The Sister, Part Nine [M19, F18] [Erotic Couplings] [Cheating]


If this were a build-up to a normal kiss, my eyes would have been closed the moment she started leaning in.

But this wasn’t a normal kiss. It was Natalie; it was Jessica’s younger sister. Even as her lips briefly made contact with mine, I found myself with my eyes still open. Rather than being met with her usual smirk and flirty glances, I was faced with a more vulnerable expression. Eyes closed, lips slightly pursed, and patiently waiting for me to decide whether or not to meet her halfway.

Honestly, this would have been a lot easier if she just fucking kissed me. Then I would have an excuse, and could blame her a lot more easily. I mean, she had laid out her intentions from the very beginning, even if I hadn’t taken her seriously at the time. This was all Natalie. Flaunting her body, ‘innocently’ teasing me with her words and her actions, and now putting her hands on me and setting us up for a kiss. But now, she was waiting. Just like I had given in and asked her to take off my shirt, I was going to have to cave for this and be culpable as well.

Looking at her was too tempting. Too many similar features to Jessica and, admittedly, Natalie currently had that softly intimate look that would make just about any guy melt. The most appropriate and faithful thing to do, of course, would be to step back and walk away. Instead, I split the difference and closed my own eyes. Foolishly thinking that it would help, that I’d find some clarity by blacking out the image that was giving me such pause. Instead, it only drew attention to all the physical sensations I had only peripherally been aware of so far.

Natalie’s hands, on my now bare sides. They were never fully still; her fingers idly traced up and down, reminding me of their presence, alternating with a small circle or two of her thumbs every now and then. I could also distinctly feel both of her breasts as they pressed against me, soft yet firm enough to make out her smaller form even through the pink bikini. And finally, her lips. Not just their proximity, the way that she brushed them against mine a second time in an attempt to encourage me to close the rest of the distance, but also the way her warm breath washed over my own lips.


“Natalie, we shouldn’t,” I whispered. The words were more for me than they were for her. Clearly she had no shame when it came to doing something like this. Was this a habit of hers? Did she make a sport out of trying out her sister’s boyfriends? I wasn’t vain enough to believe that I was somehow special enough to draw her eye after all of two seconds, but this could also be a new venture of hers for all I knew.

And did it matter? Right now, it was me and her. It was difficult to think about the rest of the world when I was wrapped up in Natalie’s warmth and tempting touch.

“It’s just a kiss,” she quietly replied, “It doesn’t mean anything. You don’t like me, do you?”

No, not really. I mean, we literally just met. Every second of silence that passed after her question, however, could have implied the opposite. So without thinking much about where she might be taking this, I said, “No. I like Jessica.” Once again, more for myself. While it felt like we had already crossed a line, there was still time to tap the brakes. Except everything she was doing felt so good, and it would be so easy to just go for it. Clearly she wanted it. And it’s not like I *didn’t* want it.

It was just, well, wrong. She was my girlfriend’s sister. And, even though she was eighteen, she was also in fucking high school. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

“So, what’s the harm?” Natalie shifted her weight, pressing a little further into me and settling her lips against mine. Still not kissing me, but positioning herself in a way where I physically felt each word she formed. “No feelings. No pressure. Just *fun*.”

What, friends with benefits? In the most taboo fashion possible? “Natalie-” I began, but had no idea how to continue. Especially when talking on my own just drew further attention to how our lips were almost fully pressed together without actually kissing. The way her boobs were pushing into my chest caused another twitch below my waist, and it took a bit of willpower to stop that from turning into something more. The last thing I needed was for Natalie to have undeniable proof that she was having an effect on me, though the fact that we were still here like this was probably enough of an indication.

“Hmm?” she responded. Humming into my lips and slightly parting her own, she softly sighed, “Come on, babe. I *know* you want me.”

She wasn’t wrong.

“It doesn’t mean anything?” I asked. One more time. I needed to hear it one more time, before giving into my desires. Ironically needing validation from the very girl who would have no problem saying just about anything to make this happen.

“Of course not,” she said. Even when Natalie’s voice was little more than a whisper, the lilting tone was still there. But now that we were here, now that we were so close to doing something that was wrong in so many ways, the girl’s voice was a lot more seductive than it was flirty. “And no one has to know.”

“No one has to know . . .” I echoed.

As in, not Jessica. But as I teetered over the edge, taunted and baited and strung along by the cute bombshell before me, it was getting more and more difficult to think about my girlfriend. She wasn’t here right now. But Natalie was, and she was right. I wanted her.

Unable to resist any longer, I went for it.


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  1. The long burn on this is killing me cos she sounds like so much fun.
    Really enjoyed the series btw.

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