Hotel Lobby Surprise [mf 30s] [exhib]

Beata squeezed Josh’s hand tightly as they hurried along the tiled hallway. Her heels clicked in a quick staccato, a counterpoint to the duller pad of his boots. They were both sure that their heavy breaths and furtive glances were making them conspicuous as they rushed through the largely empty room. The hallway opened into a spacious lobby, where gentle music and laughing voices drifted from the open doors of the adjoining restaurant. Beata snuck glances into the restaurant, sure that there would be dozens of accusing eyes staring back, but the patrons and staff were all engaged in their own conversations or duties. Their attentive waiter from earlier in the evening was resetting the table where they had dined that evening. Beata felt a spotlight on them, but the audience didn’t care.

Josh pushed the heavy outer glass door open and cool evening air rushed over their skin. Goosebumps from chill and from nervousness intermingled. Beata slid her hand up and pulled closer, tucking her arm inside of his, feeling his warmth. She was flushed, a casual observer may think she had a touch too much sun that day, or that she was warm. Beata thought that her red skin, contrasted against the navy and white of her dress, was proudly announcing that she had just been well fucked. That thought made her even redder as they made their way out of the hotel and down the street.

Beata and Josh had snuggled together in the cozy booth, they chatted and worked through a carefully selected course of small plates of food accompanied by perfectly paired wines. While the flavors may have been artfully balanced, Beata found that the alcohol soon overpowered the food and coursed through her body. Discussion moved from flirty, to suggestive, and was starting to teeter at the edge of being overtly sexual.

Josh had seemed to be handling the drinks better, but his inhibitions were still lowered. His hands wandered, sliding underneath Beata’s dress and onto her thigh. Navy with white polka dots, the hem fell just above the knee when she stood. The halter top neckline with with buttons up the front gave the dress a vintage feel and put her cleavage nicely on display.

Beata liked to wear this dress with Josh, smirking as he fought to maintain eye contact. Her painted red lips and pearl necklace added to the retro feel of her outfit and drew additional attention to the expanse of exposed skin. She was pretty much guaranteed a good fuck when she wore this dress out, especially if she teased a little. She was looking forward to getting home later that night, but now they had plenty of time to enjoy and to tease, building up to the big finish, so to speak.

Beneath the dress, fishnet stockings added a more modern touch. Josh traced along the elasticized band at the top, their lower bodies hidden in the cozy booth. Beata squirmed under the gentle touch and reached out for another forkful, revelling in the sumptuous food and the attention to her skin.

Josh had worn a white button up shirt, the top two unfastened buttons gave a peak to his chest. His dark blue jeans and leather boots completed the look that Beata liked and thought was a nice complement to her own outfit in both style and color palette. As they continued to eat, drink, and be merry, the beverages caught up with Beata and she needed to make a trip to the washroom.

“Don’t forget about me when I’m gone,” Beata teased Josh as she slid from the booth.

“Give me something to remember you by?” he questioned, eyebrow cocked.

Beata leaned back into the booth, making sure her dress didn’t reveal too much from behind, but giving Josh a good look at her deep cleavage from the front. She gave him a playful look and planted a sensual kiss. She playfully slid her hand down his chest and squeezed at his groin, before abruptly breaking contact, grabbing her clutch on the other side of his body, and heading off between the booths and tables. She felt good and grinned as she walked, warmed by the kiss and the wine.

The restaurant had two individual washrooms and Beata found a small queue when she arrived. She fidgeted, feeling like she left her trip a little longer than she should have. Rocking slightly from foot to foot, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“There is a restroom across the lobby,” a server informed her, “just head out that side door and you’ll see the sign above a hallway. It’s really nice too!” Beata smiled and thanked the woman, heading quickly in the direction she was pointed. Her heels clicked towards the hallway and she easily found the restrooms, pushing the door open and rushing inside.

After finishing her business, Beata took in the cozy washroom. It was nicely lit with dark counters beneath a large mirror. The toilet was hidden away behind wooden doors and walls were papered with a soft looking design. ‘Not bad for a public washroom!’ she thought as she rummaged in her clutch, searching for her lipstick. She noticed the little flashing light on her phone.

“Where are you? I miss you already!” flashed from the screen. Beata rolled her eyes and smiled at the watery eyed emoji. Leaning over the counter, she carefully applied a few touches of makeup and stepped back for a look. She fiddled with the white belt and tucked a few strands of hair back into place. Beata thought of Josh, sitting in the booth and smiled as she recalled his gaze falling to her chest in the middle of a sentence, his tongue becoming tied. She adjusted the neckline of the dress, squeezing her breasts together and exposing more skin.

Beata reached for her phone and snapped a shot of herself in the mirror. She pulled at the neckline a bit, putting herself on display. Snap. Send. Nothing too crazy, but a bit racy, something to help ramp things up later that evening. Her phone dinged almost immediately. A smiley emoji.

“I like it! More!!”

She grinned, dropped the straps from her shoulder, and snapped another photo. Snap. Send.

“Take the dress all the way off!” with several prayer hand emojis.

She laughed at the thought of her struggling out of the vintage dress in the washroom. Not all the way, but she could… Feeling daring, she unfastened a few buttons and pulled the neck of the dress down enough to flash the black satin of her bra. Her breasts more visible, but still covered. Snap. Send.

“I want to come find you and get those titties out!”

“What the hell,” Beata murmured, a nipple would probably get Josh even more riled up when they got home. She reached into the front of her dress and pulled out her left breast, cupping and presenting it to the mirror. She even pinched the nipple as she took the picture. Snap. Send.

“Wait there.” Beata typed, “I have a surprise.” Send. She tucked the phone back into her purse and rearranged her clothing. She pictured Josh squirming on the cushioned booth bench, struggling to hide the tent in his pants.


When Beata made it back to the table, she slipped back into the booth and was pulled into a sensuous kiss by Josh. She returned it, but quickly moved to snuggle in next to him again.

“Well, I certainly didn’t forget about you while you were gone!” he exclaimed. “Thanks for the ‘post cards’ from your long voyage!” He chuckled at his own joke.

“Wait, are you okay?” he asked when he realized she wasn’t making eye contact with him and had shakily gulped a full glass of wine.

“Um…” Beata started as Josh took the trembling hands that toyed with the hem of her dress. “I…”

“What happened?” He asked, suddenly nervous.

Beata’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she said “here.” She slid her hand out of Josh’s grip and pulled the hem of her dress back slightly to retrieve a bunched up bit of black fabric that was tucked in the top of her stocking. She looked briefly at him, before tucking it into his hand and reaching for his wine glass which was quickly drained.

Josh started to bring the gift over the table, into the light. “Don’t!” she squealed. “Hide it! Your pocket! Now!” He was confused, but tucked the bit of fabric away as their waiter approached the table with a warm smile. Beata squeezed her eyes tightly closed.

“More wine?” the waiter asked, collecting a few of the empty plates and noticing the two drained glasses in front of Beata. Josh turned to her, touching her arm, his questioning look was unnoticed, her eyes still tightly shut, but she nodded, and he took over, ordering more wine on the waiter’s recommendation. Beata sat quietly, head almost bowed as he discussed the next selection of wine. When the waiter was finally on his way, Josh had his hand on his pocket in a flash. Beneath the table, his body turned toward Beata, hiding the secret from the world, he gently unfolded a pair of her lace underwear.

Beata squeaked. Josh chuckled at the noise and the garment that was now spread over the thigh of his jeans. He had been quite excited to receive the pictures while she was gone and his mind had raced when he realized the photos weren’t taken in the restaurant restroom. Now, he snuggled into her and did his best to calm her trembling body. They liked to tease and play, but this was a new one and she was obviously agitated.

The waiter returned with a bottle of wine and went through the production of presenting, opening, sniffing, pouring, offering. Josh smiled and nodded through the process, but his focus was on the nervous energy coming from Beata. She was squeezing his hand with a slow rhythm that he soon realized was being matched by, or possibly matched to, her shifting thighs. Almost imperceptibly, she was clenching her legs together and squirming in the seat. He knew the motions, but in this setting it was unusual. After the waiter left, he decided on a direct route, a low voice asking questions with yes/no answers.

“Are you okay?” Nod.

“Do you like the wine?” Nod.

“Are you drunk?” Shake. Nod. Shrug.

“Are these your undies?” Slight nod.

“That you wore tonight?” Nod.

“Is your pussy bare?” Pause. Nod.

“Is it wet?” Blush. Nod.

“Did you touch it in the bathroom?” Nothing.

“Beata?” She looked away.

“Did you touch your wet cunt in the bathroom?” Her eyes snapped shut again. Nod.

“Did you come?” Shake.

“Did you try to come?” Pause. Nod.

“Are you trying to come now?” Blush. Nothing.

“Are you trying to get off right now?” Slight nod.

“Come for me, then. Right now.” Shake.

Beata had been squirming more as Josh ran through his questions. Each nod or shake had been accompanied by gripping hands and barely audible whimpers. They were sitting next to each other on the wide booth bench, sides touching, with Josh’s arm around her shoulders. She reached up and grabbed his hand, squirming forward and raising off the bench slightly. She guided his hand down her back and positioned it so that his palm faced up, under her squatting body.

Beata shifted her weight and Josh’s fingers were buried deep in her wet pussy, thrusting and playing without any overt movements. Beata had a thousand yard stare, but other than gently rocking, was not noticeably getting fingered. It would look like his arm was holding the small of her back, or around her waist. He hoped.

Josh felt his cock getting hard and used his free hand to direct the growth under the dark denim. Beata must have noticed, as she reached over and started to rub slowly through his pants. The soft music played and the clink and chatter of the other patrons drown out any noises coming from their booth as the couple surreptitiously pleasured each other, adrenaline rushing from the illicit activity. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only moments, Josh heard her breath quicken and felt a stronger pressure on his groin as she made several quick gyrations before tensing and then slumping into him.

“Did you come?” Nod.

“Think anyone saw us?” Pause. Shrug.

Josh gave her time to recover, extracting his hand and snuggling her into a supported post-orgasm position. Cleaning himself on a napkin which was then tucked away, he reached for his nearly untouched glass of wine. He nosed the glass in an exaggerated way, shooting a glance at and eliciting a chuckle from Beata as she regained her composure and reached for her own glass.

“Does yours smell like pussy?” Josh asked after she had take a sip, “because mine does. You think I should ask the waiter about that? It wasn’t in the tasting testing description.” Beata’s eyes widened, but she broke into a smile, slapping him playfully on the arm.

“Oh, it’s probably my hand!” he smacked his forehead in an exaggerated gesture of realization. They fell back into laughing and joking, until Josh’s constant teasing about her aroma on his fingers and now forehead caused Beata to push him out of the booth, sending him on his way to the bathroom.

Ding! Beata’s phone chimed in her purse. Josh was still in the bathroom and she had calmed down from her tableside orgasm. She was a bit embarrassed, but thought that the dim lighting and noise had probably kept them hidden. The message was from Josh. Of Josh’s body, more specifically, framed from his shoulders to thighs in the mirror of the restaurant washroom. His big erect dick the focal point of the shot, his skin contrasting against the white shirt. Beata giggled. Receiving her own ‘post card’ from his trip.

“Take it all off!” she echoed the earlier message she’d received. A few more poses, his dick in different hands or directions and a few more messages to egg him on, until she received a similar text to the one she had used to end the previous session.

“Coming back, have a surprise!”

“My bathroom wasn’t as private.” Beata giggled again at the idea of unfolding Josh’s boxer shorts at the table. She stopped giggling when she thought about ‘returning the favour’ with her hand, jerking him to completion secretly in the booth. His finishes had a lot more evidence, she decided, and since she didn’t like to swallow, she shuddered at the thought of needing to deal with a mouthful of cum in a restaurant.

“I’ll still give you a surprise.”

“So what’s the surprise?” Beata asked when Josh made it back to the table? “Boxers in my pocket and a handjob?” Josh laughed and replied, “No, I’m not going to leave a bunch of cum in the booth for some poor bastard to find later.”

“I just need to pay the bill, then it’s surprise time.”

They chatted with the waiter, Beata having regained her ability to speak, and thanked him for the great recommendations. Josh steered her through the restaurant, and she realized they were heading for the side door she’d been through earlier. They clicked and padded across the lobby and down the hall. They checked they were alone and entered the cozy washroom.

“I found your secret hiding place!” Josh beamed proudly. “I found where you touched your wet pussy!”

Beata blushed, feigning disappointment, “Some surprise. A washroom…?” She could see what she suspected was Josh’s ‘surprise’ forming pretty clearly in his pants.

“That’s not it,” Josh explained, unzipping his pants, “this is! Tada!”

“Now that’s a surprise!” Beata exclaimed in her best satire of a sultry vixen. They both laughed as Josh leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Her hands found the growing erection poking out through the jeans and alternated between rubbing his cock and working the belt and pants loose. Josh’s hands were busy pulling at her halter top, fiddling with straps, buttons, and bra cups. They were a frantic tangle, the joking and low conversation quickly giving way to the lust that had been lingering since her first trip to the restroom. Normally this would build until they got home, but tonight they couldn’t wait.

Soon Beata’s tits were out and Josh’s pants were on the floor. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her towards the counter. Turning her back towards the surface, he hooked his hands behind her legs and guided her to a sitting position. He dropped to his knees and flipped her dress up, exposing the tops of her fishnet stockings and bare pussy. He dove in with urgency, her dripping sex ready for an eager tongue and lips. He focused his tongue on her clit and slid a finger inside. As she squirmed, he worked a second, then third deep inside, soon plunging and acting as a delicious pairing to his mouth.

The dress bunched around Beata’s waist and her bare nipples peaked under her fingers while her stocking-clad legs spread wide, making room for Josh. Her exposed hips bucked as she got close to her second orgasm of the night, her hands moving to dig into his hair, capturing and holding his head in just the right spot. As she came, she shuddered and moaned, grinding her pussy into his face.

Both gasping, Josh rose quickly and flipped Beata around, pushing her over the counter. He slammed his cock into her and her wet cunt easily stretched around his girth. He wasted no time and immediately fucked her hard from behind. His cock thrust and impaled Beata, the skirt of her dress and thigh high stockings framed her ass perfectly as he pounded away. Their moans and whimpers had been hushed, but they grew as the crescendo of slapping skin became more urgent and faster.

Beata’s pussy started to squeeze and contract, triggering Josh’s own powerful orgasm. He continued to fuck her hard from behind as he pumped spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum into her. She groaned loudly and her pussy pulsed along with the throbbing cock that still slammed deep inside her. She was filled and satisfied as Josh slowed his strokes and slumped onto her back breathing heavily.

Giggling and whispering they hurried to flee the scene following their sneaky fuck, scrambling into their partially discarded clothes. Two things quickly became apparent. First, the washroom had run out of paper towel and toilet paper. It may have been cozy and warmly decorated, but it was not well stocked. Second, at some point in the evening, Beata’s underwear went missing.

As Beata and Josh hit the night air through the heavy glass door, her lack of underwear became immediately noticeable. The cool evening breeze caressed Beata’s still wet pussy, her skin tingling with the sensation and the realization that she was bare under her dress. As they briskly walked down the sidewalk, heading for home, Josh asked “where do you think they went? I thought they were in my pocket still.”

“Oh, I had them on my leg while you fucked my hand, so…” he scratched at his chin thoughtfully, “I bet they’re under the table!”

Josh’s triumphantly declared deduction made Beata flush. The nice waiter was resetting the table as they rushed by. She imagined him noticing a cloth napkin on the floor and reaching down to pick it up. He probably wouldn’t notice that Josh had used that to clean her pussy juice from his hands. He’d be more interested in the lace underwear that were folded gently inside. Turning them over in his hand, he’d think back to the couple in the booth and she was sure his mind running wild with possibilities of what had happened. Maybe he’d jerk off with them later, covering her black lace with his white cum.

“I can’t believe I did that, that we did that!” she said. Burying her face in her free hand.

“I don’t think we can go back there!” Beata exclaimed.

“But the wine, it tasted like your pussy,” Josh faked a pout and started chuckling and she joined in.

“I wish I had them now,” she dropped her voice lower, “there’s a lot of your cum in my pussy.” She had felt the first drops seeping as they left the building, and the trickle was growing and rapidly cooling in the evening air. “Oh! It’s hit the top of my fishnets, maybe they’ll catch it…”

“Well, let’s get you home. You’re up 3 orgasms to 1 and, apparently, the thought of you walking home with my cum streaked down your legs is doing something for me!” he slid her hand over the hardening bulge in his pants.

“Or I could just bend you over that park bench, since I happen to know you’re not wearing anything but cum soaked thigh highs under that dress.”

She was embarrased and blushing, trying to hide her nervous grin in her hand, but both she and Josh knew that there was also a glow on her skin and excitement coursing through her veins. Was he serious about all of this or just trying to ramp things up again?

Either way, round 2, or 3, or whatever it would be when they got home, was going to be great.


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