I (19) [F] drove for 5 hours naked

I was visiting some family in a different state, and on the ride home I thought it might be fun to go naked. Im leaving early morning at like 4 so it’s still dark out as im leaving but will get light quick.

Also just some information, I sit kinda low in my car so if anyone is in a car my size they would only see my shoulders, but anyone in a bigger car would definitely be able to see my boobs and maybe my pussy, so this is risky.

So I got in my car, drove to a little secluded parking lot, and I stripped off everything except my shoes. I normally would like to have absolutely everything off but driving without shoes makes me feel like I have less control, and im not going to get into an accident naked. I like to make it so I don’t have a quick escape so I get out of the car and pack my clothes in my bag in the trunk. I do keep a blanket in the passenger seat in case of an emergency but except for that I won’t have any real cover until I get to another secluded spot back home to open the trunk and get my clothes out. I hope back in the driver seat and start driving.

Nothing super interesting happened during the first 2 hours, just drove and I told myself I wouldn’t but I fingered myself quite a lot during the ride. At about 6:00 I realized I forgot a big problem, I would need to get gas. It was still dark, and one tank would be able to get me home but I definitely would have to stop and fill. I was in a town with a gas station but I didn’t want to find a secluded spot to get dressed cause it’s a new place and it felt too risky getting out of my car naked at all. So I really only had one option.

I went to a gas station, wrapped my blanket around me like a towel, and got out and started putting my card in. It beeped weird and I looked and it said to “error see cashier” or something along those lines I don’t remember. It was scary but I know pumps sometimes don’t mean that so I took my card out and tried again and it worked thankfully. I started filling my gas. It’s not the biggest blanket in the world, so of course my ass is barely peaking out the whole time. Or at least I assumed, I couldn’t see, only felt the cold air on my ass so idk for sure. One car came to fill their tank as well but they went to a further pump so I was mostly okay, I kept myself behind the pump most the time. I finished filling and I got in my car and took my blanket off immediately. This time I decided I don’t like the safety of the blanket being so close, so I put it on the floor of the back seat so that if I had to get it in an emergency I’d have to stick my ass in the air to get it.
I love/hate myself when I’m horny like this

I drove off and it was finally starting to get bright out. Other cars were on the road and so I had to start being cautious. I made sure I didn’t stay lined up with another car so they couldn’t look in. By this point my boobs really started to get a rash from the seatbelt so as much as I don’t like this I took it off. I felt more naked though so that’s a plus. Several cars drove side by side with me the whole ride home, a couple were big enough that if they looked over they would’ve seen my entire body. I never looked over at them so I just hope they didn’t see me.

At about 7:30 I realized I had another problem, I needed to pee. I was stupid for not realizing especially cause it was bright now so whatever I did would be in broad daylight. I tried to just hold it in but at about 8 I couldn’t do it, I was either going to fix it or pee all over my car.

I pull off to a side road and stop next to a tree. It’s still close to the road but fuck it I need to go. I wait till there’s no cars and I get out and squat and pee behind the tree. I’d been holding it in for too long so it takes a very long time to finish and I’m panicking. I finish and I peak from behind the tree, when the coast is clear I hop back in my car and get on the road. I’ve had like 4 orgasms this ride so far just btw, I can’t hold myself back.

At one point I see cop lights behind me (sounds ridiculous but yes this fucking happened) I’m about ready to cry, I pull over and I get ready to reach for my blanket but they keep going in front of me, I quickly duck down and cover my boobs. They pass by every car so it must’ve just been a call or something. Fucking terrifying.

After about 2 more orgasms I get to my city at like 9:30. I drive to a secluded church parking lot, get out of my car and I’m about to get dressed but I’m horny so, I mean up against my car and finger myself to one more orgasm. After that I got dressed and went home.

TL;DR I drove home naked, filled up my gas wrapped in a blanket, and had to hide behind a tree to pee.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x7dakb/i_19_f_drove_for_5_hours_naked


  1. Love your story :-)

    I got myself off on a long motorway drive a few years ago, just the one orgasm though. I wasn’t naked, but was still lots of fun jizzing in the fast lane as the sun came up – such a rush.

  2. Something really hot about being naked in a car. Was coming back from a play party some years ago (on mdma, in the back seat) and a partner dared me to get naked because she knew it was a fantasy. Couldn’t wait to do it and let her help me cum.

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