I once took a law school exam with cum inside of me [FM]

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but there are two types of edging: Intentional and unintentional. This is the story about the unintentional kind where you have so much sexual tension between you two that you simmer in frustration for days until you both want to die.

Once upon a time, I went to law school with a man who was boring on paper. He was a future tax attorney who was kind of a hypochondriac and an undeniable introvert. He was super hot though and unexpectedly great in bed so we hooked up on and off throughout law school.

He was never really my boyfriend because we weren’t super compatible, but I was addicted to that dick and he was easily to seduce.

Also, I made bad decisions during finals. Every exam cycle I would end up fucking someone I probably shouldn’t have… Although I can’t say I regret this one.

So once we were studying together in the library with my roommate, “R.” R had remarkably bad timing and was adorably clueless. When R went to ask our professor a question, my ex and I started going over some practice exam when a sandwich magically appeared in front of me.

“Thanks!” I called to my random friend who had dropped it off and walked away.

“Why did he just bring you a sandwich?” My ex asked, very confused.

“Because I posted an SOS on my Facebook that I needed a sandwich,” I shrugged.

This made him inexplicably angry and he went off about how random sandwich man wanted to sleep with me and that I needed to stop “stringing people along.”

I waved him off. “Not everyone is trying to sleep with me.”

“I know that! Do *you* know that?”

*We were sleep deprived and both cranky.*

I laughed a little and tried to figure out his endgame. “Are you jealous of my sandwich? Want me to go get you one?”

“No, I want someone so desperate to hook up with me that they stop studying to bring me food on a whim.”

I grinned a little wider. “Maybe that’s why I offered.”

*I was so fucking smooth.*

He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t fuck with me, V. I have a girlfriend.”

I snorted. “Why did you just lie to me? I’m friends with her. Y’all broke up last week.”

He threw his pen down and got serious. “Because… We should not be flirting. I’ll go home and jerk off and you’ll post an SOS for someone to eat you out in the bathroom or something.”

“Do *you* want to eat me out in the bathroom or something?”

Things shifted. He stared at me for a moment and then put his thumb to my lips. He circled a few times before he pressed it inside my mouth. I let my tongue flick it as I lightly sucked. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing.

Then he reached his other hand under the table and grabbed mine. He put my hand in his crotch and let me feel how he’d gotten hard. We made eye contact again as I smiled and sucked on his thumb a little harder.

He whispered, “We could go-“

Then fucking R came back because his timing is impeccable. Like seriously, he was the ultimate mood killer of my youth. Not only that, but he started talking about complex remedies in cases involving traumatic death or injury.

*No one could throw cold water like R.*

Could I have seduced him that night? Probably. However, when midnight hit and I remembered I had gone two days without a shower and had to wake up at 5:00am to keep studying, my drive was gone.

Instead I went home and passed out frustrated.

After our first exam we celebrated by going back to the library, this time without R. We actually made it like 5 hours until we decided to call it an early night.

He smiled with *that* look. “Want to have a sleepover?” He asked.

“We can’t go to my place.”


“R is hosting a study group.”

“Who gives a fuck?”

“Your ex girlfriend will be there.”

“Fuck. We can’t go to my place. My parents are staying with me.”

*His mom stayed with him during finals so she could do his laundry and make him food. She sometimes sent him with lunch for, so I can’t complain about this scenario.*

*All moms love me, btw. It’s part of my charm.*

“Isn’t she progressive?”

“I have a one bedroom. She’s sleeping in my bed. Want to fuck on my futon while she’s in the next room?”

“Fair point.”

He leaned back and put his arms behind his head which did something to me. He was pretty fucking ripped and annoyingly good looking. I melted when he looked me up and down and smirked. “It’s a shame though. I want to peel that shirt you’ve been wearing for two days right off.”

“I ran out of clean underwear three days ago too.”

This is how the two of us ended up parked in the staff parking lot.

Now I know this sounds dumb, but there’s a logic to it. We knew our professors hated finals week and wouldn’t stay a MINUTE longer than office hours required to avoid additional interactions with neurotic students at their worst.

We climbed into his backseat and I straddled him. He was SUPER hard through those crusty sweatpants he had been wearing for three days straight. I rubbed my clit against it and felt the familiar pull deep in my stomach, which was intensified under stress and days without sex.

I ran my fingers through his hair as his tongue circled my mouth. I drove my hips into him and moaned when he pushed back. He put a hand up my shirt and started circling my nipple slowly. It was torture and I was DYING.

“I want to get you off,” he whispered as he finally squeezed me gently, eliciting another moan.

“We can’t have sex here,” I panted as I kept rocking back and forth.

*Sweatpants are great for dry humping. I was feeling ALL of his dick and enjoying every bit of it.*

“I have to see you come. Can I finger you?”

“No…” he pulled me deeper into him and my brain officially shut off. I stopped being human. “I mean yes! Just fuck me.”

“We really can’t do it here.”

“Fuck,” I whispered.

“Fuck,” he echoed as he squeezed my nipple harder. His eyes got wide then. “Oh fuck! Really! Fuck!” Suddenly he wrapped and arm around me and threw us both down so we were laying across his back seat with him on top. I started laughing and he threw a hand over my mouth. “Our dean is 5 feet away,” he whispered.

My heart dropped. We stopped talking and just stared at each other in horror as our dean got into the car next to us. It took so long before we were finally in the clear. When we finally say back up, the moment was gone. We parted ways.

Generally, I’d just touch myself until my clit was about to fall off, but I studied until midnight and then passed out.

I got a call at 7:00am.

“V, I need your opinion on this compensatory fact pattern,” he said excitedly.

“Huh?” I asked, barely alive at that point.

“There’s a compensatory damage fact pattern I don’t understand. I’m stopping by your house.”

“Our exam is in two hours.”

“I’ll drive you.”

“I have to go over my outline, bro. Are you coming for sex or do you actually have a fact pattern you need help with?”

He was quiet for a bit. “…Ok what if it was honestly both? There’s an issue I don’t get and also I have to fuck you.”

“Go fuck yourself.”

“Is that a no? I’m five minutes away.”

“I’m not fucking you, I have to study.”

On the bright side, he made me coffee as I showered and threw on my last pair of clean leggings. When I came out he was so engrossed in his outline, he kind of forgot about the sexual tension. We legit went over a fact pattern.

“We have to get to campus,” he finally said.

“I live two minutes away.”

“We need to get there early so I can be neurotic and check that we got the right room fifty times.”


I got up and leaned over to grab my things. He went to the corner to grab his bag, but then I felt him press behind me as I was bent over my table.

“I’ve been going fucking crazy,” he finally breathed as he grabbed my ass.

My breathing hitched as he gently lowered my head to the table and pressed himself against my ass. “This is the worst unintentional edging I’ve ever experienced,” I laughed. “We have to go though.”

“Let me fuck you.”

“I’m the one getting nervous now about time. We have to go.”

He pressed into me and put his hands down on the table so his chest was pressed against my back. He bit my ear and I gave the most pathetic whimper of my life.

“Fuck I’m so hard. Are you wet?”


“From me or punitive damages?”

“Finger me,” I moaned. “I’m seriously not wearing underwear.”

*I honestly had run out… I know, this story is SO sexy.*

He pulled my pants down. And got on his knees and bit my asscheek.

“Fuck,” I cried out when I got tight and my stomach clenched so quickly it hurt. Something very deep inside of me activated.

“I’ve missed your ass,” he mumbled. “Can I spank you? Do you still like that?”


“Are you sure? You have to sit through a three hour exam.”

“Don’t be a little bitch.”

He spanked me. Quite hard too. He was a college athlete and sometimes forgot how strong he was. He hit me so hard I started crying and had to put a fist into my mouth.

God, it felt good though. I was so stressed and DESPERATE for a release. The pain was a fucking delight at that point.

I groaned as he rocked into me and pressed me into the table.

“I want your shirt off,” I whispered.

“Then yours is coming off too.”

I threw mine off quickly and he laughed about how I wasn’t wearing a bra.

*It was FINALS. It was a miracle I was dressed at all.*

When he pressed his chest back into me, he wrapped his elbows around my forearms and nuzzled my neck a little, nibbling gently as I let out another moan.

“Are we doing this?” He asked.

“Only if you press my head into the table, go rough, and come fast.”

“I don’t want to come unless you do.”

“Trust me that won’t be a problem.”

That wouldn’t be a problem because I was so deprived I was tight as fuck and so turned on it was borderline pathetic. When he pulled his pants down and positioned himself at my entrance, he literally had a hard time going in.

“Are you going to be ok? You’re really tight.”

“Good god. Just fuck…” I didn’t finish that sentence because he went inside me and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as my open palms hit the table. I couldn’t even move I was so paralyzed with the physical sensation. It was almost painful and made my head spin. I was so desperately in need of pleasure I had to remind myself to breathe.

“Have you missed my cum?” He asked.


“Answer me, Viola. Have you missed my cum?”

I couldn’t even understand the question because I was on another planet. I couldn’t see straight. “I’m close.”

He stopped thrusting and spanked me. “That wasn’t the question.”

“Compensatory damages or something? Please keep going.” His lack of movement was making me cry. My entire body was aching for it. I tried to move my hips, but he was too strong and holding me down. “What was the question? For real.”

“Do you miss my cum inside of you? Do you want it?”

“Yes! Oh my god. Please. Anything.”

“Say your want it.”

He finally thrust again and I hit the table as a burst of pleasure ran through me. “I want your cum inside of me! I want it so badly I will literally die without it.”

He pushed my head into the table and went hard. I moaned and had to bite my lip as I climaxed so hard I cried. “Fuck!”

He screamed my name as he came, and the release was magnificent. We both laughed as we came down and I let him play with my hair a little as I caught my breath. I could see color again.

And then we looked at the clock.

“Shit!” He yelled as we scrambled to find our clothes and get our stuff together. I didn’t even bother to fix my hair before we ran out the door and drove to campus. He didn’t have time to check the room number fifty times because by the time we found parking and ran to our exam, we were cutting it awfully close.

R saved us seats.

We sat down minutes before our exam was passed out. I turned to him and mouthed, “Your cum is literally inside of me.” It took a few tries but when he got it, a grin spread across his face as we both blushed and burst out laughing.

The mother fucker set the curve. He got the fucking A+.

You’re welcome, bro.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xknz2r/i_once_took_a_law_school_exam_with_cum_inside_of


  1. “Post nut clarity” is a real and spectacular thing. My GPA was probably a full point higher if I got laid before an exam.

  2. Ah a return mention of R lol

    R is a true bro despite his unfortunate timing.

    Tell him thanks from that weird chick he spoke to the internet once upon a time. She…worked it out in the end … Lol

    Edit: thanks for the crusty underwear image…. Btw… That horrified me more than anything I’ve read in your stories as a type a clean freak

  3. I can say doing something with cum inside you is nothing remarkable, I’m a guy I do everything with cum inside me.

  4. Hmmmm you got cockblocked in law school, so *Legally Blocked* (get it cause you’re also blonde….ok I’ll show myself out).

    In R’s defence, the blockage probably made the experience better and you got an awesome story for GWS too! Plus he saved you seats, R is a hero!

    Bless you R and hi Mr. Chocolate Bondage (this is him right?. Cheers to the there of you Ms. V!

  5. Your narrative skills keep improving. I would hire your legal services without fear. Keep it up.

  6. I never understood stressing out about the exams. Cramming like that tends to only make you perform worse. I studied maybe 3 hours for each exam and did well enough. I CALId multiple classes, so I was doing something right.

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