[Group]How my Gf (19) of 2 years got fucked by my classmates at a Christmas party.

So this happened back in around 2014 we were attending our last year of High School and my Gf at the time Claire was what you would call Goth Gf she had the painted black hair heavy eyeliner dressed kinda slutty almost all black. We got togeather in school and she was my first ever real gf I lost my virginity to her. She was regarded in school circles as an easy lay but at the time It really only made me want her more. So we were doing all right sex was kinda basic but i only know it retrospec I was pretty bad at that time of youth. I was kind of an outcast in class I don’t eaven know how i managed to get her but tbh it dosen’t really matter. Claire was in this little circle of friends that consisted of 4 people 3 guys and her. I was always a bit jealous that I never really became part of this little clic and also the “ringleader” of the bunch Mark who was your typiccal buffed sports guy only really short was always flirty with my gf so I had anymosity towards them from the start. The other 2 guy were skinny druggies one was called Adam and the other Sam they never rally vibed with me. So there comes School Christmass and I’m bored the hellout of this thing. Claire comes to me and tells me the clic really is bored aswell and they want to take the party to Sams place since its super close and his parents are out of the city. Its strange cause the way she told me was not really an invitation of course I could have asked to come but it didn’t really occour to me in that moment I just wanted to go home and play Call of Duty or something. So I said my goodbies and went home. The following events are gathered later on by me talking to Claire and Mark so it may or may not be completely true but they booth more or less told me the story this way:

So the 4 of them went to Sams place and started drinking (in our country its legal to drink from age 18 so that wasn’t abigdeal to them) as they told me the 4 of them drank a bottle of champagne and also a bottle of wine with some vodka on the side so they got drunk pretty fast. Then they strated playing spin the bottle wich resulted in awkward dares mostly focusing on Claire who laughingly want along with most of them. Among these dares were to make out with most of the guys, strip most of her clothing wich resulted her to be sitting there in her underware between 3 dudes, put her hand in some of the guys boxers and keep it there for a time, allow Adam to finger her pussy stuff like that. After the truth or dare allegedly Mark grabbed my gf and took her to one of the bedrooms where he fucked her raw, she even sucked his dick (wich just for context she never did for me) at some point during them fucking Sam walked into the room and Mark waved him over and told him to pull out his dick. Mark told me Claire (who really didn’t speak about this when reciting the story in tears) started sucking Sams dick without hesitation and they double teamed her for 1 hour staright alternating between her pussy and mouth, ultimately one of them came in her pussy and the other on her face. All the while Adam was lying uncouncious from the booze in some other room (poor dude had it rougher than me lol).

This was a friday and next week they told me and I broke up with her, mostly cause of the shame factor tbh. I didn’t want to be the guy whose girlfriend is a public cumdump.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xl31bj/grouphow_my_gf_19_of_2_years_got_fucked_by_my

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