My mother/daughter experience – by far the most bizarre fucking thing I’ve ever been involved in, and the scariest [MF]

I always preferred some sort of ongoing thing to one-night stands. Just works better for me, even if it’s only casual and for a couple weeks. One of these turned into the weirdest damned thing I’ve ever been involved in by far.

I’d known June for several years. We both worked in the resort biz in a tourist area in the Caribbean. June at first glance was kinda ugly–big nose, big thick eyebrows, eyes that stuck out, thick-lipped. But she was fun to party with and, I discovered when I saw her once at the beach, she had a killer body, beautiful and athletic–long, great looking limbs, great ass, a hint of 6 pack, great medium sized tits, really a very sexy woman. She was also extremely lively and smart, even sort of pretty when her features lit up, and really fun to party with. We’d eyed each other over the years, but I was wary of her. She was a super-heavy drinker. In an environment that was totally soaked in alcohol, she really stood out. She was very good at her job and perfectly functional, but I’d see her drink incredible quantities in late-night clubs and bars after work. I’d also seen evidence of a volcanic temper a couple times.

Somehow we ended up together in a beach bar late one night. She threw several shots down while I had maybe a beer and a half. We both knew what was happening. What the heck? I figured, Why not? Soon we were slow-dancing just outside on the beach, making out and humping each other through our clothes. She led me a little further away, unzipped my pants, pulled my dick out and started stroking it. I’m gonna get you off so you don’t cum too fast when we fuck, she said. I reached up into her shirt and pinched her nipples as we kissed and she stroked my dick. When I was about to cum, I braced myself against a palm tree. She got up close, looked down at my dick, and made me cum all over her stomach and clothes. We had another drink at the bar with my fresh cum all over her shirt. As was almost everything with her, really fucking hot and REALLY fucking strange.

We went up to her place. In spite of the prodigious quantity of vodka she’d had, she wasn’t drowsy or out of it, she was all the way into fucking, and she was nasty as hell in a really good way. We got in the shower to rinse work off. She cleaned up really quickly and got out before me. I followed her a minute or two later to find her on her bed and on her back, legs spread and up in the air, a couple fingers of one hand reaching around from behind and in her pussy, the other hand stroking her clit. I’ve thought about you for a long time, she said, I want your cock, come over here and fuck me.

We had a spectacular fuck. She got on her hands and knees after a while and looked back over her shoulder at me. Pump some cum into my pussy, she said, fuck me hard. As I fucked her, she reached around and stuck a couple fingers in her ass. When I came, I grabbed her hips hard and jammed my dick into her as far as I could. Then she spun around and started licking and sucking my dick. I love the taste of cum and pussy on a man’s cock, she said. Like I said, she was really nasty in a good way. Holy shit, I said afterwards, as we lay tangled up and covered in sweat, holy shit, you are fucking depraved. Yes, I am, she said, and that was some great fucking.

This turned into a regular after-work thing. She’d call me at work, we’d meet somewhere, she’d throw a bunch of liquor down her neck, we’d go up to her house, and she’d get nasty and we’d get busy. After a few times, we skipped the going out and just went straight to her house, though she’d still have several quick drinks before we fucked.

She lived with her mother, who she resembled very strongly–same face, same body. I’d met her mother once or twice. She was at some point banging my boss, but that was over by the time I started banging June. Linda was also a heavy drinker, though I gathered she’d slowed down over the years. It showed. Her skin looked rough, she had a bit of a gin blossom, and her eyes were permanently bloodshot. But she was still very good looking, somehow, and both she and June were genetically gifted with great bodies. Linda’s house was really big, sorta two separate houses separated by an open veranda under a roof. June had one whole side, Linda the other.

One night June and I were there earlier than usual. She was drinking like she usually did. Linda was slurping down wine and sharing the wine and a joint with me. She got me really stoned, and my memory of what happened next is a little incomplete. But the topic of sex came up, and we were talking about the people we all knew on the island who any of the three of us had fucked. In the course of this, we started talking about people we knew who gave good head. I’m not sure how it happened, but all of a sudden, Linda was on the floor in front of me, pulling my dick out. June stood up, told me to come to bed when I was done, and went to her room.

I was completely surprised and not a little freaked out by this, enough so that my dick stayed limp for a while. But Linda kept at it, my dick got hard, and she sucked it till I came. I recall that between being really high, a bit drunk, and freaked out by June’s mom blowing me, it took a while, but she kept at it till I came in her mouth. When I went into June’s room, she was dead asleep.

I woke up to morning sex. June was her usual ravenous, eager fuck, and the freaky night before went straight to the far back of my mind. As we lay around afterwards, though, June popped out with Linda sure likes to suck cock, doesn’t she? This got me all freaked out again, and I said it was pretty bizarre. June got pissed off. What’s your problem? she said, What’s the big deal? We’re all adults here. Are you close-minded or something? You gotta admit it’s a little weird, I said. I don’t have to admit shit, she said. And another thing, she said after thoroughly chewing me out, don’t get any fucked up ideas about me and my mom. She just wants to suck your cock, don’t even think about any both of us at once shit. Try it and I’ll fuck you up.

What was just as weird as she and Linda getting me high and drunk so Linda could blow me was June’s reaction. If she’d have just said my mom likes sucking cock, just go with it and enjoy yourself, I’d likely have just said OK and enjoyed myself. But she got pretty mad about it for some reason. Accusing me of being close-minded kinda got me, as I don’t like to think I am. So I got defensive and said I could deal with it. This was just damned strange.

I really wasn’t sure at first how to handle this. I wondered if I’d go up to their house again. Bizarre as it felt, of course I did. Shortly after I got there, Linda got on her knees again and started sucking my dick. When she did, June said she’d see me in a bit and went into her bedroom. When I got there, she was passed out.

Woke up to morning sex again, then we went out on the deck for coffee and a cigarette with Linda. Linda was pretty perky, but June was a little hung over. I was just kinda talking nervously. You seem like a morning person, I said to Linda, just rambling without thinking about it, and June obviously isn’t. Maybe we should do the blow job thing in the morning? I was just kidding around to work off my own awkwardness, but they took this seriously. Huh, said Linda, that might be a good idea. That way June can get laid in the evening and then sleep in. What do you think, sweetie? she said to June. That’s a great idea, June said. I remember sitting there and wondering can this get any stranger?

I had to ask June if they’d done this before. Oh, sure, she said, some of the guys who come home with me Linda likes sucking their cocks. She said this like it was the most normal thing in the world. Not with all of them, only if she likes them. She likes you. Yes, she said when I asked if Linda had a boyfriend, but I doubt he knows about this. Sometimes, she said, it gets stupid. Linda just wants to suck cock, but guys will try and fuck her and that pisses her off. One guy got really stupid and tried to get me to help her. He got a punch in the nuts for his trouble. We threw his ass out and he ended up walking all the way back to town. I knew June well enough to believe every word of this.

The next night I came over, she had a couple fast shots, I got a little high, then we had a typically wild fuck for an hour or two. This is great, she said, I get to fuck tonight and sleep in tomorrow. The next morning I wandered out into the house wrapped in a towel, which seemed like the thing to do. Good morning, said Linda, want a cup of coffee? When I’d finished she led me to into the living room, pulled the towel off me, dropped to her knees, and started sucking my dick, which was already semi-hard. Then she got up and had me sit in one of the arm chairs. Let’s get serious, she said. She pulled her hair back, put a cushion on the floor in front of me, dropped to her knees again, and started sucking my dick.

I’ve been with a lot of women who gave fantastic head. June was one of them. But Linda was in the top 2 or 3, maybe the best. She licked and stroked my dick for a bit, then started sucking it all the way in and all the way out, slow and hard. As she did this, she fondled my balls, then began to squeeze them exactly the way I liked, and circled a thumb and forefinger around the base of my dick, pulling the skin of my dick tight, also exactly the way I like. She stopped several times when I was about to cum and sucked on my balls, then started again. At one point, I saw June peek out, look at me, wave, then go back into her room. When Linda finally let me cum, it was unbelievable. I felt like I shot out a gallon and she swallowed up every bit with no problem at all.

This became a couple times a week routine. It was really cool for a while. June was a great fuck with a filthy mouth. I’d just try to be polite with Linda when we got there at night, just say hello and chat for a few, it was her house, after all. June wouldn’t wait, I’d find her doing all sorts of stuff when I followed her into her room–laying on her back in the tub with her pussy under the faucet, or one hand on the wall, bent over slightly, legs spread, fingers in her pussy or ass, once fucking herself with the handle of her hairbrush. She liked what she called ‘hitting a triple,’ getting a little face fucking, pussy fucking, and finishing with ass fucking, the whole time with her filthy mouth going – fucking give it to me, I’m your fucking whore, use my holes, pump that cum into my pussy, I’ll suck your dick to get you hard again, get that cum and pussy taste, then fuck my ass as long as you want and on and on and on. Seemed she could talk like that forever.

As cool as that was, I really liked the morning blowjobs. Fucking June was really frantic and freaky. Getting my dick sucked in the morning, though, was awesome. It was what I really looked forward to and the main reason I kept going home with June. Is this comfortable for you, honey? Linda would ask. Get comfortable, we’re in no rush, I like taking my time sucking a man’s dick. And I like you, honey, and I like sucking your dick. For some reason, I really liked her calling me ‘honey,’ which she did habitually. She had a really throaty, sexy voice. I’d start getting hard as soon I heard that. It added to the strange hotness of the whole thing. She liked to put her hands on the insides of my thighs to push them open a little, then stroke them lightly as she worked my dick all the way in and all the way out of her mouth and looked up at me.

I recall one morning especially vividly. You have a nice-sized cock, she said that morning, good for both fucking and sucking. Thank you, ma’am, I said, trying to be a little humorous. June says you’re great in bed, says you get her off hard, says she loves letting you fuck her in the ass. She doesn’t let just anyone do that, you know. We ended up talking about what June and I did in the sack while she was on her knees sucking and stroking my dick. It’s fucking hot when she sucks my dick after I cum in her pussy, I found myself telling her. She told me she loves the taste of pussy and cum. Really? said Linda, that’s sexy. And I really like ass fucking her, too, I said, I like flipping her over on her back and watching her finger her pussy when I’ve got my dick in her ass. This went on for some time, as I described to her in some detail how nasty June could be. Well, Linda said, she loves cock. Things were different when I was her age, we weren’t quite so wild, but I’ve always loved cock, too.

I’ve had some bizarre conversations in my life, and this was might have been most bizarre, talking to a woman while she was giving me a killer blowjob about how I loved butt-fucking her daughter. Even typing all this many, many years later is damned weird. But having this conversation with Linda on her knees made me rock fucking hard, and Linda loved that. Mmm, she said, look at this, I love a good, hard cock. She started seriously sucking my dick and squeezing my balls. After a fantastic, leisurely dick sucking session, I came big and hard. Oh, I liked that, she said when she finally let my limp dick out of her mouth, I really liked that.

Something so fucked up was bound to end in some fucked up way, and it did. One morning before I left, I was at one end of June’s large bedroom putting my clothes on. She was at the far end and we were talking about something. I can’t remember what. Something I said, something minor, pissed her off and she turned and snapped at me. I made the mistake of taking this as funny, giving a little laugh, and turning my back for a second. When I turned back, she looked like a major league pitcher in the process of delivering her best fastball. Something came out of her hand, flew about 2-3 inches by my left ear really fast, right over my shoulder, made a heavy thud when it hit the wall behind me, and then dropped to the floor with a thick, dull clang.

It was a solid bronze bookend. There was a major dent in the wall where it had hit. I immediately knew that if that thing had been a few inches to my right, I’d have been SERIOUSLY fucked up, and maybe dead. This is no exaggeration at all. That bookend was heavy and had several sharp corners. A half inch divot in my head like the one it left in the wall could easily have been fatal. I grabbed my stuff, walked straight out the front door to my car, and left.

June called me several times over the next week or two. I’m sorry, she said, I didn’t mean it, I just got mad. No fucking way, I said, no fucking way, stay away from me. Find someone else. Ran into Linda once a while later. Oh, hi, she said, how are you? We exchanged pleasantries for a moment. June really fucked up, she said in the middle of this, out of nowhere. You’re a really nice guy. She always chases guys off, but that was really stupid. You should stay away from her. No shit, I said, that was scary. I considered asking her how her daughter got so fucked up, but held my tongue. Ran into Linda once in a while till I moved away, but did everything I could to avoid June, who I never saw again.



  1. I was hoping you might have to get to duck Linda at least once but yeah, looking how crazy June turned out, better not risk it.

  2. I have adult sons, My most important advice I’ve given them: Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

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