Oak Spring College – Chapter 0 – First day at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Teasing] [Slow Burn]

[This chapter contains mostly back story and context for the future chapters where much more interesting stuff happens!]

Hi, my name is Jonas and I am a college student at Oak Spring College, or as we like to call it: OaSiC (pronounced oasis), studying science. Oasic is one the governments experiment schools to address societal problems with body image issues, sexual education and awareness, including teenage pregnancies and STDs, but also sexual harassment and other sexual crimes.

In the last few years rape and sexual harassment has been unveiled to be a huge issue at colleges around the country and the government has been under pressure to do something about it. Some discussed segregated schools and tougher measures against boys who commit these crimes, but it was noted that these measures only deal with the symptoms and not the underlying issue: the poor awareness amongst boys that women are not objects of their sexual interest to used at their leisure and the over-sexualization of the female body by putting it on a pedestal.

Some liberal researchers proposed that some of the causes for many of the above issues was a lack of exposure to naked bodies of the opposite gender and a lack of restraint amongst men, who are often encouraged to be bold and simply take what they want. To deal with this issue they made the bold claim that if boys were continuously exposed to ordinary female bodies on a daily basis under every day circumstances, they would cease to view female bodies as something special to be worshiped and rather associate it with every day matter.

To avoid them going crazy when initially exposed to this intense novel exposure, strict discipline would of course be required. However, with time boys would become more restrained and respectful of the opposite sex, knowing that they are not magical unicorns who are hiding great secrets to be worshiped and admired. Also, having people of all genders be exposed to each other at all times would also allow people to see that others have the same bodies as they do and could thus help with body image issues, as what is normal is there for everyone to see. In addition, it would help alleviate pressures of status that often come with clothing and accessories.

Thus Oak Spring College was born, a college where all students are required to be naked while on the school property, male and female alike (all students are obviously required to have turned 18 before they can enter). It was an attempt to implement the above ideas on a micro-scale with consenting adults who were still young enough to be impressionable. Although the initial years were a bit bumpy it ended up being one of the most popular and reputable colleges in the state, thanks to the tough discipline and performance improving measures taken to ensure all students excelled, which promoted restraint and hard work at the school.

The discipline rules are simple:

1. no touching of one’s own or other peoples’ body in a way that could be interpreted as sexual. The punishment is expulsion for whoever is caught touching, regardless of whether it was consensual to protect victims in word-against-word situations,
2. It is not allowed to cover one’s own body, even under intense attention. This rule may seem odd, but the intention is that if people cover themselves, this implies that that body part has some special interest and that others should take an interest in it, thus potentially sexualizing that body part. The intent of the school is to get the students used to seeing naked bodies and thus find no special interest in them. By prohibiting looking or even staring, this would also promote a sense of specialness to whatever is prohibited to be stared at. Thus students are allowed to stare at each other until their interest wanes,

The above rules are primarily to enforce discipline and self-restraint among the students. The measures taken to improve performance are mostly like that of many other high performing schools, but with two main exceptions:

1. A student who is being requested to tutor another student is obligated to do so for the duration of the Standard Tutor Time on school property, after teaching hours, for a maximum of 4 hours per day.
2. Any student who scores 90/100 or higher on the opening exam or on a midterm or final exam is allowed to wear a unisex school uniform. The unisex uniform is to avoid status-associated clothing being used and to avoid sexualization of clothing that only one gender wears. It consists of one pair of light brown shorts and one pair of pants in the same color, depending on the season, and a white shirt, long or short sleeved also depending on the season, and finally a blazer in the same light brown color as the pants and shorts.

Although the second rule may seem to contradict the intentions of the discipline rules, it should be noted that very few students score this high, thus there will be no shortage of naked people in the school to get used to, but more importantly, being clothed becomes a sign of high status and thus high grades becomes something to strive for, not to mention a way for self-conscious students to hide their bodies. Rather than focusing on what the clothed students have under their clothing, it is expected that their intellect will be the focus of their interest.

As mentioned earlier, the school became a great success and the average grades of its students was only trumped by a few elite private schools. The main reason for its success is the synergy of the two mentioned performance enhancing rules: obligated tutoring by the high scoring dressed students or lower scoring naked students.

By having hard-studying students share their knowledge and studying techniques with less well-performing students, the average grades rise and the students have very strong incentives to ask for tutoring: because if they score high enough they are no longer required to be naked, rather are allowed to be dressed in the prestigious school uniform.

I, Jonas, am one of the dressed high-scoring students of Oasic. I have never been naked at school, thank god, because I was able to score over 90 on all tests ever since the first day. You see, one the first day of the term, all students arrive in the school uniform and are required to do the opening-day test, which determines whether you are required to be clothed for the duration until the first midterm. I scored 97 on that test and thus was not required to attend school naked the next day.

The first day was actually not all that special. We did not see any of the students of the higher study years, most of whom obviously would be naked, because they would not start until later. The first day was just about doing the test, then going home and waiting anxiously for the test results. On the day after we got our results and then the week after the first real day of school started.

I still remember that day vividly. As I approached the school I saw many other students arriving, all still dressed as the requirement to be naked was only after you entered the actual building. People with high scores wore the uniform, while lower scoring students wore their own clothing, later to be taken off in the changing room near the entrance of the building. This meant that I already knew who I would later get to see naked. Watching them sent my heart racing with excitement.

There was the slim confident girl with blond hair in a cute pink dress and the brunette with large breasts, who you could tell had obviously not bothered to put on a bra, as you could tell from how they bounced all over the place underneath her sleeveless white top. Watching them and imagining them naked made me instantly turned on and I had to look down, becoming uncomfortably aware of my growing erection.

There was also a cute, anxious girl with neck-long dark hair and glasses. She wore a knee long light blue skirt and a white top underneath a black zip-up hoodie.It was obvious that she was very uncomfortable about having to get undressed later and spend the rest of the day naked. Yet imagining her naked cute figure and her disproportionately large breast for her size, spiked my curiosity nonetheless.

As we got closer to the entrance my excitement started to slowly turn into anxiety. Wouldn’t it be awkward to stare at the girls? I didn’t want to become known as a pervert from the first day of school. I would have to keep my eyes in check and not creep them out. I am sure the tension would be sky high on the first few days anyway, no need to pour gasoline on the fire. After all, I would attend this school for three year, becoming ostracized as a pervert during that time would be bad to say the least. I am sure some guys would end up that way for sure.

As we entered the building, the anxiety and excitement in the room grew even higher. Both female and male students were looking around with a mix of anxiety and excitement. But their attention was soon redirected to a teacher who was giving directions:

“Uniformed students please go through the double doors and continue to your lecture rooms, all other students go into the changing room to the left and get yourself ready before exiting through the door at the other end of the changing room and join your fellow students in your classes.”

The normally dressed student entered the changing room, now mostly just anxious. Having teachers give instructions as if this was the most normal thing in the world somehow took the edge of the excitement. There would probably be more teachers in the common changing room to ensure that students who got too excited would be corrected immediately.

I and the other uniformed students continued on forwards down the entrance towards the main corridor from where we would be able to continue to our lectures. As I finally entered the corridor, I could see that it was filled with naked students, at least 9 out of 10 students were naked, and more coming out from the changing room exit to our left. My heart started beating faster from seeing so many naked breasts, asses and pubic area of the many girls in the corridor. They came in all sizes and shapes: small breasts and large asses, shaved or trimmed pubic areas, you name it and you could see it. However, my excitement was quickly replaced with anxiety when I overheard a clearly upset girl yelling at a male student down the corridor.

“Oh my god, what are you doing you pervert?”

A male student, about average in terms of body shape, was standing completely naked in the corridor, covering his crotch with his hands and clearly ashamed. Apparently he had gotten an erection from looking too much at the girls.

“I am sorry I can’t help it!”

About two meters opposite of him stood a naked girl with her hands pressed to her sides, not trying to cover anything as per regulation, looking angrily at the overly excited male student. She must have been the one to reprimand him.

I quickly realized that it was one of the girls I had seen outside of the campus earlier, then dressed in a sleeveless white top and no bra. The bouncy girl. So this was what she looked like naked… Seeing her naked now was very different from what I had imagined earlier.

Sure she was just as hot as I had thought: she had a nice hip-to-waist ratio and a very sexy ass and it was apparent even from behind that she had large pair voluptuous breasts. The problem was not her looks, she was hot, the problem was that I couldn’t look at her without feeling by dick twitching. If I looked for too long I would get an erection. Not only did I not want to walk around all day feeling aroused in school, but if someone saw my erection through my pants, they might shame me like she did to this student.

“Well stop staring if you cannot control yourself!”

“What is the commotion here?” Said an approaching teacher. He took a look around and immediately understood the situation.

“I see, this always happens on the first day. What is your name, freshman?”

“My-y name is Markus.” Said the awkward male student.

“Well Markus, please be careful and have self-restraint, know your limits. The reason you get excited is because this is all new to you, but with time you will learn to control yourself. Mind that you are not allowed to cover yourself. Failure to control yourself will be displayed for everyone and should be an incentive to control yourselves. If you fail, please go aside until it subsides.”

Finally the teacher turned to the offended girl.

“Are you okay, freshman, I assume? What is your name?”

“I am fine, my name is Becky. I just didn’t expect random guys to go around and creep on us girls here, I thought this would be a safe environment.”

“I understand your concern, this should and will be a safe place for you girls. However, please don’t be too hard on the male students right now in the beginning, this is very new to them and they are still learning what is acceptable and are still not quite able to control themselves. Nonetheless, feel free to tell them off when you feel uncomfortable, you have all the right to do so, but don’t call them names. The safe environment is created as much by you as by us and even the male students once they learn how to behave.”

Well, that was awkward. This was clearly not going to be the sexual free-for-all buffet that many male students was hoping for.

“Man, this is not at all what I expected it to be.” A naked male student close by said to another male student, also naked.

“I know right, maybe this was a mistake.” He replied awkwardly, clearly feeling embarrassed to be talking to someone else while naked in a corridor with other people.

“I don’t know that I would take it that far, we can still look, we just have to be careful not to go too far.”

The guy was right, one would have to be a lot more discreet if one wanted to look, especially for the ones who didn’t score high enough to get to wear the uniform. Maybe it was just best to keep one’s head down rather than indulge in the female bodies, at least if one wants to avoid becoming the ‘class pervert’.

Link to [Chapter 1 Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xde05m/chapter_1_part_1_first_class_at_an_allnude/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xd975s/oak_spring_college_chapter_0_first_day_at_an