Hooking up with my [f]19 childhood friend [m]19

First three paragraphs are build up, and context skip to the last two if you just want to spicy bits

I was a pretty odd duck growing up. I was always the weird girl, I had weird interests, and a bad attitude that frankly isolated myself for not entirely unjustified reasons. Naturally, I was bullied a lot. I spent most of elementary like this until I met who we will call Dorito. Like me, Dorito also had a bad attitude, and no friends, and when we met in 3rd grade, forced to sit next to each other in class, we both hated each other. We would bicker and fight, and would hang out with each other during lunch because neither of us had anyone better. And so we stuck together, and this devious duo of bad apples would keep up this dynamic for the rest of elementary school into middle school. We both got better over time. Character development or something along those lines. We became less combative, less bitter, and while cheesy, our friendship genuinely led us to grow as better people. Dorito was one of my best friends, and overtime, we would create a small found family of friends around us, at least in part due to the ways we made each other better, and tolerable to be around.

And then high school started, and we went to different schools, and we became dramatically different people over that period, but throughout all of it, I knew I could always come back round to dorito. Despite all the change, I could always count on him. Our relationship, at least from my perspective, was always platonic. He never gave a hint that he liked me, and I didn’t really feel anything like that for him either. He would tell me about whatever cute girl he liked this month, and I would tell him about whatever person I had been talking to. But separate from each other, we both developed dramatically different reputations, which we would both hear about from the grapevine. Dorito had developed a very strong confidence. He was a premier athlete on his school’s swim team. Everyone I met from his school over the next four years knew who he was. It was such a change, from the shy bullied kid I once knew. Meanwhile, I became head of the debate team, club leader for 3 different clubs, and a model student on campus. Everyone he met from my school over the next four years knew who I was.

While we had always stayed in touch, we had admittedly fallen a bit out of each other’s circles, not really from anyone’s fault, just from the ways in which time, place and inconvenience all put strain on relationships, even the ones we care about immensely. While we always talked, he was more so the person I talked to most consistently across months and years, rather than the person I would ever be talking to or spending time with most at a given point in time.

When highschool finished, we both started falling back into each other’s orbits. College was online (because yay covid, amirite) and I started hanging out with a lot of his friends, and eventually sorta fell in with his friend group. And as college students are to do, we started experimenting with alcohol, dates, nicotine, and weed. And this is where things start to get a lot juicier. Alcohol was our preferred drug, but I wanted to take things slow. I had seen him drunk plenty of times, but I had never gotten much more than tipsy. We had a kickback. I was coming in late because of a shift I had at work, and I wanted to go all in. A combination of coming to the party at close to 10, when most people had been there since 5, and wanting to be wasted, I came in and started going at it with getting drunk. Admittedly not very smart, but ya live and ya learn. This dumb bitch came did three shots of tequila, within 15 minutes of being in the house, and would do another two over the next hour, with a mikes hard lemonade for good measure. I soon became rather flirtatious. I was cuddling up with Dorito, who was also rather wasted, and with all my inhibitions thrown to the side, I asked if they wanted to start making out. He said yes, and we started kissing. Two uncoordinated drunks, started loudly making out, fell off the couch we were on, and were making out on the floor of the living room. My friends who were mostly hanging out in the kitchen told me the next day, they just started hearing loud wet sloppy noises coming from the living room, turned towards us, and then all just kinda sat there going “what the fuck is going on” as we started just going at each other.

Dorito put his arm in between my legs, and I wrapped my arms around him, and 5 minutes later, we had mustered up enough coordination to throw ourselves into an empty room. It wasn’t long before clothes were on the floor. For body descriptions, Dorito was about 5’11”. He had short hair, tan skin, and a toned body. He had real nice pecs, well defined abs, and really pulled off a beard. I am a short and nerdy asian girl. I tended to dress on the more conservative side. Getting me naked was like a Russian nesting doll of cloth and accessories, but slowly, my cardigan, my hat, my scarf, and my jeans came off. We were making out. He was in his boxers, I had barely more than an oversized t-shirt, and I could feel him touching me, his hands eagerly making their way around my thigh. I slapped his hand, got on top of him, and began running a finger down his chest. He said softly “God I want you so badly”, and I just said “oh yeah? then beg for it”. As he made a plea of “please suck me or some shit like that” as I made my way down and began to give him a blow job. After about a minute of this, he put his hand on my head and began to say “you’re such a good slut” at which point, I got above his face, with one hand around his balls massaging the end of his cock, the other hand wrapped around his cheeks. I got close to his ear, and just said “beg”. He pleaded, and i just said “beg louder, i want them to be able to hear you.” He shouted a “please fuck me”, which satisfied me enough to get back down on my knees and finish him off.

tl;dr I hooked up with a friend i’ve known since elementary during a party

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xdsucb/hooking_up_with_my_f19_childhood_friend_m19