My girlfriend could out crazy me [FF]

My ex girlfriend and I never really called what we did BDSM, even though the dynamic of our relationship was pretty clear. I probably would have done just about anything she wanted during sex, but her bark was worse than her bite.

She’d often talk about how she wanted to use me and humiliate me, but the truth is she was pretty sweet in bed. She got a little weird with toys, loved spanking, and certainly took over when we were in that space, but most of her “dom” work was forcing me to look at her while I orgasmed or compliment my own body. She sat on my face a lot, but like, in a loving way.

*M is much sweeter than she lets on.*

However, in certain ways, M was actually the best dom I ever had. I’ve had folks understand my body really well and be attentive when we got physical, but she understood my mind on another level. She paid attention and had a level of emotional intelligence that served as an impenetrable wall from my usual manipulations.

*Did I eat that day? Bullshit, go eat. Am I sleeping enough? I’m sorry, those bags must be new makeup trend. Am I setting healthy boundaries with my family? Bitch, your broke ass doesn’t have money to lend.*

*She was a gem who was immune to my bullshit.*

When I was studying for the LSAT, things got rough for a bit. I was tutoring and transcribing professionally, taking 18 hours of classes, and studying for the LSAT in every spare moment.

The hell of it was, I was already scoring high, but I made that test my fucking bitch. I wanted the admissions officers to get on their damn knees and beg for me to look their way because I wasn’t going to get A good score, I was going to get THE score.

In other words, I had a very unhealthy relationship with this test and was 100% fixated.

Everyone in my life thought it was cool except M.

One night I worked until 10:00 and then did two full practice tests back to back. When I finally came to her apartment as the sun was coming up, she looked alarmed when I crawled into her bed.

“V, why the fuck are you getting home at 4:30? The library closed at 3:00.”

“I’m not cheating on you,” I moaned.

“Naturally, you’re batshit crazy and that explanation would be far too simple.”

“Stop being dramatic. I had to finish my game. If I split up my sections I don’t simulate the test so I finished under a floodlight on the lawn.”

“Oh, is that simulating the test? Sounds like standardized conditions. You’re literally going to die if you keep this up.”

“I’m off tomorrow. I’ll sleep in.”

“But you won’t. You’ll wake up and want to fuck like an animal and then chug 8 cups of coffee and do homework.”

“Leave me alone,” I mumbled as I drifted off.

The truth is I didn’t have a ton of patience when she went off like this. I should have because, upon reflection, she cared about me pretty fucking deeply. However, in my mind at the time it just felt a little judgmental coming from a commitophobe who couldn’t stay faithful and had a drug issue.

*Yeah… M was also fucked up.*

The next morning I didn’t sleep in. I woke up a few hours later, spooned her, and kindly woke her up by squeezing one of her breasts.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” she snapped. “Sleep.”

I put my hand between her legs and pulled her dark hair back so I could bite her ear. “I’ll sleep better knowing I got you off.”

“No, you’ll get energized and clean the house and then write a paper about ancient Christian philosophers or some shit.”

*Lol sex addiction.*

“I will be thinking of you the entire time I’m analyzing John Calvin if that helps.”

“Fine. I get to do whatever I want then.”

“You always do what you want,” I laughed. This is the same girl who sat on my face as she went over her biology flash cards.

“No, I mean it. You have to do whatever I want. All day. I get to use you like a toy.”

“Done!” I really liked this idea.

“Great,” she said as she got up. She threw me a vibrator and told me to get myself off. I got naked and she stood over me as I started doing it. I smiled as I rocked it back and forth on my clit. I reached a hand up to my breast and she smacked it. “I didn’t tell you to do that.”

I was enjoying this game. I arched my back as I went harder. I half expected her to edge me but she let me build all the way and explode into orgasm. I smiled after I came and let my body explode into the familiar sensation of the energetic bursts I get after sex. My entire body tingles and I feel like I have superpowers.

*Lol sex addiction.*

“Good girl, now go to the bathroom.”


“Go. To. The. Bathroom.”

“Why? What am I doing in there?”

“Reliving yourself. Now, Viola.”

I went to the bathroom as she went to the kitchen. I thought this was weird, but I had agreed to do whatever she wanted. When I got back she had food and I got a huge grin on my face.

“Want me to crawl to you?” I asked enthusiastically. “Or get on my knees at least?”

She shook her head. “Get back into bed.”

I did and she pulled out restraints. She very carefully tied me up with silk rope and smiled down at me as she pulled out the food she had just brought. She climbed on top of me, stuck a piece of bread in her mouth, and then leaned down for me to take it.

“Eat it,” she commanded.

*This wasn’t that weird. She was often using my body as a prop. She ate off of me, drew on me, and in rare cases used me as furniture. I drew the line when she tried to snort drugs off of me, but I didn’t have too many boundaries beyond that.*

It was just a piece of toast though… Which didn’t seem inherently sexual, but whatever. Then she put water to my lips and told me to drink. Finally, started feeding me berries, very slowly and sensually.

“This is really hot,” I laughed. I liked being at her mercy.

“Well you’re about to hate it,” she said as she got up and stood over me. She very carefully started arranging berries all over my body and demanded that I hold still. This was difficult in my post-sex energized state, but I did exactly what she wanted, thinking this would lead to a good fucking soon.

She took so long decorating me, putting berries on both my nipples and circling my breasts. She put a line of berries from my neck all the way to my belly button and smiled when I gave her a pleading look.

“Please lick them off.”

“Hold still, V,” was all she said.

When she finished she took a step back and admired her handy work. Then she turned around, turned on her small lamp in the corner, and shut off the main light. When she pulled out her books I got worried.

“M… What the hell?” I asked.

“You’re my toy. Toys don’t talk. They lie there very quietly and stay still.”

“I have to study.”

“Yeah, we’re in the same program. You study enough. Hold still.”

“I’m just going to get anxiety if you’re studying and I’m not.”

“That sucks for you.”

“M, seriously?”

“Do you want to be gagged, bitch? Actually…”

She got up, git a blindfold out, and put it on me. I whimpered slightly but she just laughed and told me not to move at all. Then she put on soft music and went back to her place at the desk.

I fell asleep.

I slept for hours. Surprisingly, even in my comatose state I obeyed and didn’t ruin much of her handwork with the breakfast spread she had just created on my body, which is a miracle because I was fucking out… The ropes helped.

When she finally took the blindfold off I smiled gently as she raised an eyebrow. “Welcome back, V.”

“How long was I out?”

“Six hours. You drooled and everything.”

“Well my girlfriend is a sadist.”

“You look like yourself again.”

“Don’t look so damn proud of yourself.”

“I even forgive you for the way a few of these berries slipped,” she laughed as she moved them back into place. She smiled and leaned her head down to kiss my body. “Do you know how hard it was to watch you look this delicious while I sat in the corner? Considering I just revived you I think it’s time for me to get a reward.”

“I’m not in a position to argue.”

She started at my lower belly and ate the berries off my body one by one. She smiled every time I moaned and made it a point to lick me in between each bite. When she got to my breasts it was fucking torture as she ate each one slowly and sucked on my nipples until I was crying.

When she ate the last bits off my neck she started biting on my ear. “You’re going to be a good girl?”

“Yes please.”

She sat up and swung a leg over me so my mouth was on her clit. She grabbed my hair with both hands and pulled me toward her so hard I groaned as I started licking. She moved her hips back and forth as I devoured her, flicking my tongue as she whimpered and finally hit the back wall. She played with her own breasts then and my mouth literally watered at the sight of it. They were bouncing perfectly above me as her face started contorting int something outside herself.

She jolted forward and started convulsing.

*I loved it when I could get her to unravel.*

“You fucking bitch,” she cried softly. “You make me lose control. You’re still my damn toy though.

I mumbled confirmation as I sucked gently and went back to moving my tongue to her rhythm.

She did lose control. She ground into my harder as I moved my tongue in long strokes and threw her head back as she screamed and came with a final cry. She said my name sometimes as she did this and it always made me melt. I shook as I was watched her explode and finally fall back.

She untied me and pulled me into her, spooning me as she tied my hair back into a bun and kissed my neck.

“If you ever go that long without sleeping again I’ll make you take a sleeping pill and fuck your body while it’s helpless in your unconscious state.”

*Again, M said things that were much crazier than she actually was.*

“I’m tired,” I finally said.


I didn’t do anything the rest of the day. We fucked three more times, napped, and watched “Legally Blonde.”

So yeah, M was a good dom. A little too good.



  1. Was about to sleep saw a V post had to read LOL

    M is such a freaking tsundere LOL. Idk of you know that anime/manga meme trope but basically it means tough and prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside :>

    I feel like M would punish me dearly if she read that comment and knew me irl

  2. Your posts are often surprising in ways I don’t expect. This one tops the list now though with a reference to John Calvin. Not a name I ever expected to get dropped in a GW thread.

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