to the floor – and suddenly she was standing complete nude in front of the entire cabin of passengers.

There were shocked gasps, some laughter, a wolf-whistle from somewhere, and some disgusted muttering.

Colin’s eyes went frosty, and Donna was quickly by his side.

“She’s intent on showing herself off to everyone,” said Donna. “She’s going to be like this the whole flight.”

“Get the restraints,” said Colin. Donna nodded, and hurried back down the aisle towards the supply lockers.

Colin put his hands on Kala’s shoulders and pushed her down, into her seat. Kala tried to struggle, but she was small, and Colin was strong.

Soon Donna had returned. The female attendant grabbed one of Kala’s arms and brought it to the arm-wrest. Kala felt something plastic encircle her arm – and suddenly her arm was shackled to the arm rest, by something halfway between a handcuff and a zip-tie. She pulled, but was completely unable to free her arm.

Then another of the cuffs went across her other arm, trapping it against the other arm rest.

Donna passed two more cuffs to Colin, and Colin knelt down on the floor. He pushed Kala’s right foot in one direction, and pulled her left in the other – and suddenly both were cuffed to the leg-supports of her chair. Her legs were trapped in a spread position. She tried to pull her knees together – but she couldn’t.

“See if she has any clothes in her carry-on,” suggested Colin, and Donna immediately opened the overhead locker. Kala’s bag was easy to spot – it was the only bright pink one with a kitten motif, amidst a sea of professional briefcases. Donna extracted it, and began to rummage through the contents.

“Please, that’s my stuff,” said Kala. “Don’t look at it.”

But it was too late. There were no clothes in the bag – but Donna had found the things that *were* included. A thick rubber butt plug, and a bright pink plastic dildo with the batteries removed. (Kala at least knew better than to have a device that might randomly start vibrating in her luggage.)

“Please,” said Kala again.

Donna showed the dildo and the butt plug to Colin.

“She’s going to be like this all flight, isn’t she?” asked Colin.

“Almost certainly,” said Donna.

Colin nodded. He took the butt plug from Donna’s hand – and when Kala opened her mouth to protest again, he popped it into her mouth. The thick rubber plug filled her mouth, while the wide flange at its base sat outside her lips, looking rather like a baby’s pacifier, and stopped her from swallowing or choking on her new gag.

Kala immediately tried to spit the plug out – but Colin had extracted some black duct tape from somewhere, and within moments he had slapped a large patch of it across Kala’s mouth, completing the gag and trapping the plug in her mouth.

Donna then draped the discarded blanket back over Kala, covering her body and hiding her tits and cunt from further public view. Then she dropped the bright pink dildo in Kala’s lap – just in case the blanket gave anyone the impression that Kala wasn’t a slut – and stood back to assess her work.

“That should hold her,” she said.

Colin nodded in agreement. “Are you going to be a good little slut now until the plane touches down?” he asked Kala.

Kala tried to plead for mercy with her eyes. She didn’t want the flight attendants to call the police on her when they landed. But she nodded her head obediently.

“Good girl,” said Colin. “If you behave yourself, we might ungag you when it’s time for the in-flight meal.”

“Come on,” said Donna to her colleague.. “We’re already behind on our duties. There are three call lights on in first class.”

And with that, the two attendants walked away, leaving Kala nude, bound and gagged in her chair.

Beside her, the businessman had started to pack away his computer. She looked over at him. Surely he would see that what the flight attendants had done to her was ridiculous. Maybe he would remove the duct tape over her gag and take the butt plug out of her mouth.

He looked back at her. “Hi,” he said. “I’m David.” He put his laptop back into its carrying case, and smiled broadly. Then, quite deliberately, he slid his left hand under the blanket on her lap. She jumped – as far as her restraints would allow her to – and yelped. But the gag fully muffled her, and no sound came out.

“I think we’re going to have some fun together on this flight,” he said. And his hand moved over her thigh, and then down between her spread legs, and she felt him run one finger slowly, teasingly up the cleft of her wet, throbbing pussy…


**Part 2**

Kala could hear the other passengers on the plane talking about her. Of course they were talking about her. Just moments ago she had been completely nude in the middle of the aisle, her cunt visibly wet, after she had accidentally flushed her clothes down the toilet and then been caught masturbating by the flight attendants. And now she was bound naked to her seat by her arms and legs, her knees spread, with only a thin grey blanket draped over her to cover her nudity.

“What a disgusting slut,” she heard a woman whisper to her partner three rows ahead. “I can’t believe they let whores like that on the same flight as regular people.”

“Did you see her pussy?” a man was saying to his friend somewhere behind her. “It was dripping wet. I’m telling you man, she was ready to fuck, right there in the aisle.”

“I got a picture of her on my phone,” someone else was saying. “Check out the slutty expression on her face. Here, do you want a copy?”

Each comment made Kala more conscious of her situation, and more humiliated – but it was only a small part of her mind that was paying attention to these degrading and objectifying conversations, because something much more distracting was happening to her.

And that distraction was the fingers of David, the businessman who was sitting next to her. Because those fingers were currently sliding in and out of her pussy.

She stared at him. He was smiling at her – a smile that would have seemed completely innocent if you didn’t know what he was doing. But his left hand had worked its way underneath the blanket that was covering her, over her thigh, down between her legs, and now he was slowly, teasingly, sliding two of his fingers in and out of Kala’s fuckhole.

She had tried to close her legs, of course, but the way she was bound kept her thighs firmly spread apart. And for whatever reason, trying to protect herself and discovering that she couldn’t had only made her pussy wetter. Then she had tried to make a noise – to call the flight attendants over, perhaps, or warn David away. But with the thick rubber butt-plug in her mouth, and the duct tape over the top of that, all she had managed to produce was a barely-audible moan. She had tried to pull her arms away from the seat – but they, too, were securely bound in place.

There was nothing she could do to protect herself from David, or let anyone else know what was happening.

David smiled even more broadly, and pulled his fingers out of her cunt, and out from under the blanket. They were coated with Kala’s thick, sticky cunt slime. He raised the fingers to his lips and licked the tips – and then wiped them across Kala’s face, smearing her cunt juices across her cheeks. Kala recoiled.

“It’s a long flight, sweetie,” said David. “Be a good girl now.”

He spotted Kala’s phone, resting in the pouch on the seat-back in front of her, and picked it up. Kala again tried to protest, but could neither move nor express herself.

“A facial recognition lock?” asked David, looking at the lock screen. “Let’s see if it recognises you with that plug in your mouth.”

He held it up to Kala’s face – and to Kala’s disappointment, it *did* recognise her. The phone unlocked, and David began to swipe through its contents.

“Naked pictures?” he laughed, almost immediately, after flicking into her camera gallery. “What a slut.”

Kala blushed. She had taken naked photos of herself, yes – both full-body nudes, and images of herself in a range of sexy outfits – but they were intended for her lovers, not for this man. Yet there was nothing she could do as David connected her phone to his via a cable and made copies of the pictures.

Then she tried to squeal again, and she was distressed enough to actually make an audible sound this time. David was posting the nudes to her Facebook profile! And emailing them to her entire contact list!

He laughed. “Your phone’s in airplane mode,” he said. “So they won’t post until we land and you reconnect to the internet. All you have to do is delete them before you reconnect.” And then he opened his mouth in an expression of entirely feigned alarm. “Oh, but what if the flight attendants turn you over to the police? And they take your phone? They won’t know to delete the pictures before they turn off airplane mode, will they?” He laughed. “Something to think about, I’m sure.”

He paused, and then said, “Do you want to see how much of a slut you are?”

Kala shook her head, but he ignored her. He carefully lifted the blanket off her lap a little – not enough to expose her, but enough to slip the phone beneath it. She felt him place the phone between her legs – and then there was a sudden flash of light from beneath the blanket. It was the flash on the camera. He had taken a photo of her cunt.

He brought the phone out and showed her the picture. It was a lewd close-up of the pinkness of her cuntflesh – and it was obvious from the photo that her cunt was engorged with arousal, and slick with slut-honey.

“That one’s a keeper,” he laughed. And then, as she watched, he set the photo to be her lock-screen wallpaper. Anyone attempting to activate the phone would see the photo of her spread, wet, pussy. She mewled with humiliation.

David was apparently done playing with her phone now. He returned it to the pouch, and then his fingers went back to her pussy. She felt them slide over her clitoris, and every inch of her trembled with sexual tension.

“You can’t talk, but I think you can still communicate, sweetie,” said David. “Would you like me to finger-rape you? One blink for yes, two for no.”

What did he think she was going to do? Kala blinked twice, vigorously.

David sighed – and then he pinched her clitoris, hard. Kala squealed into her gag and arched her back.

“I’m sorry,” said David. “I didn’t quite get that. Let’s try again. Do you want me to finger-rape you? One blink for yes, two for no.”

She looked at him with pleading eyes. When she didn’t blink at all after a while, he pinched her again. It hurt even more than the first time.

“You’re not blinking,” he told her. “Remember, it’s….”

She gave up. She blinked once, obviously and clearly.

“Thank you for your consent,” said David. And with that, he slid his fingers back into her cunt, and began to pump them in and out again.

Kala’s eyes rolled back in her head. This was so humiliating, so violating – and yet, all she wanted was for him to pump his fingers harder into her pussy. She had been so wet since she got on board this plane, and if she couldn’t free herself from her bondage, then at the very least she could finally have an orgasm.

Except that David had no intention of letting her cum. He watched her carefully, and every time her body became tense and her breathing quickened, he would take his fingers out of her cunt, and wipe them on her face, and watch her until she had calmed down, before returning to her pussy and re-starting the process. The pathetic, frustrated mewls that she made into her gag seemed to give him endless amusement. She tried to beg him with her eyes to allow her to cum, but he was entirely uninterested in giving her what she wanted.

He played with her for a full hour, and by the end of that hour Kala could think of nothing but her cunt, and her overwhelming need for release. Her eyes were closed and her back was arched, her every muscle straining to push her groin against the businessman’s hand, to find deeper stimulation, to finally orgasm.

It only stopped because the flight attendants brought out the in-flight meal. As the trolley bearing the food trays rolled past Kala’s seat, the female attendant, Donna, knelt down beside Kala.

“If you’re a good girl,” she said, “I might consider removing your gag so you can eat. Are you going to be a good girl?”

Kala nodded eagerly. David’s hand was still between her legs, fingering her pussy.

“Promise?” asked Donna.

Kala nodded again.

Donna reached out and pulled the duct tape from Kala’s mouth. Kala winced – but opened her jaw wide and allowed Donna to remove the butt plug from her mouth.

As soon as it was gone, Kala said, “Please – the man next to me is touching my pussy.”

Donna looked down at Kala’s lap. The shape of David’s arm under the grey blanket was unmistakable. There was no way that she couldn’t see the truth of what Kala had said.

“Ma’am,” she said, slowly, and with consideration, “I didn’t remove that plug just so you could tell disgusting lies about your fellow passengers. Do I need to put it back in?”

Kala looked at her, wide-eyed. Couldn’t she see what was happening? Beside her, David smiled, and ran a finger over Kala’s clitoris, making her shudder.

“Please!” she begged. “Can’t you see it? He’s got his fingers in my pussy, and I can’t stop him!”

Donna’s voice was cold. “I can’t see anything of the sort,” she said. “And, anyway, it seems to me that if somebody *was* doing that to you, it would be exactly what you deserve. Now, do I have to gag you again, or will you be quiet like a good girl?”

Kala stared at her in disbelief. But it was clear that there was no help coming from the flight attendant. Unhappily, she closed her mouth and said nothing further.

“Excellent,” said Donna. She turned to talk to David. “Sir, I’m not sure I trust this slut with her arms free. If I give her meal to you, do you think you could help her to eat it?”

“I think I could manage that,” said David, still pumping his fingers in and out of Kala’s fuckhole.

“That’s wonderful,” said the flight attendant, and passed two trays of chicken-and-rice across to David, who placed them on his fold-down table. Then Donna rolled the trolley forward, and Kala was once again alone with the man in the seat next to her.

David extracted his fingers from Kala’s twat, and pressed them against her newly-ungagged lips. “Clean them,” he demanded.

Kala had no choice but to open her mouth. David pushed his fingers inside, and Kala found herself sucking her cunt juices off of them. Then David withdrew his hand, and for the next ten minutes he left her alone completely, as he focused on eating his meal.

To Kala’s shame, she found herself wishing his fingers would return to her pussy. She was still so wet, and the lack of stimulation was maddening.

Then, when he was done, David put his hand back under the blanket. This time he pressed his whole palm against her cunt, wiping it up the length of her pussy, before removing it from between her legs again. He used the same hand to scoop up a handful of chicken and rice from Kala’s meal, and then brought it to her lips.

“Eat,” he commanded.

Donna the flight attendant was watching Kala from down the aisle. Kala’s eyes met Donna’s, and it was clear that the attendant saw nothing wrong with Kala’s situation.

Unhappily, Kala ate the food from David’s hand, like a pet being fed by her master. David’s hand was coated with Kala’s cunt juices, and she couldn’t help but lick them up along with her food – particularly given that David insisted on Kala licking his entire hand clean before he fed her more.

Once his hand *was* clean, it went back to rub Kala’s pussy again, harvesting another handful of her slut nectar, before again picking up a handful of food and returning to Kala’s mouth.

She ate the entire meal that way – out of David’s hand, flavoured with the juice of her arousal.

And when it was done, David gave her her reward. His hand returned to her cunt, and resumed its relentless, maddening teasing.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please, let me cum.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” said David. “You’re not going to cum until I do.” He smiled. “And I think it’s about time we made arrangements to let me cum inside you, don’t you think?”

In response, Kala could only moan.


**Part 3** 

Kala was completely nude and bound into her seat with her legs spread, on a busy commercial passenger flight to Los Angeles, with only a thin sheet to cover her. The man in the seat next to her – David – was eagerly molesting her, while the flight attendants – who thought she was an exhibitionist pervert – were doing nothing to stop him.

“One second,” said David, whose hand had just been teasing Kala’s spread, vulnerable cunt beneath the blanket. “I just need to get something from the overhead compartment.”

He stood, and then pushed past Kala, to reach the aisle. As he did, he did something to adjust his pants, and when Kala turned her head to look, she discovered what it was. He had opened his fly, and pulled out his cock! It was rock hard, with pre-cum dripping from the tip, but before Kala could turn her head away, David had grabbed her hair in a strong grip, and pulled her face down towards his cock.

Kala made the mistake of opening her mouth to protest, and David’s dick slipped inside. His hand was still in her hair, holding her tight against his groin.

“Stay right there, sweetie,” said David in a quiet voice. “Don’t pull away, or you’ll regret it.”

Kala blushed. David was standing in the aisle, facing Kala – and the overhead compartment – and Kala’s face was right up against his trousers. Couldn’t people see that she was sucking his cock? She tried to look at the people across the aisle, but couldn’t see past David’s groin and legs. She wanted to move away, but she knew David’s threat wasn’t an idle one. He could visit all sorts of pain and humiliation on her, in her restrained and vulnerable state, that would far exceed what he had already done.

So she kept his cock in her mouth, like a good girl, and even licked it a little with her tongue.

Her reward was the loosening of David’s hand. He let go of her hair, and began to use both hands to access the overhead locker. There was now nothing forcing Kala to keep sucking his dick. Nothing but his threat, that was.

She kept sucking.

The female flight attendant – the one called Donna – was approaching down the aisle. Kala made a noise of worry. She would surely see what was happening.

But David was still fussing in the overhead compartment, and gave no indication of giving permission to stop sucking.

Donna approached the two, and stopped. In a voice that was not overly loud- but still loud enough to be heard in all the nearby seats – she said, “Excuse me, sir. Is this slut *sucking your cock*?”

David laughed, and said, “I couldn’t stop her. As soon as I stood up, she went straight for my dick.”

Kala felt herself die of shame inside. She had to defend herself, and explain. She started to pull her head back off David’s cock.

The flight attendant seized her hair in an iron grip, and forced her back down onto David’s dick – hard. Kala’s nose bumped David’s waist.

“What do you think you’re doing, you disgusting little slut?” hissed Donna. “Were you going to expose this man’s cock in front of the whole flight? Just because you like to show off your pussy, doesn’t mean everyone here is a pervert. You keep him covered until he’s ready to sit back down.”

Kala moaned, and began sucking David again obediently. She couldn’t believe this was happening. But it was becoming clearer to her that not only was no one going to stop it, but that people were actually enjoying her humiliation. She heard some chuckling nearby, but couldn’t tell which of the passengers around her was laughing.

“I’m just getting something from my bag,” said David, “but after that, I think the little slut here needs to use the toilet. We don’t want her pissing all over her seat.”

“She’d probably like that,” hissed Donna. “All right, I’ll get her out of the restraints. Would you care to come supervise her in the toilet?”

“I’d love to,” said David.

Donna knelt beside Kala and began to undo the ties that bound her to the seat. Kala kept obediently sucking David’s cock as she was slowly released. She thought briefly about attempting escape as her feet were released from the ties – but where would she go? She was on a plane, in flight, and she had no allies anywhere.

It seemed like David would never complete whatever he was doing in the locker overhead – until finally he made a little groan, and said, “Done,” and pulled back. His cock popped out of Kala’s mouth – and just as it did, it began spurting cum, ejaculating all over Kala’s face and tits. Kala flinched, but there was nowhere to escape to. David bathed her with his sperm – in front of Donna, and all the passengers.

Donna gasped. “You SLUT,” she said – and this time it was loud enough for the entire flight to hear. And she slapped Kala, hard, across the face.

The words and the slap drew everyone’s attention to Kala, diverting attention from David as he tucked his cock back in his pants. And then Kala was being pulled from her seat, leaving the blanket behind, until she was standing completely naked in the aisle with cum dripping from her face and tits and everyone staring at her.

“I don’t actually need to go to the toilet…” Kala said lamely.

“Oh, I think you do,” said Donna. She grabbed Kala’s hair and began marching her down the aisle. David followed, and the male flight attendant, Colin, was approaching from the other direction.

Kala was forced past the passengers, to the mid-compartment break where the toilets are. Colin opened a toilet, and forced Kala inside.

She had expected to turn around and sit on the toilet, but instead Donna pushed her so that she fell forward across the toilet. Her arms caught the wall behind the toilet, leaving her standing, but bending forward at the waist, facing away from the door.

Colin leaned in and applied some more restraint ties to Kala’s wrists. These connected her to some safety holds on the rear wall, effectively trapping her in position. Donna then used a knee to spread Kala’s legs apart, and Colin knelt and secured Kala’s ankles to each wall, preventing her from closing her legs.

“I’ve got a little addition, from my luggage,” said David.

“Go ahead,” said Donna.

David leaned in and reached under Kala. She felt something bite down on her nipple, and squealed. It was a clamp, with a heavy metal ball the size of a golf-ball hanging from it. Another one went on her other nipple. And then – to her horror – David clamped a third one on her clitoris.

Kala wailed, and wiggled – but the clamps were tight, and the wiggles just made the balls bounce up and down, tugging at her nipples and clit in agonising ways.

“What are you doing?” sobbed Kala.

“You decided to cocktease this entire flight with your slutty little performance,” said Donna. “Horny passengers are difficult passengers, and as things stand currently, each and every one of them is going to complain about how we had a naked slut disturbing the flight. I can’t have that on my staff evaluation, and the airline doesn’t want that on its public relations slate, so we’re going to have to do something about it.”

“What do you mean?” asked Kala.

Donna walked into the hall and pulled out the mouthpiece for the in-flight PA. “Attention all passengers,” she said, calmly. “The naked slut who has been teasing passengers in economy class is now restrained inside the economy class toilets. Anyone who feels the need to relieve the sexual tension she has caused may now proceed to the economy class toilets and make use of her. Please take turns in an orderly manner and avoid queuing in the aisle. That is all.”

Kala’s eyes were as wide as they would go. Was she serious? Had she really just invited the entire flight to fuck her.

“Can I go first?” asked the male flight attendant, Colin.

Donna raised an eyebrow. “Are you even into ladies, Colin?”

Colin laughed. “I’m into sluts of all genders, honey.”

Kala heard Colin adjusting his pants – and a moment later, she felt a warm, hard dick slide into her pussy from behind. Kala was still sopping wet, despite everything, and her spread pussy offered little resistance to the rape. Then Colin began to pound his cock in and out of her, and every thrust made the weights hanging from her nipples and clit bounce, and suddenly Kala’s body was overwhelmed by waves of equal pleasure and pain.

She started to moan, and she didn’t know if she was intending to beg for mercy or beg him to fuck her harder. She orgasmed before he was done, and then found herself cumming again as Colin found his own climax and spurted his cum deep into her pussy.

The male flight attendant laughed as he pulled his cock out of her. “What a messy little slut,” he joked.

“I’d better clean her up,” said Donna. She knelt between Kala’s legs, and began to lick Kala’s pussy.

There was laughter and appreciation from Colin and David – and a squeal from Kala.

“Please,” Kala begged. “You can’t do this. I’m sorry I was a slut. Please…”

“Your pussy told a different story,” said Colin. “It was wetter than a British summer. And didn’t I feel you cum twice while I was inside you?”

“I don’t think we need to hear from her anymore,” said David. “Can I borrow your tape?”

Colin passed David the duct tape they had used earlier, and David leaned over Donna’s head and stuffed the butt plug back into Kala’s mouth, taping it firmly in place.

Donna licked and licked until Kala’s pussy was clean, and there was nothing Kala could do to stop her. She found herself cumming again before Donna was done.

Then both flight attendants and David drew back.

“Is this for real?” asked an unfamiliar man’s voice.

“Absolutely, sir,” said Donna.

And then, a moment later, a cock was pushing into Kala’s pussy again. And she didn’t even know whose it was. She couldn’t look back far enough to see. And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

The man began to slowly and methodically fuck her, and Kala’s only option was to close her eyes and enjoy the pleasure.

That was how the flight went for Kala. When the man using her left, another would enter, and she would feel another anonymous cock poke into her cunt. Every two or three men, Donna would return and “clean her up” with her tongue. A few men used her ass, and again, there was nothing Kala could do to stop them.

About an hour into her ordeal, David returned, ready to cum again, and began to fuck her.

As his cock went into her, the plane hit another patch of turbulence. David grabbed hold of Kala’s hips and used her to stabilise himself – and kept thrusting into her pussy throughout – but the plane shook wildly, and the metal balls hanging from Kala’s tits and clitoris began to bounce and swing wildly. She screamed in pain, and that only seemed to make David harder and more eager to fuck her. She felt herself orgasm from the pain, and that in turn brought David to his own release.

Finally, the plane reached its destination. The flight attendants switched on the fasten seatbelts sign, and urged everyone to return to their seats.

But no one came to free Kala. With the plug in her mouth, she couldn’t call out for help, and she had to remain where she was as the plane descended, then bumped down on the runway (another surge of pain in Kala’s tortured nipples and clit) and then, finally, passengers began to depart.

Kala made muffled noises into her gag as people began to disembark, walking down the aisle outside the toilets.

“Thank you for the flight,” she heard David say to the attendants. “The little slut can keep my ornaments, if she likes.”

And then, just like that, the plane was empty. All the passengers had left except Kala.

Somewhere back in her seat, Kala’s phone regained its internet signal, and began uploading her nude photos to everyone on her contact list.

She yelled as loudly as she could into her gag.

Donna walked past. “Oh, are you wondering what’s happening to you, little slut?” she asked. “Well, we realised we couldn’t very well walk you out completely naked and dripping with cum in front of all those families in the arrivals lounge. It would be a scandal. So we decided we’re keeping you here for another flight.”

Kala tried to beg for mercy, but she could neither move, nor speak, nor look at the flight attendant in her current position.

“Our next stop is in the Middle East,” said Donna. “I’m sure our next batch of passengers will love the added amenity of a slut to use in the toilets. And if we haven’t worked out what to do with you by the time we reach our next destination – well, we’ve occasionally had offers from rich businessmen who live in that area to buy some of our prettier passengers on flight attendants. We’ve laughed them off… but I’m thinking now might be the time to reach out and discover whether they’re serious.”

Kala bucked her hips, the only motion she could make, and began to weep.

Donna stroked her buttocks. “Maybe if you’re very good, little slut, I’ll buy you myself. How would you like that? If you’re going to leave the plane naked, it may as well be on a leash… and that will be better than talking to the police about your perverted behaviour, won’t it?”

She left Kala there, to prepare for the next passengers, and Kala considered her options.

By the time the first new passengers were boarding, and marvelling at the naked slut bound in the toilets, Kala had made her decision. She would try to be very good. After all, a leash was better than the police. In fact, judging by how wet her cunt was becoming, it was a *lot* better.

She thought she might like a leash. She thought she might like it a lot.




  1. (Posted this earlier today but I think it got zapped for not having ages in the tags. Not sure how to do ages neatly when there’s more than two characters but I’ve given it my best shot.)
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