My Life As A Host To A Slime Monster 12 – Healing (fiction, F19, supernatural, monster)

I heard a familiar voice whisper, “*Host*.”

I groaned as I tossed on the bed.


I waved my hand at the voice and groaned, “Five more minute’s mommy.”


My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up wildly looking around, “Huh? What?”

I blinked my eyes in the twilight where the light lightly shown throughout the room faintly confused as to how I wasn’t in my bedroom until my eyes found a nude male laying to me his Johnson laying across his lap half asleep half awake.

As soon as I saw the body I immediately thought *Oh yeah!*

I heard a light chuckle in my head, “Finally you’re awake my *host*.”

*And there’s Prime in my head.*

I groaned and spoke out loud no longer caring, “What is it Prime?”

Prime spoke in my head, “It’s time to get up my *host*.”

I groaned as I flopped back down on the bed, “Why?”

Prime chuckled, “You asked *why* we made you rub the Incubus’s seed into your face like a mask. Now it’s time to see the result’s.”

I groaned remembering I had done that as I suddenly realized my face was **still** tingling.

Along with my nipples….and breasts….and my pussy was surprisingly tingling.

Most of the tingling was still there it was now faint as if it was hardly there but it was there.

But she was right though I had done that the dried cum still made me feel dirty and I needed to get clean. It’s bad enough I let the Incubus cum on my face but he came multiple times on me….I think.

Last night was kind of a blur.

I groaned as I twisted and swung my legs off the bed and onto the ground.

Then I gathered up the courage to stand up before I flopped forward and stood to find my legs were still shaky as I spoke, “Oh fuck!”

Prime spoke, “What is it my *host*?”

I groaned, “My legs are still shaky from last night.”

I swayed my body getting me to move one step forward as my leg wobbled before I steadied myself. Then swayed again getting the other leg to swing as I stepped forward.

Each step sucked as my legs wobbled and I had to steady myself but I eventually wobbled my way into the bathroom groaning as my legs were still jello.

I spoke out loud to no one in particular, “No more incubus’s or monster’s.”

Prime chuckled, “You just need to build up your stamina my *host* and you’ll be fine.”

I grumbled, “I doubt it.”

I turned on the light in the bathroom and nearly cursed at the light as I got my first look at myself.

I looked like I just got off the set of a porno and had just woken up from one hell of an orgy as there was dried cum all over my face as there was obviously more than one load on my face. Parts of my hair stuck straight up with a hard substance.

My nipples had cum all over them.

And there was a noticeable stains across my stomach and groin.

I nearly wanted to yell in shock at how much fucking cum was on my body but instead I turned back to see Brandon still asleep and his dick still laid there.

I looked at the person as I wondered *he put **that** much cum on me?*

I looked at the mirror to make sure I didn’t miss any spots before looking at the monster wondering how he held that much cum but already knew the answer…*he was a monster that’s how*.

I sighed as I wobbled my way into the shower as looking at all the cum on me wasn’t going to make me any cleaner.

I got the water running and was able to get in to start washing off all the cum off my body using the hot water.

I quickly dove my head under the torrent of hot water using my hands to scrub and rub the cum off my face and out of my fucking hair irritated I allowed so much cum to grace my face….and hair. But last night I kind of had no say how everything went after whichever orgasm melted my brain and I was turned into a limp fuck doll.

I rubbed my face multiple times before I felt like I had washed off the cum off my face before I stood to look around and smiled as I saw a loofa on a rope along with body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.

I spoke out loud, “Thanks Prime.”

Prime spoke in my head, “For?”

I pointed to the soaps, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner, “That,” as I looked at the spread of shower items which also consisted of shaving gel and a razor.

I looked at the items before Prime spoke, “That was from my last *host* and I figured with having a *host* again I would need to break out the items again. Though the last set was kind of old so I had an associate get new items.”

I blinked, “*Oh!*” before shrugging happy there was cleaning products.

I put a fat dollop of body wash on the loofa before getting it nice and soapy before scrubbing the fuck out of my face making sure the accumulated cum the idiot sprayed on my face and that I rubbed in was officially off my face.

Then I scrubbed the fuck out of my neck

Then I moved down scrubbing my nipples and breasts. Then my tummy. Groin. Legs.

Then I took advantage of the long rope as I got my back ass and thighs.

Once I felt I had scrubbed my body sufficiently I stepped back under the hot water washing off the filth.

Then I put enough shampoo in my hand to wash my hair three times over as I lathered up my hair making sure the cum got enough soap to break apart and wash out.

With my body officially washed I finally felt clean. I put in some conditioner letting it sit in my hair while I tried to shave my legs and pits.

I was about to do my groin but when I looked down there was barely any stubble so I decided against it as I didn’t want razor burn on my groin.

After washing everything off I turned off the water stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body ready to look in the mirror only to find it had steamed up.

I stepped out of the bathroom happy the hot water made my legs stop being wobbly as I could officially walk again….well sort of. My legs were still wobbly but it was manageable now.

I bent down pulling my towel apart to see if my pussy was still in one piece after being pounded but from the angle the best I could confirm was it was still there and oddly looked more or less back to its innie self.


Excuse me but after having a monster bang my body I expected my pussy to be torn and worn from the long usage. But when I looked it looked back to normal like nothing happened.

I smiled at the view and stood up to see Brandon still sleeping on the bed as I folded my arms and spoke out loud, “What am **I** supposed to do with him?”

Prime lightly chuckled, “Let him sleep he did scratch your itch….multiple times at that.”

I rolled my eyes and smirked thinking *yeah he did!*

Then I remembered the cum mask supposedly was supposed to do something or Prime wouldn’t have woken me up.

I moved out to the living room where I knew there was a mirror that Prime was checking herself out in my body in different alluring outfits that made all this happen.

I quickly found the mirror and stood in front of the mirror as I spoke, “Ok what am I supposed…”

I blinked as I stopped mid sentence.


I moved in closer to the mirror to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.

I turned my head to look at my cheeks more closely.

*Nah! It can’t be!*

I used my hand to pull my cheek taut as I looked in the mirror.

*What the fuck?*

I nearly screamed as I confirmed the change, “You have got to be ***shitting me!!!***”

I turned my face and repeated pulling my cheek taut as I confirmed my acne scars and divots were nearly cleared up as my skin along my cheeks were almost smooth like my acne scars were almost gone.

I mean the divots and scars were there but now were faint. Not as deep as they used to be.

I looked at my forehead, “OH MY GOD!!!”

I looked closely as the massive divot above my right eye was smaller.

I looked at my temple’s near my hair line as those bumps that seemed to have stayed throughout puberty had lessened.

I pointed my chin at the mirror as I confirmed those divots had lessened as well.

I heard Prime chuckle in my head, “See it’s easier to show you than explain.”

I spoke out loud, “You mean to tell me when I had acne all I had to do was put on a fucking cum mask and my acne would disappear???”

Prime lightly chuckled, “Cum from an Incubus sure. Cum from a regular human probably not.”

I grunted, “You know what I meant Prime.”

I blinked, “Wait why did he cum on my nipples then?”

I heard Prime, “Well…”

I was already ahead of Prime as I tore off the towel as I now stood in front of the mirror completely nude and was already performing a close inspection of all the places Brandon sprayed his cum on me.

I looked at my breasts, specifically my nipples to see if there was any noticeable changes like my face and acne scars.

I heard a male voice speak, “It’ll take more than one fuck before I can get those *perked* up for you.”

I jumped and turned nearly screaming, “***JESUS!!!***”

I caught Brandon leaning against the doorway smiling with his dick hanging.

*Jesus did his dick get longer?*

I felt my face redden as I covered myself.

Brandon smiled as my brain started racing as I spoke, “Wait! You can do that?”

Brandon shrugged, “Sure but it takes more than one fuck and plenty of energy to change a person’s body.”

*Right! He feeds on energy.*

*Wait a fucking minute?*

I squinted at him, “Energy? Meaning you **need** to feed?”

Brandon shrugged smirking, “Yep. I need *a lot* of energy and even more to make changes to your body.”

I sighed, “And how much energy?”

He smiled, “Willing to lose a portion of your life for the perfect tits?”

I felt my face redden as I spoke, “Depends. How much of my life?”

He shrugged, “Depends on size and perkiness.”

I looked at him, “A solid C and extra perky?”

He shrugged, “Maybe eight years of your life.”

***EIGHT YEARS????***

I blinked but spoke, “Thanks but no thanks.”

Brandon chuckled, “Well there are *other* ways.”

He smiled, “Like Prime’s daughter for instance.”

I thought, ‘*You have a daughter?*’

Prime chuckled, ‘*Plenty. But the one **he**’s talking about is my sister’s daughter.*’


*Oh right! Prime isn’t the **only** slime in me.*

I thought, ‘*Which sister?*’

Prime cooed, ‘*The one residing in your vagina my *host*.’

**Called it!!**

I thought, ‘*Can your sister’s daughter also heal my acne scars like Brandon’s jizz can?*’


Excuse me if I try to find other way’s to make myself better without having to wear another jizz mask.

I cringed as I thought about that I actually wore a cum mask. Granted I can’t argue with the results as Brandon’s jizz did in fact heal a significant amount of my acne scars.


Prime chuckled, ‘*Yes she can but need I remind you that we agreed that my sister’s and I still need to fix your body and would wait a month.”

I sighed, ‘*I know Prime but you already admitted there’s only so much you and your sisters can do.*’

Prime spoke, ‘*Yes but….*’

I pleaded, ‘*Come on Prime. Please???*’

I heard Prime sigh before she spoke, ‘*If It’ll make you happy my host we can go.*’


I smiled at Brandon, “Thanks Brandon but your services will not be needed.”

He chuckled, “Thought so.”

He walked forward and off to his clothes before putting them on. He looked at me, “Well if you ever change your mind.”

He smiled as he walked towards the door and turned the handle before looking at me, “And need an itch scratched I’ll be around.”

With that he opened the door and left laughing.

As he left I thought *Cocky Fucker*.



  1. Awesome story. Finding a new chapter is definitely a highlight of my days. Please keep writing.😁🤤

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