(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – Mind Games

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a month ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 15 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x4tzdn/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_road_rub/)

**Part 16 is below**

I am going to skip over the events of the Saturday evening and night as it would be a digression at this point. A **LOT** and I mean a **LOT** of things happened between the three of us – my hubby, my friend Christina (name changed) and me that requires its own separate series and maybe someday I will get around to writing it.

It was almost 11 AM when I woke up on Sunday morning. My period started as soon as we had reached home after our Saturday night crazy adventures. I am either a ***’Chaste Chandini’*** where I feel super unsexy during this time or a ***’Randy Rati’*** where I am at my horniest during and first the few days following my period. I could never really predict which of these two ladies would show up every month but it was roughly evenly split between the two. So the coming week was going to be either terrible or great depending on my mood. I was hoping that Randy Rati would show up this time around as I had big plans for the latter part of the week.

The entire Sunday was spent in introspection, long conversations and dealing with the aftermath of the events of Saturday night. I also caught up with some of the work around the house  and planning for the work week ahead. I also remembered my pussy looked like an unkempt garden and I was due for a waxing, so I set an appointment for a full Brazilian for Tuesday evening. Waxing is a mood enhancer for me and might also if Chaste Chandini decided to come knocking. 

I decided to skip going into work on Monday as it was my second day of the period, which was typically the heaviest. It was a quiet Monday morning as I put my head down and focused on completing as much work as I possibly could. I completely lost track of time and it was nearly lunch time when I noticed the ping from Eric on my office messenger which was sent more than an hour earlier.

*Eric (Ping) – “Good morning boss. I just reached work. We were able to leave the campground earlier than anticipated and the traffic was light. Are you in today?”*

*Me (Ping  –  “Sorry, I was looking at some other things and just saw your message. No, I am not in the office today. Anything urgent?”*

*Eric (Ping) – “Aww! Was hoping to see your face, boss. Nothing urgent, I just started looking at the work you assigned me on Friday.  I think I can get it done by tomorrow or Wednesday.”*

My heart sank as that was the last part of the project I had planned. Eric had finished the entire project way faster than I had anticipated. This might be my last week as his manager as I would have to release him back to the intern pool.

*Eric (Ping) – It seems like the Road to Valhalla is* ***’long and hard’*** after all. I should be able to get deep into **’Ass’***gard, lol.” (Refer to* [part 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wg19o6/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_double_entendre/) *for the reference)*

The obvious sexual innuendo in his words made Randi Rati burst through the door, jolting my pussy awake and turning on the juice production factory. 

*Me (Ping) – “How deep are we talking about exactly?”*

*Eric (Ping) – “This is the part where the girl usually guesses some numbers, boss”*

*Me (Ping) – “I am a terrible guesser.”*

*Eric (Ping) – “Well since I know you like trivia, let me come up with a good question which will give you that answer. Need a little time for that, boss.”*

*Me (Ping) – “The way this conversation is going I think it is better to switch to personal texts as this is an office messenger after all.”*

*Me(Text) – “By the way, any other pictures from Sunday?”*

*Eric(Text) – “Haha, nothing interesting. I sent you the most interesting ones of the trip already, boss”*

My pussy immediately spasmed when I recollected the photos he had sent and I quickly opened them to take another look. 

*Eric (Text) – “You are looking at them, aren’t you, boss?*

*Me (Flushing red, Text) – “Umm, Yes. I would have thought you would have got even with Dan for taking those photos.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Wait, What, Did you just ask for Dan’s dick pic?”*

*Me (Text) – “What? No I did not.”*

*Eric (Text) – “It sure sounds like you did, boss . You should ask him to send it next time we meet. I am sure he will gladly oblige, lol”*

*Me (Text) – “Even with as little as I know him, I feel he may just make it a live show instead of a pic.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Haha true that. Dan is a bit of a* ***’free spirit’****. I am not going to get even by taking his photo. He is a show off, but understandably so considering what he has.”* 

*Me (Text) – “What is* ***’considering what he has’*** *supposed to mean?”*

*Eric (Text) – “Curiosity kills the cat. You just have to ask him yourself ;);)”*

That statement stoked my curiosity and I wondered what he possibly meant. Maybe his cock had a weird shape or deformity or god forbid, could it be even bigger and thicker than Eric’s?  I knew that my curious, horny pussy would find a way to get that answer.

*Me (Text) – “Maybe I will. I doubt it will kill my cat. ;)”*

*Eric (Text) – “By the way boss, any photos from your side?”*

I considered his request and looked through my recent pictures. Nothing stood out worthy enough to be sent. I felt lazy to take one as I would have to think of a pose, apply some make up and so many more steps. I scrolled back further, hoping to find something. I found one taken by my hubby earlier in the summer. It was a photo of me in our swimming pool, resting with my back to the wall. I was clearly topless, as you could see half of my tits along with the nipples which were above the water line and my top floating off in the distance. I was actually fully naked but you could not make that out as the rest of my body was inside the water. I sent it over to him.

*Eric (Text) – “Wow, nice swimming pool. Is that your house?”*

Me (Text) – “Grr!! Of all the things you only noticed the swimming pool. Yes it is my house. We have a pool in the backyard.”

*Eric (Text) – “Lucky you. The girl in the photo is a sizzler. Would love to see what she is hiding under the water.”*

*Me (Text) – “Sadly, that is the only photo from that day I have on my phone.”*

I got distracted by some other work related emails which needed a response and also decided to break for lunch. I was almost done with lunch when I got another text from Eric.

*Eric (Text) – “Here is the trivia question. I will give you 5 phrases which will lead you to the answer. You possibly do not even need all of them. It is not complicated. Google is your best friend, boss.*

*Here are the 5 phrases:-*

*’Let me light your fire’*

*’Sticky Fingers’*

*’Back door man’*

*’Drain (in) You’*

*'(Go) Down on Me’*

The sexual suggestiveness of the words were not lost on me. It instantly made my pussy soaking wet and I shuddered imagining the connotations associated with each phrase. I started googling each of the phrases and soon figured out that they were either song titles or album titles.

*’Let me light your fire’ – Jimi Hendrix*

*’Sticky Fingers’ – The Rolling Stones*

*’Back door man’ – The Doors*

*’Drain (in) You’ – Nirvana*

*'(Go) Down on Me’ – Janis Joplin*

I googled further wondering what is the connection between them and realized they or some of the band members were part of infamous [27 club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club). So 27 was the answer, but it did not make sense. Both 2.7 inches or 2 feet 7 inches seemed downright ridiculous measurements. I tried to google further on 27, but came up with nothing useful. 

*Me (Text) – “27 is the answer, but I am not able to decipher anything out of it.”* 

*Eric (Text) – “Wow! Bang on the money, boss. You are close. Let me give you a hint* ***’Mars Climate Orbiter’****”*

I looked up and immediately understood what I had not thought of.

The number 27 was in metric. **27cm was 10.63 inches !!**  

That sounded enormous, but I did not truly realize how big that was until I took out the tape measure and pulled out roughly 11 inches and laid it flat on my desk. My head nearly exploded when I saw it was nearly the entire length of my laptop. I wondered if my pussy was even deep enough to even take such a massive cock. I shuddered when I realized he was probably more than twice my hubby. I guessed he would be considerably thick also, it may be impossible to even suck him, forget about taking him in my butt.

My pussy on the other hand seemed to be delighted with the prospect of getting stretched out by that monster cock  and started practising her squeeze dance moves and drooling and soaking my tampon as I gripped the sides of the chair riding out that orgasm. 

*Eric (Text) – “Still too difficult?”*

*Me (Text) – “OMFG!!! 10.6 inches. Tell me you are joking.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Totally serious, boss. I even rounded it down a little ;)”*

*Me (Text) – “Sweet Jesus! Enormous does not even begin to describe..”*

*Eric (Text) – “Hypothetically speaking, how much virgin territory of the* ‘**Ass’***gard are we exploring?”*

*Me (Text) – “All of it. The entire territory is virgin.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Oh! Still hypothetically speaking, the journey is not advised for first timers, boss.”*

*Me (Text) – “By the way those phrases – Is that the proposed order of hypothetical activities?”*

*Eric (Text) – “I had not even thought about it like that when I sent them across. I have never done it in this order. Ideally number 5 should be number 2, but hypothetically if the boss is wanting and willing to do this order, I see why it cannot be done.”* 

My pussy turned into liquid as Eric had literally suggested that he wanted me to be his Ass To Mouth slut. I gasped since the act was so intensely slutty  and commonly only associated with porn. I  was intensely turned on by imagining sucking on his big black cock which moments earlier was lodged deep in my asshole. Just imagining it turned me on so much, I was sure I wanted him to absolutely dominate me and turn me into his own personal pornstar slut.

*Eric (Text) – “Oops, I meant ‘if the other person’ and not ‘if the boss’.”*

Too late, the damage was already done. I already knew what he wanted. 

Me (Text) – “Just curious, has anybody ever done number 3 with you?”

*Eric (Text) – “Just a couple of times. The first time was with a girl from college, but she freaked out almost immediately. The other was with older woman, but she was experienced. She managed about half.”* 

I would absolutely love to be his second and hopefully do more than half of it. I should have kept those naughty thoughts to myself, but with my horny pussy at the wheel, 

*Me (Text) – “Your boss usually does not do things in half measures.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Yup I know. You like things to be filled to the brim. ;)”*

I groaned at that thought as my pussy shuddered to another juicy climax. Randy Rati was basking in the afterglow as she was finally getting what she wanted. Now I really had to go change my tampon. 

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x8jrl0/32f_22m_intern_at_work_mind_games


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